2022-03-15 tangerl 18320

Tomaz Vargazon
I’m going with the Rzhev meat grinder here.
Rzhev meat grinder
The battle(s) of Rzhev took place between 8th of January 1942 and 31st March, 1943. Yes, that’s almost 15 months of near-continous warfare and an example of both Soviet and German tenacity. Over three million Soviet troops were thrown against half as numerous Germans in a series of defendive battles centered around the Rzhev salient. Two massive armies hit together and proceeded to slowly grind each other down into a fine pink powder, with no clear resolution at the end.
The battle was three to five times bloodier than the Battle of Verdun in world war one. That’s how bad it was.
Soviets eventually took what was left of Rzhev, but lost 2–3 men for each German and the latter successfully evacuated the sallient. There was no major breakthrough, no glorious victory, just thousands of swimming pools worth of blood spilled over a patch of land scarecely worth mentioning.
It was almost entirely erased from history. A far smaller battle, intended as a diversion from the main event going on in the north, got all the glory instead. Everyone heard about the Battle of Stalingrad, because it was a glorious Soviet victory. Almost no one knows about Battles of Rzhev, even though the forces involved were three times larger and Soviet loses at Rzhev eclipsed German and Soviet losses at Stalingrad combined.


Phil Hickey
It seems most of the other battles mentioned in other answers might more properly be classified as “neglected”, rather than truly “forgotten”.
But what happened at the Tollense during the Bronze Age might just qualify.
Tollense valley battlefield - Wikipedia
At some time in between 1200 and 1300 BCE approximately 4000 people engaged in a large scale battle in the Tollense Valley a bit more than 100 km north of Berlin, Germany.
But yet, it was completely forgotten until one day in 1996 when an amateur conservationist saw a bone with a flint arrowhead embedded in it.
In the intervening years, scientists have managed to uncover a more complete picture of what seems to have occurred, although obviously mostly through an examination of the archeological record, since no documents or other accounts have ever been discovered. But what have been found were the skeletons of at least five horses and more than 140 men. The remains of hundreds more may remain unexcavated, and thousands of others may have fought but survived. In addition, teams of scientists have unearthed wooden clubs, bronze spearheads, and flint and bronze arrowheads as well as other artefacts:
Now what is rather interesting about this battle is that it wasn’t supposed to even be there. We know that there have been battles in other parts of the world at the same time period, because of written documents, statues, paintings and other such hard information (even though almost no preserved battlefields had actually been found).

似乎其他答案中提到的大多数战役可能更适合归类为 "被忽视"战役的,而不是真正 "被遗忘"的战役。
托伦瑟谷地战- 维基百科

But in Northern Europe, at the time, there was not anywhere near the population density to support anything like a battle with thousands of participants. Even today, this is a fairly rural and sparsely populated area (by German standards, at least):And nothing in the previous archeological record had suggested anything had ever been different.
It was known that violence occurred in the region- after all, the remains of ?tzi
had recently been found, as well as burials of people with weapons and the traces of healed wounds that suggested very small scale raids had not been uncommon, but generally it was assumed these would be rather small scale affairs, no more than raids, really. But the sheer size of the findings proved that this was far more than just some raid by one isolated hamlet upon another.
Then came the DNA analysis of the bones that suggested that at least part of the dead came from a rather long distance to where they were unearthed.
The Tollense Valley battlefield: the North European ‘Trojan war’ that hints to western Balto-Slavic origins
In the intervening time, even more research has suggested that it may have been a battle, but it may have also been a huge bandit raid upon a travelling merchant caravan:
Archaeologists Make Shocking Discovery At The Tollense Battle Site
German archaeologists have rewritten history by proving that the Tollense battle site was actually Europe’s oldest massacre and it’s a gruesome tale!
Bronze Age Battle of Tollense Valley was actually a massacre
The Bronze Age battle may actually not have been a skirmish but a massacre, according to the archaeologists excavating the site.
Whatever happened, and the fact that it is still not perfectly understood, qualifies it as forgotten…

但在当时的北欧,人口密度远远不足以支撑一场数千人参与的战役,即使在今天,这里仍是一个相当偏远、人烟稀少的地区(至少以德国的标准来衡量) : 而且从以往的考古记录看,也没有任何东西表明这处地方有何与众不同。
托伦瑟河谷战场(遗迹):北欧的 "特洛伊战争",暗示了西方巴尔托-斯拉夫的起源
——德国考古学家改写了历史,证明托伦瑟战役遗址实际上是欧洲最古老的大屠杀,而且是一个可怕的故事 !

