2022-04-02 龟兔赛跑 8016

How much money do you need to start a business?


Beverly Diltz
Depends entirely on the type of small business. Accurate cost cannot be estimated as it totally based on the nature and size of the business you wanted to open. Depending on the type of business and what kind of investment is required will finalize the actual cost needed for small business. Small business can be started by offering services as well that sometimes doesn’t require any investments.


Jake McCoy, I'm a serial entrepreneur with several successful companies


No offense but this is a poorly written question. It's like asking “How much to eat a meal?”
Perfect example. I'm a micro business serial entrepreneur. I founded, and operate about ten different extreme niche companies. Mostly in the luxury lighting industry; and synthesizers. (Long story).
Last week I opened another company. It cost me a grand total of $135 , Three days later I did a two day project that paid $2,875. Zero expenses, I did it on my phone sitting in my living room. (I'm an expert on antique high value chandeliers, and I just opened a mini consulting business aimed at an extremely niche clientele; estate attorneys who are contesting asset uations).


My friend - You really and honestly don't need any money. Two years ago I opened a company selling a special crystal polish to antique stores. I make it myself. The entire production “factory” is under my kitchen sink. I make & sell less exactly 5 gallons per month. It takes me several hours to make a batch, less than $3 in materials for all five gallons plus the spray bottle. And I sell it for $60/quart. A scam? Hardly. I've had the same clients for ten years. It's my own recipe and it works perfectly. My marketing costs? In nearly a decade I've invested a staggering total of $79 into one ad, one time, on one antique forum. I only wanted a dozen steady customers. I've netted over $150k thus far from a company that I operate while I'm slow cooking brisket for my monthly family dinner.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Million dollar secret: (Literally). It's far far far easier to become successful, and make lots of money doing ONE thing extremely well. And the more bizarre and tiny it is, the better you'll do. Why? Because most guys dream of having a thousand men in a thousand trucks with their name on billboards.
Fuck that. I discovered when I was a child that making extremely strange sounds on a synthesizer for radio commercials was a genuine career. Then I figured out how to play all the types of piano chords used in pop songs. I didn't learn how to be a great piano player. I just figured out how to play those chords really well. I made my first million before I was 21. People still hire me to make goofy sounds and play the piano on records. Which ones? Can't tell you. Because I'm a “ghost player”. Other people get credit for my work. You see, my ego isn't tied to it. My ego is tied to having nice things.
But, on the other hand, if you want to start a submarine manufacturing company, then you need many many millions.
So you need to be way more specific when you ask questions like this because there's literally hundreds of thousands of answers.


Tom Bergman, Ph.D., C.P.A., Engineer, Entrepreneur, & Owner, Ear Plug Superstore.


As the others have said, it all depends… Allow me to suggest a little deeper response. Since you are asking this obviously trivial question (no offense intended…it is just a superficial, overly general question,) clearly, you have not yet delved into the concept of what it means to start a business.
Before you have any need to know what it will cost to start a business, you first need to know what resources you have. I would highly recommend that you perform a deep dive into developing a personal inventory, but first begin with why you might want to start a business, and be specific: how much profit do you want and need to meet your personal goals for the business? Do you just need enough to get out of debt? …enough to send your kids to college? …$200 a week? …become a millionaire for ego purposes? What is it exactly that you want from a business?
Once you have an understanding of what you want and need from a business, write it down. Set it in stone. This is your goal. You will need to refer back to it often. It will become your touchstone; absolutely critical for getting you through the tough times that inevitably will come your way.


The next step is to take inventory: what do you own? …house, car, second home, retirement account, family willing to provide funding, tools, workplace, etc. Next, what is your nut? How much do you have to have to make ends meet every month? Can you adjust anything? Can you sell something, get a second job, move things around, change homes, trade your car with payments for one without, dump the cable bill, take your meals at home to save money, whatever?
Now, what do you know how to do? …and what are you willing to do? Will you work 50 hours a week? …80?, more?, less? Get real. If you have never run a restaurant, and you want to pursue a restaurant, I highly recommend that you get trained first. Don’t go to school for that. Go to work in restaurants of the kind you think you want to own. Learn all the jobs by doing them. As a bonus, you get paid for working while you are learning. Whatever the business, follow this principle: work in that kind of business before you try to strike out on your own. This piece of advice will save you countless dollars and a world of grief. Know what you are doing before you start any business.

