2022-03-24 熊猫永不为奴 27012

zhicheng zhao
Even I am living in NJ, still got totally shocked by this video! Truly "gate of hell" for the entry of metro in NY!


Walter Chin
You did a great job of comparing subway stations in China and NYC. I live in NYC and the subway stations are dirty, smelly, dark and dank, peeling lead coated paint, and no platform barrier to prevent from crazy pushing you onto the on coming train. I don't take the subways any more. USA the riches country in the world with such shitty infrastructure is a crime and shame. Certainly America needs a new system of governance like China which is base on socialism with Chinese characteristics so people really can enjoy "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness".


While visiting NY back in 2011, my wife and I were dumbfounded when we saw rats roaming in a NY subway station. That is an unforgettable sightseeing scene unique to New York.


r jacks
what you dont get out of the videos is how bad those underground rat tunnels must smell like with all the germs and mold being inhaled by those unfortunate riders. not to mention because there is no central AC it must also feel a filth sauna in the summer.


It's a FACT People...and the Knows about it ..CHINA is in another LEVEL in everything...Their Cities are high-tech, very Cosmopolitan, public Parks and Recreation are at par the best in the world ...and it's very Clean...no Homeless and drug addicts on the streets..their Cities smells fresh .very safe...you can walk at night safe without being mugged...America is nowhere near China..and that's a FACT..


Alice Teoh
Gui Yang is a 2nd tier city China. The train station is so clean, mordem, well established and designed.
I see a city full of hope, positive energy


HenryViii Fake
I thought some of the Tube stations (that's just what we call our Metro over here lol) in London were a bit sketchy, but hats off to New York... #AmericaFirst For all the wrong reasons


Evelin Ericksson
I try not to use subway if I can whenever I go to New York City for business trip. However it is unavoidable because surface traffic can be bad too and unpredictable. At some stations, I just cannot stand the smell. If it is just old and dirty, I can deal with it. However, the smell…. I would just walk instead.


6:00 you didn't mention the guy with the red band across him. He's a subway station assistant. He helps people with any issues they may have.


Smith Aviation Refinements
A few answers sadly true. (With my renewed passport in hand to visit China friends!) I live 40 miles North of NYCity area, but MTA's subway lines are worse than this video. My dad was
AJ Smith, years after other skillful jobs, he was well known on NYCity Metro North decades ago for his accuracy of keeping reports of the "electrical stations" along the lines generator's effects from trains engineers, who must be careful not to override the system,or power outage was possible from 1920s GE made systems. Today they're upxed with computers but the subways areas are far from good.
Nightmares, sadly. And dangers from vandals and thugs. MTA's police remind us to stay together and alx them to any problem.
I'm embarrassed to see this. We pay Trillions of tax dollars for basic common things we use everyday.


Various areas are worse. The subways connect to Grand Central station, not much better soon as you leave the "grand waiting room" area, on to the long dimly lit train platform, with open dark air space 180° degrees you see on both sides to endless darkness around you. You hear noises sometimes but you have no clue from what. Why?
Some of the Trillions of Tax Dollars from everything we buy, or pay check taxes, go for Oil industry subsidies "free corporate welfare" for many related fossil fuel related cars, carbon pollution problems.
Electric vehicles "EVs" should be much better for any of our taxes. Because EVs are not oil industry dirty carbon emissions fraud and fake business model, keeping affordable gasoline just to keep supporting maintenance related, dealers "services", and never ending parts replacements.
EVs, especially Tesla, are tge world's fastest assembly line made cars and much less cost than expensive exotic race cars.
Faster is "Safer" = quicker response times for better quality control.
Another example of no TV media promoting cleaner EVs and less carbon emissions cars, with much more problems costing people much more money.
Billions of Dollars in corruption too, by hiding EVs better qualities.


"The United States of Corporations" is not just a joke anymore, since it's hurting the country more ways than people realize.
This video is a serious reminder of "the city that never sleeps", "the greatest city in the world", city of lights, etc....
We know "New York new York" "everything you want and plenty of, long as you pay". Not true.
Our 'Fair share service time soldiers" honorable "veterans", who sacrificed life and limb to help protect all our countries, are homeless on the streets and ignored.
The "TV / media anti family agenda"
refers to veterans as if we're all disabled, yet I'm a ex soldier, and I make cheap or free home improvements for families and single parents with simple hard work mostly, and cheaper construction materials left over from other jobs.
More simple related quality truth TV hides. Agendas

“TV / media anti family agenda”指的是退伍军人,说的好像我们退伍军人都是残疾人一样,然而我是一名退伍军人,我为我的家庭和单亲父母做廉价或免费的房屋装修,主要是通过努力工作,以及其他工作留下的便宜的建筑材料。

Many ways the corruption of government is related to trying to lower people's ethics standards and less healthy happy lives.
Fake news belief systems are all to common to lower quality of habits and people naturally copy others examples, rarely improving as most people follow belief systems, rather than better simpler happier traditions as grandparents taught us and positive lifestyles rather than today's 85% of over weight less healthy examples of our sad USA.
Truth of results of the USA (western) belief systems side effects....
"Singapore and China are 1st, 2nd, in P.I.S.A the world's most difficult university entrance exam scores results and disciplines and sadly our USA students are 29th". Mostly because of Asia families priorities of virtues and traditions resulting in best life long results and disciplines.
We're witnessing history in the making as our sad state of affairs is losing prominence to China a little more each year.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

This is so true! I was born and raised in new York. I lived there for 30 years. The train stations were disgusting. Trash everywhere and they literally smell like urine. I recently went to Shanghai China and the place was so clean. The train stations were spotless! They're way more advanced than the US in everything. I'm embarrassed of America. Just watch videos of Kensington Ave in Philadelphia to see why


You Tube
Well, I have to acknowledge that it does need a lot of improvement. However, some countries don't even have a subway system. America is going through changes and we just don't have the political will to do anything that is not related to the military. We do not fund enough for social or infrastructure projects. It is a wake up call.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Abc Xyz
US cities being dirty, poor, run down old, homless riddance is one thing, what's worst is how dangerous it is. Never know when you'll be randomly attacked in board day light. Forget about going out in the street at night.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Lincoln is sooooooooo cute!!
This US metro station is shockingly awful!!! I knew the metro systems in the UK and US were much outdated, but I really didn't expect it to be that bad! How could someone possibly walk through that dreadful tunnel to reach the station without being scared to wet their pants? Resident Evil could have been filmed there! Truly disturbing!


