2022-03-23 可乐加冰 14376

What is the negative side if one has a high IQ?


Mark B. Howell, PhD Industrial and Organizational Psychology (2026)
People are unsympathetic to your problems
People expect so much of you
Most things are boring to you
You can predict where movies, shows, books, and even jokes are going by constantly seeing the same patterns
You seem weird because, although you see the connection between two unlike things, no one else does
You seem weird because you are doing something in a different way than other people because you arrived at your decision through logic or research rather than ‘doing what everyone else is doing’
School and work are at a slower pace than what you want
Smart people are unsympathetic to the problems that others get into
It’s hard to find people that want to talk about deep issues all the time; a lot of people just want to talk about reality tv or sports
You have to constantly explain and reexplain how you arrived at your conclusions
You have a hard time expressing emotions in a healthy, appropriate way because most decisions you make aren’t based on emotions
If you jump too quickly into your conclusions, people will shut you down no matter how correct you are, simply because they couldn’t follow your logic or think of it themselves
Like other ‘higher traits,’ people get jealous, envious, and may hold that against you
But most times when people do not get along with high IQ people its because the high IQ person has no patience, empathy, or listening required for other people

很难找到愿意一直谈论深层次问题的人; 很多人只想谈论电视真人秀或体育节目
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Miroslav Berko, writer
Yes and no.
Advantages of having a high IQ:
High traits of openness
More likely to find problem solving easy
More likely to succeed in their career’s
Excel academically
Earn more income over your lifetime
Disadvantages of having a high IQ:
Overthinking even the most simple question
More likely to be a social outcast
Higher chance of developing PTSD (memorise the good and bad)
Being bullied for being different during school
Not being able to understand social cues (especially if your 2e)
Mental health disorders such as anxiety, depression, isolation etc…
Not being able to get along with people in school/workplace
Overall having a high IQ can have its disadvantages if you let it consume you.

患创伤后应激障碍的几率更高 (记住好的和坏的)

Richard Lock
A friend of mine, with a PhD from MIT, once observed that ‘it’s a C- world’.
That’s how smart people view the larger world - as being made by, and for the benefit of, those in the middle-and-left of the bell curve of intelligence.
They have to live in and interact with the structures of an imperfect world and society, and cannot help but perpetually see its flaws and how it could be done better.
If only you’d just… no, how about we do it like……. why can’t we….. why do I have to…. sigh…..ok, fine.
Every time they have to interact with customer services, or an automated menu, or explain something to someone, or simply be with other people, doing normal people stuff and talking about normal people stuff, they’re either having to deliberately slow themselves down, or (possibly more relevantly) they’re being slowed down against their will - as if they’re trying to run in mud. They know they can run faster if they were just in an environment where they weren’t sinking with every step. But larger society offers them no firm ground on which to do so (which is why so many end up in academia or research or other institutions which offer oases of ‘firm ground’, where the meaning of their comments and conversation is simply immediately grasped without having to spend five minutes explaining the background and context, where there’s a good chance of someone providing an insight that they themselves haven’t already thought of, and so on).
Living in the ‘normal’ world is intensely frustrating for them. Like driving a supercar in heavy, slow, traffic.
That’s the downside.


Wolfgang Berlin, Graduated from Three US American Universitten
People are more athletic than you, people are more talented in the arts than you, people are better looking than you, people are taller than you, people are more social than you, people are happier than you…
Being intelligent does “not” guarantee with any certainty you will be wealthy or happy.
Being intelligent “does” guarantee people will constantly challenge you, argue and demean what you say, “you are not so smart”.
Being intelligent tends to make you “obsessive”, always in effort to understand, never enough time to read and comprehend the world around you.
Being intelligent ruins the television experience, time wasted on remedial thoughts and shallow imagination of others.
Being intelligent isolates you from most people; conversation is so trivial and simple.
Being intelligent means you will never live long enough to understand the world around you.
Most intelligent people I know are boring, irritating to be around, and condescending.
Why people dwell on intelligence when it is only one trait that forms our society and economy.
One should seek happiness, love, and content; intelligence is only one aspect of who you are, it does not define you.

