2022-06-06 大司空 7063

Rana Ashish
True Story:
She: Rana, today I had a rough and tough day.
Me: What happened?
She: Today while I was chatting with you, mom took my phone and read all our chats, she scolded me very badly.
Me: I wish I was there.
She: Yeah, at that time I needed you badly. I cried out loud.
Me: No, I meant to say, I wish I could see your face while your mom was scolding you. That was the best opportunity to laugh at you while you were crying.
(And she Blocked me).

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Another true Story:
Another girl : Sometimes I don’t understand your words, you are such a complex guy!
Same Me: Just because you can’t understand my thoughts, doesn’t make me a complex guy. Instead of questioning me why don’t you increase your IQ?
Girl: No wonder you are single.


One day I got a call from my potential future girlfriend and I was busy playing Clash Royale (Mobile Game). I wanted to make my trophy count 4000 and I was stuck at 3950+. At this crucial moment I had to ignore her for only 30 minutes and then she ignored me forever. I don’t know why girls are so touchy.
match was more important than a Date, which I cancelled. And it hurt her ego.
Attitude matters a lot, and I can’t compromise with my attitude unless it is Biryani.
It is the biggest misconception that computer savvy guys can always get a girl in their life. It doesn’t matter if you are a Computer Science Student or Mechanical, if you are meant to die single, you will.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Srishti Raj
Scene 1 :
He : Will you like to have some coffee this weekend?
Me : I love coffee. My best friend loves it too. I will bring her with me!
He : Ah. Ok. I might be having a working weekend this time. I will let you know.
*never ever asks me anything after that*


Scene 2 :
*me checking a guy*
Me : Can we have some coffee or sandwiches this weekend?
He : Sure. I will bring my girlfriend too, she would love your company!


I am not interested in the guys who are interested in me. And the guys I am interested in are either taken or not interested in me.
Story of my single life!


Taksh Hadvani
One fine day my crush and I were strolling in the evening chit chatting and enjoying the cool weather.
She was carrying an expensive mobile phone in her hand. While walking her foot hit a brick lying on the road and she stumbled and fell along with her mobile phone.
Now what would a normal boy do in such a case, Help the girl get back on her feet and ask if she is fine. Right?
But no, I did something utterly stupid.
Instead of helping her get up, I was busy inspecting her phone for any physical damage. Mind it, it was one expensive piece.
And there she was staring at me completely amazed and unable to digest the fact that I was more worried about the phone, rather than her.
Need I say more?
PS: I am a Mechanical Engineer!!!


Yash Bajaj
Because some fucked up person introduced this fucking concept that dating/marrying someone from the other caste/religion is a fucking sin and passed on those fucking genes since the big bang to my current extended family.
There are 100 women in India.
There are 70 Hindu women in India.
There are 5 Marwari women in India.
There are 2 Maheshwari ( sub caste of Marwari ) women in India.
Forget about the traits I look for in a woman, You see how small the search space is for me?
How in the world can I not be single??
I do not want to hurt my family. They are nice people. It’s just the way they were brought up.
But, to the person who introduced this fucking concept, a deep FUCK YOU from my heart ! :)

但是,对于这个引入这个该死的概念的人,我发自内心的深深的FxxK YOU !

Apoorva Vallabh
I like my own company too much to replace it with anything less satisfactory. I'll only have you if you're sweeter than my solitude.
I have become too self sufficient and mature to indulge in any frivolous or manipulative relationship. Dating involves a lot of initiative, risk and effort and I don't have the time and energy to indulge myself in something that won't serve a higher purpose.
Everytime I come close to really liking someone, I chicken out because one, I'm terrified of getting hurt again and two, being INTJ, I don't let my emotions or hormones overpower me easily. I analyse things to a point that they lose most of their charm. Loving doesn't come naturally to me.
I have social anxiety and have dealt with depression for some time. Most men like an easy deal, a bubbly girl without a care in her life, who'd fill up their lives with rainbows, butterflies and whatnot. I am as complicated and eccentric as they come.
My friends tell me that I have impossibly high standards. I am a grammar Nazi, with mild to severe OCD, I am taller than most guys I know (I'm 5′8) and really hard to please because I see through the bullshit. I need my own space and independence at all times! Being answerable to someone doesn’t interest me at all.
The last guy I had a little crush on was two inches shorter than me and was intimidated by my English. I was in turn intimidated by his math skills. However, we never got past addressing each other as Sir and Ma’am.
I'm sarcastic and have a self deprecating sense of humour. Like Woody Allen said “I would never want to belong to any club that would have someone like me for a member.” I'd probably drive myself half crazy thinking why you would want to date me in the first place and judge you for every reason you gave me.
Wait, did I say I was a feminist?
Yeah I'm a piece of work. Okbye.


