2022-04-04 wuhaowsh 8250

What should everyone know about weight loss?


Naba Raj Bastola
It is very easy to fit and fine if you know how to do it and here are the few points of my experiences.
First of all, we have to feel that we are not overweight and if you feel overweight of course you are pressuring your mind and torturing your body.
Our body is more intelligent than what we think from our mind but if we listen to our body and eat accordingly our body wants, then we are fit and fine.
Never do dieting, and fasting, if you do that your body gets angry with you and can’t follow your rules.
Never ever, try to rule over your body as your body needs freedom too.
Avoid all spicy, oily and fry foods if possible (but eat seldom), better to eat boil food with enough nutrients not only that drink water in the balance way. I meant to say that drink water in every hour if you can but very little (don’t drink too much water at once even you are too thirsty).


Always smile and think positive.
At least, do exercise like running, hiking, cycling, swimming, yoga, dancing or anything of aerobic sort of exercises ( if you don’t know exercise, learn from cat).
Always stretch your body after you get up in the morning, drink a glass of water, look yourself into the mirror and smile.
Don't avoid anything, just respect every kinda foods as your body request to you but don’t let your body to be addicted.
Try not to take medicine for small cough, fever or pains (don’t be panic and run to the doctor) use mostly fruits if possible.
Don’t eat same food again and again if you can and afford.
Release your stress through travelling or visiting nature or romantic with your partner.
Build your body according to the nature of your surroundings, and avoid being artificial.


Never do heavy exercise like body building to impress your opposite partners, be satisfied with your looks and stricture as we know that best body is the flexibility (compare the cats family with buffaloes, cows, elephants and others).
There are 100 more answers read all of them and follow the points accordingly you want. Above all freedom and our own action can bring happiness. Be yourself because you are the master of your body, its up to you how to be a good master to your student.


Ralph Kindermann
Today my doctor told me that he was proud of me. It's the first time I can remember anyone ever saying that to me.
Hello everyone.
I started seeing my doctor in February when I was 530 pounds I had already lost 75 pounds at this point but I'm not sure if he really believed me when I told him. He asked me what my health goals were and I told him "I want to lose 100 pounds before I turn 29 in October. He told me "well, that's a lot of weight" and never said much else about it.
Today I went in and got weighed at 398 pounds. I beat my goal by 32 pounds and 2 months. When he looked at my chart he said "wow, you did it! I'm really proud of you, keep it up!"
I honestly teared up as soon as he walked out of the room, because this was the first time I can remember of anyone ever telling me they were proud of me.
It's been a struggle and I'm still fighting the 600 pound person inside of me, but it's worth it and I feel for the first time in my life that I have some control.

我从2月份开始看医生,那时我体重530磅,已经减了75磅,但我不确定他是否真的相信我的话。他问我的健康目标是什么,我告诉他“我想在10月29日之前减掉100磅。” 他告诉我“嗯,那太重了”,并没有说太多其他的。

How I've lost the 200+ pounds in less than a year, about 0.66 pounds a day:
I started at just counting calories and limiting myself to under 3800 calories per day. I lost a pound a day for a month. I weighed myself every day and if the scale stopped moving, I lowered my calories a bit until they did, and the scale would start moving again. I was down to 3000 calories per day after a month and I was still losing a pound a day. Then I went to about 2500, and eventually now I'm at about 1800-2200 per day.
I started intermittent fasting about a month and a half ago. I eat during an 6 to 8 hour window and fast the rest of the day. This has gotten me out of my last plateau and I really like how it makes me feel during the day.
I eat a huge salad every single day, and I mean huge. I use an 8 quart mixing bowl for my salad bowl. I usually eat 2 or 3 heads of lettuce a day, or spinach. Greens are my friend. I am definitely a volume eater. I also eat a ton of beans. Legumes are my main protein source. The more beans I eat, the more weight I seem to lose.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

