2022-05-02 龟兔赛跑 19714

What are some of the most amazing cities in the world?


Chris Ebbert, Senior Lecturer in Industrial Design, Mid Sweden University

Chris Ebbert,瑞典中部大学工业设计高级讲师

Well, what makes a “good city”, is perhaps the first thing we need to ask ourselves.
Luckily, “opinion” is also in the mix as a criterion, so we can make this a bit of a subjective answer, which makes it much easier for me.
I have spent years and years agonizing over the question what the perfect place to live would be for me, and of course, cities were as much in the mix as towns and just purely rural setups.
At long last, I came up with the following points to help me find that perfect city:
by the sea
good amount of sunshine hours
beautiful landscapes
sandy beaches nearby
beautiful architecture
quiet inner city without cars where you can really live and enjoy life
seasonal climate
very safe
nice cafés and restaurants
affordable real estate nearby
airport nearby
I’ve found that place.
It’s called Sundsvall, Sweden.
But I have also found a few others that could work for me:


Valencia, Spain
Kalmar, Sweden
Wellington, New Zealand
San Sebastian, Spain
Harrogate, Yorkshire, UK
Lincoln, UK


Abu-Bakir Waissi, I study geography

Abu Bakir Waissi 我学地理

The great and multicultural cities of the Western world, like London and New York City, are certainly amazing cities; but they have had a long time to develop.
While I do not mean to take away from their beauty, I think that some more impressive cities exist. Cities that were poor or basically did not even exist twenty years ago.
If I were to say what I think the three most amazing cities in the world were, this would be my list:


Astana, Kazakhstan
Kigali, Rwanda
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania


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To some, the countries they are in might be surprising. Central Asia brings to mind images of poor people huddled in Soviet-style flats, while Africa makes people think of much worse. Many people do not even consider how this is not the case for everyone.
All three of these cities have seen almost all of their development happen in under twenty years, and now they are all very vibrant and beautiful.
In this answer we will be taking a look at Astana and Dar es Salaam! This is a long answer anyways, and I believe that Didier Champion or another Rwandan Quora would be better suited than me to answer about Kigali.
Welcome to Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan!
The grand and utopian city of Astana is home to some of the world’s most unique architecture. As Kazakhstan continues its rapid economic growth, the city is attracting more and more tourists who are amazed at its towers, mosques, and malls. Kazakhs are moving too. The population of Astana has doubled in just fifteen years to over one million people.
But in fact, almost nothing in Astana was there twenty years ago.

在这个答案中,我们将看看阿斯塔纳和达累斯萨拉姆!不管怎么说,这是一个很长的答案,我相信迪迪埃·坎普(Didier Champion)或Quora 上的另一位卢旺达人比我更适合回答有关基加利这个城市的问题。

Why, you may wonder? It is because Astana was formerly a small town called Akmola, founded in 1830. It is only in 1997 that the capital of Kazakhstan was moved from Almaty, still the country’s largest city now, to Akmola - which was renamed Astana in 1998. Located in the Kazakh steppe, technically a part of Siberia, Astana was almost empty until it became the capital. Since then, some of the world’s most interesting buildings have been built in the city.
Astana is a very diverse city where many different cultures and religions can be found. The government of Kazakhstan extensively funds the preservation of this, and fosters a national identity over an ethnic identity. Kazakhstan is one of the world’s most multicultural countries because of this.
Kazakhstan’s only president since independence, Nursultan Nazarbayev, has put in lots of money to develop Astana to be a technologically advanced city, incorporating amazing ideas such as bike sharing in the city. Careful planning is necessary anyways. Due to the extreme cold in the winters, when temperatures regularly drop below -30 degrees Celsius, all big buildings must be designed to be able to sustain themselves in the cold. Astana is the world’s second coldest capital city!

哈萨克斯坦自独立以来的唯一一位总统努尔苏丹·纳扎尔巴耶夫(Nursultan Nazarbayev)投入了大量资金,将阿斯塔纳发展成为一座科技先进的城市,并在城市中融入了自行车共享等令人惊叹的理念。无论如何,周密的计划是必要的。由于冬季极端寒冷,当温度经常下降到零下30摄氏度时,所有大型建筑的设计都必须能够在寒冷中维持。阿斯塔纳是世界第二冷的首都!

Another amazing city is located in Tanzania!
Africa is known for “war and poor people”. That’s not entirely accurate.
This is Dar es Salaam, the largest city of Tanzania!


