2022-03-05 Kira_Yoshikage 13858

What's not a drug but is so addictive that it could be classified as one?


Phones :( i really hate taking a dump without it.


I remember back in the day when I would have to go searching for a video game magazine or something to take with me.


Technology is a strange and wondrous thing.


Remember reading soap labels and whatever was within reaching distance?

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"Contains no phosphates"


"Oh, good. I'm sure that's good. Damn phosphates"


Yes! Shampoo bottles and memorizing methylisothiazolinone


Chips and salsa


I eat this every day. I’ve gone to the store just because I’m out of salsa, and then I have to come up with other stuff to buy to justify the trip. It’s crazy.




Wasn’t there a thing called revenge bedtime procrastination? Like you delay your bedtime so you can keep the next day further away?




It’s strongly associated with ADHD and is generally indicative that you feel a lack of control over your life.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

You know that once you go to sleep, your “free time” before your “responsibility time” is over. Once you go to sleep, you’re going to wake up and it’ll be time to go do things that you don’t want to do.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

So, you stay up very late because you are resentful of your responsibilities.


I used to do this a lot, still do sometimes. It’s really bad for your health and it turns into a vicious* cycle because when you’re that sleep deprived, your days feel a lot harder and so do your responsibilities. It’s self destructive.


There are ways to get help and I encourage anyone going through this to look at their options. It’s truly bad for your body to consistently not sleep well. You need your rest.


What would you recommend looking in to? I can't afford therapy right now (happy to get some when I get a new job) so Im a bit lost with it


This might not be accessible to everyone, but honestly making big changes to your life to help yourself feel more in control.


Things like getting a new job that starts later or having some variations in your work shifts. Or, waking up earlier and doing something you actually like before work. Making your morning routine more enjoyable by doing things like taking a bath, having coffee, having a proper breakfast. Laying out your clothes for the day the night before and making sure everything is prepared for your morning routine can help with anxiety.


I also try to have a lot of gratitude. I know that sounds so cliché but it’s true. Like, working sucks, but I’m also grateful for my job. I’m grateful I’m able to support myself, even if it’s a struggle. My grandparents were immigrants and they instilled a sense of “you must be grateful for the opportunities you have in this country.”, and I am. There are so many people who cannot even get a job.


Having a goal that work is fulfilling that will help improve your life helps too. That way there’s a reason you’re working, other than survival. When you cross into working for survival, working only to live, and living only to work, that is very dangerous territory mentally and emotionally. You cannot stay in that spot for long. The longer you stay in that position, the more you start thinking about your ways out. Revenge bedtime procrastination is very tied into this. It’s a sign of desperation.


If you are a woman in an entry level job, I would recommend looking into your options for private childcare or cleaning services, if you are able to. If you are a man, it’s going to be harder- look for jobs in construction or warehouse work. There’s also the option for private senior care. I could help you look at your options if you wanted.


All this said, I speak from a position of privilege. I’m a pretty white woman from a relatively affluent family in a relatively affluent community. It was not hard for me to get a higher paying job once I knew where to look. I say this because I recognize some of my advice isn’t even really possible for many people, and it would be unfair to pretend that this is not the case. Classism in the work place is very common. Most of my achievements that are related to work are due to factors I was handed in life, rather than things I actually worked for. I cannot and will not pretend that the above ^ is as easy for others as it was for me.


Edit: someone in the thread below made a good point that struggling to find work/a good job has nothing to do with them, and everything to do with their circumstances. I hope, if anything, that this is the message my comment is sending. Realize that some of us have been lucky enough to have the road of life paved by the ones before us. It’s really easy to be successful when every obstacle you could face from a financial perspective has already been fucking flattened by your parents. Most people who have my life refuse to admit it because they would rather preach and brag and gloat about how self made they are. It’s bullshit. People in the position I am in must acknowledge their privilege. Acknowledge the head start they were granted in this life. It’s not because you aren’t trying hard enough. It’s because life is horrifically unfair.


Edit 2: also, just to clarify... I’m not rich, lol! My parents have helped me a lot but I still am responsible for making my own money, and at 20 years old, I definitely have a long way to go. I still consider myself very privileged! My family is not ultra wealthy, but middle class. I was raised by a single mother who struggled hard so I could have better than what she did, gave me opportunities in life, and who taught me the importance of financial literacy and investing. Oftentimes, financial privilege comes not only from tangible money, but also being taught financial literacy.


Last part is so helpful in understanding life. Realizing how little "I" actually have to do with who and where I am.


Absolutely ridiculous that I thought I had so much to do with it for years. And, "ego" in that sense has only ever impeded me and made life worse.


