2022-04-22 龟兔赛跑 11670

How much time would it take to learn guitar?


Mike Riddle, Playing guitar for 55 years


Depends on how serious you are. If you will give it a 1/2 hour a day, growing to an hour, every day as you grow calluses on your fingertips, then in 6 months you will be able to play well enough to share your skill with others.
Commit to playing forever - if you learn to do it well, you will never let it go. And 6 months will seem like as small amount of time.
If you overdo it, you will have a lot of finger pain and frustration, and may never acquire the skill you will desire.
If you practice once a week, you will never get there. You will quit.
Key thought: everyday. every single day. Exceptions should be very rare.
There is also value in picking up your guitar for 5 minutes throughout the day as you have time (this is in addition to the 1/2 hour or hour of practice).


At first, concentrate on the basic mechanics You can vary this once you have skill, but honor the basics until you have mastered them.
Learn to finger behind the fret, not over it, and do not press the string harder than necessary to get a clear tone. Over pressuring a string is one of a beginner’s most common mistakes. Pick a string gently, repeatedly, lowering finger pressure each time. You will be surprised how little pressure it takes if you have the fingertip coming down on the string rather than holding it down with the finger sideways
Practice sitting down. You can add standing and “performance appearance” after you actually play your instrument well.
Learn that you control dynamics by how tightly you hold a pick, not how hard you pluck/strum the strings. Tuned right, using good strings, you should not be breaking them. Change strings about every 6 weeks at first. It will take awhile for you to hear when they need changing. Wipe finger oil off your strings with a soft cloth after each playing session.
Start learning the theory of scales a bit every day also, and understand how chords are constructed. Theory is the language that lets you work with others, which will add incredible pleasure to your playing.


Really, really, practice listening - to your guitar, and to music. Think about what you are hearing. Train your ear to hear the pitch. Use an electronic tuner (they are so cheap now) from the start so you won’t train your ear to hear incorrect tuning.
Tap your feet to keep time and rhythm, don’t try to do this by intellect alone. Timing and rhythm are physical experiences, so let your body participate.
Understand that you will end up owning more than one guitar. I recommend that you start with an acoustic, as its portability opens up a lot of possibilities, and you can hear its tone more clearly. Then take up an electric. Acoustics are harder on the fingers, and if you start with an electric, you might never feel completely comfortable with an acoustic guitar. Also, you might tend to focus too much on electronic tone manipulation and under-focus on actual playing skills.
Realize that no matter how much technique, etc. you acquire, what will actually earn respect both from others and yourself is to learn to use the instrument to speak emotionally. The longer I have played, the more I focus on how my playing affects others rather than on the playing itself.
Try your hand at writing songs - simple at first. This is a skill that takes some time to develop, so again, do it regularly, and have patience. One of the best quotes I ever heard (I forget the source) : “ Add them only if you have something to say”. Good songs have something to say. Take your ideas from real life experience if you can.
Above all, consider music performance as involvement with joy. Play for the pleasure, not some external goal. You will likely achieve such goals, but it is the love of music you will acquire that will make it a lifelong addition to your life.


Rohit Sd, Guitar is passion.
One of the most important aspects of learning guitar is from where or from who you learn it.
First,you need to find a good teacher who is as much enthusiastic to teach as you are to learn.
Next, you have to be inspired to kearn anything in life. It is what keeps you motivated.
Lastly,practice makes man perfect!
My story- when I was in school, my mom arranged a home tutor for me. I was really excited to learn the guitar.
As a few months passed by, i began to lose interest. The tutor was not all I expected. He would leave before the agreed timings and he never taught me anything much. He kept on repeating the same thing (like the c scale and tunes like national anthem:/ ) After a while, I felt completely disencouraged and I told my mom to discontinue the tutoring. I packed my guitar and stuffed it in the attic.
After a few years and my first semester in degree college- I have a friend who is from Patna and we used to hang out at his apartment alot. (Having a few drinks and poker :P)
One day it so happend one of his friend came from Patna when we were around at his place. My friend had mentioned about him being a great guitarist.
He came, had a few drinks and picked up the guitar from the corner.


Thunderstruck is what I was.It was the most amazing thing I had ever witnessed. His skills and passion with the guitar were mesmerising. We enjoyed his show till 6am :P This was it. I just wanted to do what he could.It became a fascination.
The very next day, I brought down my guitar,dusted it and kept it ready. I was a man on a mission!
From then, I literally bugging him to teach me! I started spending almost every night at his place. He was cool with this and was happy that I showed so much intrest. And thats what I liked, he had not even a little ego when it came to teaching me.
(And yeah, I did often buy him ciggaretes and alcohol. )
I learnt so much in just a month.All chords, scales, arpeggios, soloing etc etc. My home tutor did not teach me all this even in one complete year!
I will always be indebted to my friend!
Sadly, he had to go back to Patna due to some family issue. We are still in touch and I had even gone till Patna to see him once.


