2022-03-19 Kira_Yoshikage 66870

Do you think a translator should remove the problematic portions (sexism or racism) from the source material during translation as long as it doesn't impact the narrative?


Feifei Wang
I asked this question because I recently learned that The Three-Body Problem by Liu Xin Ci was heavily “edited” by the translator Ken Liu, mostly to remove the misogynistic languages.


I was always a bit baffled by the warm reception from the western audience regarding the Three-Body Problem, a book I considered to be very problematic in its treatment of female characters. I never quite understand why none of the critics (not even the normally progressive ones) mentioned the sexism in the book.


I’ve always assumed the western audiences simply ignored the sexism in the book, since Sci-fi fandom, especially the older audiences, usually are very generous when it comes to sexism and racism.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Then some portion of a master's degree dissertation started to make around on Chinese social media regarding the discrepancy between Chinese original and English translation of The Three-body Problem.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

For example:










The examples go on and on and on and on…


Apparently, Ken Liu was very aware of the glaring sexism in Liu Ci Xin’s original work, and he made a very conscious choice to “wash” it clean. And he made no mention of it, knowing that those who had read the Chinese version would not bother to read the English translation, and those who read the English translation probably do not understand Chinese. His little “edit” is unlikely to be noticed.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I found this practice most dishonest and speaks of poor ethics as a translator and a writer.


I never liked Ken Liu, but mostly because of his novels. But now, I lost all respect for him as a person.

我一直都不喜欢刘宇昆, 但之前主要是因为他写的小说。但是现在,我已经失去了对他身为一个人的尊重了。

Chris Hawkes
Thank you! I’ve just finished reading The Three-Body Problem in English translation and very much enjoyed it. Your answer has not spoilt the novel for me: but has certainly provided much food for thought about the role of the translator.


Loic Caquelard
Whether or not the translator thinks it was part of his job to “clean” the writing, I think that the bare minimum would have been to mention that he did somewhere in the book, either before or after the story. Not doing so is simply dishonest.


Dennis Sahl
You are completely right. A translator is bound to the original tone of his source. If they change the narrative to “make it more palatable" their dishonesty covers up the problem of the original. That empowers the original author and a warmer reception will fuel their success.


Apart from that any obvious deviation from the source is both a crime towards the 'art' (or source in this case because I cannot see much art) as it is towards the readers.




Kieran Manson
Huh, this is really sad to learn. I really enjoyed The Three Body Problem, it scratched that itch for something different to the normal scifi I would read.


But learning how it was edited and ‘cleaned up’ from its original has taken the wind out of my sails. I can't muster up the same feelings for it, or the rest of the books. And to think I ordered a paperback set of the four books translated by Ken Liu.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

If something is translated, let it be done properly so all can judge the work by as close to its original merits as possible, instead of sanitising and corrupting the product. If it is problematic, let the world see the problems, so they may make up their own minds on the matter.


Irenaeus Caius

When 三体 first came out a lot of people around me liked it (curiously, mainly middle aged guys and middle school boys), but I wasn’t interested in it at all. Guess I am gonna be even less interested in reading them…: D

(Also, my mother worked as a translator, and when I started translating some fanfictions in my spare time the first advice she gave me was to stick to the text.)


Aishik Roy
Even in the translated version I found some parts very weird. Like that extended monologue about Luo Ji's imaginary wife, or when Luo Ji asks the UN guy for" the perfect woman" and they readily hunt for her.


Not being able to write good female characters is commonplace in SF, but the whole Zhuang Yan thing was just creepy


Feifei Wang
I think Ken Liu (the translator) did his best to revise the casual sexism that oozes through the lines when changing “women” to “people” doesn’t impact the narrative too much. But the part you mentioned is part of the character development, so he can’t really remove those parts without some serious rewriting.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

But yeah, Liu Ci Xin’s misogyny and his weird creepy way to describe women is pretty consistent throughout.


Benjamin Cauley
The part that surprised me was in the future with the effeminate men.


But it was borderline between sexism and real question about masculinity. It wasn't shocking from what I remember.


I guess the original version must be terrible on this part.


Emmanuel Buu
Arrrhg. Thank you. I am in a kind of dilemna now. I read it in english and I did enjoy the bold ideas that were explored in the 3 body problem. It changes my views on Ci Xin now but I still recognise his ideas as bold.


Is being a geek leads to being misogynistic ?


Feifei Wang
No. the geek community can be misogynistic, but if we all become a bit self-aware about it, things will get better.


Peter Kisner
In general I'd rather know that a translation of something is communicating the intended meaning of the text rather than sugarcoating things. If possible it's even better if any idioms or culturally idiosyncratic actions are written literally and their connotation or significance footnoted. Though if people don't feel inclined to serve up their creative works on a silver platter in this manner, I'm not about to judge them for it.


But regarding this:


I’ve always assumed the western audiences simply ignored the sexism in the book, since Sci-fi fandom, especially the older audiences, usually are very generous when it comes to sexism and racism.


