2022-03-10 IPmod 16771


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Xinghe Li
, Lived in China for 20 years
We don’t, because we don't need it. We are not engaged with a rival like Hamas.
Iron Dome is NOT an anti-missile system, it’s an anti-rocket system. It’s extremely short ranged, and not capable to deal with more advanced threats. America, Russia and China all have much more capable air-defense systems designed to counter much more serious threats.


Sam Steingold
, Professional Mathematician, Amateur historian.
No other country has anything like Iron Dome, and no other country will ever have anything like that because no other country will ever need one.
Any other country, e.g., US, Russia, China, India, when faced with the same threat Israel faces, i.e., a close neighbor shooting low-tech projectiles at its population, will simply exterminate the neighbor.
Since it is generally considered in the UN that killing a Jew is not a crime, but a Jew defending himself is, Israel cannot deal with Hamas the way Russia dealt with Chechens and US with Taliban.


Pablo Sampedro Ruiz
, PhD Chemistry & Physical Chemistry, Nanyang Technological University (2020)
Anti-missile systems are not a workable defense method for almost all real cases, that is why they were never proposed in the cold war instead of the strategy of mutual assured destruction. This is because the country in the side of the defense has such a huge handicap that as long as his enemy has a comparable amount of resources as he does, he will lose every time. You can spend some money to design an anti-missile system that intercepts the missiles of your enemy, and your enemy will only have to spend a fraction of a fraction of that money to make it useless.
In the case of Israel it makes sense because Israel is a small country and it has wide more resources than Palestine. I believe someone here said that Israel anti-missile system has 300,000 missiles, while Palestine only has about 35,000. In that case, an anti-missile system can make sense. I think it could also work to defend South Corea from an attack from the North. But for big sized countries like the US, Russia or China, they are completely useless. The threat of retaliation is the only workable defense strategy in that case.


Ys, it is the best anti-missile system, with current technology in the world.
America, Russia and China do NOT have.
India has developed a prototype and Israel is helping to get it ready.
India needs to protect its border with Pakistan and China, so it has become imperative to have this kind of weapon in its military arsenal.
BTW Note : India had NOT condemned the current 2021 bombing of Gaza by Israel. This shows the tacit understanding and cooperation between India and Israel.
Also Israel needed to test this system on some place (read Gaza) to teach a lesson to the muslim world and its underground terrorist activities.


David Liu, master Economics & History (2000)
lol…iron dome is only useful to hold low~tech/primitive/short~range RPG/rockets from weak enemies like Arabia militias. it can not hold real missles…
in a war USA/Russia/china are involved in, Iron dome and its command center would be razed in minutes by longer range missles/smart bombs.


Eric Matkowski, Horticulturist,Lives in Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
The taiwanese Sky Bow 3 system is better and the rockets can fly with mach 7 speed . It is designed to stop china rockets attack. Israels’ rockets are slow and less hightech in it. Taiwan also has waay more rockets than israel. It is different design because the rockets can also fly to china and do boom over there or turn the taiwanese strait in the sea of fire in case of invasion. It is masterpiece of the rockets’ base defensive system. The entire taiwanese defensive strategy is based on it.
luncher units


This baby flying 7 mach speed.
The system is supported with gigantic radar systems.
Generally the operation of the system is top secret and it is exclusively designed for china invasion Then even hard to compare it to the Israel one but the basic specifications are waay better. Israel doesn’t have a need for such a system. They fight Hamas etc not China. The Israels’ dome would be useless there. No many people even know that there is stockpile of nuclear weapon there supplied by US and attached to the system. Good luck China!


Mohammad Jaafar, studied at Islamic University of Lebanon,Lives in Beirut, Lebanon
Nope, its advanced, but it's definitely not the best, lets not forget that few weeks before Israel attack on Gaza, there was an incident, that many pro-Israeli media outlets suppressed, and tried so hard to make it die down, and information about it did die down eventually, 4–5 weeks ago, a Missile was fired from Syria without an explosive head on purpose that landed very close to the Dimona reactor, the Iron dome did nothing to stop it, the missile bypassed it, many analysts believe that this missile was Iran message to Israel telling it to behave itself, because, let's make a comparison between before firing this missile and after firing this missile, before firing this missile, Israel was blatantly attacking Iranian ships, after the missile attack, the attacks on Iranian ships stopped. The Palestinian missiles aren't that advanced or technically prepared to bypass the Iron dome, the Palestinians just recently started attempting to technically advance their missiles, they are still taking their baby steps in this field.
There is also the fact that the Israeli Media is filtered by the Army, that suppresses any information about the actual number of casualties, this is on purpose so that they do not provide a moral boost for their enemy, and diminish moral of their own, and then later on face a backlash.


Ed Brook
Iron dome is very effective and very good at what it does, and in its command structure is completely unique in that it eliminates SAM sites in the traditional sense (grouped launchers together with a command centre and radar) and instead has single launchers spread out and slaved to a single, central command site. Russia has what is arguably the most capable SAM system in the world, the S-400. China mostly uses license-built versions of Russian systems, and the US has the MIM-104 Patriot. Of all of these, Iron Dome is by far the most used and has proved itself in combat to be one of the best medium-range SAM systems in the world.