It's also extremely common for people with adhd to also have delayed sleep phase syndrome. You were tired all day, wanted to go to bed early, but then evening hits and you get a burst of energy. Even if you go to bed, you can't sleep. And then you fall into the sleep of the dead right when your alarm is going to go off, and sleep right through it.


I do this every single night, it’s so self destructive


A friend and I were bemoaning our shared tendency to stay up too late and sleep in too late. He said it better than I've ever heard:


I don't want go down cause I'm afraid I might miss something. And I don't wanna get up cause I'm afraid I might have to do something.、


Procrastination is like masturbation...feels good, but in the end you're only fucking yourself


Procrastination doesn't feel good, though. It kinda feels like anguish and impotence. I can't make myself do the things I should be doing. So I spend days and weeks in anguish, feeling like crap, only to do them the very last day, or even not do them at all.


Adhd, by any chance?


Only asking because this is extremely common among us. You want to do it, but you can't quite seem to get started until there's a deadline giving enough pressure to get you over the motivation threshold.


I hadn't considered that it could be something that could be diagnosed, treated or managed. I'm in my 30s, I've always been this way, and I've never been able to really manage it.


When I'm doing really, really well, and everything is nice and peaceful, and I have a regular schedule and nothing unexpected happens, then I can function and make things work at the last possible minute maybe (not always). But the slightest stressor makes it impossible for me to do anything at all. I kinda waste my time scrolling reddit and doing whatever I'm doing to kill time. I don't enjoy this constant, restless impasse.


I'm not sure it can be mitigated and I don't dare to hope.


Is ADHD a thing in adults? Can it be treated?


I was diagnosed at 40. In retrospect, it made my entire life make sense.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I will say that if you are diagnosed, meds are not a magic bullet. They do make things easier by increasing the amount of dopamine so your brain isn't always looking for something to stimulate dopamine production, but you will still need all the strategies and tricks you used to cope with life unmedicated. Otherwise, you're just more focused about not doing anything productive.


However, I confess that I love my Adderall and would never willingly go back to being unmedicated. That first day when I took my meds and all the noise just turned off in my head was a revelation. Turns out, most people don't constantly have 6 thoughts, random snippets of books or movies, songs, etc bouncing around in their head all the time. That moment when it all just stopped and I was like, "Holy shit. It's quiet. Is it supposed to be quiet? Is this what other people's heads are like?!?!?!?!" was truly amazing.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I finally have insurance and I think I'm going to look into exploring an ADHD diagnoses. What you described is a struggle I've experienced forever. I can hold onto goofy information like quotes from movies or song lyrics and factoids for days, and they're constantly rattling around in my head. I'm also constant engaged in an internal monologue of some sort. As I've gotten older I've gotten better at zoning out on things and clearing my mind but it's a constant struggle to have unneccessary and distracting thoughts while I'm trying to talk or achieve things.


Yeah I’m not a doctor but you really should look at getting an assessment or screening done for ADHD as that is probably the de facto symptom of it in adults. The having no “motivation” or ability to get started on a task even though you clearly know you have to and want to.


Bonus points if you also experience time weirdly during those periods, like you look at the clock and realize you wasted 4hrs doing absolutely nothing but scroll through social media because you weren’t able to start something.


That feeling when you turn an assignment in seconds before it’s considered late lmfao.


(My record is 3 seconds)


The worst thing about procrastination is that you can't take a break.


As someone very used to procastination I'm trying to change. It takes some effort but after a few days doing things in time and just getting up and finishing chores, studying or whatever it is your mood just swings and you feel relieved and more willing to take on things. I'm not anyone to give advice but if anyone reading this is a heavy procastinator just make your bed at the start of the day, it'll put you in the mood to just do more things. It's unreal how a little effort gives you so much more productivity.


Scrolling reddit posts.


This is more true than people realize. Scrolling works very similarly in the brain as actual drugs and can cause very real negative side effects such as addiction and feeling more anxiety and depression in general.


The theory is that if you use too much of anything that causes an instant surge of dopamine the balance in the brain shifts so that what used to cause the "high" becomes the new normal and the old normal feels like something's missing. All of a sudden it will be impossible to wait five minutes for the train without looking at you phone several times while you slowly start to show signs of depression and anxiety in your life.


Yeah social media is designed to be as addictive as possible. And it's no joke.


I work for a mobile game company. Saw a book titled "Engineering Addiction" on one of the designer's desks. I don't think it was about being addicted to engineering.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Computer screens/phone screens/the modern internet. It's almost assuredly the most widespread addiction right now. Excepting maybe sugar. I also think there are plenty of indications it's having a widespread negative impact on our mental health and societies.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Academic validation. I made myself miserable for years so I could become valedictorian. For what?


Please.... All those years of my life I spent closed doors. Studying all waking hours so that I perfect each exam, punish myself whenever I didn't...


I wished I went out more. Or played some games, or had a boyfriend...


