为什么冲浪这么难学( 二)
2022-03-27 龟兔赛跑 7632

Why is surfing so difficult to learn?


James Monty Smith, President at Legend Surf Classic. PR. (2014-present)
Surfing is a high energy sport. It takes lots of strenght just to paddle out to the line up for catching waves. If there are lots of waves and you dont have expericence even harder. Then you have to coordinate your wave paddling into catching a moving wave that breaks in different location every time. So there are several factors that you must learn and develope coordination just to catch a wave and fall off. It take lots of dedication and time and practice to develope basic skills to surf. Many never get to the next stage without lots of work and practice and dedication to learn.


Paul Shustak, Surfing
I hope this doesn’t dissuade you but its the most challenging sport I’ve ever done, and I’ve tried many. Its sort of like skiing, except the mountain is moving all around you. But this challenge makes it endlessly fascinating and catching a wave is just about the biggest thrill you’ll ever experience. Even when you’re not catching waves, you’re immersed in nature, plugged into the planet and getting a great workout.


Stephen Flynn, surfing full time in Indonesia


Because no 2 waves are ever exactly the same, outside of Kelly Slater’s wave pool. Surfing is pretty unique in that respect, the playing field is constantly moving, your trying to balance/harness nature’s energy on this piece of foam and fibreglass. To even get in the game, you have to be superfit, have done your time building up the the required muscles and fitness just to catch a wave. Unlike skateboarding, snowboarding, waterskiing theres a no way your going to be a good surfer any time soon. It takes years of constantly riding waves to even get to an intermediate/good level…pretty much where most of us are. There are of course those freak exceptions..kids that progross really fast, and up as pros. I’ve been riding for 40 years and definitely am no stand-out surfer (although i have my moments on certain waves, on certain days..we all do). It’s hard and when you think your on top of your game, mother nature will show you who is boss and give you beat down when you least expect it, It’s literally one of the best things in life you can do…..worth the effort.


Antonio Pedro, former Dreamer (2001-2017)
It’s hard. Nevertheless it is also rewarding. The big thing about surf is that despite most of the people find it hard, they also can learn how to surf. Today surf school offer many board option that can help anyone to standup on a board and surf a wave, but you must take in account that in order to become a surfer there is a long way. In my case I surf since I am 16, and still learn new things everyday.


Bam Alam, lives in Byron Bay, NSW, Australia (1982-present)


I think if you’re really into it, it’s not that hard. My advice as someone who grew up near the ocean is to learn about waves, rips, swell, tides etc to cater to your experience is key. Then there’s equipment. Right board for the conditions. Obviously fitness comes into play. Your whole body is worked hard in the water. You’ll feel sore in muscles you didn’t know you had. Throw some sunburn and sitting in salt water to the mix and you’ll sleep well that night.


Rodrigo Valentim
I disagree.
Why don't you try to learn how clean the toilet? That's difficult to learn, especially because it's way too boring.
Surf is fun, so if you have any kind of hard time learning, maybe you should focus in get more experience before try something that you can't handle, e.g., Can you do pushups with only 2 fingers? Bruce Lee used to do it, so anyone can, right? But can anyone just do it from scratch? You need to be prepared to do something like that and it's not different for surf.
If you want to go pro, so any sport will be difficult, if you just want to have fun, should be easy, if it's not, then you're probably surfing with the wrong board, nowadays you have several options, from body surf up to longboards, just try another style, once you have fun again, time will pass and when you least realize, everything will be easy, at least up to pro level.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Joe Wasia, studied International Relations at Universitas Udayana (2017)
Surfing is difficult to learn because we are dealing with nature. And you know how dangerous nature can be!
You may read thousands of articles on the web about learning to surf, but you will never know how to surf until you try it yourself.
I would say you can’t learn surfing just by yourself. You need a surf coach or a surfer friend.
Anyway, most of the surfers now are those growing up and living near beaches - and they are surrounded by surfers.