I'm sure there for some, any racism or sexism just slots into their existing preconceptions about these topics. And for others these failings fall into the category of “things that aren't perfect, but which kids today should be less whiney and more thick-skinned about, after all I had to deal with it and I turned out ok”.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

For my part, I know that even in the 1990s, when I really started reading the sci-fi more extensively, I would sometimes come across some elements like these that would bother me (though in retrospect anything that rose to my level of notice was probably just the tip of the iceberg). And I preferred thar storied not contain these kinds of things. But since it was so prent, it was difficult to avoid without skipping swaths of the genre entirely. And there were a lot of speculative fiction concepts I was too fascinated with to leave behind entirely.


So, I developed what I thought of as a “scavenger mindset” when reading this kind of stuff. A bit the same brainspace as digging through the moldering stacks of a used bookstore: “This bit's boring… this bit sucks… this bit is ethically dubious… this shows a poor understanding of women's capabilities/concerns/volition/social interactions… this one… Oh! Here's a bit that's interesting!… and here's a vaguely racist bit… and more boring stuff… etc.”


Often it's not so much forgiving the works for their failings (maybe still not liking the work overall), as being so hungry for the interesting bits that one is willing to dig through the crap to get them.
And there were a number of stories that were socially “dry", in the sense that they largely avoided touching on social aspects altogether (though, arguably, the absence of such things could itself be an issue).


And there have been a couple stories I remember reading years ago and thinking were free of questionable depictions. But I started reading them to my daughter (probably 11 at the time), and halfway through stumbled across something I'd completely forgotten was in there that made me cringe.


Of course these days there are a lot more options that default to a more thoughtful or respectful treatment of other ethnicities, women, gender issues, etc. So I can certainly understand not having the patience to deal with a lot of this crap anymore.


These days I'm more likely to wade into it, not for mere interest in thr tropes and innovations themselves anymorr, but partly to get a historical sense of what people were thinking about at what time period.


Antonia Vogel
Thank you for bringing this up, I absolutely didn't know that. I still have to read the book (I found it recently in a “give away box” which are quite common here in Germany). It's the German translation, but I think that would be based on the English version rather than the original.


I picked it up because I always wanted to read something by a contemporary Chinese author and heard the books were good or at least okay. I didn't have the time yet, and maybe I'm not as enthusiastic now, but at least I didn't pay money for something which would have totally annoyed me for the amount of misogyny that your quotes show.


As for “cleaning up” while translating - I guess if left in original tone, the books wouldn't have the same success in the western world. I mean, yes, people still pay money for George R.R. Martin-style misogyny, but generally media are becoming more aware and more diverse nowadays. Slooowly…


Do you know if the translator worked on his own, or did he get the books with the instruction to “make them fit for the western market “? In the end everything is about money (aka “selling better if clean”) and maybe about representing (aka “wonderful author, look how great we are as a publishing house/region/country”).


On a personal level - I would not want to read the book in the original tone. Now I will probably still have a look just to see what we have been talking about. Is that a goid thing? Can't say.


It is definitely dishonest to change the contents while translating without mentioning it. I don't know if the translator had to comply, or wanted to.


If it's not too much to ask: Do you have recommendations for contemporary Chinese authors that I could read in English without being annoyed by misogyny or without being lied to?


Feifei Wang
Ken Liu is already a pretty established writer on his own when he translated the book. so I doubt he’d get some instruction to “woke-wash” the work. I think he did it out of his own volition. He likes Liu Ci Xin, he wanted Liu to be successful in the west, and he knew Liu’s misogynistic tone would be a problem, so he made changes.


And Liu Ci Xin’s work won the Hugo award.


Carlos Angelo
Not sure about it, but I heard that the German translation was done directly from Chinese and is indeed more faithful to the original.


Antonia Vogel
Thanks for the info! I'll keep an eye on the possible differences when I finally find the time to check out the books.


Yì Yáng
Well, I seem to remember Cixin sort of agreed with whitewashing in the translation, but I don’t have any news lix for this.


And, as for The Three-Body Problem, I don’t have problems with the author’s treatment of female characters. After all, after reading his previous novellas, we all knew he just can’t write good female characters.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

However, the descxtion of a “bitches and trannies” era in the novel, is beyond the excuse of “I can’t write good female character”.


I was disgusted with that part of the novel.


I personally don’t feel the problem in his novels big enough for me — when I read novels written by certain Orthodox authors I am very conscious that the authors have very different morals from me. Ditto for Protestant authors, Catholic authors, Muslim authors, Buddhist authors, Confucian authors, Communist authors, etc.


At certain passages, I just have to tell myself “well obviously the author has funny morals here, let me go on…”


An obvious example was Dostoevsky. Sometimes I have to say “man, this guy really likes to preach” when reading his works.