David Grason, I've played guitar one or two times in my life


When I was teaching guitar I had plenty of time to notice my students and their progress. There were some students that would never learn to play the guitar no matter how hard they tried. They just didn’t have it.
Others would do fine and make steady progress. For the most part, students really did not want to spend any time practicing. There is no substitute for this and it cannot be bypassed. Yes, there were a lot of people that wanted to be the next guitar god but they wanted somehow to be magically transformed without having to pay their dues. It just doesn’t work that way.
But every once in a while I would get one of these students who wanted to play so badly that s/he was going to let absolutely nothing stand in the way. S/he spent the money needed to buy a genuinely good guitar and then literally lived with that guitar virtually 24/7. S/he spent every waking moment working on exercises, scales, chords or whatever else I threw at him or her. I had one teen aged student who wanted to play so badly that he put everything all the other young people his age were doing, on the back burner and he did nothing else but practice. …and practice and practice. He first showed up at the music store shortly after Christmas because his folks had gotten him a brand new Les Paul for Christmas. By the following Christmas, he was teaching me stuff that I hadn’t learned at that time. He was just REALLY good!
The point that I’m making here is that only YOU can make that determination. If you’re willing to put in the practice time, you can make progress REALLY quickly! But you must practice!

但每隔一段时间,我就会遇到这样一个学生,他们非常想弹吉他,以至于他/她绝对不会让任何东西阻挡他们。他/她花钱买一把真正好的吉他,然后几乎每天24小时都和那把吉他生活在一起。他/她醒着的每一刻都在练习、音阶、和弦或其他我教给他的东西。我有一个十几岁的学生,他非常想弹好,以至于他把其他同龄的年轻人所做的一切都放在次要位置,除了练习,他什么也没做—练习,练习。圣诞节后不久,他第一次出现在音乐商店,因为他的家人给他买了一把全新的Les Paul品牌的吉他作为圣诞礼物。到了第二个圣诞节,他教我一些我当时没有学过的东西。他真的很棒!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Joel Peterson, Performed solo vocal and guitar professionally 1964 - 2010
It depends on how much time you have available daily, how good do you want to be and how fast do you want to get there? There is not definitive answer. If I say a half hour a day it will take much longer than if I say an hour a day. I started playing guitar at 16 and I’m 74 now so I have learned about our instrument and I’m going to pass onto you a truism. I love guitar. When I started playing I had that axe in my hands as much as I could. I kept it next to my bed so if a woke up at night I could practice until I fell back asleep. When I awoke, I sat on the bed and played for as long as I could before somebody started screaming at me to get going. Sometimes six or seven hours a day It was 1962 and I was going to be the next great rock star, girls screaming and fainting and money pouring in like rain. I lived in a small town in rural Idaho and there were no teachers, but I dogged every guitar player within 20 miles and drove them crazy. But I learned something from each one. I got every book I could afford and learned more. And going at it 4 hours a day, every day, I was sounding pretty good after a year and 1460 hours practice. Mind you, PRACTICE, not playing and noodling. That was only after practice. I had a repertoire of around 40 good songs that I played well, and could play rhythm with most bands, although I wanted to be a solo act. So, I had about 1400 hours. How good would I have been at a half hour a day, or 182 hours? Think of just practicing 90 minutes a day. That’s 570 hours, and that’s a lot better than 182. You should be three to four times better after a year at 90 minutes.) Ok, back to me. I was a pretty decent vocalist so rhythm and chords were very high on my list, and I became a good rhythm player. Played first pro gig at 18 and was in heaven. Now, what happened? I rested on my laurels. After all, I could play in any key any progression and had great dynamics. But I couldn’t tell you what the Pentatonic Scale was, let alone play it. Or any other scale. So, for about the next 40 years I learned very little, and just kept on playing the same old stuff until I got so sick of it I literally quit guitar for 12 years. Didn’t pick it up even once. The thing I once loved so dearly. I had gone as far as I could, or so I thought. When I retired at 67 I got bored and started wondering what would happen if I practiced five or six hours a day.


Tom Serb, performing professionally on guitar since 1976

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It depends. And it depends on a lot of things....
It depends on your aptitude. I've met very few people who don't seem to be able to learn the guitar. And I've met only a few people who seem to pick it up very easily. Most people fall somewhere in the middle, but it's a big middle!
It depends on how much time you put in. Assuming you're not a prodigy who picks up everything on the first try, or an outlier at the other end where no amount of effort will produce results, the more time you spend practicing, the faster you'll master each skill.
It depends on how much you put into you time. If you approach a practice session thinking "I'm going to put in half an hour", you're starting out thinking about the clock and not the guitar. If your attention starts to waver before the time is up, you're going to end up wiggling your fingers around while the minutes tick by. If you approach a session thinking "I'm going to figure out how to do x", you're going to be focused on the goal. Focus in practice is essential to rapid progress.
It depends on where you set the goalpost. If you want to learn to play a specific song, it can take you anywhere from a single day to several years, depending on the song. If you want to be able to strum chords to any given song and do a decent rendition, a few months for most genres, but a few years for jazz. If you want to be able to improvise a melody, you ca do that in a matter of weeks - if you want to be able to improvise in any style, it's many years.


