亚洲和西方审美标准的 7 大差异(上)
2022-05-08 yjl0518 15502
Every culture has their own perceptions of beauty. While there are similarities, Asian and Western cultures often have very different beauty standards.


Certain looks are often favoured in Asian cultures. In Western cultures and for many Caucasians, the ‘ideal look’ can be very different.


Having lived in both Asia and Australia, I’ve noticed different people and cultures measure beauty differently. What is attractive and beautiful to someone may not be to someone of another background.


Here are some common perceptions, trends and differences between Asian and Western beauty standards, with a focus on East and South-East Asian and Australian beauty standards among women.


1. Eyes

1. 眼睛

Round, big doe eyes with double eyelids tend to be favoured in Asian cultures. Monolids are often seen as unattractive.


Blepharoplasty or double eyelid surgery is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures among Chinese, Japanese and Korean women. Some want to look ‘more white’ with bigger eyes while others argue double eyelids simply gives the illusion of more open eyes regardless of ethnicity. Bigger, doe eyes are commonly seen as more feminine and doll-like which is often desired in the feminine Asian epitome.


For many Caucasians, what’s the most common, most fascinating and more attractive eye colour is a popular topic. Research has shown blue eyes seem to be idolised and interestingly enough, the blonde-hair blue-eyed Aussie stereotype is one of the more memorable looks around the world.


2. Nose

2. 鼻子

Asians generally have flatter, wider noses compared to Westerners. There’s a preference for smaller, slender and straight noses among many Asian women, and this was explored in a study on ideal facial beauty in China. This look for a nose arguably mimics the shape of Western noses to some degree, but on a smaller scale. Interestingly enough, some Westerners see big noses as beautiful.


3. Face

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

When it comes to facial structure, smaller, V-shaped faces is highly desired among Asian women. This usually entails a rounder forehead with round eyes, and a slim chin and jawline, which are markers of Korean beauty standards. Caucasian women on the other hand seem to prefer higher, protruding cheekbones.


When it comes to makeup, Asians lean towards natural makeup looks. Many like the glowy, glass-like skin look that projects a youthful, innocent aura. Westerners normally show fiercer makeup looks such as favouring sharp, bold contoured cheekbones – which coincidentally matches the stereotypical outgoing, friendly white Australian persona and gives the illusion of a tan.


4. Skin colour

4. 肤色

Many in South-East Asia prefer having fair skin. Some are obsessed with having their skin look as pale as possible, wearing long sleeve clothing and using umbrellas to shield themselves from the sun to avoid getting tanned. Skin whitening products are all the rage in many parts of Asia too.


Fair skin is a marker of privilege and class in Asian cultures. It has been desired throughout history in Chinese culture, symbolising a luxurious life as opposed to a life of laborious work in paddy fields and getting very tanned skin as a result.


In other words, looking ‘dark’ is seen as ‘ugly and poor’ to some Chinese. Moreover, getting tanned also generally leads to more wrinkles and skin damage, and looking youthful is prided upon among many Asians.


On the other hand, many Australians desire to look a few shades darker. Many Anglo-Saxon Australians are fond of tanning during summer and see a tan as attractive.


5. Body type

5. 体型

There’s the common perception that slender and slim bodies are the epitome of beauty across Asian, Western and many other cultures. A bigger chest is also usually regarded as attractive.


Noticeably many people tend to have larger physiques in Western places, such as larger physical stature and more voluptuous bodies. There is generally more proudness and acceptance of these kinds of bodies here compared to places in Asia.


6. Feet

6. 脚

Historically small feet is desired in Chinese culture. Along with having a small face and petite body, small feet is seen as beautiful. During the Tang Dynasty in China, foot-binding was common among young women to restrict their normal foot growth.


Not much has been said about the relationship between feet and beauty in Western cultures. However, if you have big feet it’s usually hard to find shoes in the right size anywhere.


7. Clothes

7. 衣服

The trend to look kawaii in Asia is quite popular. Made popular in Japan, dressing up and looking innocent, naïve or childlike is part of the kawaii look (also known as cute Asian fashion), along with wearing colours. Often looking young and docile is seen as attractive; in Asian cultures youthfulness is prided upon and dressing up is also a kind of escapism from working long hours.


Here in Melbourne wearing black is quite the trend. People here wear black a lot as it blends in with different outfits throughout different seasons – and arguably a colour that is flattering on many.


