2022-03-27 wuhaowsh 11569

Do Brits envy Americans’ life and lifestyle?


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Alastair Ballantyne
I am so jealous of not being able to experience the American lifestyle here in the UK.
In a short while I am going to go to the local Post Office which is about a 15 minute walk away and going there and back I won’t get shot at, mugged or abused at all. I also won’t get stopped and murdered by the police just for having the temerity to be out and about walking instead of driving in my car.
When I’m at the Post Office, which being a smaller local one means it’s in a Spar shop, I can get a few groceries like milk, tomatoes, salad, bread and many other things I might need. The prices on the shelf will be the price I pay at the till, no added taxes which saddens me and leaves me feeling I’m not contributing enough.
Another thing that sticks in my craw is that when I go to pick up a prescxtion from the pharmacy being both over 60 and diabetic I pay nothing, zilch, nada, niente sweet F.A. for any of my meds.


Joe Anslevich
We really envy your delicious food.
Oh, and we envy your politics too. And your incredible healthcare system.
And of course we have no landscape to speak of here in Britland. And no history. No old buildings.
Oh, and above all we envy Americans’ sense of irony.


Stephen Malbon
60 year old Brit here who was travelled extensively to the USA over the last 22 years. No, I do not in any way envy your life or lifestyle. Everything about everyday life over here is better: groceries are cheaper and better quality, the roads are better, our internet access is better, the chance of being shot by a member of the public or a police officer is as close to zero as makes no difference and I’ll get as much healthcare as I need without having to pay for it.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Nicky Flynn
This one doesn't no, not even a teeny weeny bit.
When I was a kid I had this romanticised idea that the US was an amazing place to live, I thought everyone lived in big houses with big cars and good well paid jobs. School life appeared to be so much better than here, even the parents seemed like they were nicer.
Fast forward 30 years and I realised what a complete fool I was. The US is not amazing unless you are wealthy and have really good health insurance. Nobody will help you if you hit a bad patch in life and the whole nation demands you do not expect anyone to help you, that's firmly up to you.
I could maybe go for the lifestyles of those that live in small out of the way towns because they appear to be much more similar to us, but the cities are a whole different kettle of fish.
But overall no, I don't envy the risk of dying because I'm poor and can't afford health insurance, I don't envy Trump, I don't envy the gun mentality, I don't envy how corrupt the government is, I don't envy the open racism that's allowed, the police brutality, the lack of a safety net should you lose your job. Oh and the violence, white men literally get away with rape and murder while black men are shot on sight, the complete lack of any kind of public transport.. I can get a bus outside my home that takes 19 minutes to get to a bus station where I can get a bus the almost anywhere in the country and absolutely everywhere in my city. The food is also not high on my agenda of decent, the fact Dr's are in it for the money above anything else.. Nope definitely no envy here.


Jonathan Trueman
No, not really.
A lot of the beliefs held in the USA about life and conditions in the UK are hand-me-downs from the 1940s and 1950s, when US service personnel were stationed here during, and in the aftermath of, a war that left the country pretty comprehensively beaten up: rationing, austerity, bomb damage, and an economy struggling to revert to a prosperous, peacetime footing. There were also the stirrings of political and industrial unrest that would last until the 1980s.
To a visitor from a land where WWII had driven prosperity through the roof, the sight of life on what recently been the front line must indeed have looked bleak and unappealing.
But that was generations ago. It’s 70 years since WWII. It’s even 36 years since the miners’ strike. That’s time enough for a lot to change.


Britain today is technologically advanced, materially well-supplied, politically stable, culturally lively and (mostly) a pretty tolerant, open-minded place. What’s more, its citizens are highly media-literate; nobody really believes that the USA is the gleaming slab of perfection that Hollywood presents.
We know, for instance, that urban decay is as real in Detroit as it ever was in Birmingham; that opioids are as much a crisis in the rural USA as smack is in our inner cities; that our knife violence problem is dwarfed by American gun violence.
What we see over the pond today is somewhere different, not somewhere better: a place with its own strengths and weaknesses, just like Britain. There will always be some who decide that the USA is the place for them, just as there are US citizens - more than a few here on Quora - who have come to regard Britain as home.
It’s always a mistake to generalise about whole countries, but I think it's fair to say that, in Britain, we mostly don’t really envy our friends in the States.


