

Antti Vanhanen
By experimenting.
But that’s not the answer you want, is it?
I suspect that you want to know what you’re good at or meant to do before you even start.
I get it. You don’t want to go through trial and error.
You don’t want to experience failure, confusion, and uncertainty.
You want to remain firmly inside your comfort zone.
That’s okay.
I do too.
Most of us do.
It’s just our ego trying to protect us, trying to keep us safe from pain and suffering.
But in the ego’s attempt to make us an impenetrable fortress, it also insulates us from life.
All the attempts to fortify our walls and make us stronger make us also less capable of feeling the very essence of life.
And what’s the very essence of life? Uncertainty. Not knowing how things are going to play out. Taking a step without knowing where it may eventually lead.
But the ego doesn’t care about any of that. All it wants to do is build walls to keep you safe.
It doesn't care about bridges unless it has guarantees of what’s on the other side.
But that’s a terrible way to experience or explore life.
By experimenting.
But that’s not the answer you want, is it?
I suspect that you want to know what you’re good at or meant to do before you even start.
I get it. You don’t want to go through trial and error.
You don’t want to experience failure, confusion, and uncertainty.
You want to remain firmly inside your comfort zone.
That’s okay.
I do too.
Most of us do.
It’s just our ego trying to protect us, trying to keep us safe from pain and suffering.
But in the ego’s attempt to make us an impenetrable fortress, it also insulates us from life.
All the attempts to fortify our walls and make us stronger make us also less capable of feeling the very essence of life.
And what’s the very essence of life? Uncertainty. Not knowing how things are going to play out. Taking a step without knowing where it may eventually lead.
But the ego doesn’t care about any of that. All it wants to do is build walls to keep you safe.
It doesn't care about bridges unless it has guarantees of what’s on the other side.
But that’s a terrible way to experience or explore life.
So now you’re faced with a conundrum:
On one hand, you want to find out what you want or what you’re good at, and that means you need to get out and try things.
On the other hand, you don’t want to be disappointed, scared or confused, so you don’t want to take a step into the unknown.
How do you resolve this dilemma?
Do you force yourself out of your comfort zone?
The internet is full of people telling you the magic lies outside your comfort zone, but you won’t see very many of them doing it themselves.
That’s because will power is bullshit.
It doesn’t work the way we like to think it does.
If the world looks scary and threatening to you, it’s only common sense to hide or protect yourself from it.
Will power might get you out the door, but chances are you’ll be scared and stiff as a stick to actually experience anything openly.
And before you can count to ten, you’ll run back behind your safe wall.
I know, because it’s what I’ve done for much of my life.
Yet the moment you see for yourself that you live in the feeling of your thinking rather than the feeling of the world, the game changes.
On one hand, you want to find out what you want or what you’re good at, and that means you need to get out and try things.
On the other hand, you don’t want to be disappointed, scared or confused, so you don’t want to take a step into the unknown.
How do you resolve this dilemma?
Do you force yourself out of your comfort zone?
The internet is full of people telling you the magic lies outside your comfort zone, but you won’t see very many of them doing it themselves.
That’s because will power is bullshit.
It doesn’t work the way we like to think it does.
If the world looks scary and threatening to you, it’s only common sense to hide or protect yourself from it.
Will power might get you out the door, but chances are you’ll be scared and stiff as a stick to actually experience anything openly.
And before you can count to ten, you’ll run back behind your safe wall.
I know, because it’s what I’ve done for much of my life.
Yet the moment you see for yourself that you live in the feeling of your thinking rather than the feeling of the world, the game changes.
All of a sudden, you realize that you are living in a world of your own imagination.
You realize that the only reason you feel afraid is because you have fearful thinking.
You realize that the only reason you feel uncertain, confused, or insecure is because you have uncertain, confused, or insecure thinking.
The world is literally what you believe it to be.
The more clearly you can see that for yourself, the less it will matter to you how you feel.
Feeling insecure, anxious, or uncertain no longer becomes a roadblock that you have to defeat or overcome, but rather a backdrop to you actually taking action toward what interests you.
The more you can see that you are simply the canvas on which thought creates the world and your experience of it, the more easy it will be for you to shrug it - whatever it happens to be - off and keep going.