I eat lots of fruits. Pretty much any and all kinds of fruits. I don't limit myself on any fruits or vegetables, except avocados. I keep those to 1 per day, max.
I have a smoothie every evening, usually with about a quarter pound of kale, some ice, a banana, and some almond milk and a table spoon of flax seeds and two packets of stevia. Its under 300 calories and it makes about 2 quarts. I think it's delicious too. It keeps me full all night and I'm not really hungry until about 4 to 5 hours after waking up the next morning.
The real way I lost this weight was by being honest with myself and finding a reason, a "why" to live. Neitzche said "He who has a why to live can bear almost any how" and this has rung true for me. I've known how to lose weight for years. You consume less calories than you expend. It's basic physics. But it wasn't until I had a good enough why to live that I actually changed my life.
It was almost a year ago. I was sitting in an abandoned shed, homeless, nothing to live for, no one that loved me, no friends, nothing. I decided that I was going to kill myself. I was a burden on society and I was worthless. When I decided to kill myself, something changed. I though "well, if I'm already dead, maybe I should just try as hard as I can to change this if I'm just going to die anyways". When I think back to that day now, my thought process doesn't make that much sense to me now, but I was in a bad place.


But in a way, I did die that night. The victim in me died. The person that made excuses died. The person that never gave a shit about anything, and just blamed his troubles on everything around him died. I had to completely transform who I was, the way I carried myself, everything. All of this took time and I didn't change overnight, but what I did do was make that decision to change.
The absolute biggest thing was that mindset change. I journal a lot about my weight loss and my life. Writing helps me think, and it lets me see in writing some times the faulty logic that I'm running through my head. This is absolutely critical for me. When I started my weight loss journey, I wrote about how I got to this weight, and why I weigh 600 pounds, and then I wrote about where I want to be in 5 years.
If you want to transform your life, you need a good enough "why". A reason that keeps you going in the hardest times when you're tapped out of motivation and will power. You need to have something to run towards, and something to run away from.


For me, I want a family. I want to be a dad. What is what I'm running towards. I want to have someone that loves me as much as I love them. I have daydreams of playing with my kids, and teaching them things my father never taught me.
And what I'm running from is being a bed ridden 30 something, dying alone in an apartment with no one to even check on me until they smell the death in the hallways. And then no one left to mourn me. No funeral, nothing. Just a dead fat guy that probably took a crane and a few dozen firefighters to remove the body.
Every time I feel weak, or depressed, or unmotivated or feel like quitting, I revisit my journal and it reminds me why I'm fighting this war on my own obesity. And it doesn't matter if i lose a few battles as long as i get back up and keep fighting. This has been the most powerful tool for me and really is the only reason I'm still going today. I highly recommend you start journaling I'd you're not already.
Anyways.. I just wanted to share with you guys.
Thanks for listening to me ramble!

不管怎样. .我只是想和你们分享。

Stay away from diets that promise magical result within a short time frx.
It’s very hard to lose weight by exercising. Even hunter-gatherers who move all day don’t burn that many more calories than sedentary types.
Micromanaging your nutrients by banning fats or sugars from your diet is hard, unnecessary, and of marginal benefit in the long run.
Fad diets are unsustainable. You’re not going to deprive yourself of your favorite foods forever. You’re a human being.
Find a way to consume fewer calories that works for you. This can take several forms:
Eat less meat.
Drink less alcohol.


Fast intermittently:
Skip breakfast
Eat only a very light lunch (yogurt or banana, for instance).
Eat a light dinner.
Skip lunch twice a week.
Reduce every meal by the same proportion: you could, for instance, get a smaller plate and only eat what fits on the plate.
If you’re going to buy ice cream cones, buy the 100-calorie ones.
The point is, not everything is going to work for you.
If all else fails, you can have a gastric bypass surgery. This will force you to consume fewer calories.