Luca Bisoni, Digital Project Manager (2010-present)
I’ve been surfing for the last 15 years regularly and went to a few renowned surf breaks around the world. I’m Brazilian, on my 30’s, who went to Indonesia, Australia, Morocco, South Africa, Portugal, etc. just for the pleasure of traveling and riding good waves.
You will need to understand how crucial paddling is. Timing is the single most important factor when learning how to surf. A lot of beginners find it difficult as they struggle to gain speed. They put too much effort on evolving their stand up technique or feet positioning that they end up ignoring how to sync in with the wave momentum. It’s a bit like learning how to ride a bike: work on your speed and your balance will come naturally with a bit of time.
To evolve and become an advanced surfer is a different story. It surely won’t happen overnight or even in a few months. You will need plenty of time, perseverance, passion for the sport and, above all, love for the sea.


Elwood Wyatt, 50+ years of surfing on Oahu and in San Diego.
How hard is surfing? If I started surfing today how long until I could stand up on the board and actually ride a wave?
Maybe one day, if you are fit and lucky enough to have surf for your lesson at the proper beach! Maybe up to a week, if you are less fit. After a one hour lesson at age 12, I’d paddled into and ridden a few waves by myself and never needed another lesson - I just rented boards in Waikiki for the rest of my trip and took up surfing for real when my family moved back to Hawaii a year later.
Surfing does depend on your being strong in your upper body - paddling is the hardest thing about surfing. If you are already a strong swimmer you already have a big advantage. Skateboarding skills would also help a fair bit.
Once you’ve ridden your first waves there is still a lot to learn - expect to take at least 5 years to become proficient and learn to read the surf well. But it will be a lot of fun if you’ve come to enjoy the ocean. Just sitting out in the water is enjoyable, even without waves!


Michael Bruton, Casual but passionate surfer.
Can I learn to surf? I am older than 20 and never did.
I am 33 and just started surfing last summer. It has changed my life. I have never had a hobby (not a sporty person and not in particularly good shape) that I have been as excited about as surfing.
Ten months in I am a horrible surfer, but I am SO much better than I was. Even the bad surf days are a lesson in paddling, sitting, swimming, and sunning. Even when you’re not good enough to catch a wave (a good popup for me happens about once every 3 sessions, if that) you still get this amazing cocktail of sun, exercise, fun, adventure, and a connection with nature that you’ve never had anywhere else. There are so many skills to learn that each session provides you with something, and when you get better at those skills it is IMMENSELY satisfying.
On my hour drives home from the beach (I go at least three times a week in the summer despite the drive) I am mellow, calm, and in a good mood even if I have been doing nothing but getting slammed all day. Some days I make it a goal to wipe out at least ten times because even if I can’t get up at least I’ll know I’m doing my best to get into the waves. The cool thing about surfing is that even failing at it is the most fun you’ll have all month!


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

And when you succeed it is incomparable. Last September I was surfing in conditions that were probably too big for me in St. Augustine. I was a good three hundred yards out trying to get into some of the residual swell from a hurricane. I somehow got into a monster and suddenly I was sitting on my knees (didn’t quite pop all the way up) skating across this beautiful slab of water reflecting the gold orange of the setting sun and it was sea spray and wind and speed and it took my breath away. That’s not figurative. When the water cleared I and I saw where I was my breath caught in my chest and I didn’t dare breathe for fear I would crush the moment. I’ve never had a feeling like that in my whole decently-well-lived life.
I haven’t ridden a wave like that since but I am going to spend the rest of my life trying to. I’m hooked and it has been such a blessing.
It doesn’t matter if you’re older than 20 or older than 60. Don’t be intimidated, don’t be scared. Get out in the lineup, learn every day, and love it man. I’m so glad I took the opportunity despite my “advanced” age.


Kevin Fleming, Follow Me on Instagram Xxxsurfstar
What's the cause of death in surfing accidents?
Drowning is the obvious answer, but it's what happens before that causes the drowning . Sometimes In shallow water you will strike a rock or the reef with your head, knocking you unconscious and then you drown. Or you can hit your board with your head with the same results .
Then there are shark attacks, very rare. But then there are the total freak occurrences. You can get sliced with the fins on the bottom of your board, anywhere from your foot to your head, possibly slicing your throat or somewhere else where you bleed out in the water before you can get help.
Cardiac arrest from over exertion can happen, surfing can be an intense workout , and as surfers age, the stress we put on our hearts can cause a heart attack. A Broken neck can also occur when the head hits the reef or rocks underwater . And sadly, drug overdose in the lineup has occurred , crystal meth levels in surfers who have died in the water have been found to be fatal, and can also cause a heart attack or contribute to poor decision making. Surfing big waves while high on meth is itself a poor decision. A great but sad article about Peter Davi and his last ride can be read at “The Death of a World Class Surfer”, chronicling an epic swell and the death of a Legend.
Here is a freak incident that almost cost me my life. I was surfing Pavones, Costa Rica, with nearly mile long rides. If you have never surfed an extremely long wave, it's unreal. I used to say” i get more practice on one wave at Pavones than I do all year in Delaware. “ And it takes A LOT out of you, you need to be in excellent cardiovascular condition .