The world is your playground.
When will you come out and play?
You realize that the only reason you feel afraid is because you have fearful thinking.
You realize that the only reason you feel uncertain, confused, or insecure is because you have uncertain, confused, or insecure thinking.
The world is literally what you believe it to be.
The more clearly you can see that for yourself, the less it will matter to you how you feel.
Feeling insecure, anxious, or uncertain no longer becomes a roadblock that you have to defeat or overcome, but rather a backdrop to you actually taking action toward what interests you.
The more you can see that you are simply the canvas on which thought creates the world and your experience of it, the more easy it will be for you to shrug it - whatever it happens to be - off and keep going.
The world is your playground.
When will you come out and play?
Lukas Schwekendiek
Why does it matter?
If you want to know to have an easier time in order to achieve success in a career, then you have the wrong idea about both the requirements for success and the definition of it.
If you want to know because you believe your life will be easier because you can develop that skill even further, then you still have some misconceptions about what it takes.
You do not need to find out what you are good at! That is the wrong approach.
Because, no matter how good you are at something, if you hate it you will neither feel successful nor become truly successful, and your life will still be hard.
Think about it: If you found out that you were absolutely amazing at cleaning the cages of extremely poisonous King Cobras, would you take up that job?
Most likely not!
No matter how good you are at it it would probably be something you would not wish to do.
In fact, you probably have already gotten some hints for things you are good at that you do not want to accept because they are not fun nor ideal.
Because, even if you did those for the rest of your life, you know you would not be happy.
Therefore, you are not looking for what you are good at, but rather looking for an easy fix that will lead to a great life.
很可能不会吧 !
Why does it matter?
If you want to know to have an easier time in order to achieve success in a career, then you have the wrong idea about both the requirements for success and the definition of it.
If you want to know because you believe your life will be easier because you can develop that skill even further, then you still have some misconceptions about what it takes.
You do not need to find out what you are good at! That is the wrong approach.
Because, no matter how good you are at something, if you hate it you will neither feel successful nor become truly successful, and your life will still be hard.
Think about it: If you found out that you were absolutely amazing at cleaning the cages of extremely poisonous King Cobras, would you take up that job?
Most likely not!
No matter how good you are at it it would probably be something you would not wish to do.
In fact, you probably have already gotten some hints for things you are good at that you do not want to accept because they are not fun nor ideal.
Because, even if you did those for the rest of your life, you know you would not be happy.
Therefore, you are not looking for what you are good at, but rather looking for an easy fix that will lead to a great life.
很可能不会吧 !
You are looking for an easy way out.
You want to know what you are good at so you can take it up and live an "easy" life.
Which is exactly where the misconception comes in.
If you want an easy life you become great at the things you already love; not the other way around!
You can be great at anything you choose!
For if you love it you will choose to put more time into it and eventually your skill will increase.
You will get creative, will go above and beyond and will do so without much of a push at all.
Imagine someone who learns to love to play the guitar so much that they practice multiple hours every day.
They suck horribly at playing, mind you, but they do not care.
You want to know what you are good at so you can take it up and live an "easy" life.
Which is exactly where the misconception comes in.
If you want an easy life you become great at the things you already love; not the other way around!
You can be great at anything you choose!
For if you love it you will choose to put more time into it and eventually your skill will increase.
You will get creative, will go above and beyond and will do so without much of a push at all.
Imagine someone who learns to love to play the guitar so much that they practice multiple hours every day.
They suck horribly at playing, mind you, but they do not care.
What would happen if that person were to keep practicing and playing for 100 hours? What about 1,000? What about 10,000?
He would, without a doubt, turn into a great guitar player over time!
And then, once he reaches that level, it will be far easier to make a career out of it that he enjoys.
For all intents and purposes it is better to start with what you love and then go from there.
If you really want to know what you are good at then look at what you spend the most time on.
What do you spend the most time doing?
What do you spend the most time thinking about?
What do you do every day?
That’s your start.
From there simply invest more of your time and energy into improving what you already love, and given enough time, you will become great and will be able to make a career out of it.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
He would, without a doubt, turn into a great guitar player over time!
