2022-03-16 翻译加工厂 12264
-------------译者:Vnn--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

America: the greatest, richest, freest country in the world – or is it? David Cross, of Mr. Show, Arrested Development, and The Dark Divide, joins us to discuss why Americans, despite living in the wealthiest country in the history of the world, have a much worse standard of living than people who live in poorer countries. The "American Dream" isn''t just dying: it''s dead and buried. Cross tells us why.


-------------译者:Vnn--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

The Bin Whisperer
Being an Australian who has lived in the UK for 3 years. I can confirm.


Nobody outside of America thinks America is the best country in the world.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Christopher Mills
German hospitals don''t have: Lawyers, cashiers, accountants, insurance consultants, pharmacists, or armed security guards. Middle managers. An uninsured foreigner is charged 50 euros for an emergency room visit. The doctors and nurses apologize for taking this money. Doctors do not have 6 figures in student debt or need 5 figures in annual insurance to protect from lawsuits. Lawyers will not take on a frivolous lawsuit. Nurses don''t have 5 figures in student debt. Patients don''t get charge itemized fees for q-tips, tongue depressers, bandaids, ect.

-------------译者:Vnn--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

Erik Engheim
I remember moving to the US about 18 years ago from Norway (I only stayed a bit over a year). Back then I kind of hated social democracy. In my mind it was this inefficient bureaucratic mess. In my mind super capitalist America would be this streamlined efficiency.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Oh God, was I wrong. I had to come to America to learn that corporations can easily have far more complex and inefficient bureaucracy than government. I think my problem was that I had compared government functions to relatively small companies.But when you get things like health care, which is large and complex you will notice that corporations are not any better than government. Quite the contrary they are much worse. They turn things into a bureaucratic hell hole.


I will actually remark that American doctors are very well educated and skilled. However their incentives are all misaligned. I notice how they seem to really focus on appearing like a good service organization that satisfy the "customer" rather than giving good health advice and treatment.


What stood out for me back then was the insane use of pain killers in the US. I thought to myself: "This is going to go very bad in the future. You cannot create a culture of this much consumption of pain killers." Turned out I was right. A few years later America went through their opioid pandemic. I think that is actually a great illustration of how the profit-motive entirely ruins American health care.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

But I accept this is really hard to change in the US, because the belief in corporations and capitalism runs so deep in the US. And the skepticism towards government runs even deeper. Ironically I think American government is bad BECAUSE of corporations. Corporations are buying politicians and making them push policies going against public interest.


Corporations often write the regulations the US government uses. Corporations often do tasks the government could likely have done better themselves. Look at NASA. What is the main reason it is bleeding money? It is because corporation like Boing and United Launch Alliance is using it as a endless supply of cash.

-------------译者:Vnn--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

Harry Cooper
I''m in Canada, and our healthcare isn''t free. I recently had major orthopaedic surgery, and had to pay $12 for parking. I''m going for an MRI and a CATscan tomorrow. I''ll have to pay for parking again. :(


Hugo H
I was on vacation in Italy when my baby granddaughter got an extremely high fever and we had to rush her to a local hospital. It was a Sunday. The emergency doctor called a pediatrician because he couldn’t find out what was wrong with her. We got the best service you can ask for and after four hours when the fever started to subside and we were allowed to go back to the hotel we asked for the bill. They looked at each other, confused by our question and told us there was no bill. That’s the horror experience of being in a country with a government SOCIALIZED health care.


Finzer Art
I hate how as an american, if i critisize the the system, ill be called a communist or an anti american lol.

-------------译者:Vnn--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

Silky Johnson
America isn''t a country, it''s a business.


willson pena
"That''s the cost of having the Freest Freedom in God''s favorite country." - That statement was funny and sad because I''m sure there are many Americans who truly believe that. A damn shame.


Tom Tom
I’m in Denmark, we don’t have Socialism. We have a Market Economy with generous social benefits. And everyone does pay taxes, everyone even the people on those social benefits. So nothing is free.

-------------译者:Vnn--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

Videre the Vaccinator from Holland
I feel ashamed and i am not even an American. Rich doesn''t mean a thing when your neighbor is dying because he can''t afford a doctor or any other medical treatment. Paying taxes isn''t a bad thing. Taking care of your fellow humans is what makes you human.


The Netherlands:
- one of the best healthcare systems in the world


- the best infrastructure in the world

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

- excellent social security


- the happiest children in the world


- Netherlands is the country with most plentiful, healthy food: Oxfam


One of highest ranking Olympic country''s ever. (Sports are important)


Most Americans don''t even know where to find our country on a map


America isn''t the greatest, That''s a lie. Stop believing it is


Call me a socialist, i don''t care.


In fact the best countries are a mix of socialism and capitalism. Yes you will find them in Europe.

事实上,最好的国家都是社会主义和资本主义 的结合体。对,你可以在欧洲找到这些。
-------------译者:Vnn--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

This is precisely why I always cringe internally when Americans say ''everyone else wishes they could live here''


No. No we really don''t.


The first step in solving a problem is realizing we have one


Second Thought
Wow, the animation and design work on this one was stellar. Spectacular work, Gravel Gang.


Andrew Rodriguez
As a 26-year-old who''s lived in Southern California all his life, this really makes me want to move out of the country by the time I hit 30.


Rollo Fenrir
As an American I approve this as true, sadly

-------------译者:Vnn--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

Andrew White
A friend of mine visited the US his biggest mistake was to take gold plated health insurance that was a mistake as they kept him in hospital for 6 months and ran his insurance down then kicked him out the country. When he got home the hospital said we will have to detox him with all the drugs they put into him.
The most imortant asset a country has is its people




Free healthcare

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Free university


Paid vacation (and mandatory by law)


Great public transport (in the North)


We struggle with most things, but not with this basic stuff


Steven Premmel
The American dream is to be rich enough to be able to ignore its glaring problems at the expense of others.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

to be fair. u.s. doesn''t seem to be a country. it looks more like a playground for corporations

-------------译者:Vnn--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

Kári Har?arson
I used to live in the USA 1989-1998. Our son was born there. We moved back to Europe, mostly because of the reasons in this video. No time off during his birth, bad health care, no child care. I really love the US and hope they can figure this out. I still can''t fathom how the free market doesn''t work better than it does. The Soviet unx Collapsed but the US model doesn''t work either.


Mulalo Ratshidaho
I used to have an American friend, we met on Facebook, what shocked me is that she was always at work, jumping from one job to another within a period of 12 hours.


Anyone who has traveled or lived abroad knows what a shitty deal you have as an American. You can also add the costs of internet and cell phone service to the list. Friends who live abroad pay about one half to one third less for internet and cell phone service than they would in the U.S.


Harper Walsh
The only thing bad about this video is that they showed Ireland as a part of Britain

-------------译者:Vnn--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

James Woodward
Things are a shit show here in Britain, but it always consoles me to remember that at least I''m not in America.


I can''t imagine living in a country where someone begs you not to call an ambulance because they don''t want to get buried in debt.


Alex Bauer
I love how America spends so much on their military while their citizens debate if they should get their broken ribs checked out or not.


And it''s not like all that funding is paying off either. Vietnam is a prime example.


And there are a lot of things America done right, so let''s not slander them so hard. But public healthcare really should be at the top of their agenda.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

One of the most prosperous periods in history was the sixties when unxs through organising the workforce ensured people were compensated fairly. During this time people bought homes raised families and enjoyed life and the economy far from suffered it was doing well.


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