你知道怎么做吗?你愿意做什么?你一周工作50小时或者80吗?, 更多或少点,要真实。如果你从未经营过餐厅,而且你想弄一家餐厅,我强烈建议你先接受培训。不要因为这个去上学,而是去你想拥有的餐馆工作。通过实践学习所有的工作。作为奖励,你在学习的同时也能得到报酬。无论做什么生意,都要遵循这个原则:在你想开创自己的事业之前,先进那一行去干。这条建议将为你省下无数的金钱和无尽的悲伤。在你开始任何生意之前要知道你在做什么。

There is no point in pursuing a business idea if you are not in a position to carry it through. You will only fail for lack of resources, lack of motivation, or lack of skill. Set yourself up for success and you will succeed.
So, once you have taken this personal inventory, then you can begin to ask what it will cost to start a business, and now you will have an understanding of the question. Knowing your goal for the business, you can reject all those opportunities that cannot meet your needs. Knowing your resources, you can reject all those businesses which you know you are not prepared to run. Knowing your motivations, you know too, if you will be able to muster the effort required to be successful.


Jeremy Hamilton, HR Officer at Microsoft (2014-present)

Jeremy Hamilton,微软人力资源主管(2014-至今)

Every single day people are on here telling others to start cleaning/thermal imaging/lawn care/snow removal/pressure washing/ handyman business, because "it'll cost you less than a $100 to start, no one else does it because they're too lazy".
I ran a Pressure washing business for 18 months, sold it to start a thermal imaging/inspection/energy auditing company, before that I had a HVAC company, my brother owns a general contracting and roofing business I've been heavily involved with and I recently helped my unemployed sister start her own business.
I want to give you folks a real life look into what it takes to start ANY service business.


Yes, you can go out a rent a $50 wet vac and show up to someones house and clean their carpet. However, with an advertising budget of zero you're likely only getting family / friends or random people on craigslist. Let me tell you something about craiglists, it's where cheap people go to find someone to do something for them.
So Joe from Craiglist calls you up and wants his house cleaned, you go to the rental place and pick up a wet vac, that's $50, plus the $5 in fuel you used to get it and go home, then you raid your moms cleaning supplies and take $30 worth of cleaners, rags and whatever else you figure you'll need. You hop back in your car and spend another $10 in gas traveling to and from the job, and craigslist joe pays you $150. Let's say it took you 2 hours, you drop off the vacuum and head home. So you spent $100 in fuel, materials and rental costs but you made $50, $25 an hour is good money. Your moms pissed you used the last of her febreeze and she's yelling at you when Joe calls. Joes dog is sick because of the random chemicals you used that you had no idea about are not pet safe and you didn't clean them up well enough (they left that part out in the youtube video). The contract you wrote up yourself or found online (if you even did that) holds zero weight in court against Joes lawyer and now you're on the hook for $3500 worth of vet bills and $2500 in legal fees plus your name is plastered all over facebook.


Will this happen every time? No. In 18 months of pressure washing I had one major screw up that ended in me losing $2200. It would have been a lot worse but I had my brother contracting company to lean on to do the repair to the wall I damaged for about half of what it would have costed me. Plus, I was lucky that the owner was happy with me paying for the repair and not charging him for the job I was doing when it happened, then hiring another company to come finish the job as he no longer trusted me to do it. There's actually a good chance you'll never come across a Joe and nothing bad will ever happen while you're starting out. But, all it takes is one time and you're ruined. Everyone on this subreddit seems to leave that out.
From my experience, you shouldn't offer to do any service for anyone UNLESS you have three things:
The skills to do it
Proper tools

