2022-03-22 wuhaowsh 14246

What is the most misunderstood thing about black people?


Hannah Baty
Since this question specifically asks about misunderstandings that people have about black people and not about black stereotypes (they're not exactly the same thing), I'm not going to list or discuss stereotypes in this answer, most of which are pretty well-known anyway.
In my experience as a black American female, one thing that a lot of people misunderstand about black people is their peculiar hair care and the preoccupation that black women in particular have with protecting their hairstyles from water.
The reason for this is texture. Sub-Saharan African hair is flat-stranded, naturally dry, dense, fluffy, and more fragile than Asian or Caucasian hair.


Unprocessed black hair shrinks and tangles almost instantly when it gets wet, is difficult-to-impossible to comb through without ample moisturizing product, and requires the regular application of oils to keep it soft and manageable, as the natural oils produced by the body for that purpose have more difficulty making their way from the scalp down the hair shaft to moisturize the hair when the strands are curly.
For the same reasons (the tendency toward dryness and brittleness), black people don't typically wash their natural hair as often as straight-haired whites or Asians. They don't acquire the same build-up of natural oils on the hair, and unless the scalp is dirty from product build-up or dandruff, there's no need for them to wash the hair more than once a week (possibly even less than that in winter). Over-washing is more damaging to black hair than it is to oilier and “furrier” hair types.
Additionally, due to its density, coarse and brittle texture, and curliness, natural black hair takes a lot more work to make it look like something other than a tangly, shrunken, frizzy mess after washing than naturally straight hair does. We can't just towel it dry, give it a few whacks with a brush and spritzes of conditioner, pull it into a ponytail and go. (If only.) Styling freshly-washed natural black hair requires an arsenal of styling tools and conditioning products, and a lot of time. (Watch some natural black hair care tutorial videos on YouTube for examples of what I mean.)
Hair-washing day is not really a day most black women with natural hair look forward to, due to the amount of work involved. Many prefer to just take their mop to the beauty shop and let a professional tame it, or they wear it cut short, or plait it and put a wig over it.


Getting the hair wet if one has a certain texture of hair is more of a disaster than it might seem to a person who doesn't have that type of hair or know the struggles of managing it.
Shrinkage and curly texture also contribute to the shorter appearance of natural black hair compared to straight hair types. But just because it looks short doesn't mean it actually is as short as it appears, or that it doesn't grow.
So it's not necessarily a lack of personal hygiene or pure vanity that makes black people's hair care practices and their attitudes about their hair differ from those of others; it's genetic differences in the qualities.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Françoise Marie
If you don't look like the stereotypical Negro, you have Eurasian ancestry.
The incredible phenotypical diversity among Blacks is well known, though. Elongated type of Africans (Tutsi, Hima, Maasai) and the Bantu speaking Yellow Men of Central Africa are irrefutable evidence.
If you are not from Africa, you cannot be Black. The only Blacks are Africans or worse “Sub-Saharan" Africans.
North African and Saharan Blacks are purposely ignored. Black Asians and Black Oceanians are not Africans. The genocided Tasmanian Aborigines and the genocided American Aborigines are further proof that you can Black but not African.
If you are Black, you are a descendant of slaves.
Even at the height of the Triangular Trade, there were Blacks in Americas who were not slaves and had never been enslaved. There were known as the Free Negroes in USA and Libertos in Latin America.


Lytiek Gethers
People think we all like sports
People think we are all womanizers
People think we all like rap music
People think we are big and muscular
People think we are always angry
People assume we hate white people
People think we cry for handouts when we speak about injustice
Lastly, people always think we are dangerous

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Karl Amissah
What is the most misunderstood thing about black people?
Black people are not all the same. Worldwide, we do not behave all the same, we have different cultures.
A Nigerian, a Brazilian, an American or me, the only thing in common that we have is the skin colour. When it comes to culture, habbit, tradition etc… It is not the same. We aren't the same.
Unfortunately, it seems that one black person can represents all black people worldwide, i disagree with that. I can hardly represent my whole family.


Uche Metuh
What is the most misunderstood thing about black people
There are many but I'll only discuss those applicable to me.
That we're all very angry!
I had a discussion with a girlfriend of mine who told me many White men avoid dating Black women because of this.
Well, too bad! Not that we're complaining.
What many see as angry is just a woman expressing how she feels, rather than bottling it up. When she's gotten shit off her chest, she's OK, & happy again.
In African culture, we rarely walk on eggshells around each other.
Most times it's not even about anger.
I've had my Canadian coworker claim I was being grouchy when I was just speaking with my normal voice.
With that conclusion, that means that every Nigerian is grouchy.
Because grouchy in American culture is normal speaking tones in Africa. So, anger for sure is over-exaggerated & misunderstood by non-Black people.
Some might call it “sassy”.


