2022-05-12 可乐加冰 10689

How do you encourage yourself to do the things you don't like but have to do?


Harshat D, Writing poems and daily articles for magazines.
Why do you want to get motivated for doing a task you dislike ,while you can train yourself to do any task that you like or don’t…
Motivation is a feeling to be enthusiastic to do a particular task or job for a short period of time
If you want to do something then train yourself to do that task in any condition no matter what!
Here’s how I train myself …
Wake up early in the morning. ( Don’t touch your phone or anything that is technology)
Glass of water( freshens up you mind and body)
Meditate for 10 minutes ( Just focus on breathing or concentrate on the ticking sound of the clock)
Look in the mirror and tell yourself “I can do anything in the world no matter how hard” ”Nothing can bring me down today”
Organize every essential thing you’ll need for the task.( Everything that you’ll need)
Keep a glass of water where you work, take sips at regular interval .
Only get up when the job is done.( it the task is big divide it with a 5 min break)
Repeat the process for the next 15 days.
Just keep doing it and you’ll feel the change in yourself.
Guaranteed Results!

一杯水 (提神醒脑)
冥想10分钟 (专注于呼吸或专注于时钟的滴答声)

Antti Vanhanen, I know that I am, but I don't know what I am.
Hello friend,
let’s take a step back and focus on the amount of tension in the question.
Can you notice it?
You don’t want to do anything… and yet you want to motivate yourself to take action.
There is inner conflict there that says:
“I should be different than what I am.”
This is what most of us do - we put pressure on ourselves to feel, think, and behave differently.
And yet, at the same time, we absolute despise the feeling of being forced to change.
In fact, most of us resist the attempts to change more than we actually want to change.
That’s why no matter how much energy you channel into changing or motivating yourself, the part of you that doesn’t want to change will still be stronger.
If the energy doesn’t translate into change, where does it go?
It goes into infighting with yourself, which is the very definition of suffering.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

So what’s the alternative?
Instead of trying to change yourself, see how long you can be idle and just sit with your lack of motivation.
Think of what you should do and then just acknowledge that you don’t want to do it.
Just sit there with the feeling.
Don’t allow yourself to get distracted by anything else.
Just sit there.
Hang out with your lack of motivation as long as it wants to hang out with you.
Drink a cup of tea with it.
Listen to what it tells you.
Feel how it feels and where you can feel it.
Really observe it. Study it like you were an anthropologist that just discovered a new species of animal.
What you will inevitably find is the lack of motivation is but a temporary guest that just wants to be seen and heard.
When you do that, at some point, your feelings of resistance will slowly fade and you will discover that an urge to take action seemingly wants to jump out from within you.


What I am hoping you get from this answer is that it is seldom a good idea to force yourself to change.
It just creates more resistance and frustration that depletes your energy reserves.
And in addition to feeling terrible, it usually just doesn’t lead to results.
So instead, why don’t you try being gentle with yourself?
Instead of judging yourself as someone who is lazy or who procrastinates, give yourself the attention that your heart really needs.
Listen to your heart’s insecurities and concerns.
Be attentive to how your heart is really trying to protect you from emotional discomfort by refusing to take action.
Be there for your heart so it can feel what it needs to feel.
Don’t argue with your heart, because the heart doesn’t understand words.
When you create a space for yourself to feel whatever it is that is there to feel, you allow that feeling to be released.
And once it is released, it is no longer there acting as a barrier to action.
Then action flows freely and effortlessly.
This is the gentle way of being human.
I sincerely hope you hear something in these words that allows you to give yourself that gift.


Luke Harris, Hyper-curious bundle of energy making his way through Terra
First, the bottom line:
If you're going to move closer to the end goal you're hoping to reach by doing this "something", then you don't have a choice.
The road to success, in pretty much any way you want to define it, will require that you do things that you don't necessarily want to do.
That's all there is to it, and the sooner you accept that, the better.
But it's not as easy as that, or we'd all be successful, wouldn't we?
So how exactly do we push through and complete those dull, mind-numbing tasks that we seriously don't wanna do? Read on.