* * *
Everyone defines beauty differently. Sometimes you won’t understand someone’s perception of beauty. Perhaps how someone dresses or how they see another culture’s habits or traits can even amuse you.


For instance, once I was on the tram and this Caucasian lady got up and offered her seat to two short, petite elderly Asian women. The two elderly Asian ladies looked greatful and sat down. The moment they sat down, one of them said in Mandarin, ‘This seat is so hot! Just like other white people, that white lady has a really big butt!’


There has been much discussion around the Westernisation of Asian beauty, and that Western colonisation has left its mark on Asian perceptions of beauty to some degree. The paper Occidentalism of Beauty Standards suggests during British imperialism, East-Asian female deities were illustrated in artworks to emphasise their sexuality and golden skin in contrast with ordinary East-Asians features.


It’s no surprise then that racism is often embedded within beauty standards. You could be treated differently based on the way you look: some see women from Asian backgrounds as attractively ‘exotic’. Some see an Asian woman who looks masculine or androgynous as a turn off or simply not a good enough, feminine Asian woman.


My friends in Singapore are fairly tanned with their skin a few shades darker than mine. That’s usually because Singapore is tropical and sunny all year round whereas where I am in Melbourne it’s much less sunny all year. When I catch up with my friends in Singapore, many of them exclaim along the lines of, ‘Look! Your skin is so pale! Very pretty!’


You go through different phases and ages in life, and value beauty differently. The growing older process also affects how you look and how you feel, just like the stresses and joys of life as well. At different points in your life, you dress a certain way depending on what fashion you’re into, what feels comfortable or what you can afford.


In a world that prides on looks as markers success and the epitome of beauty, it’s easy to forget about beauty within. The phrase ‘look good, feel good’ isn’t always true. You could look put together by society standards but on the inside you’re going through personal issues or working on improving parts of yourself (or yet to realise these sides of yourself).

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

You could look attractive to someone but they’ll probably remember you more for the way you treat them and make them feel.


How you define and value beauty affects your self-esteem and relationships around you. Perhaps when you ’feel good, look good’, you’re more likely to feel the most comfortable and confident around others – and especially with yourself.


It seems to get harder to like and be satisfied with one’s looks, with each generation. My daughter’s generation, born in the 2000’s, is hyper critical and hyper vigilant of their looks. They check their appearance in mirrors, reflections and selfied- it happens across both Asian and Caucasian divides. If a person feels confident in their looks, others can see that shy, bashful emotion on their face, just as they can see someone who is more at ease with their bodies. If we are talking body parts – I’ve never been happy with my thighs. Not much can be done about their shape, so I have to accept them as is.


Mabel Kwong
It does seem many of us are dissatisfied with our looks, and body checking is a very real thing. It’s one thing to feel confident in your looks, and another thing to be at ease with your body. I do feel like as I get older, I don’t really care how I look, really being happy with what I have – and am. I’d do a minimal beauty routine before going out, juts for a few minutes.


I think the obsessions with perfection in beauty diminishes as we get older. For the few that it develops into a disorder, it seems difficult to shift. Given the funds, they choose cosmetic surgery but it appears not to fix their obsession that moves on to another manifestation. This is sad but thankfully only the minority of folks. i would like to see society being mindful of that minority in terms of the way they interact with them so as not to reinforce their obsessions.


Mabel Kwong
As we get older, we start getting worried about different things, like the little pain in your back and then the future for instance. Obsessing with looks naturally take a backseat and there’s an appreciation for what you have. It is such a good thought you have there, society behind mindful of those who are fixated on their looks. That’s not a mindset you can change overnight, but you can always show them kindness and compassion.


Being an example and showing compassion and loving kindness creates a positive atmosphere which the other is unable to create for themselves. It is the only way forward with many mental health issues, I think.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Mabel Kwong
For some positivity is much harder to achieve, be it about their looks, the way they feel or their circumstances. It certainly is a way forward for many of us – to be kind, compassionate and respectful towards each other.


Mallee Stanley
It seems sad that so many of us are not satisfied with the way we look. I read that in Korea alone, the percentage of both women and men who have cosmetic surgery is frightening. What defines beauty in all cultures is a symmetrical face—something few of us have because our left and right sides of our entire body are not usually exactly the same.


Mabel Kwong
True that no many of us have a symmetrical face. A lot of the time for many, the non-symmetrical look is very, very subtle. I guess many cultures see a symmetrical face as equated to wholeness. as whole as a perfectly round sphere.