And then, once he reaches that level, it will be far easier to make a career out of it that he enjoys.
For all intents and purposes it is better to start with what you love and then go from there.
If you really want to know what you are good at then look at what you spend the most time on.
What do you spend the most time doing?
What do you spend the most time thinking about?
What do you do every day?
That’s your start.
From there simply invest more of your time and energy into improving what you already love, and given enough time, you will become great and will be able to make a career out of it.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Keinosuke Johan Miyanaga
Just face it. You’re not good at anything. That’s where we all start. Some of us believe in talent, but even talented people need practice anyway. If that’s where we’re all headed, then what’s the difference?
The better question to ask here is:
What’s the best way to find out what I am passionate about?
Passion keeps you focused, obsessed, and energized. Fighting to see the point won’t help against a guy who’s simply enjoying himself.
Passion breeds practice, and practice breeds perfection. It’s only with passion that anyone masters anything.
Seek passion, not talent.
If you’ve got the genetics to be a professional athlete or a model, then that’s talent. But talent is not skill. Walking the runway or shooting a ball requires skill.
without passion, talent alone is a burden and not a gift. Work becomes a sacrifice and not a labor of love. Talent turns into pain.
What is the best way to find your passion? We are biologically equipped with the ability to discover passion already, and it’s driven by boredom. Be bored, and do what’s fun. If it’s fun, you’re getting warmer. That’s why kids first instinct is to fool around.
Just face it. You’re not good at anything. That’s where we all start. Some of us believe in talent, but even talented people need practice anyway. If that’s where we’re all headed, then what’s the difference?
The better question to ask here is:
What’s the best way to find out what I am passionate about?
Passion keeps you focused, obsessed, and energized. Fighting to see the point won’t help against a guy who’s simply enjoying himself.
Passion breeds practice, and practice breeds perfection. It’s only with passion that anyone masters anything.
Seek passion, not talent.
If you’ve got the genetics to be a professional athlete or a model, then that’s talent. But talent is not skill. Walking the runway or shooting a ball requires skill.
without passion, talent alone is a burden and not a gift. Work becomes a sacrifice and not a labor of love. Talent turns into pain.
What is the best way to find your passion? We are biologically equipped with the ability to discover passion already, and it’s driven by boredom. Be bored, and do what’s fun. If it’s fun, you’re getting warmer. That’s why kids first instinct is to fool around.
Of course, with age and “responsibility” we stop playing and begin to downplay our desire to have fun. We take a job that’s boring or that we even hate, and decide passion is for dreamers. And you’re right. You just stopped dreaming.
The thing is, passion always comes. Always. Whether we decide we’ll work a boring job while we wait, passion will come knocking either way. But we often ignore it, or mistake it for something else.
Hate is passion. So if you overcome the hate for your job, you’ve just overcome your passion.
Boredom is the void that alxs us. If you just turned on World of Warcraft or picked up a basketball, guess what, that’s your passion. We make the mistake of thinking passion doesn’t count unless it’s a school subject or a job title. But comic books and video games are products authored by adults with jobs. Even if you don’t make it to the NBA, if fitness makes you happy, there are plenty of related jobs.
If you’re unable to act on your boredom, then you’re either wasting your time or sacrificing too much. If you’ve overcome the boredom you’re feeling, you’ve just nipped passion in the bud.
And don’t worry if your passion keeps changing. There may have been a time when you were passionately picking your nose. Are you still? The key is to pursue it and be pursued by it. Passion might choose you instead. But no matter what it is there is no need to fight it.
Act on your passion, and act on your boredom. As long as you’re leading a passion driven life, it’s only a matter of time before you master something and find a way to get paid doing the things you love.
Good luck!
当然,随着年龄和 "责任 "的增长,我们不再玩耍,开始淡化我们对乐趣的渴望,我们接受了一份无聊或甚至讨厌的工作,并认为激情是给梦想家准备——你是对的,你就这样停止了梦想。
The thing is, passion always comes. Always. Whether we decide we’ll work a boring job while we wait, passion will come knocking either way. But we often ignore it, or mistake it for something else.
Hate is passion. So if you overcome the hate for your job, you’ve just overcome your passion.
