2022-04-01 Kira_Yoshikage 10253

Who is the total stranger you will never forget and why?


I was a kid and a gentleman at the next table in a restaurant could speak 6 languages or so. He gave examples of a few. I was so impressed and since then wanted to learn languages. I speak 6 fluently myself now, plus a couple more at a basic level, so it had a real positive impact.


When I was a kid, an older man brought me a portrait of a clown that he'd drawn on the back of his placemat while he was waiting for his pizza.


It was such a good drawing that my mom wouldn't let me keep it. She put it away because she said that I would ruin it.


Perhaps she was right, but I really wish she'd let me put it on my bedroom wall. That was the day I decided to become an artist.


One day when I am old, I am going to give a drawing to a kid at a pizza restaurant and hope that another artist is born. It probably won't be a clown, though. I don't want to risk it.


I love this insane amounts.


How the hell do you manage 6+ languages in your head?


Two are already enough for me. Sometimes I even forget words in my mother tongue because I speak it so rarely.


My country has 3 official languages plus we speak english. It kinda just... works? :D

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I was walking home after picking up some food one evening and I saw a younger guy pushing an old Hispanic woman in a wheelchair. As I got close, he stopped me and asked for help. The old woman had missed her bus and needed help getting home. She also didn’t really speak English and neither I or the guy spoke Spanish well. The guy explained that she couldn’t get in a normal car in her condition and that he had already pushed her about a mile. He asked me to push her the rest of the way as he was already late for his shift at work.


I agreed and pushed the woman for around 90 minutes while she cursed me each time we hit a bump. She was very grateful when we finally arrived at her home. I was hungry and stopped at a bench on my walk back home to eat my food.


Pushed her for 90 minutes? You are a saint!


A lovely lady at the cemetery saw me visiting my grandmother's grave.


As I've described, she came over with flowers intended for her husband's grave and shared them with me - placing them near grandmother's headstone.


Her kindness and generosity touched me at a moment that was especially meaningful. I'll never forget her.


Seattle WA native, most of mine are tweaker I met on the bus coming home from school who just saw me amd had to tell me SOMETHING.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

We get a lot of drug users on busses who want to talk to young kids about totally inane nonsense. They don't mean any harm.


One guy lectured me about the economics of farming Lettuce, one told me all about how life is hard and gave me life advice, and one guy was on the phone screaming to his buddy about how he just killed someone and then hung up on him and started talking to me about Pokémon because he saw I was playing Heart Gold.


People sure are bizarre.


Seattle is insane. Seeing a cop smoke meth with a very elderly lady has stuck in my mind for years


I’ve been living in downtown Seattle for the past 5 months. This is the most accurate portrayal of what it’s like that I’ve seen. I’ve come to realize that other than my coworkers and me, everyone in Seattle does meth, crack, or heroin. And their favorite place to do it is in the street across from my office. It just has the perfect ambience or something. I have not slowed down enough to hear their stories though.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The random guy at the bus stop when I was about 14 who came up to me and said "Don't ever try heroin, you'll love it." And I never did!

我14岁的时候在公交站遇到过一个人,他走上来对我说 “永远也不要试海洛因,你会爱上它的。”我这辈子都没试过!

Very true.It is better to not even try it.My only addiction are cigarettes and no matter how hard I try to stop I am still smoking.I became so easily addicted to them that I promised myself to never try any drug even once.I am so happy I did that because I could get addicted to many other things too.So to not even try stuff like that is the smartest decision.


I was 16 and had flown across the country to visit family and friends for the summer. We had just moved away from those parts, and it was a tough adjustment for me.


I stayed with my “uncle” he was very much like family, but not biological. Anyway, he had moved in this crazy lady and was going to marry her. She- was an absolute nightmare. So much so, that my uncles sister offered to have me stay with her.


Well, for me, that was right out of the frying pan and into the fire. She was unstable at best, and I was a rebellious teen. I overheard her one day complaining on the phone about me staying there, that she wasn’t being paid for it etc. I think it had been about a week at the time.


Anyway, she lost her shit on me one afternoon following that phone call & told me to gtfo of her house. So, I packed my 2 suitcases and left.


I had $100 in my pocket, 2 suitcases and a plane ticket for a week later in the next state over. I began marching down the road and trying to formulate a plan, cell phones weren’t a tool that everyone had at the time. Her house was on a lonely dirt road about 5-8 miles from a small town of about 1500 people or so.