聪明使你与大多数人隔绝; 交流是如此的琐碎和简单。
一个人应该追求幸福、爱和满足; 智力只是你是谁的一个方面,它不能定义你。

Noah William Emerson, studied General Liberal Arts at Monroe Community College (2022)
From one I can tell there are several things;
You are often associated with various mental disorders: Einstein, Lincoln and Jefferson had Autism, Van Gogh was pretty mental and I think Isaac Newton has problems not to mention that many have depression. Also my Dad has an IQ 150–160 and I have autism also.
You often have weird practices; many people above mentioned already have disorders but some take it to the level of bizarreness with Van Gogh tearing his ears off, Einstein was also pretty a-social, and Newton believed in the Occult.
You often believe in unconventional political ideologies; many smart people (excluding philosophers) often follow unconventional ideologies as Einstein was socialist, and other famous scientists were including Bertrand Russell.
Your often a-social; it’s pretty hard to communicate with other people as you don’t really have the social abilities to do so as a high IQ is often associated with mental disorders.
You get a lot of attention; many people aren’t really big on having so much attention (just look at child stars for example) but this goes far for people with high IQ as they often get a lot of attention because they are smarter then most people.
You are often more focused on the negative; it’s often said that “ignorance is bliss” and it sometimes is for smart people as they are more aware of how uneasy the world can be which explains why they have depressed personalities.
You have high expectations for yourself; because of the fact that you are smarter than most people you believe that your the smartest of the lot and when someone is shown to be smarter than you it can hurt your ego.
You don’t wanna fail; again because of the high expectations of you fail at something then its going to take a huge hit to your ego.
I could go on but I’m running out of ideas.

你经常与各种精神障碍联系在一起: 爱因斯坦、林肯和杰弗逊都有自闭症,梵高也有精神问题,我认为艾萨克·牛顿也有问题,更不用说还有很多人有抑郁症。我爸爸的智商在150-160之间,我也有自闭症。
你经常相信非传统的政治意识形态; 许多聪明人(不包括哲学家) 往往遵循非传统的意识形态,因为爱因斯坦是社会主义者,其他著名的科学家包括伯特兰·罗素。
你通常不合群; 因为你没有社交能力,所以很难与他人交流,因为高智商通常与精神障碍有关。
你会得到很多关注; 很多人都不喜欢得到那么多的关注 (比如看看童星就知道了),但这对高智商的人来说很适用,因为他们经常得到很多关注,因为他们比大多数人都聪明。
你通常会更关注消极的事情; 人们常说“无知是福”,有时这是对聪明人来说的,因为他们更清楚这个世界是多么的令人不安,这就解释了为什么他们有抑郁的性格。
你对自己有很高的期望; 因为你比大多数人都聪明,所以你相信自己是所有人中最聪明的,当有人被证明比你聪明时,你的自尊就会受到伤害。
你不想失败; 由于对你的期望很高,你在某件事上失败了,那么它将会对你的自尊造成巨大的打击。

Steven Ussery, 68-year-old husband, grandfather, and amateur philosopher
I am a 66-year-old Silicon Valley engineer with two advanced engineering degrees from Texas A&M University. My mother, now deceased, had me tested via the Stanford-Binet IQ test when I was very young. I have no memory of that testing. However, she always told me I scored between 135 and 140.
Having said all that, I can honestly say that if there is a downside to having a high IQ I have never personally discovered it. Some people with a high IQ have problems fitting in and being accepted by their less intelligent peers. However, I have almost always been smart enough to hide my intelligence from people who might resent it. I am good at fooling people into thinking that I am not smarter than they are. Hence, I have never run into that problem except very early in life until I learned how to do that. (i.e. It was somewhere around third grade.)


Heather Hollick, MS in Applied Mathematics from Purdue, MBA from UC Berkeley, member of Mensa
For me, the biggest negative side of having a relatively high IQ is the Dunning-Kruger Effect. In a nutshell, people who are not very smart assume that they are smarter than they are, and people who are quite smart assume most others are as smart as they are.
Here is how it plays out in real life. As a person of relatively high IQ, I know that there are multiple sides to every story, that I could be wrong, that there is much more to learn, etc. Further, for too long I assumed that others were seeing the world just as I was.
This turned out to be a foolish assumption. People of lower intelligence — who are often blindly confident in their ignorance — can make me look like I am waffling, or twist my words to make it look like I don’t know what I am taking about. They end up using my intelligence against me in everyday situations with their belligerent confidence in their ignorance.
Now that I have gotten wise to the Dunning-Kruger Effect, I find the communication gap to be vast. I keep my thoughts to myself now, except with a small group of friends.


Karan Mehta, Laser Designer, PhD in EE, Neurodiverse
I just want to start of by saying that in the modern world, a high IQ has far more positives than negatives, but if I had to pick a negative side that is more common among high IQ people, then it would be this: they are very good at rationalizing and justifying their shortcomings and at making great excuses to avoid putting in the effort.
Smart people’s tendency for overthinking allows them to find great and reasonable excuses and justifications whenever they fall short of expectations. Those who do less self-justifying and those who can’t be as creative with excuses would instead just work on improving themselves and practicing and getting the job done.
Another negative of a high IQ could be that the person lacks self-discipline and a work ethic because they are used to coasting along through school because everything came easy to them. Those who struggled a bit in school tend to do better in college because they have the required work ethic to tackle genuinely hard course material. Coasting for too long leads to bad habits, and these bad habits will be a real liability in challenging environments.
I’m not saying that all high IQ people show such shortcomings, but I’m merely suggesting that it might be easier to fall prey to these vices if one is smarter.