Boredom is the void that alxs us. If you just turned on World of Warcraft or picked up a basketball, guess what, that’s your passion. We make the mistake of thinking passion doesn’t count unless it’s a school subject or a job title. But comic books and video games are products authored by adults with jobs. Even if you don’t make it to the NBA, if fitness makes you happy, there are plenty of related jobs.
If you’re unable to act on your boredom, then you’re either wasting your time or sacrificing too much. If you’ve overcome the boredom you’re feeling, you’ve just nipped passion in the bud.
And don’t worry if your passion keeps changing. There may have been a time when you were passionately picking your nose. Are you still? The key is to pursue it and be pursued by it. Passion might choose you instead. But no matter what it is there is no need to fight it.
Act on your passion, and act on your boredom. As long as you’re leading a passion driven life, it’s only a matter of time before you master something and find a way to get paid doing the things you love.
Good luck!
当然,随着年龄和 "责任 "的增长,我们不再玩耍,开始淡化我们对乐趣的渴望,我们接受了一份无聊或甚至讨厌的工作,并认为激情是给梦想家准备——你是对的,你就这样停止了梦想。
Loy Machedo
Right from the time I was a little kid, I had one trait that made me stand out from the rest - I was super-talkative. However, everyone told me that I was ‘too talkative” or they would shame me stating “Only girls talk as much as you do”.
So it was looked upon as a matter of shame and something I should have tried to hide. However, it was only when I was around 13 years old that I noticed - whenever I would speak - everyone would listen, at least for a few minutes. So all I had to figure out was - how to make people want to listen to me ‘even more’.
So that was when I realized - I had a gift. And from then began the journey or doing my best to sharpen my ability to speak - so that when I spoke everyone would enjoy listening to me talk.
And that what everyone branded as ‘a curse’ became, in fact, my blessing in disguise.
从我还是个小孩子的时候起,我就有一个特点,这使我从其他人中脱颖而出——我超级健谈,然而,每个人都说我 "太过健谈",或者他们会羞辱我,说:"只有女孩才会像你这样这么多话"。
因此,这件事被看作是一件羞耻的事,是我本应该努力隐藏的事,然而,直到我13岁左右,我才注意到——每当我说话时,每个人都会听,至少也会听上几分钟,因此,我所要弄清楚的是:如何让人们愿意 "更多 " 地听我说话。
所有人都认为是 "诅咒 "的东西,实际上变成了对我的变相赐礼。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Right from the time I was a little kid, I had one trait that made me stand out from the rest - I was super-talkative. However, everyone told me that I was ‘too talkative” or they would shame me stating “Only girls talk as much as you do”.
So it was looked upon as a matter of shame and something I should have tried to hide. However, it was only when I was around 13 years old that I noticed - whenever I would speak - everyone would listen, at least for a few minutes. So all I had to figure out was - how to make people want to listen to me ‘even more’.
So that was when I realized - I had a gift. And from then began the journey or doing my best to sharpen my ability to speak - so that when I spoke everyone would enjoy listening to me talk.
And that what everyone branded as ‘a curse’ became, in fact, my blessing in disguise.
从我还是个小孩子的时候起,我就有一个特点,这使我从其他人中脱颖而出——我超级健谈,然而,每个人都说我 "太过健谈",或者他们会羞辱我,说:"只有女孩才会像你这样这么多话"。
因此,这件事被看作是一件羞耻的事,是我本应该努力隐藏的事,然而,直到我13岁左右,我才注意到——每当我说话时,每个人都会听,至少也会听上几分钟,因此,我所要弄清楚的是:如何让人们愿意 "更多 " 地听我说话。
所有人都认为是 "诅咒 "的东西,实际上变成了对我的变相赐礼。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Elena Ledoux
One time last year we received a call from a contractor who installed tiles at some woman’s home and there were multiple issues with the installation. To make it worse, his employees placed many of her possessions outside and they got ruined. Also, there was a lot of dust inside and around the house because they did a lot of preparation work right inside her home. The client was irate and was going to sue the contractor, the store that sold her the tiles, and everyone under the sun. She wanted a post-construction cleaning and most companies’ quotes began at $5,000.
