2022-06-05 龟兔赛跑 7906

How can I defend myself from being verbally bullied?


Douglas Frederick, Lifetime experiences with the disordered

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

You cut these people and others you know in common out of your life.
These people spread emotional cancer.
The only way to heal is to cut out the tumor.
And like healing from cutting out a tumor cutting out emotional cancer is the same.
Instead of losing hair you will lose people.
And then healing takes time from this operation.
Let out all of the anger, pain and anxiety in private.
Then, treat yourself kindly.
Take a bath, walk.
Watch a comedy.
You will heal eventually.


Gabrielle 77, Narcissist Warrior
You do Not * Cope* with verbal abuse. What you do is *Deal* with this nightmare!! Call an abuse shelter and start getting therapy. You don't cope. Coping is enabling this behavior.
I will say that verbal abuse is horrible and very damaging.
I would rather be punched in the gut. At least its over with. When someone starts attacking someone's character repeatedly., it sticks in the brain. These people that verbally abuse are the Most Insecure, self loathing individuals. They are bullies that we should not have to deal with.
Abusive behaviour!


Bullies like all attention to be on your supposed faults they are pointing out. I have found that they get bolder with an audience. And they don't like to be interrupted.
I deal with them using the ‘enough rope to hang themselves’ method. Me playing deaf and dumb and biding my time till the right moment is an essential part of the method.
I don't react immediately when I hear their criticisms (they may be valid!) I wait until they really get into a heated flow of nasty opinions being presented as facts. By then, they will think me weak and too timid to defend myself.
Then I interrupt the flow by saying I don't comprehend something they are accusing me of. I ask them to repeat it, to rephrase it, to explain what it means so I can understand what they are saying. I repeat, if necessary.
Someone who is not being malevolent will settle down and try to accommodate my comprehension so that their problem can be worked through, no matter how worked up they have become. Once that person starts considering my perspective as well as their own (even if that view of me is that I am deaf, dumb or stupid) I begin to pander to the anger they had displayed. I express exaggerated concern for how bad I must have made them feel. Most normal angry people start backpedalling immediately. I think they become embarrassed by their quick anger. Then we usually have a conversation and work things out in a way that satisfies us both.


Someone who is bullying will usually get louder, more agitated, more insulting and, more importantly, more exposing of their malicious intent. In this way, I have made bullies unmask their intentions so that ‘stupid’ me can hear/understand what they are saying. They have loudly spelled their words out after I have asked them to repeat what they said. If they have been particularly nasty I have repeated the words of their explanations back to them and asked if I had finally got it right. Bullies don't like being exposed - especially when they realise they have just exposed themselves, which is often what their simpler explanation .. Their original pursuit becomes too hot to handle. They may change the subject or even hightail it out of there.
This is especially useful in front of an audience. It becomes obvious to all present that the bully has just been outwitted by a moron. I came to think that bullies imagine themselves to be superior to the bullied - that they think they are smarter and more powerful. Only recently have I learned about the Dunning-Kruger effect. I see a connection.
It has taken me a long time, a lot of experience with bullies and considerable trial and error to devise this method. I like it because it is fair to people who are merely angry rather than bullies.
My best results with nonbullies is that, by the end of the exchange, they have apologised profusely to me for their earlier treatment of me.
My best result with bullies is that they never bullied me again.


Jo Ashfaq, I Helped raise 7 children.

Jo Ashfaq,我帮助并抚养了7个孩子

Stay separate on your thoughts. ……….There is a person out of control in your presence. They are sadly unable to cope with the ups and downs of life. They are flailing their arms and hands and every muscle in their body is tense. Their blood pressure must be really high yet they cannot control their own thoughts. They are having a really bad day. It will ruin how they are feeling for hours. They know they have no control over other people yet there they stand, thinking foolishly that somehow they can change things that others do. How silly to think that, they struggle to control themselves, never mind anyone else. They are certainly harming themselves more than me. This is their choice to act like this, they are doing this for themselves, I’m ok standing here they are the ones changing who they are while thinking they can change me. I alone have the power to change me. They aren’t doing anything to me. These actions are for them. So they feel better. It’s more likely they are doing damage to their own well being instead. I feel bad for them, I hope they will be able to calm themselves down and have a better day. Maybe I can help them by saying something calmly. Perhaps something like…. “ I’m trying to figure out life and not make mistakes. I want things to get better with you . I try to do things right. What can I do to make things better?