Whatever! But it isn't always anger.
1 of my Nigerian friends was shocked to be accused of yelling by her Canadian coworker when she only used her “normal African voice” at work.
If an African truly yells at you, you would be running for the hills…. Haha!
2. That we're too rude or loud!
Not every culture is quiet & soft-spoken like Americans.
Even our accent defies that softness, hence the misunderstanding.
In fact, the relief most women feel when they take off their bras at the end of the day is the feeling I get when I meet my Nigerian friends after spending all week with my Canadian friends.
Though many of my Canadian friends have come to accept & understand my Africanness, I don't quite ramp it up like I do when I'm with Nigerians.
My landlord hears me with my Nigerian friends & he knows all we do is watch movies & chat. Knowing also that we hardly ever entertain ourselves with liquor, my landlord tells me:
You guys don't need alcohol to be happy. I just sit in my living room & I'm hearing you guys just laugh endlessly & loud. I like that.
Yes! You really can't change your cultural makeup at my age.

1. 我的一位尼日利亚朋友很震惊,因为她的加拿大同事指责她在工作中只使用“正常的非洲声音”就像在大喊大叫。
2. 我们太粗鲁或太大声了!

3. That we're too direct/in your face (Confident)
I've gotten feedback from about 2 coworkers of mine who admitted that their 1st impression of me was terrifying.
I probably said things like, “It's nice to meet you. Now, get to work!” (Just kidding!)
A Nigerian would have totally laughed at this. A Canadian? Well, they'd analyze & misunderstand it.


Let's not forget that anything on a Black person is viewed by the world as worse than it actually is. Everyone gets angry but on a Black person, it sticks out like a sore thumb, like an aberration. Just like a Black guy facing a cop appears more threatening than a White person.
I wish African culture was as widely understood as the Western culture is. It's different, also beautiful but sadly misunderstood!!
Very misunderstood


Dawn Michele Davis
That anything about them can be summed up with a single thought. Your question would need to read, “What is the most misunderstood thing about YOU?” and directed to black people to even begin to be answered, and even then you’d need millions and millions of black people to respond to come up with one statistically valid commonality, if it exists.

他们的一切都可以用一个简单的想法来总结。你的问题应该是这样的:“你最容易被误解的地方是什么?” 并引导黑人开始回答,即使这样,你也需要数以百万计的黑人来回答一个问题,来统计有效的共性,如果它(共性)存在的话。

Libyan Guy
In terms of Americans they think that black=African American and there is a single black culture. This is false as there are black people living for thousands of years everywhere ranging from India to South America they are found in the middle east , north Africa , sub Saharan Africa , Pakistan , Brazil etc. And they all have a distinct culture,language and traditions.


Evan Poole
There’s A LOT of misunderstandings/stereotypes about black people, not just one.
I can only speak about black people here in the United States since that’s my country of origin and residence.
All black people watch, like and/or play sports, especially basketball:
This doesn’t apply to me at all. Sports are boring.
All black people are theistic/religious/spiritual etc.:
This definitely does NOT apply to me at all. I’m an atheist, and more importantly, I’m an overall hardened skeptic and nonbeliever of all religious/supernatural/superstitious/imaginary/immaterial/metaphysical/fictional/spiritual/mythological/paranormal/pseudoscientific beings, places, forces, phenomena, and concepts.
All black people like fried chicken, watermelon, and KoolAid:
Okay, let me just say that yes, I personally like all 3 of these, though I don’t really drink KoolAid that often. BUT, I like them because they taste good, not because my skin color somehow genetically predisposes me to like them.


All black people live in the ghetto:
Not me. Never have, nor do I ever plan or want to. I’ve always lived in a very racially/ethnically/culturally diverse neighborhood.
All black people look alike:
Nope. We come in all shades (as well as shapes and sizes) from the blackest of true black skin, to black people who “pass” as white, to blacks who have albinism. I’m sure this applies to black people elsewhere around the planet as well.
All black people listen to rap/hip-hop music:
To be clear, I listen to rap/hop, but not this shitty mainstream “slap happy mumble” rap bullshit, which is basically about 99.9999999999% etc. of the stuff that gets played nowadays. Also, I don’t just listen to rap/hip-hop. I like some rock and certain movie/tv show/videogame soundtracks as well.
All black people are criminals:
Not me. Never been arrested, nor do I ever plan or want to.
All black people have a shit ton of kids:
See my answer to Evan Poole's answer to Why don't childless people adopt children?
All black people are loud:
I’m actually a very silent/quiet person who mostly keeps to himself whenever and wherever possible, unless I really need and/or want to talk.
Black people can’t be racist:
Bullshit! Anyone can be racist regardless of their skin color.
I’m sure there are a lot more misunderstandings and stereotypes about black people, but these are the top 10 that came to my mind.