Stephen Morgan
I first went to the USA at age 19 in 1976 and went back many times and traveled and did business all over until 2001 when I stopped visiting due to the ‘hostile non welcome you would get’.
Back in the 70’s I had still the concept that the USA was a fantastical advanced Country where anything was possible and the technology was way ahead of anything we had in the UK.
TBH I think it was but like the song goes…’something happened along the way’…..
Sometime in the early 90’s things started to go South and everything went into decline and the pace is still accelerating today.
I think sadly the USA has passed the,point of no return, it is not about to vanish or collapse but the basic finances do not stack up now even to a layman like myself and the social division between rich and poor has widened to the point where it is apparent to everyone it has gone too far.
Empires come and go and even the best slowly crumble.


Heather Goddard
I have never envied the US life and lifestyle. Reading posts on Quora I actually feel sorry for the citizens of the US.
The right to bear arms may provide a feeling of safety and freedom to some but ignores the majority who are intimidated by gun owners and fearful in their own community.
The health care system is skewed to make more money for the rich. The caring seems to have been lost in the desire for a profitable business.
The number of conspiracy theories abound from microchips in vaccinations, global warming being a lie and COVID-19 being just flu. The theories may have started elsewhere but seem to thrive and grow in the US. Skepticism is healthy because it allows for more in depth research and development. Distrust and denial of the truth stifles progress.
The blind faith that the US is the greatest country on earth actually impedes its development.


Jenny James
We lived in Prague for three years and in NYC for three years and during our time in the US we did a road trip across to LA and fly back. The trip took two weeks as we stopped in various places, two days with friends in Nebraska and three nights in Las Vegas and saw a lot of the country.
The US is completely different to the UK and we enjoyed our time over there, had a good time and made some great friends. Absolutely no regrets living in NYC or seeing the country. Would we go back? No, only to visit friends and not envious of America or its lifestyle, America is for Americans.


Geoffrey Thorndyke
“Americans’ life and lifestyle”? - now is that the life of a highly paid silicon valley employee, who drives a Tesla and has a lovely house near the beach or the life of a 55 year old unemployed african-american with a health problem living in Chicago?
Is the “Brit” a young man living on a sink estate in South Shields, who has no skills no training and left school early or a successful businessman in the Midlands with a large house, a villa in Spain and a boat on the River Severn?
In the UK we see pictures of homeless people living in tents on the street of wealthy US cities. To be honest this has now become the image that comes to mind when the words “American Lifestyle “ are mentioned.
In America and Britain there are millions of people living good satisfying and comfortable lives. There are also tens of millions living mean, dangerous utterly miserable lives,

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Robert Frost
Any envy might likely be for the illusion of American life and lifestyle.
I am both American and British and spent the first half of my life traveling back and forth between the two countries. A lot changed during that period and a lot has changed since that time.
I recall the British people I spoke to being envious, but it was envy of an illusion. They hadn’t been to America, so their perspective was based upon American television. At the time, one of the most popular American television series was a nighttime soap opera called Dallas, that told the story of a family in the oil business. My British friends imagined that when I went to America, I was living in a house like the Southfork Ranch where the Ewing family lived, on Dallas. British television, at the time, depicted a much more realistic environment. One of the most popular characters was a middle aged woman named Hilda Ogden who was always seen in hair curlers. People on British television looked like the people in your neighborhood. People on American television were all like Greek statues come to life - tanned, thick curly hair, muscular or voluptuous, and teeth like bathroom tiles. They lived in giant houses or apartments, and although they had jobs, never seemed to have to do them. And they always had new clothes. So, people in Britain couldn’t be faulted for thinking there was some reality in that depiction. Who wouldn’t want to go to America and share an apartment with Janet and Chrissy, or drive a Ferrari like Thomas Magnum?