Machette, Graveyard Shift Clerk at 7-Eleven (2020-present)
go away. Sorry I wasn’t telling you to go away I meant the first step is to leave the abusive situation, then time. Time will heal the wounds. The best thing is to get on with your life and recognize that like an old saying goes “sticks and stones may break your bones, but words can never hurt you”. They are just words from a person who is inadequate and probably hurting themselves from past trauma and abuse they suffered at the hands of another in their past.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Dorothy Sciortino, Small Business Owner (2002-present)

Dorothy Sciortino,小企业主(2002年至今)

I am one of these and have been called real ugly names but today, none affect me.
We must agree that we should always use our tongue to build others, never to harm. If we are unable to control our tongue, then we cannot be decent human beings.
Normally narcissists project. So if they feel that they themselves are fake, they will call you fake.
So as you can see a bad person calling you loads of names is most probably how they feel inwardly and has nothing to do with you.
Taking this into consideration, I always spend time self reflecting after I am called names. Is this person correct? Am I so blind as not to see that I am wrong?
If that person is not correct, I just grow a thick skin and refuse to accept what I am called. Big deal! With practice, you will start to do this automatically.
If this person is correct, then I must use that as a wake up call and amend my behavior.
You will see that with the passage of time, you are so able to control that no matter how much that person seeks to hurt you, you simply could not care less.
And hey, if you can cut these persons out of your life, please do! Toxicity makes you sick. Very sick with cancer


Patty Amato, former Aide, Teacher for Disabled (1976-1982)


Not well. I just hardened myself. But as soon as hubby saw that a particular area of name-calling and mocking wasn’t having the desired effect, he’d find something new. The first couple of times of that hurt, but then I’d harden myself again. Made for a great relationship. Marriage counselor said this wasn’t really verbal abuse because he wasn’t using obscene language


Mae Tierny, former Disabled UNIX Admine, CS Engineer, Tools Programme (1998-2002)
One in the most important things you can do is to educate yourself on the nature of verbal abuse from one of many books out on why they do what the do. Some even gave examples of get out free ways to jerk them around. They are afraid you see.
Now its worse if you grow up a child in verbal abuse. It is much harder to get beyond. But though I have made great progress I still have PTSD from my childhood. Much better, but not all healed. Counseling helps a great deal. As well as cognitive therapy.
Once you no longer feel terrified and helpless, half the healing is done.


Larry Nutter, M.A. Psychology, University of Northern Colorado (1983)
I have a different perspective on verbal abuse. For 23 years I made a living listening to verbal abuse. I worked in prisons during that period of time. You would be constantly barraged with verbal abuse; it was just part of the job. On one hand it would seem to have nothing to do with abuse by someone with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. On the other hand, it can be very much the best way of responding to verbal abuse. Staff did not engage with idiots spouting verbal abuse; it was like background music. You did not respond in any manner and this had a neutering effect on the verbal abuser. In the case of prisons though, if the idiots were making too much noise, you just ordered them to go to another location (like back to their cell or pod). In the case of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, ignoring them much the same way correctional staff do would also tend to neuter them. Of course the best way of dealing with verbal abuse from someone with Narcissistic Personality Disorder is to permanently remove yourself from them, block them and get a restraining order if necessary. I know this may be easier said than done. Remember, this will only get worse over time. Leaving sooner than later is just that much less abuse to tolerate.


