2022-03-01 xky 10904

Can consciousness exist in the absence of matter?


Kimber Stout
A question involving philosophy.
There there is no correct answer. Only personal opinions.
If consciousness exists without matter, that leaves only energy or nothing (vacuum) for it to reside.
For energy>>>photons can move from one ‘side’ of the Universe to the ‘other’. But to the photon, no time will have elapsed as time dilation is 100% at ‘c’. So if a photon could harbor consciousness, I don’t see how it could utilize it in zero time.
For nothing/vacuum, it seems you would have to invoke God.
I believe consciousness is an effect of biochemistry creating electrical (but non-photonic) effects creating a condition similar to a computer program, but intrinsically generated and modified.
I can’t prove I’m right and you can’t prove I’m wrong. You can only agree or disagree, (The odds of disagreement is extremely high).


Richard De Goede
Consciousness is the emotion behind a shape that gradually change according to inputs provided, a fact easily proven through the powers of emotion.
People apparently want the mind to be a concrete obxt, rather than an emotion that does not exist within any physical space, and so, they try coming up with pretty wild ideas that happen to be far off.
Consciousness must exist within some form of matter, as only a shape that gradually changes according to input can hold a conciousness within it. Even computing software exists in the form of electricsl signals within electronics; it’s possible for computing software to be conscious if it, itself, happens to be suchc a gradually-changing shape.
Energy and matter are one and the same according to Einstein’s famous equation, or at least, they have a relationship which implies them to be differing states of the same obxt, so consciousnesses that are stored within pure energy (such as the likes of spirits or ghosts) are still stored within what can be considered matter.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Mike Bauer
good answer! also, matter might be a product of the proximation of two energies, as time comes to be in the filling of the space between these two energy strings, and particles rushing into this void are rushing, which means they’re creating themselves in time as they create time. in saturation, they become matter obxts and add to other such and become galaxies or universes or whatever.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Andy Parker
No - “consciousness” is a term we use to describe the periods when we (or other life form) is aware of our surroundings, and depends on many factors such as our brain and our senses. No matter = no consciousness.


Bob Southwell
Who knows?
So far we have only encountered consciousness that is inextricably lixed to matter. Try stopping your brain from functioning and see how long your consciousness lasts!
However, on a side note, it appears that consciousness is a quantum function. See Penrose and Hammeroff’s work. Yes, I know it is widely criticized, but it is interesting.


Nathan Ketsdever
The only thing we have full evidence of existing is consciousness connected to matter.
We don’t have any way to test after death if there is something beyond physical consciousness. Our conscience, imagination, dream state perhaps hints in that direction.
We have evidence that points to God presumably, which would be consciousness.
I think the limits of materialism along with answers to the brain versus mind distinctions points to the importance of non-physical consciousness.
We don’t have evidence of large parts of what happens in North Korea and other similar countries, but we have hints that we can imply a bit.


Gian Kumar
No! All that exists is energy-matter as well as conscious.
The body is gross condensed energy, the mind is subtle and consciousness is that core energy, which is responsible to make both the body and mind awake and active.
Now, how do we become conscious? When the mind is alx, it becomes aware, It is only after you become aware that the mind becomes conscious.
Thus, consciousness is a metaphysical product of the mind, created by the mind and for the mind. When we die, all three- body, mind and consciousness dissipate back into their source of absoluteness.


Gregory Miner Gustafson
Someone once wrote that “Consciousness” is like reaching light in a clearing in a seemingly endless deep and dark forest. In other words you can only know what a deep forest is when you have reached the clearing and are out of it.
By this analogy, Consciousness thrives in the absence of Matter, Nothingness, while Being surrounded.


Jeffrey Werbock
Consciousness is a vital function performed by a vital organ, the brain, and it serves the navigational system that steers the body toward opportunity and away from danger. Like all cognitive functions, consciousness - essentially the act of paying attention to signals - consists of a flow of electrical currents conducted by chemicals in and between brain cells. Only animals need to be conscious and only animals can be conscious, so the answer to your question is a resounding No.


AiR Institute of Realization
Can air exist without a balloon? We think that air can only exist if its blown into a balloon because then we can experience the presence of air, but what about the air that is everywhere? You can't see it, you can't touch it, you can't feel it. But is air there or is there no air? This analogy should make us realize that while consciousness needs matter to manifest, in reality consciousness is everywhere. But we cannot manifest consciousness unless it comes alive as a Soul in a living creature. When you see a fish swim, a bird fly, a dog wags its tail, you know there is consciousness or life. Consciousness is life, and life must manifest in a living creature as per the plan of the Divine.