Kale Hyder
Recently, I’ve been trapped in a vicious cycle. Here's what happens.
I’ll see a random, cute girl on my way to class or while eating dinner and think to myself that she could be the one.
After a few times seeing her, I work up the courage to approach her. We usually have an interesting conversation and then go our separate ways.
The next time I see her, we greet each other and have a nice conversation. At the end, I ask if she has a Snapchat. Of course she does, so I add her.
Later that day, I snapchat her, and we start sending snapchats back and forth.
Then, it happens. Unfortunately.
After a few snaps, she hits me with the “bro.” That three-letter word pretty much means that she’s not interested and sees me as a friend.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

As a result, I usually get discouraged and quit my pursuit of trying to become more than friends with her.
I’m usually bummed for a few days, but hey it’s college. There’s so many fish in this small tank. So, I get over what could’ve been, and the cycle restarts.
I’m probably doing something wrong. Maybe I shouldn’t get discouraged so easily just by being hit with the “bro.” However, I also don’t want to waste my time on a girl that doesn’t see me as more than a friend.
FYI, I’m in the middle of the cycle right now, and this awesome girl hasn’t hit me with the “bro” yet. Stay tuned. Your boy might actually pull this off.


Sean Kernan
I’m a unicorn and haven't found another unicorn :P
I'm not for everyone. And if you don't get my humor, I get annoying fast.
But I am happy being free.And by free I am not even referring to monogamy.
It is the time consuming nature of relationships/marriage. The girls I’ve been with can't just take a breather. They have to fill all our time up with an agenda. And it's always shit I despise that often involves social gossip and meaningless drama.
So until I find a unicorn that has the shit I’m looking for, I am staying single.
I'll die a happy bachelor unicorn before I’ll sign up for another miserable relationship.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Ashish Ranjan
I don’t know it happened with me only or with everyone, When I was in the college, all beautiful, mature and understanding girls were either my junior or senior. Now in the office, either they work for other team or other floor. Zero interaction level.


Vichitra Zawar
When I look back at this date about a year back, I couldn’t have imagined a life without her. A small world which consisted of her, I and my little dreams about us.
After my breakup (10 months back), initially it wasn’t a good phase but since then my world has been widened. I am working on myself. My dreams have widened, I want to achieve more and invest in myself.
I am single because I have realized it’s high time to be more focused towards career and invest all the time and energy on myself. I do love the feeling of being loved and loving someone to the same extent. But for now my priority is Career.
Had it not been for my breakup, I wouldn’t have learned and evolved myself to the extent I have in the past 10 months. Not to blame the ex but it was the aura of relationship which wouldn’t let me grow.
I believe everything happens for a reason; even the breakup had one.
At the end of the day what matters to me the most is that I am evolving and now the evolution and growth is at a faster rate.
So, at this very moment, Priority : Career >>>>> Getting into a relationship.
For now, it is just ME, MYSELF AND I…

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I was married and divorced 3 times before age 40. The longest one lasted 3 years. Had two children (different marriages).
I am 72 years old now and for most of my life, I have been single, had good jobs, and raised my girls alone.
Was brought up with the old school thinking that there was something wrong with you if you were not married (nor wanted to be married). Ergo, the bad choices, leading to failed marriages.
I am still single because after my last divorce, realized I was a much happier person by myself. Was done dealing with other people’s problems, moods, and demands.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Don’t get me wrong. I know I am not perfect. I am stubborn and outspoken. But if I like you, and you are a good person, you will have the best friend ever.
Over the years, I dated a lot and had lots of friends. But if a man I was dating started making noises about wanting things to get more permanent, I went screaming to the hills.
Although I was not really interested in finding a lover/partner, about 2 years ago, met a man who is in his early 80s. We are living together, and although we both had a lot of adjustments to make (he also was alone for many years), we are very compatible and have a lot in common (hobbies, etc.), and are best friends. When he asked me to move in with him, I agreed to give it a try, but advised him to never, never bring up the subject of marriage. So far, he has honored that request. (And oh, also, I still have my own place intact in another town, LOL.)


