2022-04-20 wuhaowsh 17947

Am I giving up too much freedom by moving to Australia from the United States?


Harley Vague
Am I giving up too much freedom by moving to Australia from the United States?
It’s not a question about the amount of freedom but a question of what type of freedom.
The U.S.A. has undoubtedly more individual freedoms. Sounds great in theory. Australia has more individual restrictions and controls in general which collectively give Australians more freedom.
Australians are restricted in their use of firearms that gives Australians the collective freedom of movement. The Australian government’s restrictions on the stock market means Australians are less vulnerable to boom and bust. The Australian government’s restrictions on banks means Australians are less vulnerable to loss. The Australian government’s restrictions on business means Australians are less vulnerable to Ponzi schemes. The Australian government’s higher taxation means Australians are less vulnerable healthcare heartache. The Australian government’s greater restrictions generally means Australians are more free to enjoy life.
Remember, there is no such thing as being free - it’s only the size of the walls that imprison you. The greatest leverage for freedom is wealth. Poverty kills freedom.
So do you want to be free to carry guns, blow your money, be poor and argue about individual rights or do you want to be happy and go with the flow ?.


John Fenn
I lived in California from 1978 until 1995. Then due to losing custody of my children, my home, my business I returned to Australia, where the Australian Family court went to bat for me and got me a fair deal. I was able to pay my child support from Australia.
For many years I was angry at the US for treating me so badly. But one day I had an epiphany:- It wasn’t about me, the US treats everybody badly. Their own citizens, their neighbours, other countries, the world. The US doesn’t give a shit about anybody or anything except profit for the elite. After a lifetime of listening to Americans talk about freedom I have to say that you don’t even know what freedom is.
Trust me, you will live a freer life in Australia. Free from the fear of getting sick, free from Medical bankruptcy, freedom from life on the streets, free from “at will”employment , less elitism, more opportunity, more equality, freedom from getting shot and freedom from worrying about getting shot.
So how did you manage to get an Australian visa? Tell me about it.


Alison Nicol
I live in a beautiful part of New South Wales.
When Americans mention their pay, in the same breath they'll also add the health insurance package that comes with it. One thing that strikes me about the land of the free is how much they fear “socialism” as a controlling force and view universal health care as a socialist threat to their freedom. They've completely bought the propaganda. I'm in a few online support groups for parents raising kids with special needs and I'm always struck by the amount of people raising children with complex needs, stuck in jobs they hate with bad conditions…because they are completely dependent on their job health insurance. And parents will do just about anything to provide their kids the best care they can. It's so sad. They aren't free to pursue their dreams or chase their goals. They aren't free to assert their rights in the workplace. They aren't even free to spend precious time with their children. :(


Graham Lucas
Hi Alison.
In the good old days when the Trade unxs had power in the USA.
(And also abused that power)
The USA had a system where the Employer of significant companies paid the Health Insurance for the employee and their family.
Along came “Greed is good” mentality and put health insurance & costs back on the individual.
The USA has the BEST health services that money can buy.
And the worst for a developed country and economy if you can’t pay the cost.


Patrick Farnell
I don’t know about it being a threat to anyone’s freedom exactly
But know this about it.
The cost to taxpayers IS -monumental-.


Chris Davis
For anyone who is willing to look at FACTS in forming their opinions, there is no shadow of a doubt that the average person in the United States does not have as good a life as the average person in Northern Europe, Australia, New Zealand and a host of other countries. It is also a FACT that our infrastructure, the basic guts of our society, is falling apart, never mind being improved. Our political situation has been deteriorating since Newt Gingrich. We are now basically at war with ourselves in every way except for gunfire. People in this country have a choice to make - elect people who want to make life better for everybody except the super-rich (they don’t need the help obviously) or continue doing what we are doing. Anybody willing to look honestly can see where that path is leading us.


