2022-03-25 jiangye111 14674
UK is only major economy to put up taxes during cost-of-living crisis, research finds
-Other G7 countries are cutting burden on working people by up to 0.5% of GDP, say Labour


(The Consumer Prices Index is now above 5 per cent and is expected to rise as high as 8 per cent)


Rishi Sunak is under renewed pressure to halt next month’s £13bn rise in National Insurance contributions, after fresh research showed the UK is the only major world economy to be raising taxes on working people during the cost-of-living crisis.


Labour called on the chancellor to ditch the 1.25 per cent hike lined up for both employees and employers on 6 April, using money he has reportedly stored away for pre-election sweeteners to voters.


The research emerged as the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) revealed that soaring inflation means the chancellor will take in an additional £12.5bn from a “stealth tax” in last year’s Budget.


When Sunak announced a four-year freeze in income tax thresholds last March, with inflation running around 1 per cent, the measure was expected to raise £8bn.


But with the Consumer Prices Index (CPI) now above 5 per cent and expected to rise as high as 8 per cent, the IFS said it now amounts to an effective £20.5bn in additional taxes.


Tom Waters, a senior research economist for the IFS, said: “Usually tax thresholds go up in line with inflation.


“The tax threshold freeze is now on track to be a £20.5bn tax hike – two and a half times what was originally expected. And this comes on top of the £13bn increase in National Insurance contributions (NICs) slated for next month.


“This episode highlights the danger with setting tax thresholds in nominal terms for long periods of time – unexpected changes in inflation can make the size of a planned tax rise much bigger or smaller than expected.”


Labour Treasury spokesperson Pat McFadden said that the NICs rise alone was equivalent to 0.5 per cent of GDP in additional taxes, at a time when households are facing rocketing bills for essentials like heating, petrol and food.


By contrast, the party’s research found that Germany has tax cuts totalling 0.5 per cent of GDP lined up for 2022, Italy 0.2 per cent and France 0.1 per cent.


Among other members of the G7 group of leading democracies, Canada and Japan have announced no personal tax rate increases, while the US Congressional Budget Office estimates falling tax revenue for 2022.


“There are global factors driving up energy prices and inflation in many countries,” said Mr McFadden.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

“But what singles out the UK is this government’s decision to impose a tax rise on working people at the same time as energy and food prices are rising.


“Why is the government so determined to make the cost of living crisis worse by pressing ahead with these tax rises now, particularly when the Treasury is constantly briefing that the Tory election grid has penciled in tax cuts before the next election?”

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Announced in September last year, the NICs hike breached a Conservative manifesto promise not to raise the main personal taxes over the course of the parliament.


It will result in a person earning £20,000 seeing NICs increase by £130 a year, and someone on £30,000 a year paying an additional £255.


But prime minister Boris Johnson said the levy would help pay for the “biggest catch-up programme in the NHS’ history” as the health service attempts to clear the backlog of treatments delayed because of the Covid pandemic.


From April next year, it will be rebranded the Health and Social Care Levy, and over time an increasing proportion will go towards the new cap on care costs designed to ensure that elderly home-owners do not have to sell their property to pay for care.


Mr Sunak is coming under growing pressure to ditch the hike, or delay it for a year in the hope the cost-of-living crisis will have abated, including from restive Tory backbenchers worried that he is rising the overall tax take to levels not seen since the 1960s.


But the chancellor and prime minister have stood firm, penning a joint article in January to state that they regard the levy as “the right plan” to fix the health and social care system.


A HM Treasury spokesperson said: “The Health and Social Care Levy will provide a necessary, permanent source of funding to support the NHS and fix the social care system.


“We’re providing around £21bn this financial year and next to help families with the cost of living, including targeted support for energy bills, cutting the Universal Credit taper rate to help those on low incomes keep more of what they earn, and freezes to alcohol and fuel duties to keep costs down. We are also raising the National Living Wage, meaning that people working full-time will see a £1,000 increase in annual earnings.”


Germany Significantly cuts surcharges by half on energy bills, with lower income subsidies. 130m Euro for a one off payment to households. Like the UK it is the most miserly in Europe.
Spain Several tax cuts to reduce consumer bills, and from September last year removed energy taxes until May this year with a windfall tax on energy companies
France EDF forced to take an 8.4bn Euro hit and and restrictions of a 4% hike on energy bills. EDF has also been forced to reduce nuclear power prices to rival companies in the country. All homes to receive energy credit with 100 euro.


Italy Government spent 8bn Euro to reduce spiralling costs to consumers, tax cuts on gas and grants for low income families.
Netherlands Immediately cut taxes on energy, 150m euro to boost home insulation, with money to compensate small businesses.
Sweden 6bn Kronor (£473m) in winter bill subsidies.
Norway 8bn Kronor (£664m) in subsidies to households. Norway to also tackle 'socially unjust' soaring energy bills by covering 80% of the cost when the market price of electricity exceeds the equivalent of 6p per kilowatt-hour.
Denmark Initially set aside £11.1m to help low income families fuel bills. More help in the form of tax free cheques to 800,000 households (although the details were still in discussion at the Danish Parliament circa Jan 2022.)


IMHO, I don’t get why anyone thinks they’d do anything different then help the rich and screw the poor.


Because they've been convinced it would be worse if they voted for someone else.
It's incredibly difficult to get someone to vote for your party. But it's incredibly easy to get someone to vote against the other party.
And that's what the Tories have been doing for years. They won the last election by saying that Corbyn would stop Brexit.
It also helps that most of the newspapers support the Tories because they're scared Labour would raise taxes on the rich.