那么,我们究竟是如何推动和完成那些我们真的不想做的枯燥乏味的任务呢? 继续读下去。

Do something different, for now. I know, it sounds counter-productive. And you shouldn't keep putting the task off; that's called procrastination. But sometimes forcing yourself to do this thing you can't stand the thought of doing will cause you not to do it properly at all. You might make a mess of it. Considering that a lot of these tasks we don't like are of importance, that's not really what we want.
Take breaks. Don't try and do the job all in one big 10-hour marathon. Every hour or so, go for a walk. Stretch. Have a healthy snack. Listen to some chillout music. Taking periodic breaks can refresh your mind and allow you to be more productive and focused when you return.
Remind yourself of your why. This one is super important. Let's say it's gym time, but you're tired as hell and would rather watch a couple of episodes of Better Call Saul. We all have moments like that first and foremost, so don't be overly hard on yourself. But do remember why you started and ask yourself that question? Say the answer out loud. Write it down and stare at it. You're doing this for a reason! In our "need to get my ass to the gym" case, you might be on a mission to lose fat, or train so you can go on a hike with your significant other. What you're doing here will be a stepping stone towards that goal you have, and besides, you'll most likely feel amazing afterwards and very glad you did it!

从现在开始,做一些不同的事情。我知道,这听起来适得其反。你不应该一直拖延任务; 这就是拖延。但有时强迫自己去做一件你无法忍受的事情会导致你根本做不好。你可能会搞砸的。考虑到很多我们不喜欢的任务都很重要,那并不是我们真正想要的。
提醒自己为什么。这一点非常重要。假设现在是去健身房的时间,但你累得要命,宁愿看几集《风骚律师》。首先,我们都有这样的时刻,所以不要对自己太苛刻。但要记得你为什么开始并问自己这个问题? 大声说出答案。把它写下来,盯着它看。你这么做是有原因的! 在我们的“需要我的屁股去健身房”的情况下,你可能是在执行减肥的任务,或训练,以便与你的重要的另一半去远足。你在这里所做的将是你实现目标的垫脚石,此外,你很可能会在之后感到惊讶,并非常高兴你做到了!

Make the task more fun! I'm a fan of this one. Excite yourself! Your mind is powerful, use it. Affirm to yourself that you're not going to settle, that you've said you are going to get this thing done whatever it takes. I like to put some music on that gets me in the mood. Or do a few burpees to get the blood flowing. Try it! Time will go by much quicker than if you're doing something and reminding yourself along the way how much it sucks.
Motivation? That's fleeting. And you shouldn't rely on it to carry you through those times when you'd rather be doing else.
Discipline is something else. It's something that needs to be developed and trained like a muscle does.
It needs to be cultivated as a beautiful garden does.
And the more you do those things that are hard, the more you'll nurture the embryo of discipline.

让任务更有趣! 我是这个的粉丝。振作起来!你的头脑很强大,好好利用它。向自己确认你不会妥协,你已经说过要不惜一切代价完成这件事。我喜欢放一些能让我心情愉快的音乐。或者做几个立卧撑让血液流动起来。试一试! 比起你在做某件事的同时不断提醒自己它有多糟糕,时间会过得更快。
动机? 这是短暂的。当你想做其他事情的时候,你不应该依靠它来陪你度过那些时光。

Sue Dhillon, Mindfulness Trainer and Coach
If it is a task that must be done then there really is no way around it. It’s all energy. The more you resist the harder it becomes.
There are things in life we have to do that we do not want to do, but must.
So the powerful thing to do is just get it done. Life is short. You are here to be your most awesome you and live your most awesome life.
So the longer you put off and dread having to do this task the longer you put off moving on to something else that is more enjoyable.
Every moment you spend worrying about or resisting this task is a moment you are depriving yourself of awesomeness.
Just know that everything is not fun and wonderful all of the time and the most powerful way through it is to just do it. Get it done. Move on. Put it behind so you can focus on other things you enjoy.
Life is fleeting don’t waste time resisting. You’re better than this.