With a name that means abode of peace in Arabic, it is no wonder that Dar es Salaam has become one of the most developed cities on the African continent. The rapid development that Dar es Salaam has gone through the last fifteen years is one matched by few other cities. Skyscrapers, hotels, and resorts have shot up like crazy!
Formerly known as Mzizima, it was a small fishing village in the 19th century, but Sultan Sayyid Majid of Zanzibar began developing it, and renamed the settlement Dar es Salaam. When the Germans colonised Tanzania, they chose Dar es Salaam to be their capital. Since then, it has been Tanzania’s primary city. Dar es Salaam has nearly five million people.
Tanzania is currently the world’s 11th fastest growing economy, and with economic growth comes a population boom. Tanzania is expected to triple its population in 2017 (55 million) by 2060 (165 million). Dar es Salaam will grow along with this.
Dodoma, in central Tanzania, became the capital in 1996. But many government offices remain in Dar es Salaam, making it the effective capital in many cases.
Let us take a little tour of the wonders of the abode of peace…
Dar es Salaam sits on the Indian Ocean. Some of its tallest buildings overlook these tranquil waters, the 6th tallest buildings in Africa. The beaches of the city are famous worldwide!
The vast skyline of Dar es Salaam extends far inland. Unlike many cities in the world, its urban sprawl has been designed very effectively; it didn’t exist just two decades ago. Many parks are located in the city, even its downtown.
Who says that Africa doesn’t have any fun attractions? Seriously, some people I know were surprised to hear that Africa has waterparks, zoos, or races! In fact, Dar es Salaam’s Kunduchi Wet-n-Wild is the largest waterpark in east Africa! In June there are also famous goat races!

它以前被称为Mzizima,在19世纪是一个小渔村,但桑给巴尔的苏丹赛义德·马吉德(Sultan Sayyid Majid )开始开发它,并将定居点改名为达累斯萨拉姆。当德国人殖民坦桑尼亚时,他们选择了达累斯萨拉姆作为首都。从那时起,它一直是坦桑尼亚的主要城市。达累斯萨拉姆有近500万人口。

Mosques and churches sit side-by-side in diverse Tanzania! While accurate religious statistics do not exist, it is believed that 60% of the country is Christian, and 35% is Muslim.
The people are another great part of the city. They are very welcoming to tourists.
Lively markets, friendly people, beautiful buildings, and great weather. this is one of the most amazing cities in the world for sure. Since the fall of Tanzania’s socialist government, Dar es Salaam has grown to become a beautiful diamond on the Indian Ocean.
Welcome to beautiful Dar es Salaam!
These two cities challenge the perceptions of many people on the state of affairs in central Asia and east Africa. Things are getting better now. Look at other cities like Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan or Nairobi, Kenya to see how these regions of the world are developing very quickly.
And with this comes beautiful and amazing cities such as these two.


Peter Zet, Love to travel the world
It’s hard to choose, so many beautiful cities.
Let’s skip the usual suspects (Venice, Amsterdam, Rome, Prague, Barcelona, Istanbul) with too many tourist. Dubrovnik, Meknes (Morocco) and San Sebastian (Spain) are very nice. I really loved Luang Prabang in Laos.
But my first vote goes to Kyoto. I was travelling alone when I came there and on my first day it was raining, so I bought an umbrella and started walking to explore the town. I just couldn’t stop. So much to see. Full of historic temples, beautiful parks, fantastic old town, great art and excellent food.


Even Grytten, former Teacher
To me this will be a draw between Rome and Jerusalem. Rome may have the most impressive historical sights although Jerusalem is certainly not a slouch in in this context. But to me it is the vibe both places have. Rome is charming and relaxed with good Italian food. Jerusalem is a more intense and more diverse experience. People with different faiths from all over the world that have made the place their home. And to me as a Norwegian a more exotic place. But both places score high and have their own charm.
London is my favorite metropolis, but despite St. Paul, Big Ben, Portobello road, Mary LeBone and Regent street it does not equal the other two in regards of beauty.


Chris Price, Economist, Director


I am biased. I visited 114 countries and 300+ cities, and lived many years in each of these 3 cities that I consider the most beautiful because they are cosmopolitan, have a lots of monuments, world-class museums, and I have wonderful memories there.
Besides, each of them has a unique feature that makes it stand out: Paris has its great architecture and history, Washington its unique mall and cherry trees, Sydney its iconic harbour.
Washington DC


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Sindhu Satish, Social Media Specialist