John Fenn
Yes I agree. I still have family in the US, and I hope it comes together soon. Thank you Chris


Joann Durbin
My son (American) worked in Australia for a while and tried to go back about a year ago and was denied, despite a recommendation from his former employer


John Fenn
We are so short of workers and all they choose are the elite, the Doctors and Engineers and like that. Farmers are screaming for workers, Miners are screaming for workers and we have a thousand refugees sitting on their ass in detention centres. Both my daughters live in California and I keep telling them, don’t let those Australian passports expire. Sometimes my own country exasperates me because I am a citizen of the world, and my countrymen are a bunch of xenophobic isolationists.
Plus we have 40,000 Australians out there who have been trying to come home for a year. I don’t know why they just don’t vaccinate them and bring them home.


John Fotheringham
Having lived in the US and being Canadian it really shocked me to see how little self awareness people have when it comes to the constraints that the US puts on them with regards to how they think about their country and what criticisms that you can make about
This was true even of the people who I knew. At the end of the day they were all compelled to point out that, not withstanding their criticisms, the US is the greatest country on earth. As a Canadian the very idea that there is a best country makes no sense to me

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Howard John Goodisson
You are living under the assumption that the US is free, it's not, you have more people incarcerated in prisons than anywhere else in the world, you are easily manipulated and believe every bullshit story you're told and the only view required is the political leaning you may have, you follow religious lunatics without question and have fuck all empathy for anyone else, sorry guy, but few Americans know anything about freedom


Fred Mona-Ghan
Boris Johnson gave up his American citizenship pretty quick in 2014.
Not good being Prime Minister when you carry an American passport. And he does’nt pay American taxes on his earning’s either.


John Fenn
In Australia it was discovered that a number of politicians held foreign citizenships, and that is a big no no per the constitution. 15 Federal politicians had to step down while the mess was sorted. (out of about 225) Most renounced their foreign citizenships. Some had to face reelection after they had renounced the foreign citizenship.

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Albert Hall
Whatb Americans do notbrealise is thatbthe American Constuitution was written by Rich and Infleuential people [usually FREEMASONS] for the benefit of Rich ands Influential people who were also usually Freemasons. If Americans really cared to study their own history they might be very surprised at how many even minor rebellions against Rich and Influential People, usually Freemasons, were put down with ultimate Force by paid mercenaries. They might be surprised at how many of those rebellions wee undertaken by Black,white and WOMEN acting together, They might be surprised the The American War of Independence was NOT about the Common Man and freedom it was about the Rich and Influeniual, usually Freemasons, instigated by the French against the taxes levvied on the Rich and Powerful, usually Freemasons. The poor buggers who fought that war and did not in the main pay taxes anyway soon realised they had been conned [see above ‘re minor rebellions and add to that ‘not so minor!’.
THe American Civil War was fouight alomng the same lines. Most of the LABOURING Classes in the North were no better than poorly paid, very poorly paid, slaves themselves.
The Civil War did little to improve the lot of Slave classes in the South and an awful lot to make the lot of the supposedly ‘free’ Afro-American labourers in the North a bloody sight worse.
That is not to say that America should not have becopme an independent nation.


Tina Clarke
Its not being born there its being brought up there..I was born there brought up in england from age one…thanks to my parents.


Anne Watson
I wonder what the Americans who move to Australia think about America now in seeing it as an outsider (outside the country) with what's happening in every way. And has Australia been a better choice for them.


MaryBeth Lizek
What makes you think that Australia isn’t a free country? You should do some research on Australia, then decide whether you would want and like to live there.
If you are one of those who think that the only “free” country in the world is the US, you’re sadly very mistaken.


William Robert Adair
I’m a yank. Married a New Zealander. I spent 11 years in New Zealand, then 7 in Australia. I have never felt as free in the US as I did in those two countries. There are things to complain about everywhere, but on balance, I think that’s a fair assessment. I am now back in the States. Fate has a sick sense of humor). But, in about two years, I retire, and I’ll be on the next plane to NZ. So no, you will not be giving up too much freedom.