Dale Osborne
Two Contenders come to mind.
The Battle of Ain Jalut in 1260
where the Mongol Horde was defeated for the first time by mameluke cavalry and the first major battlefield use of primitive firearms.
The other Is Operation Ichi Go
the Largest Japanese offensive in WW2:
The Japanese army understood by 1944 that unless China could be knocked out of the war and troops redeployed to fight America Japan could not win the war. The orders were to seek victory or death. At the height of the fighting many Chinese and Japanese Units ran out of ammunition and were forced to fight hand to hand.
The Operation was tactically a bloodbath in terms of casualties with over half a million soldiers killed; operationally successful in that most obxtives were taken including the vital north-south railway lixing Korea to Vietnam through China and a total strategic failure in that the Soviet Invasion of Manchuria cut the line in the North while US bombing destroyed the railway in south and central China. It Also fatally wounded the Chinese Nationalist Army paving the way for the later Communist takeover.


Ernest W. Adams
If we knew, it wouldn't be forgotten!
However, there are battles that aren't very well-known to the general public, especially if they took place in more remote parts of the world. A small example is the Japanese attacks on the Aleutian Islands during World War II, which aren't very well-known even to Americans.
On the large scale, the West is mostly unfamiliar with the battles of Genghis Khan, but of course they are well-remembered in Mongolia.
There is archaeological evidence for some battles for which there is no historical evidence. In Britain, archaeologists have found mass graves in which the skeletons display evidence of violence, yet no historical record of the actual battle. However, these are seldom "great" battles.


Animesh Bohara
Battle of Kohima and Imphal (1944)
If you had to choose Britain's greatest battle ever, what would you choose?
Perhaps the Battle of Waterloo, resulting in the exile of Napoleon and establishment of peace throughout Europe. Or the Battle of Normandy, the largest seaborne invasion in history, laying the foundations of Allied victory on the Western Front in WWII.
The Battle of Kohima and Imphal beat the above two to be voted as Britain’s greatest battle ever by the National Army Museum of Britain.
Kohima and Imphal are small cities in north-east India, under British colonial rule at the time, with a combined population of less than 0.5 million.


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

The Japanese had already taken over Burma from British rule in 1942. Imphal is situated in a plain surrounded by hills. It was the main British base in the area. By capturing it, the Japanese would have been able to interrupt air supplies to China, and additionally would have provided them the ability to conduct air attacks against India. Continuing their expansionist campaign, and to forestall a planned British invasion of Burma, the Japanese forces, led by Lieutenant-General Renya Mutaguchi intended to capture the British supply bases on the Imphal Plain and cut the road lixing Dimapur and Imphal at Kohima. The British-Indian forces were commanded by Lieutenant-General William Slim. But the Japanese had severely underestimated the enemy’s defensive skills and their ability to bring up reinforcements. The Allies had the advantage in communications and logistics and this helped them in quick deployment of troops and providing supplies by air. It was clear the Japanese offensive had failed but Mutaguchi refused to give up, resulting in the biggest Japanese loss till then. They suffered around 53000 casualties out of an 85000-strong force, whereas the British suffered around 16000 casualties.


Why was this victory important to the Allies?
This defeat demonstrated to the Japanese they were not invincible. It was very important in preparing the entire Japanese nation to accept defeat. It also induced a new confidence in the Indian troops.
Why is this battle forgotten?
Even in India, the battle is not widely recognized. One of the reasons is that there were many Indians fighting from the losing side as well. The Japanese promised Indians ‘liberation’ from the British rule. The Indian National Army (INA) was an armed force formed by Indian nationalists which sought to overthrow British rule in India by force. On the insistence of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, a prominent Indian freedom fighter, the INA fought alongside the Japanese forces. Though how the Japanese would have ‘liberated’ India can be seen by their colonization of Korea.[1]
The lack of recognition in the west can be attributed to the overlap with the Battle of Normandy (1944) and the hatred of then British Prime Minister Winston Churchill towards India.
The famous Kohima Epitaph in the Kohima War Cemetery reads:
When You Go Home, Tell Them of Us and Say,
For Your Tomorrow, We Gave Our Today
Sources :
Battles of Imphal and Kohima
Battle of Imphal - Wikipedia

即使在印度,这场战斗也没有得到广泛认可,其中一个原因是,有许多印度人也参战了失败的一方,日本人承诺将印度人从英国的统治中 "解放 "出来,印度国民军(INA)是一支由印度民族主义者组成的武装力量,它试图用武力推翻英国在印度的统治,在印度著名自由战士内塔吉苏巴什·钱德拉的坚持下,印度国民军与日本军队并肩作战,尽管日本人如何 "解放 "印度,从他们对朝鲜的殖民化中可以看得出来。
英帕尔战役- 维基百科

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

David M. Prus
I would say a few of them need more publicity as world-changers:
Yarmouk-The Arabs defeat the Byzantines 636
Bouvines-The French defeat the Germans and English in 1214
Liaoluo Bay-The Ming navy defeats the Dutch navy over Taiwan.
Vienna-Austria and Poland defeat the Ottomans in 1683
Poltova-Russia defeats Sweden 1709
I know for a fact that a great deal of battles and wars have been only remembered in oral lore-the battles of the Native Americans, Oceanians, and Africans have mostly been ignored, especially the times they actually defeated the Europeans.