John Philip Goguen
What? It’s not about “days” it’s about talent, dexterity, memory and innate musical sense who knows how many days? Eddie Van Halen’s brother would go out on a date while Eddie was sitting on his bed playing like mad. When the brother got home, Eddie was still playing on the bed, dedication too . I have a son, by 14 he was playing Dave Mustaine riffs and could imitate a half dozen other hot lead guitarists of that era. He played for hours, we have photos of him sleeping with his guitar. He dropped out of university his last year ($ gone!) because the band toured the country, that fell apart and he moved furniture for the next ten years playing in country bands at night ! We just sent him $100 so he could take his wife out for Valentines!

什么?这与练习的“多少天”无关,这是关于天赋,灵巧,记忆和天生的音乐感谁知道有多少天?埃迪·范·海伦(Eddie Van Halen)的哥哥会出去约会,而埃迪则坐在床上疯狂地弹吉他。哥哥到家时,埃迪也还在床上玩。我有一个儿子,14岁的时候他就能演奏戴夫·穆斯坦的重复乐段,并能模仿那个时代其他六个热门的主吉他手。他曾弹好几个小时,我们有他抱着吉他睡觉的照片。他在大学的最后一年辍学了(没钱了!),因为乐队在全国巡演,乐队解散了,他在接下来的十年从事搬家具的工作,晚上在乡村乐队演奏!我们刚给他寄了100美元,让他带妻子出去过情人节!

Brian Williams, works at Artists and Creative Professions
Depends on your standards, how fast you learn, what your starting point is and how well you practice.
Some people get good fairly quickly.
Some people play instruments every day all their lives and never get good.
I would hazard a guess it’s because they never learn to hear the problems in their playing properly and or never push themselves or strive to be better.
So my answer to this is always an honest. Anywhere between some amount of years to never.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Stephen McConnell, Been playing Guitar for 50+ years. I play fingerstyle blues, jazz and folk.
You never stop “learning” the guitar. The whole thing is a journey. How and what you learn depends upon soooooo many things.
What are your goals in learning the guitar? If you just want to learn chords to accompany yourself singing, not long. My first student wanted to learn as his first song, The Beatles ““Oh Darling”. This is a complex song with bar chords, an augmented chord to start it, lots of chords, changes in rhythm and dynamics. To top it off, this student was in his 70’s. It took him 3 weeks to get this song down enough to enjoy playing it. This was because of his effort, not my instruction.
It depends on your learning style. Can you go to a YouTube video and teach yourself, it may take a while. I suggest you get an instructor to teach you the basics, whether you can teach yourself or not. There are some IMPORTANT habits you need to establish when you start. Unlearning bad habits are HARD and will make how long it takes. There are a lot of bad YouTube instructional videos out there.
Many times, it’s not how long you practice, it’s how well you practice.
How much talent do you have? While I would love to say everyone can learn guitar (yes almost everyone can).
Remember, learning a musical instrument is a journey. Enjoy the journey.

这取决于你的学习方式。你能去油管视频上自学吗?这可能需要一段时间。不管你能否自学我建议你找一位老师来教你基础知识 。当你开始的时候,你需要养成一些重要的习惯,改掉坏习惯很难,而且要花很长时间。油管上有很多糟糕的教学视频。

Shawn Bailey, Guitarist for 34 years. Rock/Metal, Chicago/Texas blues/Jazz
You asked a really interesting question… So I’m going to give a somewhat “interesting” answer. I hope you’ll read it to the end.
How long does it take to master ‘a’ guitar?
I started out as a drummer, but as circumstances would have it, a good friend of mine was a drumming prodigy… so I decided to move to (what I thought was the second best instrument in a rock band) guitar.
I play a Les Paul mainly, an electric guitar made by Gibson. I bought it 2nd hand when I was 16 with every cent I ever earned. In my world, a new skill is something to be conquered, a quest, a challenge. The guitar was a huge challenge.
I badly wanted to be in a rock band with my friends so I set about putting all my spare time into mastering ‘the’ guitar… literally.
If I wasn't doing schoolwork or class, I was playing the guitar or practicing.
Playing meant jamming on songs with my drummer friend. This was important because I learned the value of playing guitar in an ensemble (I was also a percussionist in the high school orchestra).

我主要演奏一把由吉布森制作的Les Paul电吉他。我16岁的时候用赚来的钱买了它。在我的世界里,新技能是一种需要征服的东西,一种任务,一种挑战。吉他就是一个巨大的挑战。

Practice meant learning the techniques and theory as applied to guitar… chords, scales, picking exercises, learning songs, developing a vibrato, playing along to songs on tape, recording myself playing to hear how awful I was and what I had to work on. 10 hours a day would be spent practicing. There were so many things to know! Things outside of plain old theory…things that make a guitar player sound good.
I didn't take lessons because I just figured they would slow me down. By the time I was 19, our band was playing paying gigs in bars. Playing classic and modern rock songs… and we were pretty good. Had I mastered the guitar by that point?
Nope, all of that practice and playing had me at a pretty advanced level of playing a certain genre of music on ‘a’ guitar
By the time I hit 21 years old… I had mastered ‘a’ guitar in 1 style of music. I could play almost anything I wanted to .


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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