Lukas Schwekendiek, Life Coach, Speaker, Writer. Published on TIME, INC & Huffington Post.
Take a different point of view to the task you do not want to do. There will always be stuff we do not want to do but must do anyway, but if we treat it as such we will have a much worse time than if we just looked at it differently.
In every situation there is always something good you can see if you just look for it. Zone in on this positive aspect no matter how far fetched it may seem. As long as it makes sense to you that is all that matters.
Whenever I have to do something I do not want to do, which happens quite a lot, I focus on what the results of this thing may be.
Even in the worst possible situation, there is still a lesson you can gain. Every bad example is an example of how not to do something. And everything you HAVE to do, but do not want to, is an opportunity for a lot of things.
An opportunity to…
… learn.
… find joy in everything.
… practice gratitude.
… prove to yourself that you can do whatever you set your mind to.
… push past some old Limitations.
… make your life more amazing.
… get closer to your dreams.
… give value to someone else.
… gain something new.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Look at the task through these eyes, only focusing on one of these opportunities, and then smile and tackle the problem ahead!
The more you think about the task and the more times you tell yourself how much you do not want to do it the worse it will get. Instead use this trick or one other simple one:
Use “and” for every “but” you try to tell yourself. Replace buts with ands and you will see that you have to be honest with yourself.
I do not want to do this but I have to. This will suck but I will do it anyway. I would love to do something else but I got to do this first. This task is important but I do not want to do it. My life will be better but I doubt it is worth the effort.
Turns into…
I do not want to do this and I am going to love being done with it. This will suck and I will do it anyway to prove it to myself. I would love to do something else and I will once I finish this important task. This task is important and I will treat it as such, especially since I do not like it I need to become effective in getting it done quick. My life will be better and that is enough of a reason to do this anyway.
These are the strategies I follow and have acquired for myself that make “HAVE TO” tasks feel like the best tasks because I always believe I grow the most from them.
Follow the tips above and you will have a much easier time with the tasks, get better at them and you might even start to enjoy doing them.


Nela Canovic, My #1 question: what is the one thing I'm committed to completing today?
Welcome to adulthood.
This problem — doing things you don’t want to do — is going to be part of your daily life moving forward. It sounds harsh, but that’s how it is. There will be many days when you don’t feel like getting out of bed and going to school or work. You won’t be in the mood to talk to your manager, but they will want to set up a meeting with you anyway. You won’t feel prepared for an exam but you’ll have to show up and give it your best shot. You won’t want to pay your electricity bill or your rent because there are additional expenses that need to be paid this month, but if you don’t pay rent you’ll get evicted and will not have a place to stay. As a matter of fact, you’ll notice that your emotions, feelings, and moods will keep shifting — and if you let them take over your day, you’ll likely have a hard time dealing with even the smallest tasks that need to get done.
That said, it’s not the end of the world if we don’t feel like doing something. We don’t feel motivated — or we did yesterday, but today is a different story. There’s still plenty of time to course-correct and change our behavior. We are the ones in charge of this ship! We can change the itinerary, we can shift the schedule, we can rearrange the list of what needs to get done, and we can feel more excited about the whole thing….
… but ONLY IF we can figure out why we’re doing what we’re doing.

也就是说,如果我们不想做某事,那也不是世界末日。我们没有动力——或者我们昨天有,但今天是另一回事。我们还有足够的时间来纠正和改变我们的行为。我们才是这艘船的负责人! 我们可以改变行程,我们可以改变时间表,我们可以重新安排需要做的事情清单,我们可以对整个事情感到更兴奋....

The WHY here is the most important part of this conversation. It’s really hard to do anything, feel motivated to keep going, if you don’t see the point. The point in this case is a purpose, a plan, a goal. If we don’t have a clear idea of what we’d like to do with our life, it’s impossible to move in a forward direction.
And speaking of moving forward, be honest with yourself. Have you thought about any goals that might be important to you? Goals give your life a sense of purpose — you are more in tune with the big picture of your life, not just what is happening to you today. Pursuing any kind of goal — personal or professional — is an excellent way to learn more about yourself. You find out what your top priorities are and how you can solve problems. Goals keep you focused on your personal development and they reflect your values and beliefs. No matter how you look at it, goals say more about who you are becoming as a human being. And that’s why they give us motivation to do things.


