2022-03-21 可乐加冰 9625

Why do people stay up so late?


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Poledra Lark
I'm going to assume you mean when someone stays up alone at night, either reading or texting or browsing social media?
I think it's because it's a time where you can simply be without worrying about people around you, or about chores, or worries. It's peaceful and quiet, and you can essentially do what you want to, that you can't do during the day, (like spending hours watching videos in bed, or midnight snacking in your kitchen).
It's a time to just be yourself and relax, I think, so people sacrifice their sleep for personal time, even if that does come at a price the next day!


Sharon Talbot, former Health Education Teacher (1984-1998)
There are a variety of reasons why people stay up late. Some of these are:
anxiety and/or worry
a sleep schedule that is off-kilter (such as sleeping too late, so you are hyper at night).
Over-use of caffeine
Lack of regular exercise
Tuning into TV shows, video games or online activity. This can be very addictive and cause you not to be aware of when you are tired.
Creative urges. Some people get used to writing, composing, painting and so on, in the wee hours. It’s quieter then and if they have responsibilities like kids or work, those are not bothering them.
Being overworked. Too many people have increased the hours they work from 40 per week up to 60, 70 or even more. As they do this, they must cram all their non-work into later hours and even bring work home with them, which necessitates getting less sleep.

一个不规律的睡眠时间表 (比如睡得太晚,所以你在晚上很亢奋)。

Mike Riley, former Architect at Colorado's Front Range
Do you want to go to bed (and to sleep) earlier than you are now? Or are happy to have those extra hours in the night, when you’re all by yourself, and can do what you want (quietly)?
If you want to get to bed (and to sleep) earlier, the answer lies in the daytime. Get up earlier (this will require some will power.) Eat healthy, and drink plenty of water. Don’t eat within an hour or so before your target bedtime. Exercise like a demon during the day. Take a shower, brush your teeth, and get your jammies (or whatever) on right after dinner.
Don’t get involved in any RPG’s, an amazing book, some involving TV movie, or a lively text exchange with friends.
Go to bed at a reasonable time. What’s that? 10 o’clock. 11 maybe. 12 is too late.
Turn out all the lights. Close your eyes. No TV, no reading, no phone. Close your eyes. Think about something complicated, like how you get from class to class, or how you drive to work. Think of every detail along the way. Colors, textures, lettering, graphics, sounds and smells. Sleep … don’t resist it.

在合理的时间上床睡觉。那是什么时候? 10点,也许11点,但12点 太晚了。

Nicolas Gen, studied at De La Salle Lipa
I don’t know, but maybe its because of the quietness, the peacefulness of the dark outside, the occasional sound of your breathing, or the sound of the fan I had on, the darkness. It gives me a lot of time to think about my life, the fuzzy warm feeling I feel as I stare at my bedroom ceiling. I don’t know, some people have different reasons, but this is my reason.


Michaela Beck, former Self-employed at Freelancing (2003-2019)
For different reasons and it is always their own business.
We are not obligated to go to bed at 21:30 because it is the conventional manner.
My grandfather used to go to bed shortly after the darkness of the night kissed the day light good night. Why ? - because he grew up on a big farm - and that's how they do: "Go to bed with the chickens and wake up with the chickens."
Me personally - there is not "the hour" to go to bed either. It depends. In my position at the homeland security department at a very large International Airport - the operation makes the rules. I go home when all the International flights of the day are in and the last passenger made it through the passport control and customs .
If everything goes as expected, I can come home at about 22:00. If not I may be able to leave the airport at midnight, or 2 AM.

我的祖父过去常常在夜幕降临后不久就上床睡觉。为什么? 因为他是在大农场长大的,这就是他们的生活方式:“与鸡同眠,与鸡同醒。”
如果一切顺利,我大概可以在22:00左右回家。如果不顺利,我也许可以在午夜或凌晨 2 点离开机场。

Tamara Shaffer
Because you’re asking the question, I assume it is a problem for you, and perhaps you’re robbing yourself of sleep by staying up late. It could be that you’re someone who can’t let things wait until tomorrow to get them done. Overcoming this will take will power. You might try going to bed earlier each night in one-half-hour increments each week until you reach the desired bedtime. On the other hand, if you go to bed at a reasonable time but can’t fall asleep, there are behavioral treatments (below) that might help.
Sleep onset delay: Perhaps you’ve retired at ten-thirty and are still awake at three. You’ve tossed and turned, counted sheep, and meditated, but the sandman eludes you—until just before dawn, when you’ll face another day of burning eyes and embarrassing yawns. Remedy 1: Lie in a quiet, comfortable place with no distractions. Tense muscles for five seconds each, beginning with the left hand, then the right, the upper left arm, then the right. Next, lift the shoulders straight up, aiming them toward the ceiling, then raise them toward the ears, then toward the floor. The head is next. Raise it straight up, then left, then right. Tense the chest, stomach, and buttocks, in that order, then the legs, first with toes pointed, then with feet flexed. This tensing should be done slowly and methodically, with deep breathing and no interruptions. Note: Yoga enthusiasts may be aware of a similar tensing exercise; for reasons not clear, this one works best for sleep.
Another way to get to sleep and make sleep sounder: Two hours before going to sleep, recline in bath water as hot as you can tolerate. Remain thirty minutes, reheating constantly. Sound sleep depends upon a lowered body temperature. This is attained when the body intensifies its efforts to lower temperature in response to the heat.