In that context, the contractor found our company online and asked to come in to give a separate quote. When I showed up, there was a bunch of people there - managers from the store, contractor, insurance company, etc. The woman opened the door - she was older, immaculately dressed, and extremely pissed off. When I walked through the door, she asked me: “And who are you?” I responded: “I’m the person who will be cleaning your home.” She barked: “We shall see about that!” After that she proceeded to show us a slideshow of photos of damage to her home. Everyone kind of rolled their eyes. It was 1.5 hours long.
在这种情况下,承包商在网上找到了我们公司,并要求我上门单独报价,当我出现时,那地方挤了一堆人——商店、承包商、保险公司等等的经理,那个女人开了门,这位女士年纪稍大,衣着整洁,非常生气,我走进门的时候,她问我 " 你又谁?" 我回答说 " 我是来帮您打扫房屋的人 " 她吼道: “ 行,那我们等着瞧吧!”之后,她给我们看了一组照片,照片显示了她的房屋受损的情况,每个人都看翻白眼了——这个过程长达1个半小时。
One time last year we received a call from a contractor who installed tiles at some woman’s home and there were multiple issues with the installation. To make it worse, his employees placed many of her possessions outside and they got ruined. Also, there was a lot of dust inside and around the house because they did a lot of preparation work right inside her home. The client was irate and was going to sue the contractor, the store that sold her the tiles, and everyone under the sun. She wanted a post-construction cleaning and most companies’ quotes began at $5,000.
In that context, the contractor found our company online and asked to come in to give a separate quote. When I showed up, there was a bunch of people there - managers from the store, contractor, insurance company, etc. The woman opened the door - she was older, immaculately dressed, and extremely pissed off. When I walked through the door, she asked me: “And who are you?” I responded: “I’m the person who will be cleaning your home.” She barked: “We shall see about that!” After that she proceeded to show us a slideshow of photos of damage to her home. Everyone kind of rolled their eyes. It was 1.5 hours long.
在这种情况下,承包商在网上找到了我们公司,并要求我上门单独报价,当我出现时,那地方挤了一堆人——商店、承包商、保险公司等等的经理,那个女人开了门,这位女士年纪稍大,衣着整洁,非常生气,我走进门的时候,她问我 " 你又谁?" 我回答说 " 我是来帮您打扫房屋的人 " 她吼道: “ 行,那我们等着瞧吧!”之后,她给我们看了一组照片,照片显示了她的房屋受损的情况,每个人都看翻白眼了——这个过程长达1个半小时。
While there, I noticed that she has a great taste - all of her furniture and possessions were carefully curated, high quality, and beautiful. Also, she had two cats. I was able to talk to her and understand how aggravating it must have been to go through this ordeal for five (!) months. We also talked about her passion for interior design. I promised to help her and give her our best crew. When I came back, I brought a large crew, an orchid, and a cat scratcher for her cats.
Long story short, we brought her home to a perfect condition as it used to be and removed every little speck of dust. She ended up not suing anyone and was able to get her life back in order. We became friends and to this day she is our client.
After this I realized that I’m exceptionally good at getting people to trust me.
Long story short, we brought her home to a perfect condition as it used to be and removed every little speck of dust. She ended up not suing anyone and was able to get her life back in order. We became friends and to this day she is our client.
After this I realized that I’m exceptionally good at getting people to trust me.
Good question.
Everyone says you should find what you're good at that you also enjoy doing but no one talks about how to find the one thing you're good at.
Well, the answer to this is simple. You have to go through a phase of experimentation. Your 20s should be filled with experiments.
Try to do as much as you can. Try your hand at multiple jobs. Learn different skills. Leave what you feel isn't for you.
Also, “good" is a subjective term and varies from person to person. So, your definition of good can vary from mine.
But how would you know whether something is for you or not?
A simple way to do that is by observing how you feel once you imagine yourself doing it for the rest of your life.
You can also look for how much you enjoy/learn from doing it with respect to the impact it has on the world.
Hope this helps.
Good question.
Everyone says you should find what you're good at that you also enjoy doing but no one talks about how to find the one thing you're good at.
Well, the answer to this is simple. You have to go through a phase of experimentation. Your 20s should be filled with experiments.
