2022-04-09 熊猫永不为奴 16276

China has won the artificial intelligence battle with the United States and is heading towards global dominance because of its technological advances, the Pentagon's former software chief told the Financial Times. From a report:


China, the world's second largest economy, is likely to dominate many of the key emerging technologies, particularly artificial intelligence, synthetic biology and genetics within a decade or so, according to Western intelligence assessments. Nicolas Chaillan, the Pentagon's first chief software officer who resigned in protest against the slow pace of technological transformation in the U.S. military, said the failure to respond was putting the United States at risk.


"We have no competing fighting chance against China in 15 to 20 years. Right now, it's already a done deal; it is already over in my opinion," he told the newspaper. "Whether it takes a war or not is kind of anecdotal." China was set to dominate the future of the world, controlling everything from media narratives to geopolitics, he said.


Ah Shit
Now I have to learn Chinese, no wait its Reuters, never mind.


by raind
Re:Ah Shit
Actually, most speak English as a 2nd language - when they say bend over you will understand.


by ShanghaiBill
Indeed. Baidu's has big research centers in Seattle and Sunnyvale, California. Many of the people working there are American citizens, so perhaps it is a bit silly to label the innovations from these labs as "Chinese".
Just in case, "bend over" in Mandarin is "Wan yao!'

仅仅只是指正一下,“bend over”在普通话里是“弯腰!”

by ByTor-2112
My personal experience in several major and minor Chinese cities says this is not true.


by piojo
Agreed. If they can all write English, they mostly can't speak it.


by Aubz
Unlike most westerners who can barely speak Englishy.


by Type44Q
Re:Now I have to learn Chinese
No, you have to learn to steal IP. No, wait; Reuters still thinks "AI" stands for "Artificial Intelligence" (obviously it stands for "Marketing Desperation"); never mind.


They will have a translation AI
No, they have an AI that will translate for you :-)


empires rise and fall (Score:2)


by etash
has anyone noticed how geographically empires follow the path of the sun (more or less?) starting from babylonia/sumeria, egyptians, greeks, rome, UK, the US and soon China. Also the speed seems to be ever increasing (less time for the duration of each "empire").


Re:empires rise and fall (Score:2)
by timeOday
"Nothing last forever" is kind of a vapid statement though without naming who and when something will gain or lose prominence. Sure, eventually Amazon will go out of business. And I will die. Eventually. But when?


Cool. How long before we have the British Empire, V2.0?


Re:empires rise and fall (Score:0)
by Anonymous Coward
"London isn't really an English city," according to John Cleese. And he's absolutely right. Unless they push out the tremendous influx of EU work visa holders, they won't have enough native culture left to be a British Empire, even if they discovered cavorite and became the premiere space power.


For decades, the not-so-joke has almost always been, there is London, and there is England. And it has nothing to do with the whiteness of the citizenry.


"As always.... England prevails."


The difference between England and London was instrumental in preventing Matilda being crowned queen in ~1140.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

The Mongols would like a word with your theory. After them, probably the Persians, Khmer, Aztec, Inca, and probably several more.


Re:empires rise and fall (Score:3)
by ShanghaiBill
The Mongols would like a word with your theory.
... also, the British reached the top after the decline of the Spanish Empire, which was a shift north and slightly east rather than to the west. Then the crown shifted further east to France under Louis XIV and Napoleon. Then back to Britain after Waterloo.
So plenty of complicated shifting and reversals rather than a steady progression from east to west.


Re:empires rise and fall (Score:1)
by anoncoward69
So that means the middle east and Russia are next again after China? By then the middle east will be building nukes like they build IEDs and they'll have nuked the middle east into an inhabitable waste land within a decade.


Re: Well they already own Biden
Or maybe Biden didnâ(TM)t want to provide Chinese mining companies free security.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Re:Well they already own Biden (Score:2)
by Antique Geekmeister
> Good bye Taiwan, without a U.S. interested in protecting your anonymity y


Re:Well they already own Biden (Score:3)
by Aighearach
The US doesn't do a bunch of mining in Afghanistan. What would happen if we tried? Oh, right, terrorists would kill all the workers.


by mark-t ( 151149 )
Wait, they are only saying this *NOW*?
It's been the case for the past decade, at least... probably even earlier than that.


Re:Wait, they are only saying this *NOW*? (Score:2)
by DarkOx
Its not news this is the guy dufus that said he could fix all the problems in six months. Now I am not saying current state of things and the degree of progress should be described as anything but abysmal; but anyone who knows as much about and had as much experience in "enterprise IT" as he claims knows you don't fix all of the pentagons IT security problems in six months, at least not without creating bigger operational risk than you had to start with.


Maybe he had some good ideas but frankly the entire thing reads like sour grapes rant. "Boohoo I coulda been great if only everyone had listened to me, made everything I wanted to do first priority!" A good administrator/manager Chaillan isn't and by extension probably not actually all the fit to built software security program because that is almost more about process than technology. The fact he wasn't pushed out sooner speaks to just how bad the system really is.


by mark-t
The reason has less to do with AI in particular and more to do with just straight-up-technology. China has completely trounced the US in this regard, and barring some kind of completely unforeseen domestic breakthrough, being a leader in AI is really just but one of the implications.


by timeOday
If they do have or soon obtain a convincing lead on self-driving cars that would be very significant. That's the most significant AI application of the first half of the 21st century I think... very difficult but with the potential to save over a million lives every year.


