2022-03-27 Kira_Yoshikage 13376

What's the most out of touch thing you've heard a person say?


“Aren’t you a bit too old to have a grandma?” A neighbor when I told her my grandma just passed away.


Had a friend in dental school who grew up in the rich suburbs north of Detroit. We were talking about traveling (she was going to Thailand for spring break) and she said “I’d be surprised if most people hadn’t travelled to at least 20 countries”. I told her I’d be surprised if most people had ever left the US at all.


Ahh to be rich enough to travel to at least 20 countries…


I've barely been to 20 states. And most of those were just passing through on my way to somewhere else.


I haven't even visited 20 states


"Africa is a country." In front of an Ethiopian who insisted that Africa is a continent...


This and those puzzled people who meet african immigrants and wonder if they are hungry, thirsty or are surprised/impressed that they know what civilization is


It's interesting how many people think that all of sub-Saharan Africa is just collections of thatched huts filled with fly-covered, pot-bellied children and half-naked, floppy-breasted women. Maybe some guys with spears and bones in their noses standing off to the side.


Show such people the skyline of Lagos or Nairobi and they'll be trying to figure out which state or European country they're looking at.


Recently got a new job that paid double what I used to make. When I resigned my former boss told me money isn't everything lol. I was only making minimum wage before


As a friend once said -- Money can't buy happiness but I find that it makes misery so much more comfortable.


When a guy was upset his wife was making him “babysit” their infant too much, so he and his mom told her there’d be no more going out. He said him going out all the time was different than her going out, and when asked for clarification he said because she’s better at changing diapers and getting the baby to sleep. It truly blows my mind that there are morons out there who think taking care of their own children is babysitting.


I had a guy at work complain to me that he couldn't go play golf that weekend because he had to babysit his kids. I said you know most people just call that being a father right?


Who is your chocolatier?


Ok, I NEED to know the context for this one, if you’d care to share it.

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I was at an open house looking for a new property and two women were discussing their favorite restaurants. One asked this question and I remembered that some people just live such different lives.


Wow. Imagine being able to drop that line un-ironically with a straight face.


You’re right, some people just live exceedingly different lives than the rest of us.


They were indeed having a very normal conversation for them because the other woman started listing the pros and cons of different chocolatiers.


I felt like a member of the peasant class overhearing their conversation.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I used to work for a minor aristocrat. Some advice he gave out, in absolute sincerity, over the years:


"Don't take out a mortgage, whatever you do. Terrible things. You'll end up paying a lot more for your house, you know".


"The thing about a Bentley is that you have to have a crap car too. I mean, there are times when a Bentley just isn't appropriate and what you need is a crap car." ("Crap car" later turned out to be an expensive Alpha Romeo, and "a Bentley" to be "several Bentleys")


Recommending the Ritz in London as a place for regular after-work drinks


"I don't know how anyone survives on their company salary alone" (His salary was more than £300k (USD 500k) a year)

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I love the people that recommend buying a home using cash. The only average middle class people that can do that are the ones that get $$$ when a richer relative dies. No one can save the hundreds of thousands necessary and save for retirement, pay for child care, health insurance, and all the other things that drag the middle class family down in the US.


The most unusual thing I heard from my friend is that he seriously thinks that menstruation doesn't exist.


Sort of tangential. Back in college the entire class had a 10 minute argument with one student who didn't understand that not every country has citizenship by birth laws like the U.S. does. The professor held off jumping in for about five minutes to watch us explain it to her but couldn't take it anymore and figured the student would finally believe it when she said it. Nope, she started arguing with the professor too. The total out of touch part came when she finally conceded with, "Well that's stupid. They should just do things the way we do them here."


Wow, I was unaware of that. I also wouldn't argue with people telling me that though either.


Very very very few countries equate birth with citizen ship.


Know this first hand. Born and bred in the UK but wasn't a proper citizen until I almost finished secondary school


Someone I know sadly always brags about her 500k flat then tries to crowdfund for her cats bills

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Had a millionaire tell me it was so great that even though we could all be making much more than we were at our nonprofit, we stayed “for the kids” because “who needs money when your job is rewarding?”


"I wish we could make work from home possible for our business, but unfortunately we cannot" - said in a meeting over Zoom, poolside, while working from home


I had a manager very anti work from home or being sick or anything while I was there. Shortly after I left her dad got sick, who lived across the country, and she was able to work remotely off and on for months to help out. I am glad she was able to do that but there is no way she would have let anyone else. I despise her to this day.


I was working at a school for the kids of the 1% and we were discussing what a millionaire was, one example I gave was owning property or assets worth a million or over and the kid replied; “oh, so everyone is a millionaire then?”


everyone= all of the classmates. maybe not the teacher...