Ed Caruthers
“What is the most misunderstood thing about black people?”
1)In the US many whites assume that every large black man is an immediate danger. Big! Like, he could grab you and hurt you. He could hit you and knock you out. He could take away a cop’s gun if the cop didn’t shoot before he got withing 10 feet. And he’s probably carrying a gun.
Lots of whites find big black men flat-out terrifying. They can believe that at least some big white guys are gentle. But they default to terror for big black men.
2)In the US it’s often assumed that all blacks are poor. There is in fact a large black middle class. And there are many black professionals. But they are rarely mentioned.

1. 在美国,许多白人认为每个高大的黑人都是直接的危险。他可能会抓住你,伤害你。他可以打你,把你打晕。他可以拿走警察的枪,如果警察在离他10英尺以内没有开枪的话。或者他可能自己还带着枪。
2. 在美国,人们通常认为所有的黑人都很穷。事实上有一个庞大的黑人中产阶级,还有很多黑人专业人士,但他们很少被提及。

CD Stevens
What is the most misunderstood thing about black people?
That every black person does not possess the stereotypes shared by some or most black people. Hopefully the following will dispel a few myths.
My parents were not raised in the Southern United States nor experienced overt racism and discrimination
My parents never discriminated against any race, religion, political party or anything, nor taught us to do so
We weren’t taught to over compensate to get ahead
My parents did not raise us in a black church with preaching, choir rehearsal, Bible study or taught us we were going to hell
My mom always prepared healthy and well balanced meals
My parents did not whip the hell out of us with switches and belts in an effort to control or instill fear (like in slavery)


My mom did not grease us up with Vaseline instead of lotion
My siblings and I have the same father who my mom was married to
I never believed I need to share my man with other women
I was never personally involved with an abusive or violent man
I don’t have addictive behavior
Every black woman is not a seething cauldron of anger
I don’t have an uncontrolled attitude and need to get everyone “told”
I’m not impressed with Mack Daddy
I never looked for or was impressed by the “bad boy image”
My fashion goal is not “ghetto fabulous”
I don’t need to flaunt my “asset” or twerk
I don’t break into dance every time I hear a “soulful tune”
I don’t have to profess Christianity everywhere I go


Elzie Hamilton
We don’t have money
We are violent/love to fight
We love big booties
We were the(only) slaves
All of us are athletic
We didn’t invent anything
Can’t stop talking about racism
We’re obessed with junk food
We have no morals


Some people freak out or take too many precautions at the sight of Black people. I’ve personally had this problem with people locally and even away from home.
White people driving or walking by me and purposely keeping a distance but pretending they’re not walking on a curve in order to avoid me. Some even say hello to play it off.
I was on the highway and this grown alpha looking man was next to us. He did something that irritated my dad, so he honked at him. He turned around and looked abruptly at me with a fierce look. I don’t know if this was his true face or what he showed us.
Contradictory to what I saw, the man turned his head and spead up. About 9 seconds later, the guy is almost 100 feet ahead of us.
East Asians, specifically large groups have stared at me as I walked by. When spooky ones are in large groups though or sitting in their car across at a distance, all of them turn and stare at me/anyone with me without taking their eyes off for a long time.
They will literally sit directly in front of you and just stare.
We all will bump into people sometimes. On a few occasions, I’ve bumped into people on accident and immediately apologized. One time, the man I bumped into made a large, quick step back and turned at me in fear.
I apologized once more and he accepted. He actually thought I was going to hit him!! It makes me very sad and these things used to make me want to cry sometimes.


Bukenya Solomon
There are a number of issues on this one. A few rotate around character and many around intelligence. There is certain tendency to think that all BROWN people (I prefer to say brown and not black because for me, that is the root source of the racial problem. I have never seen a “black”person!!!) are violent and rough. But in actual sense, they are sweet and loving. They feel. They can be emotional. They are capable of loving. At least I am.
The second thing is intelligence. I read a certain paper that correlated intelligence with race. I think thats not true. I think intelligence is bred by the environment in which one is brought up. People, many people think that brown people are intellectually inferior compared to other races and that is not true. Those are the two main things for me.


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

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