这种情况每次都会发生吗?不。在18个月的压力清洗中,我犯了一个严重的错误,导致我损失了2200美元。情况可能会更糟,但我有我的兄弟承包公司来修理我损坏的墙,花费大约是我所花费的一半。另外,我很幸运因为店主对我支付修理费并且在事故发生时我做的事情没有找他要钱而感到高兴,然后他雇佣了另一家公司来完成这项工作,因为他不再信任我来做这件事。实际上,在你开始的时候,你很有可能永远不会遇到乔这样的情况,也不会有什么不好的事情发生。但是,只要一次,你就完蛋了—这个subreddit(社交新闻网站 Reddit 的子版块)上的每个人似乎都忽略了这一点。

Without those three things you're putting yourself and others at risk. If you're dead set on starting cheap, start small. VERY SMALL. Rent a pressure washer and ONLY clean driveways with no cars in them. Turn down every job that wants you to wash a house, or a boat or a transport truck. Anything that could be easily damaged. Keep doing these small jobs on the evenings and weekends until you have enough money to buy your own pressure washer and insure your business.
I'm going to use my home inspection business as an example of the real costs of running a service business. I'm in Canada, so these prices are in Canadian Dollars.
Truck: I have my own truck, it costs me $500 a month for the lease, $145 for commercial insurance (covers my truck and the tools in it), and I average $450 in fuel a month (fuel is $1.10/L here, that's $4.40 a gallon). Wear and tear means nothing to me because it's a lease, I'll bring it back in three years and get a new one.
Insurance: General Liability costs me $1200 a year, this is way less than most because I have almost no exposure as a home inspector. Pressure washing was more like $3800 a year. I also have Errors and Obmissions insurance which is only really for inspectors but it runs me $2600 a year.Monthly, my insurance is about $220.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Advertising: I spend 5%-10% of my profits on marketing and advertising. When I first started it was more like 25%. Clients don't just magically show up and ask if you can rent a vacuum and come clean their house. Craigslist isn't some free advertising worm hole and connects you with everyone looking for a service.
Tools and clothing: Last year I spent $3500 on tools and branded clothing for my company. That's pennys compared to most people but I had a lot of what I needed for home inspections from other business, or I just took it from my brother and told mom to tell him not to get mad at me. That works to. Either way, every shirt I have has my logo on it, every jacket, sweater, hoodie etc all has my logo on it. I own 12 pairs of the same work pants so that I look the same at every job and people remember me. I purposely rock a black shirt and navy work pants because it's ugly and people remember that. All this stuff costs money, and people are willing to pay more when you look professional.
Consumables: Guess what.


I could sit here for days listing off things people never think of, phone bills that are higher than normal, utility bills higher than usual because you're now heating your garage so that your stuff doesn't freeze in winter, work boots, PPE, gloves, costs related to having a website, accountants, licensing fees and continued learning. All these things ad up.
For my current business, a bare bones rough estimate for monthly expense is around $2200 a month. I ALWAYS over shoot this.
Now, I'm not saying you can't make some extra cash mowing lawns or shoveling snow. I know lots of people who started out working weekends for cash and I know lots of people still doing it. However, you have to be smart about it. Like I said above, start small and stuff all the money you're making in a shoe box. once that box is full then you can go buy some tools, keep doing small stuff and once it's full again get insured and get advertising.


I've watched my brothers lawyer absolutely ruin people for doing unlicensed contracting work. I've seen first hand how one slip up can cost you thousands of dollars. I've seen companies go belly up because of bad tools or products that ended up damaging someone property or hurting someone, all because they didn't really know what they were doing.
The most important thing to take away from this little Saturday afternoon read is not that you shouldn't get out there and try. It's that you need to be smart and know what you're doing. Get the proper training, get the right tools and do things right the first time. Don't be one of the dozens of craiglist dudes who are willing to mow grass for $20. I felt the need to write this because lately everyone seems to think starting a service business is as simple as getting a job and doing the work. So much more than that goes on behind the scenes and it's really a delicate balancing act of risk and reward. Do your research and do it right.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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