Ahmad Hussain
Battle of Talas
751AD, newly formed Abbasid Caliphate and the mighty Tang duke it out in Central Asia on the banks of Talas River modern day Kazakhstan .
This marked the end of Chinese westward expansion and Abbasid control of Transoxiana.
Shortly after the battle of Talas, the domestic An Lushan rebellion and subsequent warlord-ism gave the Arabs the opportunity to further expand into Central Asia as Tang influence in the region retreated. The An Lushan Rebellion started in 755 and lasted until 763, forcing the Tang army to retreat from the Xinjiang after enjoying around 100 years of sovereignty. This effectively ended the Tang Chinese presence in Central Asia. In 756 Al-Mansur sent more than 22,000 Arab mercenaries to assist Emperor Xuanzong of Tang in the An Lushan rebellion. The Muslim population of Ningxia are considered descendants of the Arab soldiers who settled after Chang'an was recaptured.
But most importantly Paper. According to ancient Arabic sources,[dubious – discuss] Chinese prisoners of war are responsible for a technology transfer to the Islamic world, because they engaged in the craft of papermaking while living on land occupied by the Abbasid caliphate following the lost battle of Talas. No historic Chinese source records this transfer of technology through prisoners of war. However, Du Huan who was captured by the Abbasid army at the battle of Talas and upon his return to China published his travel writings, documented that Chinese crafts such as silk weaving were practiced by Chinese prisoners of war while living on Abbasid controlled territory. However, it was only after the first paper mill was built in the Abbasid imperial capital of Baghdad in 794-795 that paper was manufactured throughout the Islamic world and paper started to replace papyrus
Check this wonderful videos from History Marche


Edit 1:
Fighting South of the Ramparts by Li Po
Last year we were fighting at the source of the Sanggan;1
This year we are fighting on the Onion River road.2
We have washed our swords in the surf of Parthian seas;
We have pastured our horses among the snows of the Tian Shan.3
The King’s armies have grown gray and old
Fighting ten thousand leagues away from home.
The Huns have no trade but battle and carnage;
They have no fields or ploughlands,
But only wastes where white bones lie among yellow sands.
Where the House of Qin built the great wall that was to keep away the Tartars,
There, in its turn, the House of Han lit beacons of war.
The beacons are always alight, fighting and marching never stop.
“Men die in the field, slashing sword to sword;
The horses of the conquered neigh piteously to Heaven.
Crows and hawks peck for human guts,
Carry them in their beaks and hang them on the branches of withered trees.
Captains and soldiers are smeared on the bushes and grass;
The General schemed in vain.

城南之战 作者:李白

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

1) The river that runs west to east through northern Shanxi and Hebei, north of the Great Wall.
2) The Kashgar-darya in Turkestan.
3) The “Heavenly Mountains” in China’s northwest.

1) 桑干河:这条河自西向东流经山西和河北北部,在长城以北
2) 葱河道:突厥斯坦的喀什达里亚
3) 天山:中国西北部的“天山”
战城南 李白

Steven Neiman
The Gallipoli Campaign in WWI that involved the British empire versus what would become Turkey.
There were a half million casualties. Australia and New Zealand suffered major casualties and for the first time saw themselves as having earned an independent voice from Great Britain. On the other side, while ostensibly fighting for the Ottoman Empire, the victories here for Turkey and the growth of Ataturk's reputation and influence set the scene for the Turkish War for Independence and the rise of modern Turkey.
The campaign is notable for numerous acts of bravery, as well as for being a catalyst in the dismemberment of two empires.


Ronald M. Walker
I’m torn between two choices: Assaye (1803) which Wellingtn regarded as his own greatest victory. (Massively outgunned and outnumbered - of course! - he attacked. And won!) the other battle was chosen by Britain’s National Army Museum as the British Army’s geatest victory: Kohima (1944), where the Japanese frces were totally routed. A battle described as “The Stalingrad of the East”. Japan had cunted on looting Allied food stores to feed their own men.. the Allies air-dropped supplies to their troops. As a toe-to-toe slogging match, it was Japan’s biggest defeat of the war. (With many thousands of their soldiers starving to death.)

阿萨依战役(1803年),威灵顿将其视为自己最伟大的胜利 ( 他在武器和人数上严重不足的情况下发动了进攻,并取得了胜利!)
科希马战役(1944年),日本军队被完全击溃,这场战役被称为 "东方斯大林格勒战役",日本为了养活自己的士兵掠夺盟军的食品仓库,而盟军则向他们的部队空投物资,这是一场激烈的战斗,是日本在战争中最大的失败 ( 成千上万的士兵被饿死)。

很赞 2