当美国拥有最好的 STEM 大学时,它的技术怎么还不如日本这样的国家?
2022-04-18 超级凉快 20251

Alvin Grissom II
This is a matter of perspective.
Japan still uses fax machines, is notorious for its paperwork (using real paper), and is full of houses with poor insulation. In software development, Japan is nowhere near the US.
However, in terms of infrastructure, there really isn’t any comparison. Japan wins, hands down. Japan’s rail system is unmatched, including a monorail (the Yurikamome) run entirely by computer and levitating magnetic trains. Cities are built to withstand frequent earthquakes.
This reflects Japan’s priorities for creating a functional society, and the fact that Japan experiences an unusual number of dangerous natural disasters. Japan is more willing to invest in services and infrastructure for the common good, and it shows.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Shane Ryoo
What Japan does have is more solid primary and secondary STEM education. Most of America’s public STEM education at that level is garbage. Japan also has excellent universities and produces a large number of Nobel and other prize winners in STEM fields. And Japan is mostly urban, which means that ideas and technologies are adopted rapidly.
But in terms of overall technological development, I wouldn’t say Japan is clearly in the lead. More importantly, I don’t think you can easily distinguish open, democratic countries as being “more advanced” than the other: they are free to buy and trade technologies from each other.
Who is more advanced, the country that creates a technology, or the country that is quick to identify the value and uses that technology? Hard to say.


Japan is a 100% Asian country, it is really small in extension but large in population. It's not merely about universities but quality of the people.
US universities also don't only serve Americans or their interests, they serve global interests, especially China's. Japanese universities serve Japanese interests.


Mattia Biella
When the US has the best universities for STEM…
Also no.
Apart from CalTech and MIT, the best STEM universities are far from US.
Japan views education as a way of living, US has education as a way to profit.
That’s why.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Jack Connolly
I’m going to give my take on this, and I’m not an expert, but have some amateur interest, and am a scientist.
The US is, indeed home to places like Cal Tech and MIT, the very best students go here and become scientists and engineers that are probably the most capable 1% in the world.
BUT 99% of people DON’T go to Cal Tech and MIT and , despite what movies and TV portray, most scientific and technical achievements are NOT made by a single lone genius in a EUREKA moment, it’s incremental advancement made by thousands of moderately talented worker bees collaborating in academia and industry. So, what’s at least as important as the quality of education available at the very top schools is the quality of education available at the middle ranked ones.
Because US university education is expensive compared to many other developed nations, I expect a lot of people are not able to pursue as much education as they might had they been born in places like the UK, Western Europe, Japan or Korea, to name a few.
Secondly, the best scientists in the world will not make discoveries if the infrastructure and social environment is not conducive to doing so. The US did not build the superconducting supercollider, but CERN did build the Large Hadron Collider. The US is very interested in military research, better stealth planes and super carriers, but hasn’t tried to develop the equivalent of the TGV or Shinkansen.
Thirdly, using Japan as a specific example, Japan has massive space constraints, which require technical and social solutions to allow people to live there comfortable. The country is frequently hit by earthquakes and typhoons, so it has spent time and money developing the infrastructure to respond to them. It has 35 million people living in Tokyo, so it had to develop a high speed train system to move them around efficiently. The US has an abundance of space and resources, which means that it doesn’t have the same imperative to come up with solutions to such problems, people simply build farther out and get in their large cars to drive to the strip mall.


Phil Thomson
It is not. The U.S is clearly and obviously ahead of Japan in every conceivable way where technology is concerned.
You are mixing up technological prowess and innovation with social harmony and the quality implementation of known technologies to improve living standards.
Japan has social harmony, discipline, order, very low crime rates and an educated and hard working populace. This is its culture. Japan is simply implementing and refining known and tried technologies that were largely first developed elsewhere.
The U.S is a layer cake. It has a layer comprised of the most highly paid, successful and intelligent people on earth and that overwhelmingly dictate the course of technology. Be it SpaceX, Lockheed Martin, Apple, Tesla, Intel, AMD, Nvidia, Boeing, GE, Raytheon, Google etc. Japan is not even remotely close in this respect. Japan is a consumer of these technologies. But as I said, the U.S is a layer cake, so while this highly educated and well paid layer is there, there are also layers of society populated by very uneducated and dysfunctional people. You do not get this sort of polarisation in Japan.
The biggest threat to the U.S is that the unproductive, uneducated layer is growing ever bigger. Social degeneration is increasing. As a result a great political and cultural divide is taking place. Eventually, if the unproductive, criminally inclined layer outgrows itself and fails to evolve, the system will fail to cope and the quality of life will go down even further. The U.S will further divide across districts/cities and which could eventually culminate in its break up or the implementation of an access restricted, segmented zone system.