A truck pulled up beside me, and a weathered cowboy rolled down the window and said “miss, you look like you can use a ride.” I looked at him, the truck, the road, and that house I was staying at in the distance. I rolled the dice, threw my stuff into the back of his truck knowing that could be the end to my short time on earth.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

He told me he was going to take me back to his house, he had a wife and kids there and that I was welcome to stay as long as I needed. I was skeptical, but hopeful. Sure enough we made a couple turns and pulled into this beautiful farm house, with plenty of children’s toys outside. I was greeted by his sweet wife and children.


I asked to use their phone to make a long distance call back to my parents. They graciously agreed. I called my mom, she called my uncle and he immediately left to come pick me up. I stayed playing with their children in the pool until he arrived. That man, that family are true angels on earth, and I will never forget them, nor their kindness.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Well I guess I forgot about him in one way. I was in a motorcycle accident where a car swerved head on at me, and I took a major blow to the head. Thankfully I always wore a helmet, so that took 95% of the blow. But I was still understandably very shook.


I barely remember getting hit, and then bam I was just laying there on the ground almost blacked out, drifting from consciousness to unconsciousness. And this dude in a company van pulled over asking what the fuck was wrong with the car that hit me since he saw it all happen, and the dude ran over to me, helped me up to my legs (i remember falling over once after he picked me up) and drove me to the nearest hospital in his company van (it was only a couple of blocks away, so no need to call an ambulance).


I remember crying, and repeatedly saying "I'm so sorry" for no reason. Something in my brain obviously fried from the fall. And then I noticed my arm was bleeding all over his seat, which made me say sorry even more and he laughingly said "it's okay, the company will pay for that".

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Then we arrived, and he took me to the ER and waited with me for a doctor to come. The doctor checked me up, took the helmet off (which I still wore for the whole trip, which is very important until a doctor can make sure it's fine to take it off) and made sure I wasn't seriously hurt. Meanwhile the dude that helped me is still sitting in the waiting room for me.


I took a couple of xrays because my arm hurt a lot, but it was just a hairline crack in my bone, so nothing major. But this still took like an hour to get the pictures developed, etc.


After that I was free to go, and I saw the dude still sitting there, waiting for me. And not just THAT.


Turns out directly after he left me with the doctors, he drove to the accident scene and took photos of everything for insurance purposes, and also called the police. He also propped up my motorbike against a nearby wall to protect it for more damage.


And then he went back to the ER, waited for me, and then texted all pictures and information to me, and he also said he'd witness incase the woman that hit me tried to pull something legal against me. And then he drove me home and helped me into my bed.


The dude literally took like 3 hours of his own time when he was supposed to be working, and helped me with everything instead. And I never even got his name.


I was 15 and sitting at a cafe w a friend. a much older dude came up and asked if he could read my palm and I said sure. he just looked at it for a minute and then said 'I've never seen this many lines in my life, you're fucked'. then he left. I'll never stop finding that hilarious.


Pro cake decorator here. I was asked to make a ‘welcome baby cake’. They then immediately asked what the cancellation policy was because they were not sure that the baby was going to make it.


I never wanted to make a cake so badly in my life.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

They picked up the cake.


This was years ago, I think about that little girl all the time. I hope she is thriving.


"For sale: baby shoes. Never worn."


I know this is supposed to be sad but my daughter had some fuckin BLOCKS for feet when she was little. She's alive and well but I'd be able to do that whole "For sale: baby shoes. Never worn." thing just because the shoes we got were barbie sized.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

LOL, my son had some big honkin’ Flintstone feet, too. So many cute little shoes he couldn’t wear.


Why do baby feet need to be so thick?


RIGHT? Where does all that extra foot-meat come from??


A homeless woman I saw every now and then on my way to the grocery store. She asked for money once and I said I'm sorry, but I'm too broke to give her some. She memorized and never asked me again but we greeted each other friendly every time we met for several years.


One day I met her, she hugged me out of nowhere and told me she found a proper job and got an apartment and she's spending the day in front of the grocery store to let the people know she knows from seeing for so long so they won't be worried.


This was one of the most joyful moments in my life and I sometimes think about her when I'm in that area. I used to live there a few years after that and I never saw her again.


Thirty years ago, I was 17, with dreams of becoming a music teacher.


It was a Saturday morning in my small city, and I was walking a couple blocks from the library to the mall to buy myself lunch.


On the way, I ran into a woman, who looked like she was in her 30s but also much older, like she lived a tough life. She asked if she could have a dollar to buy a cup of coffee. I told her if she walked with me, I’d buy her lunch.


Over the course of our walk and lunch, she told me she was a music teacher. Her father was diagnosed with cancer so she moved in with him to take care of him. She had to take him to so many medical appointments that she couldn’t work full time, so she became a substitute teacher instead. Her income dropped and was inconsistent, and they couldn’t afford to pay their phone bill and therefore she couldn’t be called for work.