So I was riding a long Pavones left in about 6–8 foot waves, and had ridden it about 100–200 yards, an extremely long ride anywhere else in the world. As I was falling, I tried to take a deep breath, but inhaled a fair amount of sea foam .
Immediately my lungs began to spasm, my body reacting to the liquids entry into my body's breathing apparatus .
Now this would be a challenging situation at any time.
On land it's a situation where a coughing fit would ensue for half a minute, maybe more. But I had just surfed for 45 seconds of intense carving on a 6 foot wave , and I was winded, and I was starving for air. I was going to be in a sticky situation even BEFORE I inhaled the water into my lungs. So now my body wanted very badly to breath deep and replenish my bloods oxygen levels, but the liquid had sent my body into spasms. Then i went underwater and got tumbled around and pummeled by a giant Pacific wave as my body fought itself, fighting over what it needed to do, what it wanted to do, and what it was dealing with, and the result was….nothing .
I couldn't cough, I couldn't breathe, I couldn't clear my throat, meanwhile my brain was telling my body to “ BREATHE DEEP, IN and OUT, BREATH…. And I'm still underwater , trying to surface and not panic . I surfaced, trying to relax, trying to cough, and trying to breathe, but at least now that my head was above water I would be able breathe air, if only I could get my lungs to quit spasming. I told my body to relax and inhale, but couldn't.


Suddenly I was pummeled again by a wall of whitewater. I didn't even see it coming, and I was tumbling around underwater as my body became more deprived and starved for oxygen. I couldn't even cough, and I remembered before giving a person the Heimlich maneuver , you always asked “ can U speak ? Because if a person can speak or cough , or make any noise at all, just leave them alone and watch them carefully, because their bodies defenses are dealing with it. It's only when a person CANT cough or talk, or make any noise at all that they are in trouble. The body's self defense mechanisms are overwhelmed and the motions that would normally fix it aren't working . Thats where I was, I couldn't cough, I couldn't breathe, I was just silently in the throes of that gagging spasm, and seconds were ticking by. This would have been a terrible situation to be in on land, and I was in the ocean getting pounded by whitewater, exhausted, wanting, and NEEDING air but unable to breathe , and I was starting to get nervous. I was near panicking , and I knew that this could be the end. I was going to die because I was winded after a 100 yard wave and when I needed air badly, instead had inhaled water and prevented the much needed oxygen exchange from taking place. The wave in Pavones is ridden parallel to the shore, so I was about 100 feet from beach , but i couldn't yell for help and I knew something had to happen soon.
I knew that in order to stop the spasms, I had to relax my diaphragm , and so I tried, and at the same time I tried to cough up some of the water from my lungs. I managed to relax a little finally , and took a small gasp of air. A very small gasp, because the water that was still in my lungs prevented me from inhaling much air.


Boom! I got hit again by another wave, the whitewater taking me by surprise . I wasn't paying attention because i was focused on trying to breathe. I had no idea where my board was, it was around somewhere , but I had too much going on to try and find it, and I needed a break, just 5 seconds to get my head straight , for confusion and panic was taking over. I knew that I was close to drowning. Suddenly I heard a voice say“ Are you ok ?”


An older long boarder was paddling toward me, After about 15 small gasps, and bigger and bigger coughs, I could inhale almost a normal breath and almost exhale without coughing . At this point my fight to breathe was over, now I just had to catch my breath. It took me about 2 minutes of rapid breathing before I could slow it down and it wasn't until later that night that I could take a deep breath without setting off a coughing fit.Thank God that surfer recognized I was in trouble . If he hadn't paddled over and let me grab his board to relax and steady myself I was going to die.


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