Just Pentagon funding tricks
It sounds like a call for more Pentagon funding for AI.
Its reminiscent of the 1960s/70s coming Russian dominance in Air Superiority via the MiG-25 Foxbat stories. Stories that loosened Congressional purse strings for the F-15 and F-14 projects.

这让人想起了上世纪60 /70年代,俄罗斯通过米格-25战斗机在空中优势方面取得优势的故事,让美国国会放宽了对F-15和F-14项目的资金限制。

Correct. DARPA was formed as a direct result of the Sputnik scare. Where is the new DARPA now? Maybe just we haven't witnessed China's Sputnik moment yet.


Re:Wait, they are only saying this *NOW*? (Score:2)
by AmiMoJo
AI is just algorithms and datasets.
That's why China is ahead, they have moved beyond just training adversarial networks on big datasets.
Google was warned about this by their head of AI, who they fired seemingly in retaliation. Algos and datasets does produce some useful and impressive results, but it's never going to produce a general purpose AI. For example we have seen novels written by that kind of AI and they make little sense, even if the sequences of words by themselves meet grammar rules and sound like fragments of other works stitched together.


Cut them off at the knees

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

by nocoiner
Institute a program that emphasizes imports from non-China, and watch China's economy tank in 5-10 yrs.
Also, "borrow" their tech, just like they've been "borrowing" ours for decades now.


Re:Cut them off at the knees (Score:0, Troll)
by Anonymous
"Institute a program". Yeah, kind of like "publish woke superheroes like Snowflake and Safespace to usher in a new generation of comics". In the real world, you lose money and go out of business *real fast* pulling that social justice warrior political nonsense. Or better, start a busness plan founded on "inclusion" rather than producing an actual product or service people want.

“专门针对计划”?无语,你说的这个有点像“发布如Snowflake and Safespace这样的新超级英雄,重新引领新一代的漫画”。(嘴炮牛逼却无用)

by Anonymous
So what's *your* plan??
So what's your master plan, Anonymous "Genius"?? Because I can't help but notice the severe lack of any useful information or suggestions in your shitpost.
Oh right, I forgot - you're just a russian agent posting using a sockpuppet account, right?


Re: So what's *your* plan??
It's reasonable to advise someone not to stick their face in a fire without offering up an alternative.


by Mspangler
Pentagon wants more money.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

by ByTor-2112
And I was going to say "great, sounds like we can go ahead cut the military budget to pay for health care."


by NedHamson
Nicolas Chaillan was not Pentagon's software chief
He was not "software chief" for the Pentagon. "Mr. Nicolas Chaillan, a highly qualified expert, is appointed as the first Air Force Chief Software Officer, under Dr. William Roper, the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics, Arlington, Virginia... The Chief Software Officer works with the Program Executive Officers and is responsible for analyzing current software and cloud migration plans to avoid vendor lock-ins while allowing for rapid prototyping and a streamlined process for deployment. To keep up with the pace of technology, Mr. Chaillan uates and authorizes new commercially available off-the-shelf software and cloud-related technologies to help with their adoption across various Air Force programs based on their mission needs." [] He is good at promoting himself and does not need a boost from headlines that seem to elevate him and his role(s).

Nicolas Chaillan不是五角大楼的“软件部长”。
Nicolas Chaillan先生是一名专业合格的专家,他被任命为第一任空军首席软件官,William Roper博士负责空军采购,技术和后勤助理部长,在弗吉尼亚州……简历,不翻了,意思就是说这个人品德高尚,不需要危言耸听来吸引目光

by ffkom
Like every empire, once a certain size is reached, and once a certain level of average wealth is reached, external opponents become the lesser of dangers to those in power. Look how busy the Chinese KP is already suppressing any upcoming domestic "tech giants", or how they struggle to keep their youth in line with living to work instead of working to live.


And China having their AI-driven Cyborg warriors invade western countries to me seems much less of a threat to our freedom than western governments copying the authoritative methods from China to fulfill their lust for power.


Miltary says we're losing a battle)
and will need more funding.
I'm sure the two are unconnected.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Somebody above posted the same thing but I don't see how this story supports or even fits that particular narrative. Chaillan is out. He quit. It says it's too late and all over.


by mveloso
The PLA might have AI, but they have no real data to feed that AI.
Just look at what's happening on the India/Chinese border: they're attacking each other with sticks and rocks. That's going to be a great input for their ML system when it comes to fighting a real conflict, for sure.


by Anonymous
LOL, that's a Luckyo level of understanding.
China doesn't have freedom and privacy like the west does. They can collect any datasets they like. And they do.
China and India did the sticks and stones on purpose so those kinds of things wouldn't escalate.


by TJHook3r
It is only recently that being clever in America has become somewhat socially acceptable but certainly teachers, scientists and engineers are very undervalued. IT seems to be a little more valued than engineering, but only because Joe Public has no actual idea what it entails, just that lots of kids seem to be able to drive Lamborghinis! So what I'm trying to get at... when US society places so little value on education, is it surprising that a country with over a billion population and a government made up of STEM graduates might pull ahead?

直到最近,大力培养教师、科学家和工程师的做法更聪明,在美国才在一定程度上被社会所接受,过去一直被无视。程序员似乎比工程师更有价值,但只是因为Joe Public没有实际的概念,只是很多孩子更喜欢开兰博基尼!

Please share whatever you're smoking.


What if the STEM graduates worked like Jack Welch, PhD Chem. Engr.?


I've never heard of an IT guy getting more respect than an engineer, but OK.


Funny that mainland Chinese who feel sorry for their kids send them to American undergrad schools. because it's just sooo much easier. In China students have basically no life, they study 18-20 hours per day.


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