Sindhu Satish,社交媒体专家

My answer might sound cliche, but for me, it’s Paris! I’ll tell you why.
I have always loved cities which are a fabulous mixture of old school and modern, and Paris (Especially the city centre) is exactly that. You have the bustling metropolis with people going about their daily business on one side, and on the other side you get transported to a foregone era with stuctures like the Louvre, Arc De Triomphe,
Notre Dame Cathedrale (The french way to spell it), Eiffel tower (I agree it’s more of a modern structure but I associate heritage with it), Champs Elysees, Jardin Des Tuileries and the list can go on and on.
In addition to the above, I am a style and fashion enthusiast, and what better city than the fashion capital of the world for the same? I find it so delightful to be in a city which is the home of iconic brands like Chanel, and Dior, and it is even more delightful to be spotting every single fashion brand that you know of, on every little corner of the city. Look right, there’s Bottega, look left, there’s Sonia Rykiel, look front, there’s Bvlgari, look back, there’s Guerlain.
Not many of you may know this, but I am sure all the make-up junkies do. The first ever Sephora store in the world is the store on Champs Elysees, which welcomes all guests on a red carpet right opposite the delightful (I seem to be using this word really often, that must explain how I feel) open ice cream stall by the Marriott hotel.
That’s how excited I was! Haha
Now lets’ focus a little on the French patisseries! I’ll make it easier for you and just list my top 6!
Pierre Herme
Pain Du Sucre
Jacques Genin
Sadharu Aoki
La Bague de Kenza (Algerian style pastries)
Some more from the city of love……

也许你们中没有多少人知道这一点,但我相信所有的化妆迷都知道。世界上第一家丝芙兰店是香榭丽舍大街上的那家店,它在万豪酒店(Marriott hotel)开放式冰淇淋摊位对面的红地毯上欢迎所有客人(我似乎经常使用这个词,这必须解释我的感受)。

Asim Qureshi, CEO Jibble | Meet the new standard in employee time tracking
In fact, I just happen to be in the greatest city in the world, an international city with an incredible depth of history, culture, intellect and talent, that no other city in the world comes close to.
Every time I visit London, I'm hit with a ton of emotion. London is the city I spent the first 3 decades of my life, it's the city which I began to hate - grass-greener-on-other-side-syndrome - which ultimately led to me buying a one-way ticket to a land of opportunity and sunshine, Malaysia.
Every trip here I briefly think about moving back, but it's not happening soon, if ever. SE Asia is too full of opportunities.
The thing is, before leaving Britain I had begun to hate the British weather, the dark winters, the city grind, the drink-culture, the miserable tube journeys - the struggle and anguish written on commuters' faces is something I haven't forgotten.
Sadly, I needed to get away to appreciate the city I was born in. I lacked perspective - I could only see things with one tint. It happens when you've lived all your life in one corner of the planet - which is why it's so important to live abroad to gain perspective. You simply can't become broad-minded without it.
Anyway, wherever you are make sure you see its positives, as there will always be many. Don't be blind to them, like I was, as it means you lose out. I guess that applies to life - best to appreciate things before you no longer have them


Chris Anderson, Quora Reader, Writer, & Upvoter. Process Improvement Consultant.
Having traveled and lived in North and Central America, Europe, and Asia, here’s an opinion that may surprise you.
There are a few cities around the world that have this incredible feeling when you’re in them…New York, London, Rome, Seoul. I am a kid in a candy store each time I visit these cities and they’re fantastic.
Despite this, my favorite city in the world is San Diego. Here’s the reason. San Diego downtown is clean and safe, with a beautiful harbor where you can watch cruise ships dock or look at the USS Ronald Reagan and fighter jets just across the bay. The temperature is amazing year round and most residents move from other locations so it’s pretty easy to talk to people and make friends.
Additionally, you’re walking distance from the baseball stadium, open air shopping malls, and incredible parks. Beautiful beaches are minutes from your doorstep. You can wake up on the Pacific Ocean or go freshwater fishing within an hour drive. You’re also an hour drive from the Temecula wine vineyards, desert camping, or a day trip to Mexico. If you crave a more wild weekend, it’s less than an hour flight to Los Angeles or Las Vegas.
In summary, San Diego gets my vote for the most beautiful city to live.


Alexander, former Founder at The Bigger Lovers
I have never been to Guernsey, but I would have to say my favorite city is Paris.
City related questions are very subjective, so it always depends on what you are looking for. If you mean most beautiful place in the world with respect to scenery, natural beauty, mountain ranges, etc., my answer would have to be Yellowstone National Park.
That being said, I love living in Paris because of its culture and history. Perhaps if it were just based on the city's appearance one may say Amsterdam or Barcelona. Nevertheless each is unique in their own way and worth checking out!


Mely Varela, Creator (2018-present)
London. I had the best experience last time I was there! Beautiful combination of everything that’s right in the world LOL. Handsome, Parks and nature. Cake and tea every block. Fashion. Architecture, culture, history and politics all around. Unique neighborhoods. Safety.

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Noah Ater, My job is purging bad people from Adminland
I’ve been to Vancouver in Canada at least once because of a cruise departing out of there, and the weather is nice up there if you pick the right time of year.


J Edde
In my opinion, Angkor Wat in Cambodia is the most beautiful, stunning ancient city landscape in the whole wide world.


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