Chris Ebbert
Fascinating question.
Chris Ebbert
Fascinating question.
Having lived in China for several years, and being married to a Chinese wife, I think my first impulse is to say, “don’t expect to ever fully understand Chinese culture.”
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Not because they are so hard to understand, but because that thing we call China is a huge place, with a long history, and it would be wrong to expect to ever fully grasp what it means to be Chinese, or do things the Chinese way.
All that hedging aside, I do think you could be pragmatic about it.
Presuming you are simply trying to get on in modern day China’s culture, I would give you the following list of tips:
1. Know your place; in China, family always come first. Then come relatives and old friends. New friends are welcome, but won’t be prioritized.
1. 知道你的位置;在中国,总是以家庭为重。其次是亲戚和老友。新朋友是受欢迎的,但不是最重要的。
1. 知道你的位置;在中国,总是以家庭为重。其次是亲戚和老友。新朋友是受欢迎的,但不是最重要的。
2. Food is China’s unofficial religion. You will be asked “have you eaten?” in the same way you will be asked “how are you doing?” in the anglosphere, and they mean it. Never downplay the importance of a meal. They dedicate an amazing amount of time, resources, and energy to making, eating, and procuring meals. If you’re French, you’ll understand.
2. 食物在中国有着不可言说的重要意义。你会被问道“吃了吗?”就像你会被问“你还好吗?”在盎格鲁文化圈,他们确实是这个意思。别低估一顿饭的重要性。他们要花费惊人的大量时间、资源和精力来准备、烹饪和享用饭菜。如果你是法国人,你应该会明白的。
2. 食物在中国有着不可言说的重要意义。你会被问道“吃了吗?”就像你会被问“你还好吗?”在盎格鲁文化圈,他们确实是这个意思。别低估一顿饭的重要性。他们要花费惊人的大量时间、资源和精力来准备、烹饪和享用饭菜。如果你是法国人,你应该会明白的。
3. “Saving Face” is everything. There are a hundred ways in which the Chinese can acknowledge or humiliate you, and it all boils down to small details like who sits where, when do you get to speak, what sort of dishes are served… if you can read that code, you know your place with them.
3. “有面子”至关重要。中国人有一百种赞许或者羞辱你的方式,归结于细微之处,就比如谁坐在那里,你什么时候应该发言,上什么菜等等。如果你能读懂这些之后的隐藏含义,你就能知道你在他们心中的分量了。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
3. “有面子”至关重要。中国人有一百种赞许或者羞辱你的方式,归结于细微之处,就比如谁坐在那里,你什么时候应该发言,上什么菜等等。如果你能读懂这些之后的隐藏含义,你就能知道你在他们心中的分量了。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
4. Negotiation; the Chinese will offer you a choice even when it is clear what you want. It’s one of the prime directives of China. The other person must always have a choice. That way, you may find yourself playing cat and mouse with other pedestrians many more times than you would in the western world, because one indication of intended direction just isn’t enough; no, you will have to swerve around fellow pedestrians in the last moment, because they will keep offering you options till the last second. Whenever I sit in a restaurant with my wife, she drives me crazy with the question “… or would you like THAT dish instead?” To which my retort tends to be, “no, goddammit! I want the thing I said I wanted the first time!”
4. 协商;即使你明确表示想要什么了,中国人也会给你另一种选择。这在中国是头等重要法则:要给别人留个后路。不同于西方世界,你会发现在中国你经常在玩猫鼠游戏,最后一刻依旧在斡旋,因为直到这时候中国人还在不断给你提供选择。当我和我老婆在餐馆坐下来,她问了一个问题,把我逼疯了,那就是“……你想换那道菜吗?”我的本能反应是,“不,可恶!我只想要我一开始想要的那道菜!”
