2022-05-09 龟兔赛跑 10970

Is it cheaper to buy or build your house?


Sundaramany Mani, A finance and economics enthusiast with several years experience

Sundaramany Mani,在融和经济方面多年经验的爱好者

No, it is cheaper.
You can buy land cheaper without developer's margins
You save from developer's legal and other administrative costs
You save from builder's margins/markup on construction cost
You save from GST on builder's construction services
You save from builder's supervision costs
You save from builder's/developer's finance costs
You enjoy the freedom of buying land where you like and build house suiting your aesthetics, tastes, preferences and at your own pace, room by room, floor by floor
You only avail services of an engineer to do floor plans, architectural designs, obtain town planning approvals, occasional construction supervision.
You can buy materials on your own as per quantities provided by engineering estimates
Engage mason/ carpenter/ fabricators on “rate contract" basis and unskilled labourers on daily basis
Construction cost around Rs.1800-2000 per sft or less and land cost depending on area & location


Kevin Mcelroy
It’s much cheaper to buy one. I just bought a 30 year old house for $131 a square foot, a new home of similar quality would cost me about $210 a square foot. Given the size of my home, the difference is about $260,000.
My existing home is completely upxed, and all i need to change is the master bath tile, and the kitchen quartz because i don’t care for the color. My upxes are less than $40,000.


Ron Rothenberg, Second Cousin of Quora
Usually it is much more expensive, both financially and emotionally.
There are so many decisions to be made when building a house. Contractors live in a different world and don’t speak the same language, even if their English is superb.
It’s the nature of construction that materials shrink and swell and new houses make noises, nothing quite fits right, and you will think your new house is possessed by demons.
Your expectations, on the other hand, are that it is like a new car, and everything will work perfectly.
The truth is that a new house is less like a new car and more like a colicky baby.


You will also spend a lot more money on building the house. You will choose all the upgrades, just because you can.
Real Estate Joke: “Q: How do you build a $300,000 house? A: Spend $400,000.”
You and your spouse will divorce due to the stress of building the house. She will end up with half of a house that you can’t sell for what you paid.
The whole thing will end up in court as you sue the builders of the house.
Phew, just buy a house that has been standing for 100 years - that’s a great testament to the fact that the builders knew what they were doing.
Seriously, though, building a house is much more work than you can imagine, so make sure you know what you’re getting into before you go that route.
Too many people walk into home construction with no idea what it entails. Don’t be one of them.


Daniel Suciu, Investor/Enterpreneuer/House Flipper/Architect/Enginineer

Daniel Suciu,投资者/企业家/房屋建设者/建筑师/工程师

One of my friends charges $400 a square foot labor and materials to build high-end houses. I as a value Builder can build the same quality house for about $120 a square foot labor and materials. So it depends on who you hire whether or not it’s cheaper to build your own house or buy one.
Some builders pay material markups were others don’t and negotiate fixed prices for labor. By taking away the risk of materials you can negotiate weekly rate with a lot of skilled tradesmen for labor only. Some builders pay electricians $100 an hour to drill holes while others pay carpenter which are $25 an hour to drill the same holes. Same goes with the plumber.


Some builders use coupons to purchase materials.
Generally it is cheaper to build your own house compared to buying a house. When you buy house the builder is going to want his profit and taxes.
I just heard of an instance where a former jail that cost the government over $250 a square foot to build in the 80’s is being sold for $20 a square foot. So if you buy that and spend a few hundred thousand dollars remodeling it You would have a monster house for half the price.
Yhe point is that if you do things unconventionally and think outside the box you can build for far less


Glen McMillian, former Country Born and Bred, Outdoor Enthusiast
I have built a couple,myself, and participated in the building of many more, and I know a number of people who contracted their own home construction.
If you are reasonably competent at managing your own business affairs, and know how to use the tools, you are very likely to save a substantial amount of money by building yourself, personally, hands on.
If you hire out all or almost all the work to subcontractors, the odds are good you will save a good bit of money. Everybody I know personally who served as their own general contractor saved some money, more than enough that they were happy.
You do have to have a working brain and some organizational skills to build or supervise the construction of a house, but it’s not rocket science.


