2022-05-15 龟兔赛跑 10686

Is it cheaper to buy or build your house?


Nick Sch?n, 100% European
Build a house on land you already own is cheapest. Buy the land and then build on it is more expensive, obviously.
But buy the finished new house, and you have to do all of the above, and then provide the person who did it a profit.


David Williams, Have built several. Love to talk about it.


I am assuming you are asking about cost vs an apples-to-apples purchase of an existing house. I assume you know the answer can be between $70 and $300 per foot depending on design complexity and materials/appliances, etc.
I recommend it. I will begin by saying ‘yes’ to your implied question, that it can be less expensive. However, if you are comparing to a ‘builder grade’ house, no. A builder can use stock cabinets, inexpensive appliances, inexpensive windows/doors, carpeting, etc, and he will build it at a price you likely cannot match. Some guys can come in at like $70/foot for a perfectly good house, just with inexpenseive fittings.
I am also assuming you are not acting as the contractor. That is another arena all together.
But lets say you want to have a licensed contractor build your house, and you are not looking to buy a tract house. My experience is that you can built a custom house less expensively than an apples-to-apples purchase. To make this happen, there are three areas of cost/hassle that, for us, determined the ‘wow factor’ (how much you love the house) and price of the end result:


1. Materials, windows/doors, etc.
Shopped for the wood flooring, found a local producer who sold us small left over lots for a great price. So the den has oak, the bedroom ash, etc. Looks great, came in at lower-than-market per foot price.
Kitchen and bathroom tile was purchased the same way. Basically we found what we wanted, regardless of price, then looked around until we found something very similar on deep discount. You can pay $10/ft or $1/ft for tile. By looking around you can find good deals.
Dealt directly with a big box store (give you two guesses which) for windows/doors, appliances, etc. They also did the kitchen cabinets. Near custom quality, much better than builder grade. Add it all up, it comes to a heafty check, so they typically will give you an additional discount. We got good prices from them to start with, so when we went to the store manager for additional discount, he gave us store coupons instead. Fine, gonna spend it there anyway.


2. Design
The design was thought through, wife and I talking for hours on end, drawing houses in the dirt, pretending to walk and sit, etc. We ended up with a house that is 30% smaller than someone with our needs/budget would typically build, yet lives at 100%. We basically gave ourselves what we wanted, cut out anything not really necessary. If someone doesn’t like that we don’t have a coat closet for guests, well, its not their house. You can’t overthink space. Think it through, then think it through again. You can end up with something that says “wow” every day, but is less space than what most people have.


3. Builder
We found a builder who actually builds. He was out there pouring concrete, he and his buddies were the framing crew, etc. If you are dealing with one who wears Dockers and golf shirts and visits his sites, things can be more difficult. When the framing was being done we were looking at how one wall was going up, and I said, “We need three windows across that wall rather than two, dont we?” “Would be nice”, he said. “How much?” “Eh, take about an hour or so to fix that.” I pulled a $100 bill out of my wallet, he was happy. Try that with a contractor who subs out the framing. Things like this come up all the time.
Once you show the builder the plans and get a price from him, determine what all the above stuff will cost - set a budget for it. Develop good rapport with the builder, ask and ask again what you haven’t thought about. Once you have that budget, do NOT get into the habit of spending another $200 here, $400 here. “Oh honey, I know we were going to spend X on the stove, but this one is simply marvy, and only $300 more”.


Steve Black, Bought and sold many properties and have a few rental properties.


This is in the UK. It is often cheaper to buy a older run down property in a great location, tear it down and rebuild something that you want. When I started working construction nearly 40 years ago. it would be that a building plot would cost on average a quarter of the retail price, it then quickly rose to a third and now is at least half. If you are going for high spec in a nice area then I think building would just edge out buying especially if new build.


J Scott, Professional Real Estate Investor w/ 150+ Deals & Best-Selling Author

J Scott,专业房地产投资者,拥有150+交易和畅销书作者
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It depends...
The first question is, will you be purchasing directly from a builder or buying the land yourself and building from scratch? If you're purchasing new construction from a builder, you'll likely be paying a premium for the house over houses that would be purchased as resales. Of course, you'll be getting a brand new house as opposed to an older house, but there is a cost premium for that.
If you're buying the land and building from scratch, the question becomes how cheaply you can purchase the land and how cost-efficiently you can build the house. Are you planning to hire a builder? Or are you planning to manage the project yourself and hire your own sub-contractors?
If you hire a custom builder, you'll likely pay more than what you'd pay for a similar resale in the same area. But, if you can manage the project yourself and hire directly to subcontractors (so you save the overhead of the builder), you can very possibly build for less than you can buy.
For example, I recently purchased a piece of land in Maryland for $250K and built a 4000 sf house for $90/sf -- my total cost for the house was about $610K. Had I bought the land and hired a builder to build it, I likely would have spent about $120/sf, for a total cost of about $730K. To buy a similar (but older) resale house in this area, I probably would have spent about $700K. To buy a turn-key new construction from a big builder in this area, I probably would have spent about $750-800K.
So, in this real-life example, it was much cheaper for me to act as my own builder, but would have been more expense to hire a builder and much more expensive to buy a similar turn-key new construction from a large builder. While this is just one example, in my experience it's pretty representative of what you'll see.


Tom Brookins, BA Philos, MA EDC&I Philosophy & Education, University of Washington (1974)


Of course! For my VERY FIRST construction job I added on to my house several years back (five rooms on two stories) and the learning curve is steep at first, but as you go things get easier.
Are you healthy and in relatively good shape? (I was back then!)
Do you have friends to answer questions and/or give a hand once in a while? From work, church, neighbors …
Tools? You can buy what is needed as you go but don’t forget them in your budgeting. This assumes planning ability.
Have you some understanding of “how things work?”
Have money? Plans? Permits? I know that it looks like a huge mountain but like the longest journey … How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.