Try to do as much as you can. Try your hand at multiple jobs. Learn different skills. Leave what you feel isn't for you.
Also, “good" is a subjective term and varies from person to person. So, your definition of good can vary from mine.
But how would you know whether something is for you or not?
A simple way to do that is by observing how you feel once you imagine yourself doing it for the rest of your life.
You can also look for how much you enjoy/learn from doing it with respect to the impact it has on the world.
Hope this helps.
Micha Stawicki
I recommend establishing some self-analysis habits.
A few of disciplines you can do daily:
1. Journaling.
Journaling is the most common method of self-analysis among successful people.
There are all kinds of journals both in the subject matter and technique of journaling. Handwriting activates your motor memory.
I ask myself every morning an insightful question and answer on paper.
1. 写日志
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
I recommend establishing some self-analysis habits.
A few of disciplines you can do daily:
1. Journaling.
Journaling is the most common method of self-analysis among successful people.
There are all kinds of journals both in the subject matter and technique of journaling. Handwriting activates your motor memory.
I ask myself every morning an insightful question and answer on paper.
1. 写日志
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
A few question that will help you to discover your strengths:
What I do I like to do?
Which virtues are my favorites and which I need most?
What are my unfair advantages?
In which area have I a great memory? What information I register effortlessly?
About what do other people ask me for advice/ help ?
When did I perform significantly better than my peers? Why?
For what people praise me?
On what can I focus effortlessly?
Action Items:
Start small.
Aim for sustainability; pick the method suitable for your lifestyle that will be easy for review.
Review your journal regularly; set a schedule and stick with it.
· 我喜欢做什么?
· 哪些优点是我的最爱,哪些是我最需要的?
· 我有哪些不公平的优势?
· 我在哪方面记忆力最好? 哪些信息我可以毫不费力地记住?
· 其他人在什么方面向我咨询/求助?
· 什么时候我的表现明显优于同龄人?为什么?
· 我可以毫不费力地专注于什么?
· 从小事做起
· 以可持续性为目标;选择适合你生活方式的方法,以便于回顾
· 定期回顾你的日志,制定一个时间表并坚持下去
What I do I like to do?
Which virtues are my favorites and which I need most?
What are my unfair advantages?
In which area have I a great memory? What information I register effortlessly?
About what do other people ask me for advice/ help ?
When did I perform significantly better than my peers? Why?
For what people praise me?
On what can I focus effortlessly?
Action Items:
Start small.
Aim for sustainability; pick the method suitable for your lifestyle that will be easy for review.
Review your journal regularly; set a schedule and stick with it.
· 我喜欢做什么?
· 哪些优点是我的最爱,哪些是我最需要的?
· 我有哪些不公平的优势?
· 我在哪方面记忆力最好? 哪些信息我可以毫不费力地记住?
· 其他人在什么方面向我咨询/求助?
· 什么时候我的表现明显优于同龄人?为什么?
· 我可以毫不费力地专注于什么?
· 从小事做起
· 以可持续性为目标;选择适合你生活方式的方法,以便于回顾
· 定期回顾你的日志,制定一个时间表并坚持下去
2. Meditation.
The biggest advantages of meditation is self-awareness.
Meditation has many benefits including increased focus, memory, and productivity.
Two main obstacles in starting the meditation practice are:
Unreasonable disquiet about this activity. (Many successful people attribute a lot of their successes to meditation; its effectiveness is confirmed by university research.)
Lack of time. (You may start from two minutes and can practice almost in any circumstances.)
Action Items:
Reserve a couple minutes of your time, preferably in solitude (not obligatory, but very helpful).
Sit or lie and relax (not obligatory, but very helpful).
Close your eyes (not obligatory, but very helpful).
Breathe deeply for two minutes, focusing on the air coming in and out of your nostrils (you can also focus on any of your body parts or sense your body in general); when a thought crosses your mind, acknowledge it and get back to your point of focus.
Congratulations. You’ve just meditated for the first time in your life; repeat this process ten days in a row and you will develop a stable meditation habit.
