2022-03-20 IPmod 38722


Chiu Yu
, PhD Physical Sciences, Major US University
It came to my notice that many people who claim that Chinese dialects are mutually unintelligible are missing a subtle point. I will not talk about some obscure mountain dialect spoken by 1000 people in the far corner of Hunan Province, but the major dialect groups, like Shanghainese, Cantonese, Hokkien (aka Taiwanese), Hakka, etc., which have been considered the most deviant, and their differences from Mandarin.
Actually a big factor responsible for the apparent mutual unintelligibility between say, Taiwanese and Mandarin, is not that they have drastically different pronunciations of the same Chinese character (there is a small difference of course), but that they use different characters to describe the same obxt, which makes the speaker of a different dialect totally confused.

For example, 事情, or “thing/matter” in Mandarin becomes 代誌 in Taiwanese/Hokkien, which means the same thing with a more ancient root. How can you expect a Mandarin speaker to anticipate that? If you force a Taiwanese to say the characters 事情 in the Taiwanese dialect (or vice versa), then it doesn’t sound that different, actually quite close, although it doesn’t mean much.

You can see this whenever say, a Mandarin speaker watches a song video sung in Taiwanese or Cantonese where the lyric is displayed in subtitles in explicit Chinese character, then it all makes sense. He just needs to read the subtitle in Mandarin and be impressed how close that sounds to what is being sung. They are much closer than you imagine!


Even when I do this while watching Korean or Japanese movies with Chinese subtitles, I often burst into laughs since I actually understand the exact words they are saying.
Of course I am not claiming these dialects all use exactly the same syntax in sentences. That would be asking too much. But even with that, if they all used the same characters to describe an obxt, their mutual intelligibility would improve drastically right away.
That, of course, gives partial answer to your question. Namely, the written characters played a key role in this.


, lives in China (1976-present)
Language is developed based on characters, and no matter what your accent is, as long as you are in Chinese, you will quickly blend into the same culture.
Chinese dialects in different regions differ only in accent, or have some unique nouns and verbs, but the grammar is exactly the same.
So they are just dialects, not another language.
In 221 BC (2241 years ago), After the First Emperor of Qin unified China, he unified the written language.
Compared to the US? No, just compare it with Britain, America's "father".
The concept of England was invented in the 5th century...
Chinese can easily read and understand 1000-2000 year old poetry, are you sure English speaking people can do that?
So, are you sure you want to talk to the Chinese about cultural homogeneity?


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Paul Denlinger
, Have lived in China, Taiwan and Hong Kong; fluent in Mandarin (written, spoken),Lives in Huntington Beach, CA
China is ethnically heterogeneous and culturally homogeneous (to a degree).
Many other ethnicities have been absorbed into what are now Han Chinese over several thousand years.
The Han Chinese are held together by the same language, cultural and social values. Everyone speaks Standard Chinese now, just as all Americans in the mainstream speak English.


George Dulos
Do the different Chinese Dialects only have a different pronouciation? Is the Vocabulary, Grammar, Syntax, etc the same in every Chinese Dialect?
Are the writen forms of every Chinese dialect mutually intelligible? And I don’t mean only the simple day to day language but also the use of it for Political and/or Scientific reasons. Is a Political issue/essay or a Scientific paper written in X Chinese dialect mutually intelligible with every other (Y) Chinese dialect? Now for Politics and Science everyone uses Standardized Chinese but did they do so 2000 years ago? Isn’t the use of Standardized Chinese reletively recent? How many native Chinese speakers know Standardized Chinese?


Paul Denlinger
The dialects can have slightly different grammars depending on the dialect family.

Before Standard Chinese in the early 20th century, there was Official Chinese or 官话, which was the official language of the court. Usually this was a variation of the dialect spoken in the capital for that dynasty. Officials from different parts of the country would have to speak this language in the court.
Written Chinese was written in Classical Chinese or 文言文。

All educated Chinese with a basic education speak Standard Chinese, so I would say it is about 1.2B.