大家 = 班上的所有同学。或许不包括老师……

A relative of mine was a teacher at a high-end private school. When asked by her preschool kids what she'd do on her summer vacation, she said she'd catch up on some books, go see some movies, go to the park, etc.

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One of them asked, "You don't go to your summer home?"

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I was telling my boss how proud I was my husband got a new job (he's legally blind) And... she proceeds to tell me that she wishes she had a disabilty so she could just get handed a job... Had to walk away f4om that one.


"I could arrange that, bitch."


"The company owes you nothing, you owe the company everything" - My boss after I worked for 4 years in the company.


"Why don't you live on disability?" as a response to disabled people complaining about local government cutting back programs designed for making gainful employment accessible.


I work with disabled adults. This is a bigger problem than most people realize.


And people don’t realize that many government programs DEMAND that you stay permanently in abject poverty. Get a part time job ? Fuck you, no more healthcare, no more food, no more housing assistance, no more disability income.


Accidentally save more than $2,000 ? Fuck you too.


And without that little bit of help ? Homeless and starving and totally fucked. AND disabled.


It is disgraceful. First, it is hard to even get on disability because they deny almost 100% of first time claims. Then people, who are disabled cannot work, must hire a lawyer and fight the system. If they win, they get to received $1100/month which is well below the poverty line. And on top of that, they cannot even get a job to supplement their income.


$1100/month? Ha!


I get $700 a month. I can't work but I'd love to. If I happen to save ANY money over $2k I put it in a safe under my bed.


I miss having personal interactions with people. Yeah, it's nice not having to worry about medical insurance but there are times where I wonder why I can't work, even part time to get some money to live a happy life.



原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

“Why don’t you get a job?” from the same people when disability benefits get cut.


“Why are you still living at home at 23? Just buy a house…” Coming from someone whose parents bought her a house.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Have a friend whose wealthy parents paid for his schooling, his rent, his startup, his car, and his down payment.


He asked when we were finally going to buy a house because renting is such a waste of money.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

My brother had half of his house paid for by his FIL. Hey kept telling that the houses I'm looking at were too small and that I need bigger "to grow into" and I finally had to snap at him that I'm a single income and nobody is giving me a 50% down payment. Some people at just oblivious.


My son is 26. Still lives at home. He’d have to work approximately 3.5 full time jobs to afford a house in this absurd market.


Hell, I couldn’t afford the house I live in now in this market. My house is currently valued at over twice what my mortgage is for…but if I sold it, I couldn’t afford to. It another.


I'm 30 and living back at home for a year finally going to be moving out with 4 friends so we can afford renting a house

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

1 of us is an engineer and i work in IT and we can't really afford places on our own.


Oh man I'm just jealous you have 4 friends at 30


I grew up super poor, like going days without eating kinda poor, all because my mom legit thought welfare was only for "unwed black mothers". She never called anybody to confirm that, never asked around. She wouldn't apply for reduced school lunches either because that was "ghetto". Imagine being so racist and buying into the "welfare queen" lie so hard that you let your own children starve.


That was my mom. Didn't always have lunch money, asked about the reduced or free lunch. No it would be an embarrassment for us to be on the reduced lunch program. Bitch we are poor! Dad is disabled! You won't get a better job! It more embarrassing for me to have nothing verses something.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Mine said the same thing! That'd it would "embarrass the family". Who the fuck thinks like that?

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Suggested someone take the bus to save on gas prices. They responded "Ew, do you know what kind of people take the bus?"

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Yeah, working class people. And also me?

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Omg my moms friends were shocked that she “let me” take the bus to work Which 1. I’m a grown ass adult and 2. It’s perfectly safe and fine to take it during the day and loads of people do it. Just people outside the city have never taken public transit and think it’s full of burglars who use the train to transport their stolen HD TVs back to their city shacks ig


A year ago we were putting offers on houses, and our budget was low compared to what was available, and the realtor would ask “well can’t your parents help pitch in?”

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Lol which makes me think a lot of people are lucky enough for their parents to help with the home buying process but ya… not us

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Going through that now. Everyone in that industry thinks we could get a gift. Bitch even if they died I wouldn't get anything from my parents. Sorry. It's frustrating.


I attended a typical “rich kids” high school as one of the non-rich kids (atleast to the standards of the environment I was in). The amount of asinine, delusional shit I heard on the daily made my skin crawl sometimes.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

When my (ex) friend turned 16, her parents gave her one of their Beemers. The thing was maybe 5 years old. She non-stop complained at the fact her parents had the audacity to give her a used car instead of buying her the new Audi she wanted. One day, she was on another diatribe about how much her parents sucked for giving her a hand me down car and I snapped and told her that she should be grateful her parents had the means to give her her own car in the first place, let alone a luxury vehicle. Her response? “Well it isn’t my problem your parents don’t work hard enough”.