Steve, Educated in gifted students classes and studied intelligence
My wife says it is difficult to live with someone like me because unlike her, I do not accept something as fact simply because I read or heard it, nor because it fits into my belief system. As my wife once said when she was crying after she was proven wrong, “Tell me I am right even if I am wrong because I am tired of being wrong all the time. It makes me feel stupid.” Mind you, I did not tell her she was wrong to elicit this response. I merely did what she said after telling her I did not think it was correct.
I have seen that in social circles I must nod my head and agree, to fit in even if I know what was said was wrong. Another sin is to ask for references or the source of the information presented. As my wife once said when she was proven wrong why would my friend tell me a lie. I had to explain to her that her friend was not lying, but merely doing like most others do and believed what she was told without verifying it.
So I have to let a lot things slide even if I know that what they said is wrong. On the upside, my wife now researches things before presenting them as fact. I told her that being intelligent did not mean knowledgeable. I told her that I know what I a fact or not because I look things up in unbiased sources. Now she does too. If only the rest of the world would do the same. Then again, politicians would have a hard time getting elected.


Jamie Lynn, MS Financial Mathematics, Johns Hopkins University
The most common trait would be a disconnect from pop culture and humans.
Not understanding the purpose of celebrities, gossips, etc. This then leads to social awkwardness, not knowing what people are saying, which then leads to social isolation, which then leads to you doing your own thing and exploring your own nerd stuff.
You sink into the nerd stuff and enjoy it fully but you’re human, you need social interaction. You go out and make new friends. But then realize they don’t understand you. So you’re left alone again. It keeps repeating.
The mind is very active and very entertained but the social aspect of it is very lonely and sad.


Rich Von Behren, former School Psychologist (1980-2010)
The thing I believe is a downside is emotional disturbance, of a type. In high school, students talk a good game about their independence and how much of an individual they are. I sometimes spoke to high school classes and brought that topic up. I asked them if that was so and they always were united that it was. So, I asked them to raise their hands if they had on jeans. 98 percent did. Who has on tennis shoes or sneakers? 98 percent did. Who has on a tshirt? 98 percent did. So, now that we have gotten that “individual” thing out of the way, we had our talk on psychology. That is by far the norm. I was the coach of the High Q team, a group that competed academically with other schools. I had a hard time getting the truly gifted to go, they wanted to stay in class and not be ‘different”. That is a theme of HS Gifted students. Although they like being very intelligent they also want to be just like everyone else. Sometimes I had to argue that with parents of gifted students who either wanted their child out of Gifted services or did not want to place them in the first place (although they wanted the testing to “know”). I always told them, you child is very intelligent and all the other students and teachers know that, all you are doing is denying them additional services that might help them do even better. No matter to some, they didn’t want to be different. That’s quite a task to deal with, you enjoy the benefits of high intelligence but want your peers to think you are just like them. It’s an impossible task. Just thought of another problem. I had a young lady who was in Gifted/Behavior Disorders. In my opinion, she was in Behavior Disorders (placed before I got there) because she was just a different girl, the one who would have piercings now and purple hair/tattoos. However, she was in a school of 100 and a town of 800 at best. She just plain didn’t fit in. If a teacher said something that was in error, she called them on it. She didn’t take crap from other students either. I loved her but she was in the wrong place. We developed a plan (with her eager consent) to get her graduated early using college classwork and get her out of this place where she was an odd duck and into college where she would fit right in. So, in summary, the pressure to fit in is very intense with some students, they will deny their abilities, sometimes not do nearly as well as they could so they don’t attract attention even when it meant giving up very nice benefits (Gifted services, AP classes) just due to peer pressure. This sometimes leads to emotional issues because you can’t really be both things to all people.

我认为不利的一面是某种类型的情绪障碍。在高中,学生们很喜欢谈论他们的独立性和他们有多独立。我有时会在高中课堂上讲到这个话题。我问他们是不是这样,他们总是团结一致。所以,如果他们穿着牛仔裤,我请他们举手。 98% 做到了。谁有网球鞋或运动鞋? 98% 做到了。谁有 T 恤? 98% 做到了。所以,既然我们已经摆脱了那个“个人”的束缚,我们就开始谈论心理学。这是迄今为止的常态。我是HighQ (高智商) 团队的教练,这是一个与其他学校在学术上竞争的团队。我很难让真正有天赋的学生去,他们想留在课堂上,不想与众不同。这是高中天才学生的主题。尽管他们喜欢变得非常聪明,但他们也想和其他人一样。有时,我不得不与那些天才学生的家长争论,他们要么希望自己的孩子脱离天才教育,要么一开始就不想把他们放在首位(尽管他们想让测试“知道”)。我总是告诉他们,你的孩子非常聪明,所有的学生和老师都知道,你所做的一切就是拒绝给他们额外的服务,而这些服务可能会帮助他们做得更好。对一些人来说无所谓,他们不想与众不同。

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