Cindy Enright, lives in Florida (1956-present)

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

My husband and I built, but did it a little differently than most people. We acted as our own contractor and as such could purchase materials at contractor prices. The only thing we “hired out” was the foundation, framing and roof. We were lucky to have my dad that knew what he was doing since he was a former contractor and had friends. We did the plumbing, my uncle came to visit from Alabama and did my electric (master electrician)
I don't know that it was any cheaper, but in the end it was ours, and paid for when we moved in. Now before you think it was an 800 square foot abode, far from it. 2500 sq feet, with what at the time ('86) was top of the line materials, appliances and fixtures. The family joke was the two most costly rooms were the master bath and my kitchen and they were, but we had what we wanted and it was built to last a lifetime.
At that point in time the county had a rule that you had to have an energy audit before they would issue a building permit It took into account things such as your HVAC, insulation, windows and were you using solar.
At the end we swore never again. Joke was on us. We ended up rehabbing two others later in life.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Stephen Morgan, CEO A.S. Nieruchomosci (2008-present)


With a house you really have three options.
Buy one ready built and ready to go
Buy a wreck and repair it
Build something you want new
The easiest is the first option always.
The next two are potential money pits if you do not know what you are doing.
If cost is your main factor then you really need to look at where you are and what the market dictates and you need to be realistic.
My current real estate business is in Poland and a large proportion of people build their own house on a vacant plot.
Buy a wreck and renovate, this works out about the most economical and the value when finished is about what you put in but you have major aggravation.
The most cost-effective option and easiest is just buy a new house ready built off a developer.
So like any investment where you are spending a lot of money do your study first and see what houses are actually selling for not what some greedy realtor tells you things are worth. You can usually check out the value of local transactions at the City Hall or many countries have web sites such a Zoopla in the UK which give you all of the transaction stats in a given post code area.


Bill Howard, former Former VP of Sales & Marketing,CMP (1985-2018)


The short answer is yes, but not necessarily because of the land.
A 2000 square foot ranch home would require a foundation and roof to cover the entire area below and above the house. A 2000 square foot two story, all other things being equal and assuming it’s split evenly between both floors, would require a foundation for only a 1,000 square foot home and the roof, theoretically, would be 1:2 the length of the other ranch home.
Since roof structure and foundation are two of the most costly elements in building, you can clearly see how a two story cost less.
Now, having said all that, they must be equal in design architecture and specifications as well, otherwise it’s a toss up; however as a general rule, two story homes are almost always less expensive to build. Hope this helps.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Neil Opfer, B.A Business, Washington State University (1978)


The answer to this question depends on what you mean by “building” your own house. If what you mean by this is simply acting as your own general contractor and hiring subcontractors for everything from excavation, concrete, framing, roofing, HVAC, plumbing, electrical, and finish trades (carpet, tile, drywall, painting), the answer is NO! Take a merchant builder in a decent-sized home market that builds 100 or more homes a year. This builder has a proven roster of subcontractors and if the builder is building these homes in several subdivisions the builder will have economies of scale. Therefore, the concrete subcontractor comes in to pour driveways and sidewalks may pour several on the same day. The same applies to other trades as they have a group of houses to work on as they move one house to the next. Here in Las Vegas, Nevada, a larger market to be sure, a framing contractor on two-story houses might have a layout crew, a wall framing crew, a floor framing crew, a roof framing crew, and a stair framing crew. These people become very specialized and very productive. These larger merchant builders also due to the work volume get discounts from their subcontractors.


The builder’s net profit on a house might be 5%. So on a $300,000 house (includes small lot), this is obviously $15,000. Let’s say start-to-finish, the builder’s house takes 120 days to build or 1/3 of a year (includes weekends/holidays) from your initial purchase to closing on the house. If you’re making $75,000 a year from your job and you took off or quit your job for 120 days, your salary loss for this 1/3 of the year would be $25,000. So to save the builders net profit of $15,000, your’re going to lose $25,000.


The other alternative is to stay with your job and actually build the house yourself. This would depend on the contracting laws in your state but one is usually allowed to build their own house on their own property as long as they stay in it for a specified period such as one year. Now you order all the material yourself and build everything yourself along with the necessary building dept. inspections. This will take longer. For example that contractor’s framing crew of 6 people may have been on your house from the builder for a total of 7 days or 336 hours (6 people x 8 hrs./day x 7 days). Assume that you are at least 33% less productive than this experienced framing crew so 336 hours translates to 448 hours (336 hrs x 1.333). Let’s assume that you have a son or daughter of work age (teenager will do) that can help you out. So with two people working 10 hours per day on the weekends for 20 hours plus another 10 hours during the week this is 30 hours per person x 2 people or 60 hours per week. The 448 hours of actual framing time divided by the 60 hours/week yields 7–1/2 weeks to frx your house. Everything else, of course, will also be stretched out. You won’t be able to buy materials cheaper than the builder’s subs can although Lowe’s and Home Depot are very competitive but you will save on labor. Also, consider tools/equipment as the builder’s subs have forklifts to assist with framing and a crane to set roof trusses, etc. You can rent everything you need to build the house but this gets expensive when you’re stretching out construction schedules. If the whole family can help build the house, say four people, this will also expedite the schedule. But how handy is everyone in using tools? A teenager might just be best holding a board, sweeping up debris or holding a paint brush or paint roller. The other issue with doing it yourself along with your family is safety with power tools. My father was a general contractor in the Pacific Northwest so I grew up in this business. I’ve seen a number of people over the years successfully build their own houses but have also seen notable failures. The successful people were almost always from a construction background such as carpenters. It is very tempting to try to save money by doing it yourself but that merchant builder earns their money on that house. You may not want to believe me in terms of profits so look at the large publicly-traded builders such as Pulte Homes PulteGroup (PHM) Profit Margin History where their current net margin is 5.22%.