I could tell that she was being honest, based on the mutual music teachers we knew and the details she gave. That was the day that I truly understood that sometimes good people do all the right things but just have shitty circumstances, and I realized the importance of not passing judgement and instead showing compassion.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I ended up studying music Ed but not becoming a teacher. Instead, I’ve dedicated my career to working at nonprofits that help people.


When I was nine, my mom took my 4-year-old sister and me to the mall. At one point, my mom was stuck in a long checkout line, so my sister and I wandered out the door to sit on the bench on the promenade outside (it was the 80s). We were on the third floor of the mall.


As nine-year-old kids tend to do, I soon got distracted and walked over to look at something in a neighboring shop window. A few moments later, I heard a very loud mans voice shout, "Little girl, I don't think you should be climbing on th..."

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I turned around just in time to watch my sister slip and catapult herself over the railing. She'd been climbing on the planter next to the bench.


We were three stories up. That fall should have killed her.


But that guy, that total stranger, had seen her climbing and started walking over to pull her down. A random person saw a child doing something dangerous and decided to step in. When she started to fall, that stranger moved faster than fucking lightning, closed the gap, and caught her around the waist just as she cleared the wrong side of that handrail. He hit the rail so hard the entire thing rang like a churchbell.


My mom, who had watched the entire scene in horror from inside the store, came flying out the door at that point and scooped her out of his arms. The guy just smiled and said "You've got a real climber there. I'd keep her away from high places."


And then he turned and walked away. Went back to whatever he was doing before. That guy saved my sisters life, and we never even got his name.


I was on the London Underground many years ago on a train that was just pulling away. In a fleeting moment I made eye contact with a guy on the platform and he started smiling and running alongside the train comedy-style waving to me until the end of the platform. It still makes me smile thinking about it now


I had a bad day. Missed two busses. I was furious when I came to my stop, knowing that i had to wait for another two hours.


An old man was sitting there, enjoying some chocolate and calmy told me: „Anger mostly means you habe a lot of sorrow.“


With that one sentence he made me realize how irrelevant my anger was. I calmed down quickly.


Thanks old man.


Its the old people, man. They get it.


I was in college and just got dumped by the girl I was seeing. I left class and went to smoke and be moody for a minute. Its how I processed.


Well where we smoked was right beside a walking trail. An old lady walked by, stopped, looked at me and just said "You look sad".


I just said "yeah."


and she just smiled at me and walked off. And tryping it out now doesnt seem like much at all, but just the fact that she noticed helped a little bit. And she didnt offer any bullshit comfort, she just let me be sad. Idk it was nice in the moment.


Guy on the train home looked like something someone had chewed and spit out. Smelled of the beers he was carrying. Asks if he can sit with me - yeah that’s fine. I’m guessing he’s twenty years older than my twenty year old self, though life might have added some additional years.


We talk about music. Rock mostly. Our destination is the same. Nearing our end station, he explains that he’d had trouble with alcohol, but stayed off the wagon for 2 years. Then some shit went down with his ex that day, hence the fall back intro drinking.


Asks if I want to go home with him, he doesn’t want to be alone. I’m a man myself and at that time, a martial arts champion, so not afraid of anything. Nor would I have been even if I wasn’t trained.


So he happens to live halfway from the train station and my place. I help drink the last of his beers while explicitly avoiding being condescending or offering advice. As he says; he just doesn’t want to be alone. Doesn’t mean he wants a lecture from a young dude.


Well, he kind of ends up getting one anyway, because he has a guitar, and we take turns playing, and at some point he gets interested in how I can calculate chord progressions so fast; so I give a brief lecture on the circle of fifths.


Around 5 in the morning I head home; he promises to stay sober.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Fast forward 4 years at the local outdoor swimming pool; a guy walks up to me and begins chatting as if I know him. I’m with a girl, and he explains to her how he knows me because I spent a night at his place hindering him in falling back into alcoholism. I recognize him only because of that; he looks so different.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

So that’s one of the very best moments in my life. Knowing that I did make a difference for someone where I can honestly say it wasn’t because I was expecting something in return. I’ll never forget those events or the stranger; and yes I had moments where I considered making excuses and let him go his way, but I’m not raised that way and maybe I needed someone to talk to that night too.


I can also honestly say that I actually didn’t think my presence mattered at all; when I went home that morning from his place, I was actually fairly sure he’d walk straight down to the gas station and buy more beer. Turns out he didn’t, be took the hard road and straightened himself out.


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