2022-04-11 wuhaowsh 16664

How come people from countries like Australia don't want to move to America?


Kevin Randolf
I have no idea, but I was watching a game show where part of the prize was a weekend in New York, I immediately thought, I wonder if I could sell the tickets and on que, the contestant on TV asked if it had to be the USA.
Two things come to mind, firstly US customs and immigration, the US is the most unwelcoming country in the world from this point if view and generally treat visitors like 2nd class humans.
And secondly the agenda of the Republican party is recognised as facsist and racist yet supported by 74 million Americans.
The USA is a mess and unpredictable, not my idea of a holiday destination and absolutely no place to bring up children.


Alejandro van Rooy
The only people from Spain that I know personally that have emigrated to the US have emigrated to work in the entertainment industry, basically to Hollywood, not the US per se.
People emigrate to improve their opportunities, and if an industry is more developed than in your country it might be a good option. There are also Spanish chefs and scientists in the US, and other professionals in very high levels.
But for a regular job? Having to renounce to universal healthcare, 30 days of paid vacations, maternity leave? To live in a country that has great things but has become increasingly unhinged in the recent years?
That’s not a better life.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Warwick Carter
How come people from country's like Australia don't want to move to America?
We have better beaches, our cops don't pull guns during traffic stops, we get paid better at minimum wage, get 4 weeks holiday minimum, kids don't do active shooter drills, no nutjobs open carry, low crime, free health care, better education.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Lesley Ann Barklay
I can’t answer for all Australians, but for me there are at least four things:
Lack of gun control - I don’t want to have to feel afraid for my children’s lives when I send them to school. I don’t want to fear for my life when I go to the mall, because someone has a gun and a grudge.
Lack of socialised health care - the idea that a person may be denied healthcare because they can’t afford it, or go into lifelong debt because of an injury or illness they could not predict or control is terrifying.
The schools - my husband and I are both teachers. From what little I can see from the outside, it seems like teachers are underpaid, and undervalued. Also, I wouldn’t want my child attending public school in the US.
Distance from family - if I moved to the US, I would be leaving all of my family. It’s a very long and very expensive trip to go between the countries.
Bonus: the country’s handling of Covid-19. While no country has handled this perfectly (except, arguably, New Zealand), I think our government has handled the crisis remarkably well. Aside from 6 weeks of lock down/ homeschooling a year ago, and a reluctance to travel interstate, life has continued on relatively normally for the past twelve months. Sure we have to wear masks, and socially distance, sure QR codes are now a thing, but I can honestly say I go for days not even thinking about Covid.
Oh, and I kinda think the political system in the US stinks. Again, I’m not saying we’ve got things right over here, but from the outside, it seems like there are two extremely polarised halves of the country living in parallel realities.


Keir Malone
I’m not from Australia, so I can only answer in theory… but why would anyone want to move from one developed country to another without a REALLY good reason?
America is no utopia, it’s not special. Other developed countries are wonderful to live in… and moving to America would put immigrants at a disadvantage. Add to this the attitude of most Americans these days about immigrants, especially those of color, and who the hell would want to move to such a country?
Plus the lack of health care, the lack of gun control, the lack of common decency, the lack of belief that Covid is real, the wish to push religion down people’s throats, the growing anti-science movement… America is a backwards country. They are developed in economic means only, in every social measure America is pathetically behind the times.


Joan Lockwood
We’ve got great school education, easily affordable tertiary education, at the very least, 4 weeks paid holidays a year, paid sick leave and maternity leave, safe working environments by law, a welfare safety net, free hospitals and GPs who bulk bill (ie they are satisfied with what the government pays, and don't expect a small co-payment), a decent minimum wage of around $20 an hour, little tipping required, food safety rules, relatively safe roads, loads of beaches and a good climate.
Why would we give all that up?