Look at intel, amd, apple , Qualcomm, Tesla , Microsoft, AT&T, google, Facebook , nasa, sa pace x and their US sub contractors as a small sample . still you want to say that Japan is technologically advanced than US?

看看英特尔、amd、苹果、高通、特斯拉、微软、AT&T、谷歌、Facebook、nasa、space x和他们的美国分包商就知道了。你还想说日本的技术比美国先进吗?

Greg Knittel
the few times i went to Japan i did notice they had stuff that we did not yet have in the states by a few years. but this has nothing to do with our universities compared to their own. Yes ours are some of the best and hence attract students from the world. we educate Japanese and Chinese and students across the globe. Many of them go home and do not stay here.


Bengt Persson
Where the best STEM university is located, is of no interest when it comes to making a country “technology advanced”. What matters is how big fraction of the population have a decent STEM exam and works with a STEM related job.
For a developed country US have a low fraction of STEM graduates. Most of the best go to law, medicine and MBA. STEM “is not worth the effort”.


Chris Harper
When you say “technologically advanced” what exactly do you mean? Sure in some cases this is true. But in other cases it isn’t. I mean this is the country that doesn’t use insulation on their homes, who use kerosene heaters during the winter meaning you need to crack a window to get rid of the fumes and where they still use fax machines. E-mail is so much more convenient but no, when I worked there on contract every week I needed to fill out my sheet, get my manager to sign it and fax it back to my contracting company. I was so happy when I was taken on full time. No more faxing.
Yes there are aspects of Japan that are more technologically advanced than the US. But not every aspect of life is like that. I’d say that this is based on what the people find to be important to them. Infrastructure, considering that Japan is situated on the convergence of several tectonic plates and multiple fault lines. So more is paid towards safety and lessening the risk of buildings falling down over then getting super fast internet.
Besides Japan doesn’t really invent anything. They instead improve on existing designs. I mean the Sony Walkman was a revolution when it first came out. The president of Sony wanted a portable tape player so he gave his engineers something like this:
And asked them to make it so that he could walk around with it clipped to his belt. They turned it into this:
It took 4 AA batteries. Eventually they reduced the size even more. But they didn’t invent the cassette tape player.
Same thing with cars, appliances and all sorts of electronics.


Brian Burnside
I lived in Japan for six years. My wife is Japanese and we get back there a couple of times/year. I haven’t seen any particular way in which Japan is more technologically advanced except in areas that warrant it.
For example trains. They have the bullet train. Better than what we have in the U.S.. Why? Not because they are smarter. It is because they have more necessity for it.
Many houses still use a cesspit under the house and don’t have flushing toilets.
On a whole, they have better rice cookers, but you can buy the same rice cooker in the U.S. if you want one.
I can’t really think of any technology they have that makes me think.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Dave Smith
Essentially it is because Japan is a capitalist economy with a socialist culture, where the US is a capitalist economy with a serfdom culture


Murat Eskiyerli
Maybe the presupposition of the question is wrong. The US may not have the best universities for STEM. It just has the universities with most mindshare. I suspect the press department budget of some of the best-known universities in the US can match that of some large companies.
On the other hand, the most graduates in Japan are really trained in the companies. When I was in Sony, a bunch of graduates were in the building. My Japanese colleague said that they would go through a two-years training programme before they really start working for the company.


Philip Dixon
It’s because the people who own America want most Americans to live like peons.
And there’s no significant difference between the best American universities and those elsewhere in the world. Very few people would turn down a place at Cambridge or the Sorbonne to go to MIT, for example.


S. Stark
Bullet trains and Japanese cartoons made Japan look technologically advanced.
You'll be surprised to know that offices in Japan still use fax.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Lakshmi Ramachandran
Though the US has been the world leader in research in a wide range of areas, they strangely do not transfer this knowledge back to society and benefit by it. In practice it’s the corporations that call the shots there. Research and knowledge seems to be showcased, as if knowledge is meant to sit in a shelf and be admired.