If you are serious about finding motivation, it’s worth it to take some time after school or work to think about a few things. Like this:
Think about what you want your life to be in the long run.
Do you know where do you want to be 1, 5, or even 10 years from now? Don’t think only geography and economy of your country, but more in terms of personal development and skill level.
Who do you want to become in your career? Is it motivating to see yourself as a leader, CFO of a startup, politician, university professor, innovator, scientist, writer?
If you can come up with a dream scenario, what is it? Do you wish to live in a specific city, becoming an expert at something, having your own business, teaching others how to improve a skill?
Try to make your goals specific.

你知道1年、5年甚至10年后你想做什么吗? 不要只考虑你们国家的地理和经济,更多地考虑个人发展和技能水平。

Non-specific goals can be anything of the following. I have to graduate from college, I need a job, I must move out of my parents’ house, I want to get fit, I want a large salary.
Specific goals are spelled out. For example, if you’re starting a job search, write down that you want to get a job offer for a [insert job title you want] that pays an annual salary of [insert amount you believe is fairgiven your skills and experience] so that you can develop [insert current skills and new skills you’re working on].
Have a real reason for choosing to go in a certain direction.
Instead of seeing goal setting as a chore, turn it into a choice. Tell yourself, “I really want to see myself succeed in this area!” The benefit? It gives you a greater sense of control about what you’re doing. That’s much better than feeling like you’re reacting to things or you have an obligation to work towards someone else’s goal (for example, a goal set by parents).
Remind yourself of the reason for action with this question: “Why am I choosing this goal?” Make the connection with the initial reasons for working on something to begin with. It can be to learn a new skill, solve a problem that you’ve had for years, pass an exam to graduate from college, start your own business, etc.
Make your goals actionable.
sext your top 3 personal goals. They can be anything you’ve been obsessing about for years, or something you’ve been considering more seriously in the past year or two.
Under each goal, write down 3 things you need to do on a consistent basis. This could be to practice a skill three times a week, set aside an hour a day to focus and do research, or sign up for a class to broaden your knowledge in a field.
Create a schedule for the week ahead. Set aside blocks of time to making progress in the areas you've identified. Start small, with a 15–30 minute block of time. You’ll be surprised how much it adds up without you having to give up on other things you need to do during the day.
Hold yourself accountable for your efforts.

具体的目标是明确的。例如,如果你要开始找工作,写下你想得到一份 [XX职位] 的工作邀请,年薪为 [XX 你认为根据你的技能和经验合理的金额],这样你就可以发展 [XX 你正在工作的当前技能和新技能]。
不要把设定目标看成是一件苦差事,而是把它变成一种选择。告诉自己,“我真的很想看到自己在这个领域取得成功!”好处是什么? 这会让你对自己所做的事情有更大的控制感。这比感觉自己在对事情做出反应或有义务为他人的目标(例如,父母设定的目标)而努力要好得多。

After you’ve followed your plan of action for one week, ask yourself, Did some activities take more time than you anticipated? If so, why?
What was easy? Why do you think it wasn’t as difficult as you initially thought?
What could you have done better? Where could you have used shortcuts?
How can you improve the following week? Can you dedicate a bit more time to one activity to make more progress towards your important goal?
How will you measure your success? Can you set milestones to reach each week or deadlines to stay on track? Will you measure your progress in a journal or spreadsheet?
I am frequently asked about the process of setting the goals that are a good fit, so I created a workbook called 5 Ideas for Setting Realistic Goals. It’s a 35-page printable book with step-by-step instructions, templates, and a list of recommended reading materials. I hope you find it useful. You can learn more about it here.

当你按照计划行动一周后,问问自己,是否有些活动比你预期的要花更多的时间? 如果是这样,为什么?
什么事情很容易? 为什么你认为它没有你最初想的那么难?
哪些方面你可以做得更好? 哪里可以使用捷径?
接下来的一周你该如何改进? 你能在一项活动上多花一点时间,朝着你的重要目标取得更大的进步吗?
你如何衡量你的成功? 你能设定每周要达到的里程碑,或者设定要坚持的最后期限吗? 你会用日记或电子表格来衡量你的进步吗?

很赞 1