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
4. 协商;即使你明确表示想要什么了,中国人也会给你另一种选择。这在中国是头等重要法则:要给别人留个后路。不同于西方世界,你会发现在中国你经常在玩猫鼠游戏,最后一刻依旧在斡旋,因为直到这时候中国人还在不断给你提供选择。当我和我老婆在餐馆坐下来,她问了一个问题,把我逼疯了,那就是“……你想换那道菜吗?”我的本能反应是,“不,可恶!我只想要我一开始想要的那道菜!”
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
5. Final agreements are not final. How many times did we put a final signature under something, only to find ourselves reconvening over a lavish meal for a complete re-negotiation.
5. 最后的决定也不是板上钉钉。有多少时候我们已经决定了吃什么,然而最后经过一番深思熟虑后决定奢侈地搓一顿。
5. 最后的决定也不是板上钉钉。有多少时候我们已经决定了吃什么,然而最后经过一番深思熟虑后决定奢侈地搓一顿。
6. Change your spokesperson, and you start from scratch. The Chinese build relations with a company or institution based on a personal, individual relationship. Take that person away, and you are back to zero.
6. 换个“发言人”,你就得重新开始。中国公司(组织)内部的关系是点对点式特定私人关系。这个人走了,一切就得从零开始了。
6. 换个“发言人”,你就得重新开始。中国公司(组织)内部的关系是点对点式特定私人关系。这个人走了,一切就得从零开始了。
7. Wastefulness is a sign of idiocy. I have yet to see a respected Chinese person with a wasteful attitude. Economy and efficiency are the pillars of Chinese success, and those who are successful there will possess them.
7. 浪费是种愚蠢的行径。我就没见过一个中国人铺张浪费还受人尊敬的。勤俭节约是中华民族成功的基石,那些成功人士也有这些品质。
7. 浪费是种愚蠢的行径。我就没见过一个中国人铺张浪费还受人尊敬的。勤俭节约是中华民族成功的基石,那些成功人士也有这些品质。
8. Nature is beautiful - but only few have a realistic understanding of nature. Instead, there is a highly domesticated image of nature in China, sporting gyms, highly polished flower arrangements, and so on. The Chinese romanticize nature, but don’t understand it.
8. 自然是美丽的-但是在中国很少有人真正了解自然。取而代之,在中国有着雕琢过后的自然景象,例如运动场馆,修剪过的花朵陈列等等。中国人将自然浪漫化,却不懂自然是什么。
8. 自然是美丽的-但是在中国很少有人真正了解自然。取而代之,在中国有着雕琢过后的自然景象,例如运动场馆,修剪过的花朵陈列等等。中国人将自然浪漫化,却不懂自然是什么。
9. Outlooks are strangely short term and long term at the same time. The business world expects fast turnarounds and quick growth, while politics and others allow for long time spans for things to develop.
On the whole, I like Chinese culture. When you are there, you feel a new mellowness, surrounded by abundance and the dynamics of an old culture that is mercifully pragmatic and philosophical.
Liam Nguyen
@Chris Ebbert
Also speaking without knowledge/experience about the topic is considered irresponsible and stupid in Chinese culture. That's why free speech is always laughable topic for most of Chinese.
回复Chris Ebbert
@Chris Ebbert
Also speaking without knowledge/experience about the topic is considered irresponsible and stupid in Chinese culture. That's why free speech is always laughable topic for most of Chinese.
回复Chris Ebbert
Only the fools speak more than others!
Carsten Junge
@Chris Ebbert
I have the same thing happening to me, when I have my Chinese wife order food….
回复Chris Ebbert
Sam (舢艒) Felton
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
@Chris Ebbert
I have the same thing happening to me, when I have my Chinese wife order food….
回复Chris Ebbert
Sam (舢艒) Felton
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
@Carsten Junge
I had the exact mirror-image of this problem - my wife assumes I’ve made a decision (as most Americans) and that I will stick by it and not change my mind - but she expects me to deal with her in the Chinese way, allow all options at all times and not be surprised if she changes her mind along the way. She doesn’t get upset, but is surprised if I change my mind, just as I’m pleasantly surprised when she doesn’t.
