2022-04-29 龟兔赛跑 7723

How lovely can be a long distance relationship?


Bala Senthil Kumar, Entrepreneur at Large in Two Countries
If she told me the distance is too hard for her in a long distance relationship does it mean she doesnt love me anymore or is it really the distance?
It means she is calling it off, and doesn't want to be direct, feel bad about it later, or carry the guilt of announcing the break up.
If there are two people in a loving, trusting, caring, sharing relationship, and both care to be in it, if any one has a problem, I would love to think the words will express something along the lines of, "Baby, I hate being so far away from you. I am missing you awfully. Come see me, please!", and both would rush to be in each other's arms. That's love.
If it is a constipated, "This is really hard for me, you know?", it is really saying, "This is inconvenient, and I'd rather let this go and open the door to new possibilities. But you're in the way, and I don't have the courage to call it off, because I know karma is a bitch.
It appears not all of us recognize when a relationship has run its course, distance or no distance. Doesn't mean you can't retrieve, but it takes two who want to run into each other's arms no matter what else. Not two who want to be polite or ask others for advice based on mere symptoms and third party analysis.
Distance makes the heart grow fonder. If love is strong and true and top priority for both that is. But then that kind of love isn't for everyone either.


Farah Safira, studied Psychology at Universitas Indonesia (2019)

Farah Safira,在印度尼西亚大学学习心理学(2019)

What’s unhealthy:
The unsubstantiated suspicion on your partner
Draw conclusions without at least trying to find out in advance about the actual situation or your partner’s point of view
Not trusting your partner. That they love you, therefore, they wouldn’t do things that would upset you. OR saying you trust them in their face but doesn’t mean it
Listening to anyone commenting and judging on your relationship instead of having faith on you, your partner, and the relationship
Expect your partner to sacrifice things for you and the relationship meanwhile you refuse to sacrifice yourselves for them and the relationship
More judging than listening
Not respecting your partner’s needs for self-care thus forcing and pushing them to fulfill the needs of the relationship first if not every single time
The long-distance relationship itself isn’t unhealthy. What makes it become unhealthy is how wrongfully you treat yourself, your partner, and both of you within the relationship.


Amer Khwaja, Introvert. Traveler. Photo Artist. Webmaster. Lived awhile.
I’m in a long distance relationship with a guy who lives in America and I live in Japan. He goes to school to be a doctor and he’s been really busy with school and work and he doesn’t have time to talk to me. What can we do to make things work out?
if you really want things to work out, one of you will have to make a big sacrifice and move to be closer to the other one. Otherwise, how long do you plan to continue this? How soon before one of you meets someone who lives a lot closer and decides its better to be with someone they see all the time than someone they rarely see?


Rinku Gala, 13 years of experience in Marketing Communications

Rinku Gala, 13年的营销传播经验

I am in one since more than a yr. It's tough but not impossible. LDR works if Love is strong on both ends. Also what do you'll want most in relationship. If it's physically it will definitely break, if you'll working on building a future together then it may work as long as you'll are commited to one an other & share the same goal. If you can't manage please give up earlier the better to save your & his/her time and efforts.


Victoria August, CEO at Kenner Promotions & Publications
I think that the distance between two people sometimes gives more time to relax, to be themselves, and get to know each other with time between visits to digest what they learn and begin to feel for each other; Without the great expectations to quickly make a decision to commit. When they travel to see each other they know their time is limited so they cherish what they have together as a special treat.


Prity Roy, B.A from University of Calcutta


Every relationship needs effort , time , communication and love ofcourse . If you both love eachother distance does not matter. I am in a LDR and trust me we are just like normal couples . We miss eachother but we can't meet .we want to hug eachother but we can't .
When I informed my friends about him they said that this relationship won't work but still it's working. He is caring and loving . Physically we are not together but emotionally we are together . He is mature and I am immature .
I am sick he is there for me . He is the first person after my mom asking about my health . He motivates me for everything's . He scold me .Yeah I wait for his phone calls mostly . He is my bestfriend I can share anything with him. He fights with me but end up hugging me . He never ask me about my male friends . My exam he is ready to sacrifice his sleep . He stay busy but never forget to ping me asking about my study .