So I applied the same treatment for Cixin’s work. “Hey this guy has funny misogynistic ideas, that clearly doesn’t belong to the story premise but to the author himself. Let me go on…”


Steve Melnick
I assume when a major work like this is translated, there is some quality control check that is done? That is, someone reviewed the modified version and ok’d it?

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Shawna RR Nixon
You’re right. I can kind of understand that sort of thing in a movie adaptation, like “Forrest Gump,” because a movie is somewhat expected to be its own thing. Doing it for a supposedly straight translation of a book is dishonest. The tone needs to be preserved for both the sake of the original author and the reader, especially since the reader is unlikely to be able to access the original work. It’s as if he “edited” an audio book.


Shawn Meehan
Not comparing the works at all, but it's got me wondering what it would be like if someone translated something like Hitler's Mein Kampf and removed the antisemitism. But honestly, I've never even tried to read it, so maybe it's a bad example, but you know what I mean.


A genre of translator-cleaned terrible works.


Jenny Simpson
Wow, thanks for this post. I read the translated version and was pleased to read hard sci-fi with a female scientist featured. Dishonest for a translator to make such decisions, but I doubt it was just Ken Liu alone - I guarantee the publishing company knew they needed to please English readers by making these edits. So, it was a wise business decision…. but perhaps an unethical one from an artistic standpoint.


Feifei Wang
It's not their job to “woke wash” a problematic work. Liu is a shitty writer and people should know about it.


Kristen Wegner
Thank you for elucidating this. I enjoyed reading Liu Cixin's novels (in English translation), and as someone who loves Chinese art and literature (in translation), I was curious about what might not have come through. I think you are right about Western Sci Fi readers being more tolerant of sexism. Perhaps we have developed more agile muscles for suspension of disbelief than other audiences, or perhaps we accept that the genre, especially the works of male authors (with many exceptions), tends to carry cultural baggage from the first half of the 20th century. I admit I found "Ball Lightning" more to my taste than the "Three-Body Problem" trilogy, but the "Three-Body Problem" was the first of his novels I read, and I was thrilled to read Sci Fi with a Chinese flavor, so perhaps I gave it more leeway than I might have normally.


Alan Wright
Can I ask why you disliked Ken Liu before this?


Feifei Wang
He represented the worst kind of Chinese American, the kind who hate their cultural heritage and wear their internalized racism, their disdain of their own people, their own parents, like a badge of honor; and yet, at the same time, never hesitate to use the cultural heritage he hated so much to make money, to use orientalism, exoticism when it’s popular when it makes his works stand out against a sea of white fantasy writers.


He’s the Andrew Yang in fantasy writing. He wants to be more American than Americans, and yet take advantage of every positive racism for Chinese (model minority stereotype).


Alan Wright
Wow, I didn't know much about him except that he has been successful academically and in several fields (tech, legal work, writing awards, etc.) and I read the dandelion dynasty trilogy (which I thought was thoroughly enjoyable) but I will try to read up on the aspects you mentioned. I haven't read Paper Menagerie but I thought it explored the tragedy of someone who grows up hating their own heritage and being cruel (completely unfairly) to their mother while trying to blend in as an immigrant's child.


Everyone is Entitled to my Opinion
I wouldn’t have liked it if he hadn’t done that though.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Kelly Harvey
Respectfully, Feifei, I disagree. It may have been dishonest translation, but it was an act of courage as a feminist, and to me, women need male allies who are also feminists. To translate truly and literally is to support and perpetuate the original vision of women as weak and inferior. To ‘rewrite history’ as it were, is to create a clearer, stronger image of the Chinese woman as something stronger, smarter and more capable than the author originally imagined, but which the translator believes in, and which (I hope) the reader, and every Asian woman can also imagine.


Feifei Wang
… and a misogynistic writer got a Hugo award? The misogynistic writer never got called out for his shitty writing? A misogynistic writer got huge profit from overseas sales?


No. Ken Liu didn’t do it out of feminist ideals or he believes Chinese women of this or that. Even if he didn’t get profit shares from the book sales, being a translator of an award-winning book is still a huge boost of his fame.


If Ken Liu really care about feminism, he should have talked about it in his interviews as the translator of the book. He should make it clear in the translator‘s preface.


No. He did it out of money and fame. Nothing more. You’re giving him way too much credit.


Feifei Wang
If Liu Xin Ci knew about it, why don’t he upxe this Chinese version as well? What? somehow these shitty bits aren’t shitty in China? Let me tell you, it’s shitty. It’s bad. People have been calling him out in China for years.


Now, this is dishonesty on both translator and the author. They “woke-wash” their work for western readers without updating the original text, without even mentioning it anywhere. They just pretend “yeah, that’s how I wrote it.”


And Liu got a Hugo award? His work is praised without anyone even knowing he’s a sexist?


The mental gymnastics you guys do to defend an asshole writer you like, even when facing overwhelming evidence…


Off you go.


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