Marion Simpson, Writer at LittleFishPublishing (2001-present)
Being verbally abused can be hurtful, but that is only if you allow it to. Think about the person doing the verbal abuse, do you really care about what they think of you? Are you going to allow them to define who you are as a person? Consider the source. Is this person worthy to be the judge of you? I am guessing that they are people who have terrible self esteem, no healthy communication skills and are severely lacking in self awareness.
Now you have thought about who they are, think about who you are. Are you a person who deserves to be verbally abused? No one does deserve to be mistreated. Your question is how do you recover and heal from verbal abuse. I would suggest that you write down all you believe about yourself to be true. Every time someone has complimented you on a positive character trait, such as thanking you for a kindness you did, write that down. You are a good person, the person who has verbally abused you, is a damaged person. You cannot help to heal that person, but you can take steps to work on your own healing.
Find a therapist, a caring friend or family member to talk to about your situation. You need to take positive steps to work on healing and growing through this past abusive situation, because if you do not, take action, this situation will repeat itself. Learning your own value and carrying that with you wherever you go, will stop abusive people from being attracted to you. People who have high self worth are a magnet for other people with high self worth. Those are the people you want to spend time with. Work on learning to love yourself. Until you love yourself, you will keep chasing/attracting other people who are incapable of loving you because they also do not love themselves.
Healthy self esteem, is very important in having healthy relationships with others and with yourself. Work on learning to love you, you are worthy of love. Stay safe. Be well.

找一位治疗师、一位关心你的朋友或家人谈谈你的情况。你需要采取积极的步骤来治愈和在过去的虐待中成长,因为如果你不采取行动,这种状况就会重演。无论你走到哪里, 认识到自己的价值,无论走到哪里都要带着它,这将阻止吸引虐待他人的人前来对你施暴。自我价值感高的人会吸引其他自我价值感高的人。这些是你想与之共度时光的人。努力学习爱自己。除非你爱自己,否则你会一直追逐/吸引那些因为不爱自己而无法爱你的人。

Joyce Holmes, studied at University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
If the person verbally abusing you lives with you then it would be pretty difficult to get over it because they are going to do it again. If they don’t live with you then shut them off from you. When you see then walk away. If they say something to you act like you didn’t hear it. In every way shut them out and never speak to them again. They are only going to do it again if they know they can get to you so don’t let them see it get to you even if it does. Then when things die down you can think to yourself that you won. And you did.


Sparkling Nights, Currently studying at university
Best thing to do is to leave them and go on , most likely abusers won't stop doing that to you even if they apologized , they would drain your emotions, they'll damage your mental health little by little if you don't take it seriously and try to find a way to get out if this dangerous situation .
I have been abused more than once time from someone who I genuinely lived and cared about , but what they did? They verbally abused me once and I was in shock but my live for them made me ignore that red flag sign that I should've took seriously that instant time , but unfortunatelyy I didn't ,, and that led to more horrible kind if abuse , they tried to blackmailing me at the end , and that time I regret that I didn't walk away from them from the beginning .
So please , save yourself and get those people out from your life , don't let them hurt you more than this , don't settle for anything with these people , because they are liers Narcissistic people , they are too dangerous to be around.
So walk away and report any abuse happend to the police , don't let them go away with it.
They should take what they deserve!


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Shane Tennent, Computer Repair Technician

Shane Tennent,电脑维修技术员

To not be there for the abuse. That’s the most effective way to stop it.
What if it runs up to you and gets in your face? Your life could be like an episode of Scrubs… the bully starts to verbally abuse you, and you drift off into daydream land. They finish, and you have this vacant look in your eyes. They start going off on you because you aren’t even listening to them… not even continuing with their original train of abuse.
Then you snap out of it with a “Wha? I’m sorry. I wasn’t listening. Can we do this another time?” and you walk away… hopefully in the middle of them saying something.
That’s another little thing. The abuser gets in your face. You spend a few seconds showing intense interest in what they are saying, and then walk away while they are in the middle of a sentence. Don’t say anything. Just turn and walk away as if they weren’t even there.
They verbally abuse you, because it generates a response they can work with. Don’t give them the response they want.
Someone starts verbally abusing you? Jump up on a chair and start singing “Hooray for Hollywood!” at the same time they are going off on you. Or… immediately turn to another friend and ask about the last sports game you watched. Or start repeating what the abuser is saying to you… copying them like you were both 6 years old.
Don’t give them the response they are trying to dig out of you.


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