2022-04-29 IPmod 27780


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

both are likely to succeed.
overcoming the rare earth disadvantage is but a hype created by the USA - The chinese have not stopped selling rare earth elements. but the USA wants to create an independent source - its ok.
the semi conductor thing is a suppression of a nations aspirations by the USA - it is the USA that is putting restrictions on China - which is bound to fail - no human aspiration can be suppressed.


Pabitra Saha
Finding rare earth is only question of funding and the same would become available as the prices rise. There are huge areas of land where such exploration is possible.
creating semiconductor technology is more dependent on creativity which only open societies can generate. Despite funding, hard work and fiscal incentives, neither Japan, Russia or Western Europe ( mainly Germany) could create a design and production capacity.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Rare Earth scenario is more likely to succeed because these minerals aren’t rare per se… it’s just the refining capabilities are limited because it’s an extremely toxic industry.
There’s also research in materials such as graphene which hopefully can make up in certain applications in place of rare earths too.
I’m not saying China’s semiconductor drive won’t succeed, it’s just compared between the two situations, the rare earths situation doesn’t have as many caveats as semiconductors issues.


However, with all of that said, the US can still mess up big time with mitigating rare earths supply issues because of bad leadership and other factors, hence, it can in theory be delayed long enough that China figures out a way to mitigate their semiconductor issues.
So, just think about all of this from that perspective.


Jason Wills-Starin
, Autist, software enthusiast, dreamer, entrepreneur,Lives in Charlotte, NC
US rare earth production is roughly 4 years away. Chinese Semiconductor production is roughly 8 years away.
Both are likely to succeed, the US is just reopening closed mines and processing facilities while China is developing skills and equipment from espionage.
It doesn't mean parity. US rare earth minerals will cost more because the US is unlikely to just dump the waste water on farmers, and has significantly more fresh water available. Meanwhile, the US superconductor and semiconductor sector is likely to quadruple in size over the same 8 years.


Kiok Khng Png
Rare earth is not exactly rare. China is a major supplier because it has rare earth refining technology and has a higher tolerance for environmental pollution associated with rare earth refining. Chinese government also build the transportation infrastructure to get the refined rare earth from its remote region to the coastal export hub. This is different from many countries where the mining companies need to invest in the transportation infrastructure also, thus raising the cost of production. For US to overcome the rare earth disadvantage, the major obstacles is not in the technology, which is US already has, but in the mindset change towards grooming the rare earth industry. President Biden’s proposed trillion dollar plan if it works might help although it might mean US consumers of electronic products will have to bear higher costs.


Semiconductor technology on the other hand is more complex and thus pose a major challenge for China to get around US initiated technology war. Current high-end silicon-based semiconductor requires technology that China does not possessed. Example would be EUV technology from ASML and adhesives from Japanese companies. But China is doing a dual track approach to overcome such obstacles. It is investing in silicone-based conductor manufacturing and graphene based next generation semiconductor. This will take a lot of effort but since the Chinese government does not face election pressure and thus is able to do the necessary long term reforms and strategic plan execution to achieve the obxtion. As such, I wouldn’t bet on China failing.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Nathan Crank
China’s efforts to overcome semiconductor disadvantage. China has solved the problems in 10nm processes and is working towards smaller transistor sizes. The attempt to cut China off from photolithography equipment has lead to the Chinese investing in a Manhattan Project level effort to develop their own.
Parity with TSMC and Samsung is only a matter of time now. Also, neither of those are US companies, China’s main competition in semiconductors is not with the US.
Meanwhile the US can’t even refine its own rare earths, the ore is still sent to China for refining.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Robert Quek
, former Retired. Prior Employment in Finance Sector,Lived in Lived in Singapore
Both will succeed.
Rare earth is not rare at all. It is that the processing to extract the minerals is very pollutive. America has been happy to buy the refined minerals and let China bears the pollution. The processing technology is not rocket science. So the issue for the US is whether it is willing to bear the pollution.
It prefers to avoid it and tries to diversify its sources by encouraging other countries to do it. One example is Australia which also wants to pass the buck of pollution. An Australian company set up a processing plant in Malaysia, which soon realizes the pollution problem. The company has been given a specified date to terminate operation having failed to satisfy the authorities of any solution.