Ann Patrick, B.Sc. Psychology, 22 Years Training in Buddhism + (1949-present)
A long-distance relationship can be a bright spot in our day .. especially if we don’t have much of a life or are not interested in much. It can also give us a dream of a better-future to hang onto. LDRS can be positive during a pandemic lock-down, when we CANNOT get out and live a full life, and when we have NO idea what tomorrow will hold.
But for normal living conditions, they are not very advisable.
First of all, they are not actual relationships. Since 90% of what we grasp about and share between us and another comes NOT from the VERBAL content, but from the NON-VERBAL cues .. you can only relate 10% to someone you are not with in-person. LDR’s DO create a sense of “pseudo-understanding” that can be very appealing, that we WANT to believe in .. but it is not about reality.
So most of long-distance ‘relationships’ are little more than a shared fantasy. We don’t even know for SURE if the person’s situation is what they claim it is .. let along having the opportunity to learn WHO they are BY observing them in person, as they relate to others, make decisions, and react to annoyances.


The drawbacks of an LDR are:
The more attached we become to the fantasy, the more we hate our REAL life and the more unhappy we become.
Since there is only 10% communication, most of what we think is going on is our own wishful thinking superimposed over reality.
Misunderstandings are difficult to fix, since there are none of the non-verbal cues to create a sense of reassurance.
And if we DO get together with them, our fantasy about them will carry us along for a while .. but as that starts to disintegrate, MOST LDR’S become very difficult and painful and end badly. Because the fantasy we have become so attached to cannot live up to the reality of who the other person actually IS.
Finally, many men are motivated to seek a relationship for the physical contact. They cannot get that from an LDR, and sooner or later some lady WHERE they live catches their eye and they drop the LDR.


Venessa Lobo, Master of Pharmacy BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus, Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani (2021)
Why is the long-distance relationship too difficult to handle?
Cause you can’t see that person physically in front you. You start missing the presence of that person.
Things like the way that person made you smile, sometimes cry, when you got really pissed, if you visit a place the two of you frequented you become nostalgic.
And it becomes even more difficult when you aren't going through the best of times and the person you rely on isn't next to you.
They are difficult to be in but not impossible ! All you need is a faithful and loving heart :)
That's why long distance relationships are hard.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Ankit Kakadiya, worked at National Stock Exchange
What are the ways in which you can make your boyfriend feel loved and special in a long distance relationship?
There are so many ways, you can make him feel special.
I’ll share what I did.
I took craft papers and wrote up all happy moment we shared together, though I’m not a good writer. It took much time and effort to recollect all sweet memories and put down on craft paper. It was around 50 pages, I bond them with gift wrapper flower and sent to her.
If you are not kind of creative person, you can send him gift and cake. You can take help of his colleague or roommate to surprise him on birthday.


Rakshith Akira, A Sensible Writer
It sucks!
I tell you from my personal experience.
Initially, it feels good to text or talks to her, but as the time passes you will get bored to talk about the same stuff.
You will start avoiding her calls or texts and You will take her for granted.
You never know with whom she is being dated.
Sexting and nude video call will too get bored day by day because it will become routine.
Everything will be through call or text. Right from romance to fight.
Lots of trust issues will be developed.
You will never know with whom she is texting till midnight.
No touch, No kissing, No hug and No bonding!


The more you meet and the more you explore the places together bonding develops. You can rejoice every memory.
You stay in Bangalore and she in Chennai, the same routine old story.
“Good morning or good night text.”
“You say something, I don't have anything new to say.”
“Had your dinner?”
Life becomes routine and it starts stinking. You should kiss, hug and go on roaming the city every weekend. Explore new cities and places together. Go on the trip frequently. The more you understand, the more comfortable your life will be.
Say no to a long-distance relationship. It never works out. There should be something exciting in life. To live, to love and to laugh.
Keep your life exciting.
(Your little appreciation and honest feedback make me write even more. A person who feels appreciated will always do more than expected.)


Sushant Goyal, M.B.B.S. from University College of Medical Sciences, University of Delhi (2024)

Sushant Goyal,德里大学医学院工商管理硕士(2024年)

She: I might not be able to communicate that often for next few days, had a little accident today, got admitted into the hospital.
He: What??! I am coming to meet you.
She: No you have such an important exam next week. Just study and come after that.
He: Hm I know…or maybe I don't know, please just take care of yourself.??
Next morning,
He: Hey! I am in the hospital waiting area. Just tell me you are in which room.


Another incident:
He: You know it has been too long since we met. I just wish that we could meet once.
She: We will soon I promise. Now it's already 2 a.m., just sleep otherwise you won't be able to wake up in the morning.
He: I don't know when that 'soon' will actually come. Goodnight!
Next morning his phone rang at 6 a.m.,
She: Sorry to disturb your sleep but I will be at Rajiv chowk metro station in an hour. I know this looks stupid but I just wanted to keep it as a surprise. Can you come fast? Please…
Things might look tough but all this touch of care and loyalty makes it worth living. The right person will always make it more blissful for you be it any kind of relationship.
P.S. - It's not a fairytale, just a glimpse of some beautiful moments from my past relationship.