Mitch Stevenson
How come people from country's like Australia don't want to move to America?
Most Aussies are too intelligent to do something like that.
There's no benefit to move to the US. The only country in the world still living in the 1950s, when the rest of us are in the 21st century laughing at the silly Americans.
I know the US better than most Americans, and it's an absurd country to visit. Most of the people there are wonderful, but just need to wake up to reality and realise how far behind in the world they let themselves stay at.


Duncan Ferguson
Why would someone want to live in a country where a guy wearing the wrong cap; a skirt or dress, can get beaten up or shot because someone takes offence.
The land of the brave and the home of the free does not describe America.
Then there's the renegade cops who kill for no reason.
The moribund politics.
The clear racial divides.
Lack of health care.


Philip Rabe
How come people from country's like Australia don't want to move to America?
The land of daily Gun Massacres protected by the GOP and the massive US weapons industry, crumbling infrastructure, poor schools, stupid people, high taxes for the 99% of us and no public healthcare? What’s not to love?


Declan MaGill
How come people from country's like Australia don't want to move to America?
Because countries like Australia are well developed, first world nations, with plenty of job opportunity. Their family is there. Their life is there. Their home, pets, friends are there. Why go through the trouble of moving across an ocean to a foreign place just for funsies? Typically you would move to another country if you needed to escape some horrible situation in your own country, like a civil war, or maybe you just need some better job opportunities. Australia's pretty good and stable with a good economy. Why move?


Andrew McGregor
It’s not better.
I know that may be shocking to you, but it’s true.
The US has some things going for it, for sure.
But it also has a whole lot of antiquated systems and infrastructure, and it just generally seems like stepping back in time 30 years or so. Mind you, Australia seems a bit retro to this Kiwi too.
The US does not have its act together over gun control
There have been a few other societies like that, and it never ended well for them.
I’ve been visiting the US fairly regularly for more than 20 years now, and it is pretty clear that some of those things are getting worse.
I considered moving there twice, once in about 2006, once in 2013. In 2006 it was plausible, and I probably should have done it then. By 2013, it was a definite “nope”. That may change, although I don’t see myself moving there now just because of where I am in life; back to New Zealand, probably.
It’s actually much easier for Australians to move to the US than it is for anyone else, because there is a special visa category with its own quota for Australians. That quota never runs out, because there aren’t that many Australians who want to go to the US.


Ben Poole
Americans! Please don’t get angry!
A few reasons.
First of all, guns!
I know it’s so cliche and stereotypical, but it’s true. Every time I talk to my friends about me wanting to go to America, they say they don’t want to go there because they’ll get shot! And everyone at my primary school made fun of Americans with their guns. On a serious note, I consider carrying fire arms to do the exact opposite of what they were intended for and think they are a real problem.
Second of all, I honestly don’t like the values of America. In Australia, it’s all about mateship and helping each other out, but I feel America has more of a self-oriented focus. My father even took a step further and told me that when he went to America in the 80s, most of them acted very arrogant and child-like.
Now I don’t entirely agree with my father on that statement, but there are some aspects that are true.


Geoffrey Whitlock
I’ve lived in Australia for sixty-three years. I’m okay here, and there’s nowhere I know of where I’d prefer to live, but of all the places that I know of where I really wouldn’t want to live, I think that America heads my list. It’s the first place I thought of where I wouldn’t want to move to. …. However, I’ll give myself a few minutes to think about it to see if I can think of somewhere where I’d not want to live even less than the US.
No, I couldn’t think of anywhere. The US is the last place I’d rather be than where I am.


Michael James
Some do, of course, but most people in developed countries are very happy where they are.
They have good jobs, good houses, good health care, they are familiar with the place, their family and friends are where they live and they would not have a lifestyle upgrade by moving to the US.
Most Americans don’t want to move from where they live to other parts of the US, for that matter, for much the same reasons, and they don’t have to go through the hoops of immigration to do so.
Now if you’re living in a shack and making $200 per month in a developing country, a US apartment and a job flipping burgers at McDonald’s would be a major life style upgrade, but for most people in most of Europe, Australia, NZ, Canada and Japan, moving to the US would not result in significantly better lives and our health care system is probably inferior to what they have at home.


