2022-04-12 jiangye111 14000
Young adults have dramatic loss of faith in UK democracy, survey reveals
-Report says sidelining of parliament by Tory government has further eroded trust in political system


(Boris Johnson at PMQ's in the House of Commons on 30 March.)


A dramatic loss of faith in the ability of British democracy to serve the interests of UK voters is revealed in a new report that finds that donors to political parties and big businesses are now commonly viewed by the electorate as the main drivers of government policy.


Disturbing evidence that millions of voters feel their voices and views go largely unheard while big money interests hold most sway is uncovered in the latest report by the IPPR thinktank, in collaboration with the Observer, on the future of democracy.


The study, entitled Road to Renewal, draws on YouGov polling of 3,442 adults, which found that just 6% of voters in elections in Great Britain believe their views are the main influences behind eventual decisions on policy taken by government ministers.


By contrast, more than four times as many (25%) believe major donors to political parties have the most influence over shaping policy, followed by business groups and corporations (16%), newspapers and the media (13%) and lobbyists and pressure groups (12%).

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Just 2% cite trade unxs as the main forces behind policy decisions, which the report’s authors note is “a remarkable shift since the 1970s and 1980s when concerns about overly powerful unxs was widespread”. The polling was jointly commissioned by IPPR, the Electoral Reform Society and Unlock Democracy.


The study traces growing dissatisfaction with advanced democracies worldwide over recent decades, reflected in falling turnout at elections, falling party memberships, and more people switching loyalties, including to populist alternatives.


It calls for an urgent rethink by mainstream parties of how democracy works in the UK, including steps to reconnect citizens with politics and politicians through devolution of more powers. It calls for greater checks on executive power to safeguard representative democracy, laying blame at the door of Boris Johnson’s government for ignoring parliament when it can.


“The sidelining of parliament by the current government – including briefing to the media before MPs, passing sweeping pandemic legislation without parliamentary censure, minimal parliamentary oversight of Brexit negotiations and the prorogation of parliament,” were all examples of abuses that contributed to lack of faith in the democratic process.


The public’s verdict on politicians’ ability to comprehend their lives is damning. Asked how well they believed “politicians understood the lives of people like you”, a total of 78% of voting adults said badly, with this number split between the 36% who said “fairly badly” and 42% who answered “very badly”. Just 1% said “very well” and 12% “fairly well”.


Young UK adults (18-24) are least likely to say democracy serves them well (just 19% say it operates well against 55% who say badly), while those aged 65 and over are most likely to say it is working for them (46% say well and 47% badly.)


IPPR warns that mainstream social democratic parties that fail to tackle the root causes of discontent with the political system jeopardise the foundations of liberal democracy and their own prospects of securing power.


Parth Patel, IPPR research fellow, said that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine had led many leaders to praise the merits of liberal democracies over those of dictatorships, despite the many shortcomings of the former in the eyes of UK voters.


“In the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, our leaders have lined up to champion liberal democracy. But the reality is that the battle for democracy needs not only to be won abroad, it must be won at home too.


“In truth, democracies have not been delivering well for their citizens. Politicians and parties are increasingly out of touch, and the sway of ordinary citizens over public policy has declined. Many are opting out of political participation altogether, while large numbers have lent their support to populist challengers – signs of a protest against ‘democracy as usual’.”


In the 1990s, the report says that around two-thirds of citizens of western Europe, North America, Northeast Asia and Australasia were satisfied with democracy in their countries. “Today a majority in these regions are dissatisfied. Nowhere has the rise in democratic dissatisfaction been steeper than in Anglo-Saxon democracies.”


Patel said mainstream political parties had too often tried to “imitate the populist agenda of their opponents, rather than to tackle the underlying causes of democratic discontent”.


“They must now take a long, hard look in the mirror and commit to meaningful reforms that put the voices of citizens back at the centre of democracy. ‘Giving back control’ should be a dividing line at the next election.”


Unfortunately, those most dissatisfied are the least likely to go and make the change by voting.
The best way to change and renew the democracy and democratic process is by using the strongest tool it grants to its participants: voting.
If there is no one to vote for, forming a new party that aligns with your and your peer’s views is the next step up in the process. Current right wing and ultra nationalist parties are living example that the “old guard” can be shaken to the core and even dethroned when there is a will.
When there is a will, there is a way.


Labour haven’t given the impression they’d make the structural changes that would help people though. Under Starmer their whole thing is just “we’ll be more competent and a bit less racist than the Tories”.
Starting a new party could have the same effect UKIP had on the Tories but thats way more effort than simply voting. If you’re trying to get a career on track, it’s hard to do that and get involved with politics at the same time.


When you've basically lost every election or referendum you've ever voted in, this unfortunately isn't exactly surprising.


The Tories have been in power for 12 years, 5 of which were a coalition.
Prior to that, Labour were in power for 13 years.
Parties are often in power for over a decade. That is how long it takes for people to realise the current lot are crap, and forget that the ones before were crap too.


That's because they're all crap.
None of the major parties take any meaningful action because they're scared of alienation of their powerbase (which is largely rich, older people).
They don't give a shit about young people because they don't understand how hard life can be with one of the lowest generational wealth distributions this century. They're out of touch. It's not going to end well for any of the major parties if they don't start to sort it out.


None of the major parties take any meaningful action because they're scared of the media smearing them into oblivion.
Doesn't have to be true, just has to be repeated enough and the idiots will believe it.
Just look at the recent morons who still think Starmer was responsible for letting Jimmy Saville get away with being a nonce.
Most media companies in this country are run by a very small group of rich people who do not want to pay more in taxes and they use their influence to keep it that way. Lots of other large companies follow suit because they too do not want to pay more in taxes.
This isn't a conspiracy theory. People know this is true, they just ignore it because they can't do anything about it.
First past the post system enables these media companies to keep a tight stranglehold on the political system in the UK.