I was a peasant who shared one of my parents cars or took the bus. (Sarcasm)


"I don't understand why you bother renting an apartment. Just buy a house!" -My Dad, who hadn't purchased a house since 1993.


My advice to my younger colleagues is to buy a house in the year 2000, like I did. They don't seem to appreciate it. Kids these days...


Edit: Also more free advice - buy Apple stock in the 1980s. Trust me on this.


"why do you keep taking these low paying jobs?" -my parents, who think I work horrible shitty jobs for fun


"but you have a degree!!" -in English, guys. i'm a moron and things are not how they used to be


I was talking to this college student, and he said "I am thinking about taking a gap year between my junior and senior year. If I do take a gap year, I am gonna take that time and travel. I don't understand why people take a year off to work."

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“Taking out student loans is stupid. Just get a part-time job and stop buying lattes so you can pay your way like I did”.


A coworker who graduated from college in the 70s


Anytime someone says "Why did they throw that away? It could have been donated to a homeless person!" When referring to extremely expired or broken items.


While cleaning out my parents house before they moved, I emptied their fridge and pantry and separated out the expired stuff. My dad went through and gathered most of the food into a donation box... and then scooped in all the expired food as well. Some of this stuff was years expired and even open.


My partner and I kept trying to remove it and eventually it came down to an argument where my dad insisted that "the homeless would take whatever they could get". My dad had never had the experience of going hungry, while my partner had volunteered at food banks in the past. He was pissed that my dad was treating homeless people as less than human and insisting they should be grateful to eat his garbage.


Once my parents had left, I donated the expired food to the garbage can. If my dad was so concerned about wasting it, he should have either used it or donated it years ago when it was still safe to eat.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

When I used to help a charity, we'd get people donating literal rags, torn t-shirts and ruined trousers for the homeless, saying "it's good for somebody".


No, no it's not. These are worse than the clothes they are currently wearing. Why do some people think homeless people want junk? Don't they deserve something nice?


Yeah i worked at one for a few years, it always suprised me what people woulf give with zero shame thinking it was usefull. Boxes full of mouses nest, bag of clothes full of piss, boxes of random parts and stuff.


The one that always suprised me the most was furniture, people expected us to be able to build back their stuff whitout any plan on screws whatsoever and brought them unassembled, those go straight to the trash.


When the UK's covid lockdown ended, charity shops had to put out public campaigns saying please stop donating things to us that you wouldn't buy- people were giving stained clothing and damaged goods that volunteers were wasting time and money on arranging disposal because no one wants them.


I also argued with a roommate who expected a charity to accept shitty, scuffed up furniture as if they should be grateful. I don't know why people think charities should want all their old shit.


My dad just died about a month ago. My company gave me 4 days unpaid off. I was really close to my father so this was hard for me to deal with. My pay cheque was enough to pay bills, but I had to buy my groceries on credit card to get by. My bosses brother in law died the following week. All he talks about is how hard this is on his wife. Between the stress of her brother dying, and the reno on there million dollar cabin he's taking his whole family to Hawaii for 10 days this month to try to deal with there grief. Mean while I'm pricing urns out on Amazon to try to save money, trying to sell my dads tools to help my mom, working full time and taking care of a toddler.


Some guy at my work recently said he hopes Russia invades Canada so he can shoot some Russians. This is a 40-50 year old dude btw

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I was 16 when I lost my dad. Our family is very, very close and I wasn't expecting so I was hit pretty hard. A month after his death, I was picking up a book at a friends house, but my friend wasn't home, so her mother was the one to give me the book.

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She asked how was my family, and I said we were trying to get back on our feet. Her exact words were: "Oh don't worry honey. Give it a year or two and you even forget your father ever existed."


I was so shocked. She continued saying that first we forget their voices, and then their faces. I left her house feeling numb, sad and scared that I would forget my father.


If you can't afford gas, buy an electric vehicle.


"It's one banana, Michael. What could it cost, $10?"


“I don’t want my taxes going to poor people who can’t help themselves.”


Said by a fourteen whose parents were fairly wealthy. I’m pretty sure the fourteen year old was not paying taxes.


Honestly that's just a sign of parroting of what the parents are probably saying.. Common in kids who grow up priveleged. See it plenty as a teacher, and theres a good chance the kid does not really understand what they are saying yet


“If I can buy a car working 3 hours a week for my parents, so can you !”.


Actual quote from a kid my daughter went to school with.


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