Use the “school example” like I have all my life: look for others doing big jobs (graduating?) and tell yourself, “If they can do it then I can too!” (look for a real slacker). Watch a pro and ask questions and remember - none of us schlubs learned by just watching pros. It took lots of time and practice for them to get where they are! That’s OK. When dropped off on this planet, think about where you were and where you are now. Walking, running, no diapers! Handling all kinds of food and on and on. You’ve already come a long way, baby!
It will take double the time you think and yes, more money. It’s OK, remember that about half of your finished product’s cost would be labor if someone else did it! You are still ahead!
Tired at the end of the day? Oh yeah. Sense of accomplishment? OVER THE MOON!
MOST IMPORTANT! Ask questions. Ask questions! ASK QUESTIONS!!! Got it? Pick the answers that make sense for your question. After ten answers you’ll start “to get it,” and you only need one right one. Everyone LOVES to share what they know. You’ll have opportunities rather than problems.
Watch TV programs that fix houses.
You CAN doo it, look at what THIS doofus did!


Bill Herman, M. S. Institute of Advanced Studies in Administration, San Francisco State University (1972)


This may depend on where you want to buy a lot and you need to know the building codes before you buy. Also what area as lots costs vary from maybe 50K going way up in cost.
But if you can afford a good lot that is clear to build on, yes it can be much cheaper to build your own, generally anywhere from (maybe, again depending where) around 75K to 100K for most of your materials. This amount can vary widely. Is the lot flat, with or without public sewage, any trees or other foliage to deal with, electric available, a lot of basic details that will cost extra.
You can build small and reasonably priced or large.
Now, do you have any construction skills? You also will have to buy or rent all the needed tools and know how to use them properly.
Yes you can save based on how well prepared and capable you are.
My best friend built 3 houses on his 40 acres of property over about 10 years. He said the 3rd one he finally got it all right, the first two were basic learning curves.
Also he did most all of them on his own except for some of the really heavy things to deal with and had help. So it can be done.
He bought his 40 acres about 25 years ago for around 150K. It’s now worth close to a 1 million, his 3 houses cost him approx. 400K and now worth 1 mil or so.
Good luck.


George Graham, I work as a carpenter building things for other people.


As with all these type of question the answer is “it depends”.
Are you having it built for you, or acting as your own main contractor and hiring in the workers you need? If the former it will cost around the same as just buying one. If the latter, then you could end up saving the equivalent of the main contractor’s profit (possibly around 20%). Or you could mess it up and lose money on it through lack of understanding and knowledge.
Are you having it built because you want high end fittings and fixtures that you can’t get elsewhere? More expensive.
Are you having it built because you already own the land free and clear?Cheaper.
Are you having an architect design something special; could be more expensive - depending what you want.
Are you building because you want something very different to other houses; could be much more expensive in the long run if you want to sell but are limited to buyers who share your taste.
So like I said at the start, the answer is “it depends”.


Scott King Walker, Designed my own house which was built in 2019.

Scott King Walker,设计了我自己的房子,建于2019年。

Unless you are actually doing a lot of work yourself, having a house built just for you is almost certainly not going to save you money. It can still be “worth it” if you are building something that will benefit you and your family for a long time to come.
I highly recommend it to those who have the resources to do it, and want to enjoy both the process and the results. It is even more enjoyable if you can find a builder to work with who is honest, competent, and gets along well with you.
Honesty: Check this out with people you know who have worked with the builder before. You can check *their* references if you have to, but the ones to trust are people you already know who have done business with that builder.
Competence: Look for someone who has built things similar to what you are looking for before. Understand what the builder’s standard quality level is. It varies dramatically, and while quality does cost more, just building “big expensive” houses doesn’t mean that they will pay attention to quality.
Easy to Get Along With: This is very subjective. You should be able to get to know at least the project manager you will be working with. If you are only dealing with salespeople, then you are probably dealing with a bigger company than I want to work with.
Good Luck! With the right builder, it can be a great experience.


Jason Xu, studied at University of Pittsburgh

Jason Xu,曾就读于匹兹堡大学

There are many sides to this question, and it depends on a number of factors. No one here is going to give you the same answer. The most generalized answer will be, it depends on where you live. Location is the one most critical factor in this whole equation.
Here in Pittsburgh we have tons of areas that are not really in great condition. They were on the down and out. When steel was strong here these homes were built and lived in. After the steel industry was moved to overseas many of the houses were abandoned. These areas there are tons of houses that were once nice, and could use some help to bring back to life but the actual replacement value is HIGHER vs the selling cost. This means if an insurance company were to insure the house, they would have to pay more than the purchase price if the house was destroyed. Some of these 3 bedroom houses sell for 5 grand. Tell me anywhere you can get someone to build a 3 bedroom colonial brick home for 5 grand and include the land. This is also the same case for places like Detroit.
Some other up and coming areas you are able to buy land cheap. However houses are selling pretty high, 300–400k range. Land may be around 50k. These pieces of land are getting snatched up quick contractors are dumping 150k in building a house and selling it for 300k.
It all depends on the area. Labor may vary but places where land are more expensive, people are more inclined to put more money into their homes since the renovation cost is a fraction of what the property is worth. Where as cheaper areas a major roof job maybe worth the entire purchase price of a home and the values wont climb at all.
“Building” also greatly matters on material costs, And also labor costs.
Too many variables to list.
Hope this helps.


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