The good news is that the soon to be largest generation doesn’t on the whole read news papers and don’t trust them so their stronghold on power will soon diminish to nothing and they have only themselves to blame.


Except that a lot of the internet is the new newspapers, and guess what? That's where lots of the younger generation get their "facts" without the critical reasoning abilities to sort fact from fiction.


Except this government took us through brexit, 3 different PMs, and partied through a global health pandemic, sleepwalking towards climate catastrophe, isn't really an inconsequential status quo.


Brexit has been a Tory obsession pretty much since we joined in the 70s, so they certainly have to take the blame for that one. Corbyn was largely in support of it, for different reasons, but he wouldn't have called a referendum if he had been in power.
Covid wasn't the government's fault, of course, and they didn't handle it as well as they could have. Would Labour have been much better? Who knows, but it isn't a given. Partygate, while a disgusting abuse of power by the government, is ultimately a distraction from the really harmful things they have done.
On climate change, don't forget that Blair took us into a long and disastrous war that was primarily to protect our oil supply. Things are now getting more urgent, but Labour don't have a fantastic track record in that area.
I'm not trying to defend the Tories. They should never be forgiven for Brexit, and you would hope that Labour would have done more to help the poor and vulnerable in the current situation. But if Labour gain power for the next 10 or 15 years there will still be a lot of shit happening.


Because many of us have tried to secure jobs during economic down turns. Too young to be taken seriously too old for apprenticeships.
Its frustrating as hell if you don't get into the right line of work from the get go.


I'm one such young adult.
I have voted in every general election, local election and referendum that I've been eligible to vote in since 2010 when I became old enough to legally vote. I have always been on the losing side in some way.
At this point I'm honestly less worried about fellow millennials and zoomers refusing to vote, and more about my generation increasingly turning towards civil disobedience and violence. The scenes in Swansea and Bristol last year should honestly be taken as a warning sign of what's to come if the government doesn't change its ways.


What happened in swansea?


Rioters crashed a peaceful vigil in Mayhill held to mourn a local man who died from a drug overdose. They threw bricks at houses, set cars on fire, pushed them down the hill and had multiple clashes with police.
Overall 27 people have been charged. Most of the people charged were under-25s.
I don't think there was a particular motive behind Mayhill, but if that's what a bunch of hooligans can cause, imagine what happens when the masses are riled up over legitimate grievances, like... not being able to afford living.

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Reminds me of the "London riots," which although may have be instigated as a reaction to the Met Police, quickly became a good excuse to go looting and rioting since people had nothing better to do, and spread across the country.


"Democracy" relies on people making informed choices, which they are most certainly not when it comes to voting these days.
Lies, propaganda and misinformation are key weapons of any right wing political party, and are especially effective in this digital age where people rely on social media to get their "news" and "facts".
Lack of critical thinking and pure spite by voters in some cases is why the Tories continue with their stranglehold on the UK.
Divide and conquer is working a treat.


Isn't this more a case of only liking or having faith in democracy when it gives you the 'right' result?


You're missing the point of a representative democracy. It's supposed to be REPRESENTATIVE. If everything you've ever voted in has gone the other way, then you are not represented. At that point, how can you expect people to remain engaged in the process? Then of course it only gets worse because the people who should be voting to fix it just give up.


The majority of the country is saying this democracy isn't serving their interests though it's not just young people annoyed they aren't on the right side of elections.
How many people do you need to say it's not democratic before it isn't?


Honestly, it is the young people's fault in a way, I say that as a young person.
We are extremely politically uninvolved, so why should governments focus on a generation that doesn't vote?
The only way to make these changes is to queue outside that polling station at every opportunity.
Our democratic system isn't ideal, not at all, but it is important to remember that by not voting, we will do nothing.

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Of course they don't believe in democracy.
Neither side let's the other speak. The left are too left and the right are too right.
Listen and respect each other, if you don't do that, you won't believe in democracy.
I've never voted and never will because I just don't believe the words that come out of any politician's mouth.
I also think I'm just not in a position to vote. I wasn't taught anything about politics. I don't see how someone has the right to vote who should be in power when we don't even know what's going on. How are we not taught about politics at school? It's baffling!


Reading the comments, there are so many that are "lost every election I voted in". I think that is the fundamental problem. With FPTP it is seen in terms of winning and losing. We need to get rid of it and move to PR so that everyone's voice is heard and is fairly represented.


It's not democracy, it's "who can spend the most money on making themselves look good in the media". Parties target fence sitting voters and barrage them with Facebook ads and articles and whatever and it 100% results in changes in voting habits. You can pretty much just buy votes, it's just a matter of how much money you throw at marketing yourself as less shit than the other people.
Plus we had the ridiculous situation that led to the coalition where the deciding factor on who would end up in power came down to backroom deals between parties trying to get the numbers to form a majority government. What the fuck is that? How is that democratic?
Then you've got FPTP voting, massive imbalance in voting power dependent on whether you're in a swing constituency or not, whether you're in a large or small population constituency and then the issue of the media in the UK largely being a Tory mouthpiece due to Murdoch and the rest.
And even when democracy does work it's just the tyranny of the largest minority, unless you're dealing with direct democracy like in anarchism.
I also think with the climate crisis, housing crisis, cost of living crisis, fuel crisis and the impact of Brexit people are just focusing on trying to get by and have little time or energy to engage in politics. We are a downtrodden nation and we've largely given up any hope of things ever getting better.
So overall, no fucking surprise that young people have little faith in this countries bullshit "democracy".


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