Obi Wan
More of these comparison vlogs please. You're living the dream there compared to even the UK nevermind the US lol


fayyaz noor
This should be an award winning short documentary


Eric Zhu
In the past 20 years, the United States spent $2 trillion on the war in Afghanistan and China spent $1 trillion on building the world's most advanced high-speed rail network


Max Popolo
Very clever and charismatic style for the kind of content you produce. This has become one of my favorite channels to watch as I continue to study Chinese. Really hope to visit one day!


Peter Chang
New York City used to be called “The Big Apple” now it’s really call “The Big Rotten Apple”


Zaria Ahmed (زاريا أحمد)
Here having noodles as dinner just checked out the dirtiest restroom in US Metro & almost got myself thrown up


mx lo
I am a daily subway commuter from The east bay to San Francisco. It is dirty too, not as bad as NY’s one. But be careful the homeless, and phone- robbers. It is always late when the weather is bad. The elevators are are of work always. The subways employees are paid very well, but they could not make trains running well. It sucks.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Kim L
Fact: USA was the best country 50 years ago, but it stopped there.


Dennis Bay
the american subway system just comes with freedom, democracy, human rights and a touch of climate change lolol


Taboo Bunny
If the train stations in my country look like the one in the US, I would never take the train. Ever.


I will be a shame call myself as American, what Americans can do is fight back from corrupt governments


Oberst leutnant
China's subways or metro system are all designed, built and administered to the same national standard. So whether you are in first tier or 2nd tier cities they are all of equal standard.


j vp
Sometimes I just come and watch vids on this channel for a good laugh.
But if anyone's ever played the Silent Hill (horror) videogames, the train platform in that NY sub station reminds me exactly of that!


Brian Lee
This is exactly what warlike looks like! Looking for enemy to fight is way more important than taking care of its own people.


Hello my friend, I have traveled by high speed train in China, it was a wonderful experience, I have also traveled by steam locomotive I took my Father it was the great thrill of his life as he never experienced it when he was young, Green field village in Michigan and lastly I have traveled by high speed train for the first time back in 1959 and several times after that, they do exist in the US; in Disney Land and in Disney world. Walt Disney's vision of the future only happened in China.


Patrick Junior
Even when he's taking a poo, baby Lincoln steals the show.


Ali Shafai
That was a fair unbiased and justice comparison.


James Li
Aww, Little Lincoln is so cute. Glad that Jason's little boy is growing up in China rather than in America, a country that is on course to become a failed state. I had the misfortune of visiting America a few years ago and never again!


Richard Brandes
Most cities in the US don't even have metro/train stations or public transit of any kind.


The United States has used all its money to start wars. 50 years ago, we saw the United States as paradise, but now we see the United States as hell. In the past 50 years, the US infrastructure has not made any progress, it has only become old. What's even more laughable is that there is no perfect person. If you can't accept criticism, you can't make progress. However, the struggle between the two parties in the United States has led to no criticism. Therefore, the United States will always only have a voice of praise, and it will not be able to make progress.


Chan Daisy


Uber Menschen
Don’t expect Western corporate media to contrast the difference between US subway and China subway system. It’s too mundane, low tech, and serve no purpose other than the promotion of China nationalism, they would reply. Instead, Western corporate media focus on Xinjiang, weaving tales of concentration camps, slave labor, discrimination, cultural oppression, and mosque demolition — to the delight of the US government, their sponsor. On a cloudy day the Western corporate media remind the American people the vital role the US Navy serves as guarantor of “Freedom of Navigation” ; the US Army as the defender of Sovereign Nations; the US Air Force as the Freedom Fighter who drops candy bars from the sky to little children.
Meanwhile, Western corporate media keep a tight lip on the ubiquitous cancer called “Kensington Avenue “ ; the massive government corruption that delivers death and destruction aboard as well as at home; the epidemic narcotic addiction, crime, and violence; the growth of generational poverty, the homeless, the jobless, and hopeless; the destruction of America by the Men of Power whose greed for money have hijacked the power of government to empty the pocket of the working-stiff.


Who wants to live in the US. I certainly wouldn’t. But I suppose if you are rich, you don’t need to travel on the Metro. I have to mention baby Lincoln again, he always put a smile on my face.


Videos de Matt
I wouldn't be able to drink coffee or anything while watching the New York subway clip, seriously.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

If you believe China is a peaceful and progressive country, raise your hand


Ta A.S All Solutions Ltd
Man you have done a great job.
great comparison in exposing the reality


Well, US already too old, China was the best country at the world!


You're no daisy
Seeing this NY subway reminds me of the best movie ever made " The Warriors ", in late 70's. For 50 years it had not change and don't hold your breath cause it won't change anytime soon.


Who is violating human rights? Who is protecting human rights? The answer is obvious


the 1st time I went to nyc and went down to the subway station, between the rails, I saw the HUGEst rat I’ve ever seen in my life OMG. And I believe that’s just the norm there.


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