David Mcdowell
Maybe because Australia has better healthcare, education, standard of living for the majority, employment rights, paid leave entitlement, gun laws, political system, lifestyle, food standards, sports, religious tolerance, housing, police, infrastructure……..


Paul Kennedy
How come people from country's like Australia don't want to move to America?
Admittedly, America does have some good points but not enough to get this Aussie’s bags packed.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Shayna Jewell
I’m not Australian. I’m Canadian, so I live in very close proximity to the US. Here’s a better question: why would we want to? By what measure do you think your country is better than ours?
You have zero gun control. Mass shootings, at schools no less, have become so commonplace that most people don’t blx an eye when they happen anymore. And the absolute very best that many Americans can do when it does happen is to send “thoughts and prayers.”


You have no universal healthcare because you have politicians lying to your face that countries that do, have a very poor healthcare system. Even when those of us who enjoy this system tell you otherwise, you dig your heels in a refuse to believe us! And what’s more, the US is the only developed nation in the entire world that does NOT have a universal healthcare system.
White nationalism. I don’t even know what to say beyond that. The fact that the US still can’t come to grips with its own history speaks volumes.
I could go on, but I won’t.


America, you are NOT the best. Literally no one in the developed world wants to move there, because we already know better exists.
And before anyone comes at me, I know that there are wonderful things about the US. I know that most Americans are wonderful people. I count some of them as my friends. I know that most of you want a better country for yourselves and your children. I’m merely answering the question as to why I have zero desire to live in the US.


David Barry
Just because some people move to the USA, does not mean the USA is a popular destination. I think most people now would not wish to go there at all, even for a holiday.
If I got free tickets, I’d give them to someone else, but I fear nobody I know will want to go.
What is good about the USA? All I see is bad stuff anyway. Violence, guns, sexual perversion and a lot of Americans communicate in very rude and perverse ways. It seems to be not a good place at all.


Adam Dean
Australia is a modern, wealthy and developed country. Immigration to another country is a major disruption in one's life. Unless they have a major motivating factor people don't want to leave their home, friends and family behind to go live in a foreign land. Probably for many Australians the positives of immigrating to the U.S. don't outweigh the negatives


Darren Eaton
Well, you know. Its a pretty long commute. And the neighbors speak in a funny accent.


Andrew Sutherland
There are some places I would love to visit in the USof A, and a few other places including the likes of China, Vietnam, Japan, Canada and Europe out of interest.
But there is nothing that America offers that makes me want to pack everything up here and move.
I live in rural Australia, and while health care can be a little scratchy, I can get to the towns and cities and get care. I have space to move and don’t feel crowded in. It is pretty safe, I know most folks in town and there isn’t the stress of urban living nor the friction you see of the issues you hear and see that other places have.
I have a good job and my family. I have my circle of friends (some from different countries as they have migrated here) and we own our own house and small farm out of town. We are part of community.
So why I don’t wish to move to America, I truly have no interest in moving elsewhere either. They can’t offer what I already have.


John Leavy
MOST people don’t want to leave their homes. My grandparents didn’t! They would happily have stayed in Ireland if there had been any decent paying jobs there in 1927. They moved to America because it seemed like a big step up at the time. Most modern Irish wouldn’t see it that way.
Today, life in Europe, Japan, Canada and Australia is generally pretty good. Why would people in those places with good jobs and comfortable homes want to come here?

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Belinda Ross
How come people from country's like Australia don't want to move to America?
Australia is very much like the U.S. except for the fact that it has healthcare and better primary schools. I don’t don’t know to what other countries you refer. We are the only developed country without healthcare. The infrastructure in many U.S cities needs great improvement.


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