China’s response to the embargo of semiconductors by the US is to raise its own output. The strategy in place is not just the chips, but to build the entire supply chain. Government encouragement is palpable, in the forms of joint research, funding, contracts, co-investments, and so on. Almost overnight, thousands of new private companies have emerged across the spectrum of the technology.
US embargoes cover chips, and US technology and equipment, which are extended extraterritorially to companies owned by other countries. The most serious effects are the high-end chips, like 5nm chips in smartphones. Huawei’s handphone business took a dive. It is trying to regain market share in China following the launch of its proprietary HarmonyOS in June. On extraterritoriality, ASML could not ship the order of lithography machine it sold to SMIC.


But China already has capacities of lower-end chips, such as 14nm and 24nm chips, which are the most used chips by other industries, notably the automobile industry. Just SMIC. It has almost $20 billion worth of joint investments with government entities in 4 plants in Shanghai (2), Shenzhen, and Beijing, in 14nm and 24nm chips. According to a report, the 14nm plant is able to go to 7nm using an alternative technology than lithography.
Many foreign companies in China are reported to take steps to strip themselves from US technology and equipment. China is a big and rich market. No one wants to lose it.
Stay tune on both rare earth and semiconductors. Trades continue on rare earth. No effect on the Chinese rare earth companies. US semiconductors suppliers are not amused and have lodged many requests for waivers. It is painful to lose the market in China.


Bill Sze
“According to a report, the 14nm plant is able to go to 7nm using an alternative technology than lithography.” It was a news release from China, not independently verified and there was no announcement of machine based on such technology is being planned. If this alternative is readily available, SMIC would be building 7nm fab right now.
“Many foreign companies in China are reported to take steps to strip themselves from US technology and equipment. China is a big and rich market. No one wants to lose it.” Not with EUV lithography. The core technology is from US and ASML cannot strip it from EUV machine. ASML has a total monopoly on EUV, so unless the alternative technology which had been talked about for a decade now change the landscape, China is in a tough situation.

“据报道,许多在华外国公司已采取措施在技术和设备方面“去美国化。中国是一个巨大且富有的市场,没有人想失去它”。这不适用于核心技术来自美国的EUV 光刻机,因为ASML无法将美国技术从EUV光刻机中剥离。ASML完全垄断了EUV光刻机,因此,除非已经谈论了十年的替代技术现在出现并改变局面,否则中国的处境仍将十分艰难。

Robert Quek
My sense of the report of SMIC is that I believe it. I agree it is not easy to go 7nm, but that does not mean it should build an exclusive 7nm fab right now. It has its own strategy and having 4 fabs under construction take a lot of skilled manpower and talents. I think China wants to make sure that it can supply itself with the chips most in general use by its industries.
ASML is Dutch not American. I read that its chairman fretted at the US embargo because it will lose sales worth several billions and may well also create a competitor in China. In other words, he is respectful of China’s ability.
Surely it is in a tough situation. It had been in tougher situation prior.


Bill Sze
My understanding of 7nm fabrication is it requires EUV lithography. China’s semiconductor fabrication bottleneck is more than just lack of EUV lithography. There is also know how. Samsung and Intel can get all the technologies they want, yet they cannot make chips as advance as TSMC. Can China have a break through and resolve its dependency of foreign semiconductors? Compare to US’s dependency of rare earth materials from China, it is a much harder proposition.


Robert Quek
I have no technical knowledge. Here is something posted by Felix Su in Sept 2020. SMIC can print 7nm without EUV stepper using multi-patterning process invented by TSMC. Takes longer because you have to run the wafer through the machine multiple times. China is trying to catch up with US in stepper technology. Announced breakthrough in using laser in a stepper to print designs, can do 5nm. Germany also makes steppers, does not use US technology, eager to jump into China’s market.

我没有技术方面的背景。以下是Quora网友Felix Su在2020年9月发布的内容。

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