Clifford Nelson
Have you even walked in the CalTech campus, I have. And at University of California Irvine. You known what I see. East Asians (before the pandemic). The students seem to be all East Asians. LOL. Maybe a lot of Japanese, but probably a lot are Chinese, Right now Chinese has more patents than US and Japan is just behind.
And which country now has the most STEM graduates by a large margin…China with India a distant second and then next is far behind India. I hear that China has many really good universities (and I expect that they are well underrated) and pay really well to get the best talent to teach at them. The Chinese are learning learning from the best US universities and they will be the professors at Chinese Universities in the future, teaching Chinese so as China will leave the US far behind.


Robert Steen
That’s more about politics and size. Japan prioritizes infrastructure investment. Congress can’t be bothered to even do something about the crumbling road network in the US.


Because the best STEM American graduates in US universities often do not end up working in government?
However, the best STEM Japanese graduates who study in US universities do end up working in the Japanese government?
I do not have the statistics or anything, but just based on impressions I feel like I see more Japanese civil servants having MIT, Caltech, Stanford, etc degrees than I see American ones.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Ron Scott KBE
Jspan is in rather sizable nation but perhaps the size of but a few states of the USA combined. Thus planning and rollout can be efficiently coordinated from Tokyo whereas stateside regions comprise competitive market turf which must be contested over by industry and negotiated within state government.


Santosh Kumar
US is a different league altogether. I sometimes cannot but admire them and wonder if they could do few other things better what more could they have achieved. US has a simple strategy it picks the best of the best STEM graduates whether Chinese, Indian, Russians, x, y, z. There is a very high likelihood that if you are someone who matters and has done some pioneering work in STEM then you live in the USA. The American has the capital, muscle, prestige and comforts that very capable men and women aspire. As long as it remains an attractive destination in terms of remuneration, quality of life, research grants, giant scientific endeavours and prestigious institutions it will maintain an edge. Some people will say that edge is thinning. And I am sure US policy makers are already working on it. Important thing is that they recognize it. Maintaining that edge is hard and I am sure Americans will find something from their cornucopian bag of resources.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Harry Fawcett
With freedom and capitalism this is how America became exceptional. ... …!! Hard workers, go getters, entreprenuers love America. People from around the world come to make better lives. Yes… millions do come for obamacare and biden open door get out the vote welfare ! For how long is the question can America be great. Democrats, the climate cult, the plutocrats of silicon valley are working over time to soil, spoil our Constitution with their corrupt crony dirty fingers. The US is 45th in the world in reading, writing and math and dropping. The left care nothing for the hard working American and they care even less for the two parent family.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Sayan Dutta
Japan is advanced than US because Japan is the best when it comes to electronics and automobiles. Therefore, landing in moon by US can be fake. Japan is greatest because of their robots and much more. Japan has created so many things in everyday life that you will get a shock and you will wonder that how they are so creative. US technology is past now but Japan technology is present and one and only future. Finally, the average IQ of an American is 98% but the average IQ of a Japanese is 105%. I assure you Japan will be everything in technology in upcoming future and do not think I am a Japanese, I am an Indian.


Oliver Bayley
In some ways, Japan can seem advanced in terms of technology compared to the US or some other western countries. One example might be public transport. Trains that are for the most part on time, a safe high speed rail system that crosses almost the entire country, efficient internal flights with local airports across the country. Another might be toilet technology - yes, you heard me! Japanese toilets are renowned worldwide for their advanced features and automation.
In other ways Japan can seem antiquated.
Connectivity: WiFi access is extremely limited (although this IS improving) and “Free” WiFi often involves registration, payment (or both).
Professional communication: Fax machines are often used (I like them, but they aren’t advanced!)
Banking: Banks (until recently) had very limited opening hours, and many ATMS are not available 24 hours. International money transfer can seem complex and overly complicated.
Daily life at home: Many washing machines don’t use hot water. Double glazing is rare. (Not to say that these things are essential and in fact, not having them may have benefits, but Japan feels less technologically advanced to me in this way.)


Cyber security: Until recently there was little awareness of this at the governmental level and even now attempts to improve in this area appear to be little more than face-saving exercises in the face of international competition and local criticism.
Finally, where technology is often thought to be advanced, such as robotics, in reality uptake of that technology will be glacially slow compared to the USA. Japan’s robotics industry may make the news (customer service androids, robot guides at airports etc,) but for the most part it has made NO inroads in the lives of the general public.
Let me finish by saying that I am not a US citizen. I’m originally from the UK - but I did live in the US briefly some time ago and visited on business many times.


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