I think ingroup and outgroup Psychology plays a part.
Mentally we divide people into ingroups and outgroups. An ingroup is any social group that you are a part of. This can include your family, your community, your race, your gender, your nationality, your political party, your class, your sports team etc. Outgroups unsurprisingly include anyone who isn't part of your ingroup, other communities other races other nationalities, other parties etc.
We treat people differently depending on if they are part of an ingroup or outgroup. Generally we're more biased in favour of our ingroups and more distrustful and less empathetic towards our outgroups. We prefer people who are more like us.
The real problem comes when people feel threatened. When we're scared we feel the need to protect our ingroups, often at the expense of outgroups. This means they are easily swayed by simplistic outgroup bashing narratives such as:
"You can barely afford to keep the heating on, so why are your taxes going to benefit scroungers?"
"Our public services can barely cope as it is. The last thing we need is more immigrants or refugees. "


"Why are we spending so much money on foreign aid when we have problems at home?"
And of course
"We're sending 350 million a week to Europe! Let's fund our struggling NHS instead"
It's why Conservatives in the UK and elsewhere use fear and outgroup bashing so much in their media. They know making you scared and distrustful of outgroups makes you more Conservative.
And its been very easy for them over the last decade. Austerity, stagnant wages, and middle class decline mean people feel more insecure and scared than ever. (despite the tories being responsible for a good chunk of these things.) Paradoxically, the worse the Tories make this country the more Conservative some people become.
Of course not everyone believes this. Many people are smart enough to realise that wanting to punish the some of the most vulnerable members of our society for decades of bad economic policy is a pretty fucking dumb thing to do. However as long as the Conservatives can manipulate enough people in enough seats to game voting system we're stuck like this.


Any economy that has put interest rates up has effectively put taxes up.
They are just collected by banks and charged via the increased mortgage or rent we all pay.
And that's because the only way to halt prices rises when there is an unresolvable shortage of output is via reducing the amount of money people have to spend on those goods in shortage. Otherwise prices will rise in excess of wages until the same effect is achieved.
So do we want to reduce money people have via banks who take the money from poor people and give to the rich as increased interest on their cash savings, or do we do it via taxation which at least has the advantage of taking money from both poor and rich.
Utterly astonishing that supposedly liberal newspapers aren't explaining what is going on. Perhaps they have lots of savings in banks and fancy a windfall.


My parents get 45% fucking tax. Absolutely ridiculous. I'd be fine if it was 20%, but taking just under half of their wages and then charging 300 a month to have heat in my house?
This county is so fucked. Poverty rates are going to go through the roof.


The problem I have is that, I don't mind been taxed more if there's something to show for it and it benefits our society.
But we're getting taxed more for what? Tories to mishandle taxpayers money, spend it on dodgy contracts and funnel it to their mates? Yeah, fuck off.


That's the thing, the issue is not that we're being taxed more, the issue is that the tax money is being mishandled. I hate that I'm giving away most of my wage in rent, council tax and other taxes (yes, National Insurance does count as a tax, since it's a mandatory deduction) and the roads keep getting worse, there are more and more homeless on the streets, etc.
It's fucking dreadful how the tax money is going towards private contractors who are best friends with the people in power. Just an official way to launder money.


I don't have a problem with increased taxation on the relatively well-off. Unfortunately, the taxation chosen isn't exactly progressive.


The problem is that the 'relatively well off' includes people on 100k who have reached a point where they're paying so much tax they're either reducing how much they work and in some cases choosing not to work at all for long stretches.


Indeed. The highest taxes levied on the nations poorest since the end of the Second World War. A time when the incoming Attlee administration inherited an obscene amout of war debt, and proceeded on a rebuilding programme which included taking millions out of slums and an NHS that was once the envy of the world. Until the tories and their mates got their position.


It’s hilarious that the entire Tory campaign is to scare the general public into believing that Labour are ones that’ll ‘ruin the economy’ and therefore have the worst effect on working people. It’s embarrassing to have this government represent the people of this country.


From the uk here, my dad is 63 years old and a GOOD PERSON. can't stress that enough, he'd do anything for anyone. He's very rich (genuinely self built, his dad was poor) and has a 156 IQ but for some inexplicable reason I still can't talk him out of Boris Johnson's butthole. In literally every other regard he is absolutely reasonable and logical, but I think he starting voting tory as a kid because his dad said so and reinforced that in his own head over the next few decades.


After voting Tory three times in a row in the last decade, we have effectively voted to become poorer. This is akin to living in a semi-detached house and wanting your neighbour suffer and become homeless, so you set their house on fire only to realise and complain that now your own house is on fire.
This is how the mind of Tory voters functions. Schadenfreude, spite, and extreme resentment towards their fellow citizen, whilst pretending nothing will happen to themselves


The Conservative Establishment has wanted this for fifty years in the 1969/1970s the population started to get a little affluent and life was getting better. This evil Royal Establishment with the help of Russia got us out of the EU losing any sort of human rights no we are back being Royal Subjects destroying any hope for the future. This Government just wants to Tax us back to the Middle Ages and serfdom governed by Pubic School fails that could not make it in the real world.


I feel like the tories have won recent elections not based on policies such as education, public work or environmental but instead on foreign affairs and the supposed need to keep refugees out of England. They fucked up on brexit, they fucked up on covid and they are fucking up on this but from what I have heard it is the older generation who hold the majority as younger people who want change are too young to vote or even some in my generation just vote for who there parents vote for


So we're getting squeezed by the cost of living then they think its a good idea to fuck us with higher taxes!


Government to the people: "Fuck you. But, also, fuck you."


Here in Canada our carbon tax is set to increase on April 1st. So, the UK isn’t totally alone


The majority of British people enjoy being poor. It's the only conclusion I have after living in this country for 30 years.


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