2022-03-13 IPmod 27050


David Annett
, Embedded systems engineer, EV enthusiast,Lives in Levin, New Zealand2019–present
For the same reason people in the west stopped riding motorcycles for transport. Cars became cheap and easy and the society adapted around that. In many places where traffic is too heavy people have failed to adapt, still cling to the comfort blanket of their cars.
While the problem in the west is a failure to adapt China actually has a different problem. Cars are a status symbol there. Once they have a car they will not go back to using a scooter. I lived in China for a couple of years. I like motorcycles for transport when the weather is good so as soon as I could I purchased one. Later I saved up a bit of funds and brought a car. However I kept the motorcycle and continued to use to commute when the weather was good as it was faster and easier in the traffic. That confused the local staff, they could not understand why I would still use a motorcycle once I had a car.


Michael Ciao
, Business Owner Investor (1977-present),Lives in San Francisco Bay Area
Because the western world excel in internal combustion engines. That is one thing China never really conquered. There are dozens of car manufacturers in China making more cars than any other countries, but they build on foreign technologies and foreign engines, and they still pay hefty loyalties to foreign auto companies, even today. The engines are mostly imported. The success seen is just a mirage.
Electric vehicles are completely different than internal combustion engines vehicles, in fact, all early vehicles were electric, but they were abandoned over the success of internal combustion engine vehicles.


Electric vehicles is the salvation for Chinese auto industry, this is one rare and only chance Chinese auto industry can leapfrog pass all western and Japanese auto makers in this once in the lifetime opportunity.
China has been quietly pouring all resources into electric vehicles for many years, now it leads in many subcategories in this field, most critically, the battery. China did that openly but nobody was watching, they are all busy bashing China.
The west and Japan are too successful in internal combustion engines to go into this new direction. All their revenue are from internal combustion engines.


Mike Azeka
13 years experience with large scale solar power,Lives in The United States of America1965–present
As of 2020 China had 17 million gasoline powered motorcycles but at least 300 million electric scooters. A big reason is likely cost, electric scooters are ten times cheaper than a gas powered car, and about half the price of a gasoline motorcycle, and cheaper to run than a gas powered motorcycle. Gas powered cycles are also banned in some Chinese cities due to air pollution. The 300 million owners don't have the much larger incomes that westerners have, most Chinese earn 1/4 to 1/2 as much as their western counterparts. By western standards, these Chinese are poor. Very few westerners drive low cost electric scooters like are common in China. Why didn't westerners buy cheap, small, slow electric scooters? Because they can afford gasoline powered cars.


Thomas Pauken II
, B.A. from Thomas More College of Liberal Arts (1999)
BEIJING: It’s more a case of convenience than anything else. The small motorized vehicles used for transportation are much more common in China and other parts of Asia. Asian cities are much more compact and local residents will use scooters to pass through heavy traffic congestion.
In the developed Western nations, the locals prefer driving a car as their primary mode of transport. I was born and raised in Dallas, TX where you can get a driver’s license at 16 years old just like in all other parts of the country. Getting a car and your driver’s license on your 16th birthday is considered and American’s right of passage to adulthood.
And if Westerners were not driving a car they could be riding a motorcycle but never a scooter. A scooter is considered low-class for them.


But in China, cars are very expensive, gas prices are much higher than in the US and you also have to take car ownership regulations into consideration. Many Chinese cities try to limit passenger cars on the road.
Many Chinese are more inclined to rely on public transportation, as well as scooters and motorized carts to take them where they wish to go. I was told it’s very similar to many cities in Southeast Asia. The local residents are more likely to ride a scooter than to drive a gas-powered passenger vehicle.
Parking a passenger car in a populated Chinese city can be a challenge as well on account of narrow roads and few parking lots. Therefore, small motorized vehicles with long-lasting batteries attached to them will stay popular in China while not gaining much interest from Westerners in developed nations.


Nevertheless, I do envision a time when electric vehicles, including Tesla models, would become more popular in the West and EV makers should play it smart by upgrading the battery systems to be more durable and long-lasting.
And for the time-being China-based EV battery makers have made tremendous headway into upgrading batteries and re-charging systems. We may soon see a time when the batteries of scooters can be re-adapted for EV passenger cars and trucks, meaning the batteries will have similar qualities but larger and more adaptable to bigger models.
China’s leading EV battery company is CATL (Contemporary Amperex Technology LTd.), which is also ranked number one in sales globally. Meanwhile, the top-selling EV in China is not Tesla’s Model 3 but the tiny Hongguang Mini EV, manufactured by SAIC-GM-Wuling Automobile.

中国领先的电动汽车电池公司是宁德时代,该公司在全球电池销量中也排名第一。与此同时,中国最畅销的电动汽车不是特斯拉的Model 3,而是上汽通用五菱制造的小型宏光迷你电动汽车。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The mini EV is popular in the domestic market since it can be sold at a low price and the battery is highly functional. We can take a closer look at China’s EV market from The Conversation. The lix is here:
As reported by The Conversation:
“In a recent study, we found that most EV sales are made in China’s large cities – those with over five million residents, such as Shanghai and Beijing – largely due to the stronger policy incentives there. But consumers in small cities – each with fewer than a million residents – were the most keen to drive EVs.
In these small cities, drivers tend to enjoy shorter commutes and so have less pressure on their time and living costs. People there tend to care more about how well the vehicle works and the environmental benefits of EVs. Prior research revealed that these consumers are less likely to buy an EV if it’s the more expensive option. This might explain why Hongguang’s Mini EV – with its limited range and relatively cheap price – originated in Liuzhou of Guangxi province, a small city in the south-west of China.”
The EVs will be a big business trend to watch in the near future.

迷你电动汽车在中国国内市场很受欢迎,因为它可以以低价出售,而且电池的功能很强。我们可以从The Conversation中更仔细地了解中国的电动汽车市场。链接如下:
据The Conversation报道:

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