睡眠延迟: 也许你10点半就睡觉了,但3点的时候还醒着。你翻来倒去,数羊,冥想,但睡怪却躲着你,直到黎明前,你将面对又一天发红的眼睛和尴尬的哈欠。方法一: 躺在一个安静、舒适、没有干扰的地方。每块肌肉绷紧五秒钟,从左手开始,然后是右手,左臂上臂,然后是右臂上臂。接下来,将肩膀笔直抬起,对准天花板,然后向耳朵方向抬起,然后向地板方向抬起。接下来是头。把头抬起来,然后向左,再向右。按顺序收紧胸部、腹部和臀部,然后是腿部,先是脚趾尖向上,然后弯曲双脚。这种紧张应该缓慢而有条理地进行,深呼吸,不要被打断。注意: 瑜伽爱好者可能会意识到类似的紧张练习; 不知道什么原因,这个方法对睡眠最有效。
另一种让你睡得更香的方法是: 睡前两小时,躺在你能忍受的最热的洗澡水里。保持30分钟,不断加热。良好的睡眠依赖于降低体温。当身体对热量做出反应,加紧努力降低温度时,就会达到这一目的。

Andria Duncan, Seeker, skeptic, and irreverent iconoclast.
Because that is your natural rhythm? I’ve always been a night-owl, and very little can change it. The only thing that ever altered that schedule for me was when I was seriously into gardening, in a very hot summer (in GA — summers are HOT!). I had to get up early then anyway, since my son was still in school, and attending summer school that year. I got so completely tired, physically, from hard work in the yard and garden, that by 10pm I was dead to the world.
If you really want to change it, and stop staying up late, there are a few things that might help. 1) Melatonin, an hour or two before you want to go to bed; 2) use a “blue light filter” on your PC/phone; on my Win10 PC it’s called “night mode” — blue and/or green lights contribute to wakefulness; lighting that’s more in the red/yellow range is far more conducive to getting your brain to turn off when it’s time; 3) there are a lot of options in lightbulbs for your home, nowadays, and again, red/yellow is the best bet for letting yourself wind down and ease to sleep. If you use fluourescent lights, try to find them at 3500 or less; over 3500 and they will be too bright, too blue or blue-green, and will contribute to wakefulness. And 4) warm milk, and/or warm turkey — both have a huge amount of tryptophan, and warming it makes it more active, more accessible to your body/brain; warm milk is kinda icky by itself, but using warm milk to make cocoa is very effective.

因为那是你的自然节奏? 我一直是个夜猫子,没什么能改变这一点。对我来说,唯一改变这一日程安排的是,在一个非常炎热的夏天(佐治亚州,夏天很热!),我认真地开始园艺。反正那时我得早起,因为我儿子还在上学,那年还在上暑期学校。由于在院子里和花园里辛勤劳作,我身体非常疲惫,到晚上10点,我已经筋疲力尽了。
如果你真的想改变,不再熬夜,有一些事情可能会有所帮助。1) 褪黑素,睡前一两个小时服用;2) 在电脑/手机上使用“蓝光滤镜”;在我的Win10电脑上,它被称为“夜间模式”。蓝色和/或绿色灯光有助于唤醒;红色/黄色范围内的照明更有利于让你的大脑在适当的时候关闭;3) 如今,家里有很多灯泡可供选择,再次强调,红色/黄色是让你放松下来,轻松入睡的最佳选择。如果你使用荧光灯,尽量用色温为3500K或更低色温的;色温超过3500K,它们会太亮,太蓝或蓝绿色,有助于清醒。4)热牛奶和/或热火鸡,两者都含有大量色氨酸,加热会使色氨酸更活跃,更容易进入你的身体/大脑;温牛奶本身就有点恶心,但用温牛奶制作可可非常有效。

Bill Johnson, Author, A Story is a Promise, playwright, writer (1995-present)
I’m most creative from 10 pm to 1 am.
I don’t know why.
I can make myself rotate around to getting up earlier, but it takes effort.
Years ago I used to lead a meditation from 8 am - 11 am once a month. That helped me push back to going to sleep earlier.
This isn’t about sleeping, but when I was young I did bellows breathing 3–4 hours a day for a year. I found I was on an 11 week cycle, with a high end, some semi-highs, then a long decline into a low point.
I did creative writing when high and semi-high, and as I trended down I focused on editing. At my low point, it was time for a massage and a good meal and watch TV.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Khrys Tapang, Senior Microbiologist at AFF, LLC
That's also the question I would like to ask to my kids, aged 24 and 22…..i did ask and they told me, they can concentrate more on late night stay …..i just don't understand this younger generation, they seem too busy in so many things….i think the advent of internet, social medias, the cellphone makes younger generation occupies their time on these useless things….

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Holly Luya
I’m not much of a people person so I like to be alone a lot. During the day, the world is crazy, and chaotic. I like to stay up late because it’s quieter, calmer, and there’s not many people around. I don’t get interrupted much with texts or phone calls or loud neighbors, because mostly everyone is asleep.


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