Please give me back my youth!!!




(Edit) I memorized the whole periodic table in High School and I just checked today that I still do. I spent like two weeks drilling that to my coconut... Damn, that wasn't even included in our final exams.


Still waiting for the day somebody will ask me out of nowhere: what's element 57?


Because you know, two weeks was more than enough for me to finish the Jojo Series...


Meanwhile here I am with no memories or academic success

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

gambling, video games, internet, social media,


Specifically (speaking solely for myself) online gaming competitive modes and mmos. I wasn’t into online/multiplayer games for my whole life. I played stuff like Pokémon, tony hawk, gta, campaign/story driven solo player games until like ps4 times. It felt like a fun hobby.


Well a friend convinced me to try Overwatch when it released. Like really hyped it up. I was super not interested in it but got it on launch day anyway bc that’s what he was doing. Long story short I got fucking hooked on competitive. I spent every free moment playing. For years. I tanked a relationship. Anyway not trying to go on and on about that specifically, but would happily elaborate if wanted.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

After that it was WoW classic. Though I only played for two months when it came out, I literally was sleeping 4 hours a night and staying up every night playing. Falling asleep at the computer and so on. I had to pry myself away.


There were other games too but y’all get the point. It’s now hard for me to enjoy or indulge in games I used to love. Pokémon does not hold my interest much nor obxtively great story-driven games. The past 6 years I’ve purchased every single “big” game for ps4 impulsively and finished maybe 3 of them in their entirety. Though I’m currently much more casual in the time I dedicate to competitive shooters and mmos, still nothing else gives me that rush of being “apart of something” and the attention and conversation and adrenaline I get from those types of games.


Sorry for the rant!! “Videos games” got me bc I was in it deep and can ruin aspects of my life with it at the drop of a hat.


I played single player games casually since I was like 3 years old. I remember beating certain levels on Super Mario that my parents couldn't get past, like they'd hand me the controller when they were stuck, I was literally a toddler. And I always kept on playing from there, SNES through gamecube/PS2 or so. But it never consumed my life, I was a perfectly normal kid. Then I got my first computer. I got online. And competitive gaming absolutely ravaged my life as a teen and young adult. World of warcraft and then league of legends. The thing about competitive games is that if you have that itch to be the best, it has to be ALL you do, all day, every day. I would stay up playing all night. Lie to my parents about it. Sleep through school. Thinking about the game all day until I can finally get home and play it some more. Then staying up all night playing again.


If I'm being honest, I think the growth of esports and the advent of twitch probably saved my life in a certain regard. Back in the 2000s/early 2010s, it was actually realistic for a normal person to be at the tip top of a competitive game, and I was. But then people started getting paid to play video games for 12 hours a day, and you just can't compete on that level if you have anything even remotely resembling a normal life. It took several years but I eventually realized that I simply cannot possibly be the best anymore. And just like that, I was free.




Accurate. Especially sugary drinks. I managed to quit soda a while ago but got back to drinking it. When I try to cut it out again, the cravings are wild. I will literally try to justify buying $30 worth of food for delivery when I know deep down I just want the soda. I get a little nervous when I notice my supply is getting low. That's some addict mentality right there. I hate it.


Self-Harm. It's a rough topic to talk about but it's as addictive and any drug out there. I for one struggle with a self-harm addiction and it is almost always over looked as an addiction.


Self-harm is something that can take over your life and make you feel like if you stop there is no more distraction to take away the pain. It's not very often you see it counted as an addiction but it is, it's a very real controlling addiction.


(I just wanted to say there is no need to worry about me I have been clean for about almost a month now so I am recieving help. And for everyone out there who struggles with self-harm I just want you to know that I love you. Stay strong hun it will be alright. I have no clue what your going through but I do know you can make it through it. You got this


Completely agree. I was completely addicted and it was my go to reaction to anything. It's been many years now since I last harmed but it's something my brain still thinks about as a coping mechanism when something goes wrong.


Good going for going a month! Take it one day at a time and hang in there


Salt and vinegar chips.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I won't buy them because I know what will happen.


I cannot be trusted not to devour the whole bag and and then tip it upside down straight into mouth to fill it up with the flesh-burning but fantastically delicious salt and vinegar dust.


The semi-painful bumps on my tongue that bother me all night. I never learn.


helpful tip: smelling the dust instead of ingesting it will give you the best seizure of your life

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I worked in the galley (like a snack bar/restaurant) on a whale watch for a bit and one time we pulled up next to a dead whale with white sharks around it eating the carcass.


Worst smell I've ever smelt, so the way I dealt with it was by opening a bag of salt and vinegar chips and keeping it around my nose and mouth like a gas mask I guess.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

No seizure but it did a decent job drowning out the whale carcass stench


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

很赞 3