2. 冥想
· 对这项活动感到不合理的不安 ( 许多成功人士把他们的成功很大程度上归功于冥想;冥想的有效性得到了学术研究的证实)。
· 缺少时间(你可以从两分钟开始,几乎在任何情况下都可以练习)。
· 预留几分钟的时间,最好是独处(不是必须的,但非常有帮助)
· 坐着或躺着,放松(不是必须的,但非常有帮助)
· 闭上你的眼睛(不是必须的,但非常有帮助)
· 深呼吸两分钟,专注于用鼻孔呼吸空气(你也可以专注于你身体的任何部位,或总体上感受你的身体);当一个想法在你的脑海中闪过时,确认它并回到你的焦点上。
The biggest advantages of meditation is self-awareness.
Meditation has many benefits including increased focus, memory, and productivity.
Two main obstacles in starting the meditation practice are:
Unreasonable disquiet about this activity. (Many successful people attribute a lot of their successes to meditation; its effectiveness is confirmed by university research.)
Lack of time. (You may start from two minutes and can practice almost in any circumstances.)
Action Items:
Reserve a couple minutes of your time, preferably in solitude (not obligatory, but very helpful).
Sit or lie and relax (not obligatory, but very helpful).
Close your eyes (not obligatory, but very helpful).
Breathe deeply for two minutes, focusing on the air coming in and out of your nostrils (you can also focus on any of your body parts or sense your body in general); when a thought crosses your mind, acknowledge it and get back to your point of focus.
Congratulations. You’ve just meditated for the first time in your life; repeat this process ten days in a row and you will develop a stable meditation habit.
2. 冥想
· 对这项活动感到不合理的不安 ( 许多成功人士把他们的成功很大程度上归功于冥想;冥想的有效性得到了学术研究的证实)。
· 缺少时间(你可以从两分钟开始,几乎在任何情况下都可以练习)。
· 预留几分钟的时间,最好是独处(不是必须的,但非常有帮助)
· 坐着或躺着,放松(不是必须的,但非常有帮助)
· 闭上你的眼睛(不是必须的,但非常有帮助)
· 深呼吸两分钟,专注于用鼻孔呼吸空气(你也可以专注于你身体的任何部位,或总体上感受你的身体);当一个想法在你的脑海中闪过时,确认它并回到你的焦点上。
3. Self-analysis surveys.
They are not exactly comprehensive or accurate, but they are a good start.
For example: Personal Strengths Profile | DISC self-assessment profile | Understand yourself | Tony Robbins
For the price of your e-mail address, you can get to know your values and behaviors. I was amazed at how accurate some of the conclusions were.
4. Direct feedback.
This is what works for Gary Vaynerchuck. He constantly listen to his employees, clients, audience and friends. He is not afraid to ask them about their opinions about himself.
Instead of laborious self-analysis, he goes out to the people and listen what do they say. Instead of guessing his talents he hears about them from others.
If you have balls to take constructive criticism, it’s the fastest route.
3. 自我分析调查
举个栗子:[网页链接] 个人优势档案 | DISC自我评估档案| 了解自己|托尼·罗宾斯
4. 直接反馈
这是 Gary Vaynerchuck 的一种有效的工作方式,他不断听取他的员工、客户、观众和朋友的意见,他不害怕询问他们对自己的意见。
They are not exactly comprehensive or accurate, but they are a good start.
For example: Personal Strengths Profile | DISC self-assessment profile | Understand yourself | Tony Robbins
For the price of your e-mail address, you can get to know your values and behaviors. I was amazed at how accurate some of the conclusions were.
4. Direct feedback.
This is what works for Gary Vaynerchuck. He constantly listen to his employees, clients, audience and friends. He is not afraid to ask them about their opinions about himself.
Instead of laborious self-analysis, he goes out to the people and listen what do they say. Instead of guessing his talents he hears about them from others.
If you have balls to take constructive criticism, it’s the fastest route.
3. 自我分析调查
举个栗子:[网页链接] 个人优势档案 | DISC自我评估档案| 了解自己|托尼·罗宾斯
4. 直接反馈
这是 Gary Vaynerchuck 的一种有效的工作方式,他不断听取他的员工、客户、观众和朋友的意见,他不害怕询问他们对自己的意见。
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