回复Carsten Junge
I had the exact mirror-image of this problem - my wife assumes I’ve made a decision (as most Americans) and that I will stick by it and not change my mind - but she expects me to deal with her in the Chinese way, allow all options at all times and not be surprised if she changes her mind along the way. She doesn’t get upset, but is surprised if I change my mind, just as I’m pleasantly surprised when she doesn’t.
回复Carsten Junge
John Z. Li
How do I understand Chinese culture?
How do I understand Chinese culture?
The same way you understand any culture: learning its language, its history, and its religions.
No, food is NOT China’s unofficial religion. That is pure western prejudice.
The first thing to understand another culture is to know that there is really a culture that is fundamentally different from the one you are born in.
Thomas Pauken II
I prefer to answer the question by explaining my life story when coming to China over 11 years ago in October 2010. Although I had lived and worked in Seoul, South Korea from 2001 to 2007, I continued to have very strong American cultural traits.
I prefer to answer the question by explaining my life story when coming to China over 11 years ago in October 2010. Although I had lived and worked in Seoul, South Korea from 2001 to 2007, I continued to have very strong American cultural traits.
I was like many Americans in which I was emotional, a big talker, impatient, and a typical “know it all,’ who lacked the humility to recognize I did not “know it all.”
South Korea is an Asian country with different cultural traits than the US but South Koreans are similar when it comes to the traits about myself I listed above.
However, the Chinese are not this way and when first arriving here I had struggled to adapt to the culture.
I had gotten so accustomed to being surrounded by braggarts, loud mouths and arrogant blowhards that I just assumed most people were the same, including myself.
I am Texan and spent a lot of time in the US East Coast so my close networks were people filled with confidence. A good story teller, even if you inaccurately describe yourself, will make you more popular than being a quiet person.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
I recall my friends in USA mocking quiet, reserved types who were hard working and refused to boast about their achievements.
We would say, “the quiet ones are the most dangerous” or “if you ain’t bragging it’s because you have nothing to boast about.”
In other words, the Americans have a “look at me” mentality and we find nothing strange about it.
So when coming to China I had huge “Culture Shock.” The Chinese are more reserved, quiet and very reluctant to talk about their personal issues.
The office atmosphere is relatively quiet here, unlike South Korea where office politics and drama take center stage and there’s no such thing as a dull moment in Seoul.
So when adapting to China it was very hard for me during the first couple of years. But I stayed here because I discovered a certain charm to the quiet ways of the Chinese. In the US and South Korea, I felt like when meeting people I was under a spotlight and under scrutiny.
Americans are quick to make jokes at your expense and they do so by observing your quirks and different mannerisms. While South Koreans would insult you directly when spotting your weaknesses.
But the Chinese I don’t feel like they are placing me under a constant spotlight when meeting them. In return, I have turned more quiet and do not feel compelled to entertain people with wild stories or jokes.
However I do miss the laughter and the story-telling in the US. Nevertheless, I have matured a lot in China and feel proud I have become more calm, humble and patient.
However I do miss the laughter and the story-telling in the US. Nevertheless, I have matured a lot in China and feel proud I have become more calm, humble and patient.
To take a closer look at cultural differences between the Americans and the Chinese you can read an article posted by Verge. The lix is here:
In the United States, we value things like freedom and individuality. But Chinese culture is very different. Over there, individuality is probably seen as strange and even dangerous. After studying Asian philosophy as an undergraduate, I have learned that Chinese culture, in particular, places a lot of value on the good of the group. This group can be the family unit, the workplace or society as a whole.
Chinese culture also has a different concept of privacy than we do in America. From what I’ve heard, it is common to speak about age, income and marital status while in America, but it can be seen as gossip or taboo to talk about those things in public. In China, it is looked down upon to show feelings in public, but in America we see that all the time (especially in Dorchester; couples fight on the regular).”
We should respect the differences in other cultures, because if we were all the same that would be so boring.
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