Ankita Srivastava, Clinical Dietitian Student (2019-present)

Ankita Srivastava,临床营养师学生(2019年至今)

Initially, I used to just look at my clock. Constantly doing the math in my head about what time it would be in UK.
What time will I hear from him again ? Is he asleep ?
Did he eat ? What did he eat ? Etc etc.
I can feel the blood rushing all over my body and head in this very moment writing this answer for you. It just brings back memories I don’t want to remember.
I don’t want anyone to feel like I am against long distance relationships or I don’t believe that they work. To me love always wins and distance means nothing.
But, it takes twice the effort. Him and I both should be willing to equally sacrifice and compromise.
On some days, when you’re down I will pick you up and on other days you do it for me.
But if I am the one who is constantly giving out a hand for help and not getting any when I need one makes me feel like shit.


Mukul Chauhan, the way people feel about or behave towards each other
In a long-distance relationship you have the chance to see the true meaning of love beyond the physical, a love so powerful that it can conquer and overpower the challenges of time, distance, and everything that comes it's way.
Being in a long-distance relationship will test your courage, patience, and maturity.
A long-distance relationship can be a happy and fulfilling one, but the distance will cause occasional moments when the individuals have pangs of loneliness.


Distance brings you emotionally and spiritually closer.Distance makes you realize it's only love that matters eventually. No amount of expensive gifts can make up for the physical absence of your bae.The longing is real…This longing is love..The longing turns into prayer even without you realising it…Long distance relationships are a beautiful promise of love,faith and understanding.
I've been in a long distance relationship with my boyfriend for over seven years now.Long distance relationships are complicated with less communication and the actual physical distance. It's not easy.Trust me.There are days when you are ok with it but then there are also days when you miss your significant other so much that you want to take them out of pictures and memories and hug them so tight to never let them go.You laugh heartily together and you cry your eyes out together.
Apart from all these difficulties,LDRs have an air of mystery around them.You learn to value each other. You don't take each other for granted. Little things such a random call from them and a cute long message from them can keep you going strong for days together.When you finally get to meet,it's like a dream come true.You feel truly blessed to actually live in the moment together.Their hugs,kisses and company is all that you wish for.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I'll share a small anecdote with you.Today I was speaking to my bae over voice call and I randomly asked him why he never loses his temper and patience when it comes to me(Apparently my man has never shouted at me or said mean things to me in a fit of anger.Never once in 7yrs.I m short tempered.And he's the god of patience and maturity.Lucky me :))
Me: Kabhi bhi gussa nahi ata mere upar??Itna shaant kaise reh lete ho??(Don't you get angry/upset with me sometimes??How do you maintain your calm all the time??)
Him: Ek pal k gusse k liye main tujhe khona nahi chahta dumbo.Kya pata meri gusse me kahi hui baat Ko tune sach maanke dil se laga liya aur mujhse dur ho gayi to..Main ji nahi paunga.Tu mere liye sabse zyada precious hai.Aur mujhe tujhpe gussa ata bhi nai.(I don't want to lose you in a moment of anger.If I end up saying something in fit of rage and you believe it, you'll act distant.I can't live without you.You are the most precious asset in my life)
Me: In tears. How can you be so mature!! I wish I could be half as good as you.
Him: You're better than me.
I know my man is for keeps.What if it's a long distance relationship,love is as real as the distance and ultimately love will conquer this distance too.
He's my first love.He’s my only one till forever n eternity.I love you future husband..I don't know if there is an afterlife or not,but if something like that exists,I wish to live in this relationship with you for eternity and infinity <3
Long distance relationships make you realize that it's not the body you fall in love with,it's actually the soul…


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Snehal, BSc.IT from Pillai's College of Arts, Commerce and Science (2018)

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The most difficult thing to experience. Feel alone, helpless, clingy all the time and all the bad things you can guess of!


AuthorTarun Vikash, Senior Software Engineer at CGI Group
Well I have recently published my first novel based on a true love story that is based on long distance love. Well I would not call it a relationship because my novel is all about “ LOVE IS NOT RELATIONSHIP” . The novel is SHE STOOD BY ME and it has hit the Amazon best seller chart in the first week itself. People are loving it more than I had expected.


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