I recall going back to England and being annoyed that stores weren’t open on Sunday, like they were in America. Then I remember getting older and returning to England to finds that stores were now open on Sunday and being saddened that people had to work on Sunday, because I didn’t really have to go to the store on Sunday.
I recall my dad, who has lived in both countries talking about the biggest difference to him was that in Britain, if he got very sick, he knew that the one thing he didn’t have to worry about was bankrupting his family, like he would have, in America. He misses the warmth of Florida and better coffee, but not much else.
I recall my dad always working overtime in America but never in Britain. He was more of a dad, in Britain.


Both countries have their pluses and minuses. It saddens me greatly when I return to England and see things like a McDonalds or Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant in my old neighborhood. It saddens me greatly when I am in America and see the obsession with guns. Although Brexit made clear that stupid is everywhere, I hold out hope that something like Trumpism couldn’t survive in Britain. I’m happy when I watch a British detective series and the lead hasn’t had their teeth veneered, like Americans do.
As I get older, I realize more and more that quality of life isn’t about being able to have more things. Being able to have more things is the American religion and is becoming the British religion. So, maybe there is some envy there. But what I envy is my dad’s life that is essentially walking the dogs in the country and stopping for a pint or two at a country pub. Throw in a pork pie at that pub and what more could one want from life?


I am American and I am married to a British man. Additionally, a large segment of my family lives in the UK so I spent a lot of time there prior to meeting my husband. I'm going to answer this without dissing either country since I love both.
First of all, you need to understand that lifestyles in both countries vary a lot. In the UK, I know people that live in the center of London and some that live in a 400 year old house in a tiny village next to an old lady who won't leave the house without a hat (think Miss Marple). These are wildly different lifestyles, even though they are only about 2–3 hours from each other. The former don't have a car because having a car in London is an unnecessary burden. The latter have two cars because they need cars for practically everything. The former are child-free millionaires who take multiple holidays a year and the latter are often struggling to make ends meet because they have kids and middle-class jobs.


There is also a ton of lifestyle variation in the US, a lot more in fact because the US is just that much bigger. Where I live, I rarely need a car for anything and I can walk everywhere (this is more common in the UK). Where my parents live, they need a car just to go to the nearest coffee shop. Where my brother lives, he doesn't technically need a car but the winter is so brutal that it's hard to walk 20 minutes without getting frostbite. The climate is extremely different across the US. While there is record-breaking heat in some places, it's 12C and foggy where I am today. In other parts of the US today it will be pouring down rain while in many states, it hasn't rained in weeks. Winter is obviously a completely different proposition in Minnesota than it is in Florida. As is summer. Michigan summers are gorgeous while Florida in August is one of the worst things I've experienced.


My lifestyle has much more in common with people in London than it does with people in suburban or rural America. Likewise, people in rural or suburban England have more in common than they might think. I know because I've seen and experienced all of it, unlike many answerers who are just coming up with tired old Britain vs America tropes.
It is impossible to do a fair cost equivalence between house sizes in the UK vs US. For one thing, states like Kansas and Iowa are going to drastically bring the averages down and that's not really a fair equivalent. The UK has very little, if any land that no one actually wants. The US has a lot of this type of land. I was in a rural part of the US last month visiting family and I was shocked that most of the houses around there were less than $50,000 USD. However, on thinking about it, what would you do while living there? It's quite pretty but living there would actually be hard. The economy is in shambles and there are no jobs. Their grocery store was actually more expensive than my local farmers market in San Francisco (although there was an entire aisle of Twinkies that were very cheap). A single tomato was $1 and it wasn't even a good-looking tomato. The nearest doctors are miles away, let alone specialists - which you're going to need if you eat all those Twinkies because they're so much cheaper than tomatoes. These types of isolated areas are more rare in the UK because nothing is that far or disconnected from everything else.


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