Billy Lee
So far, 15 answers on this one; not one says what I think, so here goes:
Consciousness is all there is. Nothing exists apart from it. Consciousness is foundational and fundamental.
Everything alive plugs into consciousness in the same way televisions plug into cable networks. Televisions get old and die but cable programming continues both forward and backward in time. It has a DVR qualia that seems able to record and play back what went before. Those who are connected somehow burrow into programming that is both infinite and diverse.
Conscious life is sucked into a fantastic vortex by the nature of the universe, which is itself brought into existence and shaped by what has always existed and always will.
It is inconceivable that anything can be brought into existence from nothing. If nothing is something, it contradicts itself. It is a state that is simply impossible.
Experiments in quantum physics hint that this view is correct.
Pioneers in quantum physics like Wheeler, Schrodinger, and Von Neumann believed that process operators brought the quantum world into existence. From the quantum world the universe everyone sees is built.
Consciousness, they believed, was in fact independent of life-forms like humans; it’s why every human sees the same obxtive reality. Individuals don’t create reality; they plug into it through some mechanism yet to be identified.
The late, great Francis Crick believed the connector in humans might be the claustrum, a potato-chip shaped structure in the brain. Others, like Roger Penrose, conjecture that microtubules—the skeletons of cells—make the connection. In his view apparently, cellular life like amoebas, for example, could be conscious—not much different than me or you.
Who believes it?


Serge Petelin
Yes, Ben. We are not the only animals that are self aware (Conscious) and claiming that the universe can’t exist without us, (humans, elephants, dolphins…) is delusional in the extreme.
However, I wld mention that having been conscious just prior the “Big Bang” I lay claim to starting to the whole thing off, and I do hope everyone is grateful for that.


Satish Kumar
Matter is an illusion..
Illusion of matter seems concious since all illusion of matter appears in awareness as a dream show..
Whether illlusion of matter remain or not, awareness remain as it is..


Roosevelt Wallace
There are basic premises we cannot change that keeps us grounded in what we can prove. Namely that the laws of this universe will only allow a finite amount of configurations of existence. One of those configurations is consciousness, which has shown so far only to exist in conscious beings made of organic matter. Any type of consciousness outside of that is not the same thing and not in this universe. If there is a philosophical twist to this it is that conscious beings may be the only way for the universe to know itself. Thus providing purpose for ourselves and the universe.


Dino Dini
No one knows. There is no way to prove it one way or the other. Neither can one prove whether or not matter exists in the absence of consciousness either. We assume it does, but it’s just an assumption. We can equally assume conciousness can exist in the absence of matter.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Mike Bauer
no. consciousness is constructed in and from matter, and is dynamically created in collision with world-stuff matter. consciousness is a tool, not a shopping mall.


T. Stephen Cornelius
“Nothing is not matter or energy … consciousness is a concept of physics of chemistry of material cause and effect consequence. You just a matter of that fact and energy in motion… THERE is no consciousness where there is no matter or energy of cognitive awareness of presense… You existence of self awareness is This state of matter and energy chance happenstance end consequence. A rock or inanimate life has no state of self-awareness nor the infinite Universe of boundless immeasurable space/time… You are only a Mico event in a finite area of observable space/time you and other lifeforms of chance happenstance and inanimate firm of nature appear to exist much which is based solely on presumed Laws of Physics of seeming constants.


The Sage
This cannot be proven nor disproven by scientific study. Yet, consciousness as is known emerges from a living cardiovascular organ or system, connected by a communicable neurological system to a central neurological organ or system. So, theoretically, consciousness can exist in the absence of a material body or form in the presence of an ethereal body or form made of energy. The body would have to have a living vascular, neurological and central neurological system made of pure energy to have consciousness. This would be called a spirit.


Serge Petelin
If that is so, I wld conclude that every animal that is self aware has a spirit. e.g elephants, dolphins…
Self awareness seems to be part and parcel of what we label consciousness.
I would think that, discounting solipsism, equating consciousness in an ethereal context is replacing one unknown with another.
Without prejudice, that is my feeling on the matter.


The Sage
There is more than one spirit that conscious creatures have. There is life, soul as an aware entity and the thoughts and emotions manifest as attitudes and feelings. Self awareness is part of consciousness. For consciousness is awareness. Life as spirit (force) initiates the emergence of consciousness, hence the conscious becoming a soul (a breather or breathing things) which has thoughts and emotions that when expressed reveals it attitude and feelings, its spirit.
So animals, just like humans, have life, are conscious breathers and have an attitude or demeanor, a spirit. Consciousness is not altogether an unknown. At least not to everyone. Then too, the existence of a spirit as an entity is not far fetched and neither proven nor disproven by scientists. For how could they do so with physics when spirits are not of physics.


George Hartwell
For simplicity our body is physical and our spirit - the source of our consciousness - is spiritual. NO doubt, this is an over-simplification but it allows me to restate and answer the question.
In the afterlife, our body is no longer a participant in our life. It is dying, decaying, etc. but our consciousness lives on. How can that be?
Our spirit body is the true source of our consciousness, memory, attitudes, values, purposes, learning, etc.
The transition to the afterlife must be quite a shock. For one thing, we cannot hide our true nature as it is reflected in the colour of our aura/spirit. Secondly, we are no longer limited by our physical brain structures, brain damage, overall physical health, and energy as we were on Earth. So we can learn much, much faster.


Serge Petelin
Have never been comfortable with the idea that there is a ‘soul factory’, creating souls to implant into every new human born.
Or every cat and dog for that matter.
So many inconsistencies and phantasms reported by those who claim post death consciousness leads me to disbelieve in a “spirit” as such.
Which almost brings me to a solipsistic interpretation of reality.


Nigel Furness
No. Consciousness is a characteristic of the brain and its neural network of electrical energy. The brain consists of matter. Ergo, without matter, consciousness cannot exist.


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