另一种选择是继续工作,自己动手建造房子。这取决于你所在州的合同法,但一个人通常被允许在自己的财产上建造自己的房子,只要他们在里面住一段特定的时间,比如一年。现在你自己订购所有材料,自己建造所有东西,并进行必要的建筑部门审核。这需要更长的时间。例如,这需要更长的时间。例如,承包商的6人可能已经在你的房子上了7天或336小时(6人× 8小时)。/天× 7天)。假设你的工作效率至少比这些经验丰富的框架工作人员低33%,那么他们的336小时就等于你的448小时(336小时× 1.333)。让我们假设你有一个工作年龄的儿子或女儿(青少年可以),可以帮助你。两个人每天工作10个小时,周末工作20个小时,加上工作日的10个小时,这就是每人30个小时乘以2,也就是每周60个小时。448小时的实际时间除以每周60小时,得到7周半的时间建好房子框架。当然,其他一切也会被拉长。你不可能买到比建造者更便宜的材料,尽管劳氏和家得宝非常有竞争力,但你会节省劳动力。此外,考虑一下工具/设备,因为建筑商有叉车来协助建造框架,还有起重机来安装屋架等。你可以租用建造房屋所需的一切,但如果你延长施工进度,代价就会很昂贵。如果全家人都能帮忙盖房子,比如说四个人,这也会加快进度。但是每个人在使用工具方面有多方便呢?一个十几岁的孩子可能了不起就拿着一块木板,清扫碎片,或者拿着油漆刷或油漆滚筒。与家人一起做这件事的另一个问题是电动工具的安全性。我父亲是太平洋西北地区的总承包商所以我是在这一行业的环境中长大的。多年来,我看到许多人成功地建造了自己的房子,但也有明显的失败。成功人士几乎都有建筑行业背景,比如木匠。试图通过自己动手来省钱是很有诱惑力的,但商人的钱是从房子上赚来的。在利润方面,你可能不想相信我,所以看看大型上市建筑商,比如Pulte Homes PulteGroup(PHM)的历史利润率,他们目前的净利润率为5.22%。

Rick Ferrara, Architect
You got to compare the house you'd build vs the house you'd buy. If they are the same to answer is a resounding NO!
There are books and Web sites that lie to you and tell you that you can be your own general contractor and while you can it's going to likely cost you dearly. Considering that you’ve never done this before, and don't have any relationships with any subcontractors. They are going to smell the stink of “novice” all over you and anyone worth their salt will pass as you will likely be unorganized, have unrealistic expectations, get into money troubles and be far too high maintenance. They can make more money working for a say contractor than a novice. If you do get printing from them, they'll likely jack the price up in anticipation of the future pain, and there goes your supposed savings.
Next, to be efficient you have to understand what happens on site every day… without fail. There are over a dozen subs who have to be coordinated. Screw up and delay them and they move on to service their clients who have their stuff together. They could charge you more when they reschedule.
Do you understand how to design a home so it's efficient to build? Are you going to hire a quality home designer or a cheap cad drafter
Get a pro to design and build your house.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Rob L Murphy, Licensed contractor, home builder, programmer CNC

Rob L Murphy,注册承包商,房屋建筑商,CNC程序员

I decided to build my own house. So I went to school for drafting. Good start, took a year, learned a lot. Got a job in the industry, worked with builders and architects, read plans, made millwork, watched projects from the ground up. Swung a hammer. Sweated. Learned some more. Finally got to point where I could afford a house but had not enough hands on knowledge to do it myself so I hired a contractor. He built to my plans which were carefully crafted to minimize costs. And because I was in millwork I could make my own floors, doors, trim, and cabinetry. Did it. Took eleven years from thinking I could to actually can do. So then I went to night school for a summer and got my own builders license. And built another. And another. These things take time


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