在20世纪初标准汉语发布之前,有官方汉语或“官话”, 这是政府的官方语言,通常这是那个朝代的首都所说方言的变体,来自全国各地的官员必须在政府内说这种语言。

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

George Dulos
«The dialects can have slightly different grammars depending on the dialect family.» That. There are regional writings based on verbal sounds, such as Cantonese or Taiwanese and they are totally unintelligible to people who don’t speak that dialect. Which means they don’t have a common language. Unless of course all Han Chinese speak the same dialect.


Paul Denlinger
“Which means they don’t have a common language. Unless of course all Han Chinese speak the same dialect.”
What is wrong with you? I give you an honest answer and you want to argue with me.
If you don’t want an honest answer then don’t ask it on Quora!


George Dulos
I want a honest answer but also want to understand it. I am not trying to argue. Neither I am trying to support/argue for the view that Chinese don’t have the same language (Logically Equivalent to arguing against the view that they do) nor am I trying to convince you of it (I myself am in doubt). I simply want to understand your point; how do you insist that they have the same language when even the grammar differs. If the grammar differs then the vocabullary should differ much more so (the same logogram meaning different things in different dialects or even more probably the same idea being written with different logograms in different dialects). If “Politics” is written as X in one dialect and Y in a different one how can they understand each other.


Paul Denlinger
There are two different definitions of language and dialect: one is the linguistic definition, and the other is the political definition.
You are applying the linguistic definition, I am telling you the political reality.
You cannot understand the evolution of Chinese language and history without understanding the history of Chinese politics. The evolution of Chinese language did not happen in a political vacuum.
If you try to understand Chinese linguistics PURELY FROM A LINGUISTICS BACKGROUND without understanding Chinese history and Chinese politics, you will ALWAYS come to a wrong conclusion.


Dengwei Fu
Maybe you don't know much about Chinese culture, characters, and language. Chinese is an ideographic writing, and different dialects may have very different pronunciations of the same Chinese character. If two people use completely different dialects, there may be barriers to face-to-face oral communication, but there is no barrier to written communication at all. It's all the same text. Nowadays, except for the elderly in remote areas, everyone else actually has two voices, one is the dialect of their birthplace, and the other is Mandarin. Therefore, there is no communication barrier in most occasions.


Jiaquan Huo
China has had a common written language for more than 2000 years.
China has been on a common system for measurement for more than 2000 years.
China has been on a common standard for roads for more than 2000 years.
China has been free from racial segregation for more than 2000 years.
Chinese have been on a common state maintained trading network for more than 2000 years.
Chinese have been competing against each other on common standardized examinations, both civil and martial, for over 1000 years.
China has had multiple tsunamis of internal migration in the past 2000 years at least.
Ethnic groups in China have engaged in intermarriage for more than 2000 years.
I guess most importantly, Chinese has never had a rigid idea of “ethnicity”.
What else can one expect?


George Dulos
Are the writen forms of every Chinese dialect mutually intelligible? And I don’t mean only the simple day to day language but also the use of it for Political and/or Scientific reasons. Is a Political issue/essay or a Scientific paper written in X Chinese dialect mutually intelligible with every other (Y) Chinese dialect? Now for Politics and Science everyone uses Standardized Chinese but did they do so 2000 years ago? Isn’t the use of Standardized Chinese reletively recent? How many native Chinese speakers know Standardized Chinese?


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Jiaquan Huo

We generally don't write our day to day conversation. When we write down on paper, it's formal language. Before 1919, it's all classical Chinese 之乎者也.

This is what makes China different form European nations(and most of others). Chinese politicians realized thousands of years ago that it is difficult to unify the pronunciation of language in such a large country. So they made a compromise. The pronunciation can be different, but the writing must be the same. The impact of this practice is so far-reaching that many countries that do not speak Chinese once used Chinese characters, such as North Korea (and South Korea), Vietnam and Japan.