America is routinely rated as one the least free countries in the Western world. The USA is a bureaucratic nightmare with multiple layers of government, multiple government agencies, an astonishing number of law enforcement officers, the world’s most profitable prison “industry” and the world’s most accomplished propaganda machine which has convinced Americans of the opposite.
Americans rarely give up freedom by moving to other Western countries.


Everyone is Entitled to my Opinion
The most obvious differences that I know of are that, like all developed countries other than the United States, Australia has government healthcare and no right to own guns.


Ron Hayward
Nobody will shoot you.
Get sick you will be treated and you won't have to sell a kidney.
We drive on the correct side of the road left.
If you go to the Outback, hire a 4wd take 4litres per person per day, if you unfortunately breakdown stay with your vehicle, the nearest inhabitant may be 200km away. Take a satellite phone or an EPIRB with you, they may save your life. Don't drive at night, that's when kangaroos are about, if you hit one and it goes through your windscreen, you will be damaged.
Aussies are friendly, if they like you a lot, they will stir you up, which means they really like you, reply in kind, they will like you more.


Lynne Chamberlain
First of all at the moment you would not be able to move to Australia.
Australia has closed its borders except for Australian citizens.
If you do move to Australia you will gain more freedom than you can imagine.
You will not be able to carry a gun but you will not be shot by anybody on the street including the police.
You will have free healthcare.
You will be paid a living wage and you will not have to work more than one job.
You will get 4 weeks paid holiday and 2 weeks paid sick leave a year.


If you are a US citizen or permanent resident, then the main problem you will have is that you still need to file US taxes even if you live and work in Australia. US tax laws make it exceptionally difficult and expensive for Americans living outside the US to either own property or save money for their own retirement.
Otherwise I do not see any problem with living in Australia. I have visited several times and it is a beautiful country.


I am currently in Victoria but moving to Ravensthorpe WA soon - that’s actually a hard question, there are many things i enjoyed about the USA and one of them being the Freedom and little real government intervention. Its been a culture shock returning , the Govt in Australia is heavy handed and think nothing about legislating against peoples freedoms, after having been protected by all manner of laws and rights its a real shock to think they don't exist in Australia, im not saying its a nation of barbarous heathens, but its sort of frightening how easy the govt has sold off many critical things and all aussies paying for it.
But that aside, its a nation of good people , there's opportunity galore and the country does have many many beautiful places. The food is great, the produce is world beating and the freedom for camping and enjoying the outdoors is unsurpassed.

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NO. But it does depend on your definition of freedom.
If your definition of freedom is to buy as many guns and ammo as you desire, then I guess you are giving up too much freedom.
If your definition of freedom is to not be bankrupted by medical Bill's, then no, you will have much more freedom in Australia.
If your definition of freedom is to be able to spank your child and force genital mutilation, then I guess you are giving up freedom.
If your definition of freedom is to be able to get as much education as you desire, regardless of income, you will have much more freedom.
If your definition of freedom is no mandated vacation, sick leave or parental leave and much fewer workers rights, then I guess you are.
The first time I saw the Statue of Liberty was when I was leaving the US. Lady Liberty had been a symbol of freedom to many immigrants to the US, but for me she was a harbinger of the freedom I found out of the US.


Dave Dunn
I personally know two people that did. One is a policeman, and the other a musician. Neither of them liked living in the US and moved back to South Australia.
Colin wasn't a policeman when he went to the states, he was a supermarket manager I used to work with years ago, he spent around 15/20 years in the States, but didn't like the violence and the risk of being shot or stabbed just for pulling someone over, or settling a dispute. He actually arrested my daughter (even though it was her that got jumped and bashed), and I told him off for being too rough. Once out of uniform, he told me that in the States, a teenage girl was likely to pull a knife or gun, and it had happened a few times on call outs. He said he was having trouble adjusting to dealing with Australians again, and relaxing and trusting people.
Brett was a musician and composer who left to try and break into the industry over there. He did make a living for around 10 years, but he just didn't like living in the US, so he came back.


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