Lee Jacobson, Indian expat for more than two decades
If it is the best in the world, it’s because it is so unique. If a neighboring nation to the US, Russia, or China launched missiles at their population centers, the US, Russia, or China would totally level that nation. There would be huge destruction in the offending nation.
But the hypocritical nations of the world make different standards for Israel, who cannot protect itself similarly as would the US, Russia, or China. And hence, the Iron Dome, the best at what it does, because nobody else would ever need it.


Jay Snead, professional researcher, amateur philosopher
It’s not really an anti-missile system, it is an short range anti-rocket system intended for use for the kind of terror rockets employed by Hamas and Hezbollah.
It is no substitute for true tiered anti-missile systems like the US Patriot, THAAD, or Aegis BMD to engage larger, long range ballistic missiles. This is why Israel is developing a tiered missile system using new Arrow 3, Iron Beam, Barak 8 and David's Sling to counter different threats.
Russia also uses a tiered system with long range S-400, medium range 9K37 Buk, and short range 9K33 Osa.
China uses the Russian s-300 system and is developing their own KT series ABM.

俄罗斯也使用了一个分层防卫系统,包括远程的S-400、中程9K37 Buk和短程9K33 Osa。

Yuri Khaizar, lives in The Middle East
It’s a fight proven system designed for specific missions under conditions that most of countries/military doctrines just don’t meet. Population centers/metropolins near enemy lines when the enemy armed with short range missiles. Similar conditions exist in Singhapore and South Korea, may be in couple other places. For the protection of military bases far from population centers, there are cheaper solutions that operate according to the principle of point protection. Recently, Israel has developed new capabilities for the Iron Dome, like a sea based version. Such a system could be of interest to armies other than Singapore and South Korea.


Owen Ward, Self-proclaimed king of the one-liner,Knows Hebrew
Israel’s Iron Dome is definitely one of, if not the best, anti-rocket systems in the world. It’s also the only one of its kind currently in use.
The Iron Dome uses state of the art scanners to detect incoming rockets and predict their landing site.
It then determines if the area is inhabited, or just a blank patch of desert, which a surprising amount of Israel is.
If it decides people are there, it deploys its own missile to intercept the incoming rocket before it can land. It has a 90% success rate.


America, Russia, and China don’t have rocket defense systems like Israel’s, or at least I don’t know if any if there are.
The reason for this is rather simple: The USA, Russia, and China don’t have enemies from the surrounding countries firing rockets at them.
The Iron Dome isn’t cheap, and the countries you mentioned have no need to spend their budget on something they’ll never use.
The US has the Patriot and THAAD systems and Russia has the S400, but those are anti-missile defense systems, while the Iron Dome is meant fir rockets and artillery shells. It can’t actually intercept most modern missiles.


So to answer the actual question, then it’s not a good missile defense system, because it’s meant for rockets.
Israel is currently working on a defense system called the Iron Beam for modern missiles, which is the Iron Dome with lasers instead of missiles.


Ronniel Padua
The USA, Russia, and China don’t have enemies from the surrounding countries firing rockets at them.
Adding on to this - those countries will retaliate with nuclear weapons in the event they are attacked.
You do not need anti-rocket systems when you show an opponent that their homeland will be vaporized well before any conventional artillery gets in range of your population centres.


Alexander Rusinov
Actually ”Arrow” was developed long before “Iron Dome” and first version was deployed in 2000. Now version Arrow-3 is in use and Arrow-4 is under development
Also “David’s Sling” systems which are intended both as anti-aircraft SAM and for use against tactical ballistic missiles started to enter service in 2017 as replacement for obsolete Hawk SAMs (also its future upgraded modifications are intended to replace Patriots as they will start to be phased out)


Eric C. Turnble
Actually, the US’s Patriot and THAAD systems, as well as Russia’s S400 and soon-to-be S500 systems are RADICALLY better than Iron Dome, in the anti-missile role.
Iron Dome is really an anti-rocket and anti-artillery shell system, with the capability to intercept a few types of actual missiles.
Iron Dome has virtually no capability to intercept modern SSMs and ASMs, and is only modestly effective against cruise missiles. It has ZERO capability against ballistic missiles. In fact, Israel is building a completely different system (the Arrow System) to handle those kinds of threats.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The Patriot & THAAD systems predate Iron Dome by well over a decade, and have a very good anti-missile record in actual deployment. The Russian S400 and follow-on S500 look to have even better performance in the non-ballistic missile department, and slightly less in the ABM role. Both are radically superior to Iron Dome when faced with actual missiles. Of course, both the US and Russian systems are completely useless against most small rockets and can’t be used at all against artillery shells.
But to answer the original question: NO, Iron Dome isn’t a very good anti-missile system. It’s an anti-rocket defense.


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