I was in China and in Japan, and apart from the very different but both very interesting cultures and landscape features what struck me was the beauty of the people. You folks are so good looking! Me being Dutch, I cannot find pride in my features.


Mabel Kwong
Beauty is a matter of perception and in the eye of the beholder. There’s so much diversity in beauty especially on the outside that often we forget about unseen and unspoken forms of beauty. Like telling a good joke or showing a bit of kindness.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Being Asian, but having grown up in Western society, I’ve also seen the similarities and differences in beauty standards between both cultures. I’ve noticed the big focus on Asian girls favoring the “kawaii” factor, as you mention, but growing up, I was never interested in striving for that standard (nor did I feel that I could make myself achieve that standard, given that I’m “too Westernized” and my personality just doesn’t fit the mold). Skin tone is a huge standard that I’ve seen not just in Asian and White/Western societies, but also across the board for even black and Latino/Hispanic communities, i.e. the whiter, the “better.” Which is sad, because it dismisses the beauty of those who are tan or darker in skin tone. Ultimately, I think the universal standard of beauty is symmetry and clear, healthy skin, and I especially think it’s more-realistic to strive for healthy skin and a healthy body (pertaining to our body type) rather subscribing to impossible norms.


Mabel Kwong
It is interesting to hear you aren’t into the ‘kawaii’ fashion growing up. I wasn’t either apart from a short phase of wanting to wear dresses and bright colours. So true that your personality can relate to how you dress and look.
So agree with with you that we should strive to be healthy on the inside and outside. Health is such an individual thing, like how a certain diet or medication is not for everyone. I think we should start thinking of beauty more universally like you said. Everyone is beautiful in their own way.


I love the new picture on your blog my friend! I also like that you said people remember how you made them feel, not what they look like. I always try to focus on the beauty within than the outside. Sometimes I wish I was a bit taller but then I realise that could never be. I like my blue eyes and wavy hair. It’s also important to remember that beauty standards and trends change. Centuries ago, being larger was considered beautiful as it meant you were wealthy and had enough to eat. Then somewhere along the way, everybody wanted to be stick thin. Now it seems the Kardashian curves are the way to go. We can never keep up so we might as accept who we are, as we are.


Mabel Kwong
That’s such great observation about beauty my friend! It’s so interesting to know that being larger was popular in the past, and then skinny was popular and now there’s more acceptance of different kinds of bodies. So nice to hear you like your eyes and wavy hair.


Growing up in Brisbane, my mother would try to get me interested in Chinese girls. As a teenager, I found my caucasian female friends more attractive. As I’ve aged, the person’s race doesn’t matter so much.


Mabel Kwong
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and also it comes from our hearts too. I share the same sentiments as you. As I’ve grown older, a person’s race or ethnicity doesn’t matter much. It’s the intentions of the other person that matters more to me. Hope you are well, Gaz.


This is a very interesting topic, I wrote a post about Chinese beauty standards some time ago and it’s one of the most viewed on my blog.
Wanting to be as white as possible definitely has a long history in China. I’m now reading a classic novel that was written in the 16th century and every time it describes the beauty of a woman, it always mentions how pale and jade-like her skin was (also how slim and willowy her figure was etc etc… so being skinny as a beauty standard is also not new!).

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Mabel Kwong
Yes, beauty is such an interesting topic! So many things to talk about from skin colour to make up That classic novel sounds like it got the history about Chinese beauty right! It’s amazing how these days many in Chinese especially in Asia want to look as white as possible. Forever a trend.


James Calderwood
I have seen some strikingly beautiful women in many races. Some women only have beauty skin deep, they are vain and brainless. I have met some women who are very plain in looks and have a personality to really impress. Some of our dopey TV shows have women with breast implants and botox lips which make them look like freaks. I find this particularly ugly. Leave your body alone girls, you will pay for playing around with nature when you get older. Some of the Movie and TV stars who have natural beauty have had lip jobs and facelifts and have ruined their natural good looks.


Mabel Kwong
Sounds like you have indeed come across different types of women of all shapes, sizes and personalities, James. I think for some women and really anyone in general, it can be hard to stop once you start changing your looks. You can fall into the cycle of finding something ‘wrong’ with you no many how tiny – the endless cycle of trying to search for perfection and you never really get there.


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