Alcatraz Dey
Understand why you should lose weight! The “why” here is very important. Are you doing this for the before/after photo or trying to gain self esteem because people bully you or you want to remain healthy and live a long life. Your before/after photo’s fad will die in less than 12 hours, if your self esteem is dependent on what other people think of you, then you first need a mental reflush.
Losing weight is a fine balance between diet and physical exercises titling more towards diet.
You always start slow, and then keep increasing the intensity of your workouts. This way, your body slowly gets adjusted to the physical stress and injuries will be avoided. The body’s calorie burning rate will also not hit a plateau. It’s not about how intense a workout is, it’s about consistency everyday with a linear progression.
You won’t see results immediately. Some of you might see it in 3 months, some of you might see it in 5 months. Everybody’s body is different.
Keep trying different physical activities to keep you out of the rut. Cardio, running, cycling, swimming, trekking, physical sports, weights, there is so much to try and enjoy out there.
Chances are you will face injuries on the way. Muscle cramps, sore muscles, sore obliques, extreme tiredness and so on. Mostly, it’s your body adjusting to the regime.


Every fitness influencer will tell you different things. Some click bait experts will lead you on differently but it is a fact that you cannot accomplish anything within a few months. It takes more than that, much more than that. Stop listening to noobs and amateurs, read about how your body works and when does it specifically burn more fat.
Reward yourself with a cheat meal from time to time. Your mind and taste buds too need to be happy.
Starving yourself will not lead to weight loss. Your body will in turn crave high calories and it’s a dangerous cycle.
Practically, there is no such thing as “fat-burning” foods.


You cannot target fat in specific areas of your body. The body does it on its own. It can all be accelerated by being on a calorie deficit.
Don’t spend money on health subscxtions, expensive fitness programs, over the head costly weight loss plans. Everything you need is available on YouTube and other platforms.
You will be surprised that healthy foods are not that expensive at all. It just takes a bit of research and intent.
Lastly, understand your “why” as mentioned before. Don’t do it to look good for others. Don’t do it so that people can stop fat-shaming. Do it to feel healthy inside out. You will be surprised that once you actually reach your goals, your mind will be in a better state and external acceptance won’t matter at all.


Betty Peterson
To help you along your weight loss journey, we have teamed up with our friends at Protein World to bring you the 4 things you truly require to know to lose that weight.
1. How does weight loss work?
Quite simply, you lose weight when you burn further calories through exertion than you consume over a prolonged period of time. Consistency is the key when it comes to weight loss. If you ’re in a calorie deficiency ( i.e. you have consumed smaller calories than you have burned) on day one, but also over-eat or do not exercise enough on day two, also all your hard work is directly undone. Thus, you need to be in a calorie deficit over an extended period of time in order to achieve your weight loss targets. The quickly you want to lose weight, the bigger your calorie crunch needs to be, so you need to eat lower and move more.
2. Why is weight loss important?
There are any number of reasons why weight loss is so vital. Not only can it be good for us physically, reducing our chances of sustaining from health problems similar as type 2 diabetes, heart illness, high blood pressure and indeed some cancers. Meanwhile, losing weight is a fantastic way for those who formerly suffer from some of these conditions to assist manage them, thanks to a reduction in blood sugar levels, cholesterol levels and blood pressure too. Also, weight loss has indeed been proven to be good for our internal health and our self- image.

1. 减肥是如何起作用的?
2. 为什么减肥很重要?

3. Why is weight loss so hard?
Weight loss tends to be hard when you make a lot of changes in a really short amount of time. One of the vital points to remember about weight loss is that it requires consistency.However, you will not see a change, If you are not conformable with your efforts. More frequently than not, when people go on a‘diet’ they do not do the examine into the best diets for their habits, life, age etc. There are numerous factors which impact weight loss, and they all need to be considered. Trying a one-size-fits-all diet of barring food groups, over exercising and under eating can affect in a person becoming malnourished. This kind of dieting isn't a supportable way to live, and at some point the abstainer will stop, recapture bad eating habits and recapture the weight.
4. Can rapid weight loss cause side effects?
One of the most usual side- effects you may have heard of is “ hanger”. As much as it pains us to allow, the hanger is surely true when it comes to weight loss. It’s important to eat meals which are full of slow release carbohydrates and fiber to keep you fuller for longer and to avoid an empty stomach from affecting your mood. Rapid weight loss can also affect in some side effects similar as headaches, fatigue and irritability. These are the result of an raised time spent in a tough calorie deficit, which can amplify symptoms chummed with dehydration, malnutrition and muscle loss.

4. 快速减肥会导致副作用吗?

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