Contrary to your imagination, a unified written language is better when describing problems such as science and politics. On the contrary, there may be some differences in daily language. But now that the Internet is so developed, Chinese people in different dialects can understand the unique written expressions of most dialects.


Michael Ciao
, Business Owner Investor (1977-present),Lives in San Francisco Bay Area
What is central to the Chinese culture and heritage is the Chinese language, the written language, the art, literature, histories, philosophy, religion, ancestry, names, families are all in written language, which is basically the same for 2000–3000 years, regardless what original home dialects they b me at use. That written language is the core and glue which hold China together.
All empires worldwide collapsed and never came back, and none will come back; except one, China always came came. The essence and core is the language.


Spoken language is not as vital, but there is one unifying spoken language. Mandarin, required learning.
If you cannot speak Mandarin, you have no future. How do you communicate with people outside your village? County, provincial or central government offices? Businesses or buyers or suppliers from a city outside your tiny home farm area? You are locked on your farm in your village.


Huijian Wu
, CTO (2005-present),Lives in Hong Kong2001–present
Chinese, although pronounced differently from place to place, is written with the same Chinese characters.
This makes the Chinese people speak many dialects, many of which are incomprehensible to each other, but written so that they can understand each other.
In fact if it were not for the recent decline of China, North Korea, Korea and Vietnam, too, would be using Chinese characters. The Japanese kanji, although somewhat different, is still largely intelligible.


In other words, from the Qin and Han dynasties until the 18th century. Not only did the Chinese have no problem reading and writing with each other, but even the Vietnamese, the Korean Peninsula and the Japanese communicated with each other when they were together, and although they could not understand each other, they wrote it out so that everyone could understand it.
This was a period of time that lasted 2,000 years.
It was only in modern times that the French invaded Vietnam and introduced a set of Latin spellings called "Vietnamese" because of the weakening of China, and on the Korean peninsula the Koreans used Japanese for a while after the Japanese invasion, and then both Korea and Korea became independent and restricted the use of Chinese characters. In Japan, the use of Chinese characters began to decline after the Second World War.


Let us look at the recent newspapers of Korea, Vietnam and Japan
(Hanseong Lent)
Japanese correspondence during World War II
(Kanji written by former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe)
Chinese characters written by former South Korean President Park Geun-hye
Chinese characters for Ho Chi Minh
In fact if it had been these leaders together they would have been completely untranslated. By writing directly in Chinese characters, they would be able to communicate.
If this is true of foreign leaders, what about China?
Here I Quora's editorial staff, the pictures used here, are historical pictures, although not in English, but to illustrate this issue, please do not think I am using other languages.







原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

George Dulos
Do the different Chinese Dialects only have a different pronouciation? Is the Vocabulary, Grammar, Syntax, etc the same in every Chinese Dialect?
Are the writen forms of every Chinese dialect mutually intelligible? And I don’t mean only the simple day to day language but also the use of it for Political and/or Scientific reasons. Is a Political issue/essay or a Scientific paper written in X Chinese dialect mutually intelligible with every other (Y) Chinese dialect? Now for Politics and Science everyone uses Standardized Chinese but did they do so 2000 years ago? Isn’t the use of Standardized Chinese reletively recent? How many native Chinese speakers know Standardized Chinese?


Huijian Wu
In the case of the spoken language, there are some differences in pronunciation and grammar. Especially in southern dialects. But if written out in written language, it is the basic consistency.
This is why many people consider Vietnamese to be a dialect of Chinese as well. This is because Vietnamese and Guangxi Chinese dialects are close in spoken language and can be written in Chinese in ancient times.


George Dulos
«The dialects can have slightly different grammars depending on the dialect family.» That. There are regional writings based on verbal sounds, such as Cantonese or Taiwanese and they are totally unintelligible to people who don’t speak that dialect. Which means they don’t have a common language. Unless of course all Han Chinese speak the same dialect.


Luke Wang
True but people can still communicate with each other by leaving those regional specifics out, and in history, there is the “official” dialect / vocabs that doesn’t have those regional particularities and is what all official documents are written in.


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