Jamie Miller
Honestly? In 2019, I left a near 14 year relationship. At the end, we lived together almost just cohabitating, but under the guise that we would go see a therapist to resolve our issues. It was only through a neighbor that I’d been hit with, “You must be so excited to move into a big new house after living here so long!”… I wasn’t aware of this “big move”, and found out my partner had actually bought/was building a house and furnishing it from scratch without my knowledge. All of the “business trips” and “family get togethers” they were fake, all trips to see the builder and do it all behind my back.
Due to certain elements of my past, I’ve never fully trusted anyone, even this person, when I loved them completely. That above referenced event just reaffirmed to me that I shouldn’t ever trust anyone. Even when you think you know them, even when you’ve dropped everything to care for them when they were sick, and even if you’ve been with them for nearly a decade and a half…
I would truly love at my age to be with someone, but after this last go round, It seems impossible for me to feel secure which is why it’s so much easier to stay single or keep people that I even casually go out with at arm’s length.


Veronica Rodriguez
It’s partially my choice and partially not. I never want to get married for the sake of getting married. I’ve always wanted to have a true life partner, an actual, stable, good relationship that would last a life time with someone I truly love and. That’s what I want, but I just haven’t been that lucky yet. I’m 37. And after the recent disappointment and heartbreak that I’m still going through actually, I don’t think the universe will ever give me what I want when it comes to love. It’s hopeless.
I think I will always be single.
Because I'm tired.
I'm tired of disappointment and heartbreak.
I'm tired of loving someone, putting all of me, all I have, wholeheartedly in a connection, trying my best, putting in so much effort and time and then being left out in the cold, feeling like the most unlovable person on earth…
It’s always the same ever repeating story. And this time, I understood that I will never really be loved by anyone I happen to love. This world, will never let me be that kind of happy, and I refuse to settle for anything and anyone less than what my heart would feel the fire for. So…
Guess I will just complete my life alone, grow old alone and die alone.


Tanushri Sharma
There are girls who are beautiful, interesting , smart, decent and lovable, but still single. Why?
Because we have our career as top priority and don't want any distraction.
Our parents don't like the idea of relationships. And we don't want to break their trust.
Because we don't drink, smoke and hit clubs every weekend. We don't do many things many consider as “cool”.
We cannot go on nightouts with you or do nightovers with you. Reason being, we are not that comfortable yet, or even if we are, we have to answer our parents as to where are we going to spend out night. And 99% of the times, they won't give us permission for nightovers, unless it's an emergency.
We don't like to lie to our parents.
Most of us have been through heartbreaks, so we don't trust the idea of loving anymore. We are afraid that if we fall in love and if that person breaks our heart, it might lead to depression.
Most of us don't want to lose our Virginity. Not because we are narrow minded or don't like sex. But because we feel, we should do it with someone we really have a future with. Earning that kind of trust might be really hard.


If you are a Hindu and I'm a Muslim or vice a versa, we can't be in a relationship. Even if we are in love. Simple reason being, both our families will never agree for our relationship. This is the truth. ( Exceptions can be there.)
Some of us are introverts and like being alone. We like our own company and don't want anyone to hamper our solitude.
We don't have excess time and money to spend on some one we are skeptical about.
Many of us want to be in a relationship with someone we fall in love with. So we are just waiting for that person.
I know this answer sounds cliche or narrow minded to an extent. But whatever I stated is THE TRUTH.
I just hate the fact that, most people are in a relationship and very few are single.


Those who are in a relationship look at single people as if something is terribly wrong with them. Some feel single guys are not masculer enough to attract girls, or don't know how to flirt. Some feel, single girls are not good enough to make guys fall in love with them. If you tell someone that you are single they might ask you shamefully-
Haven't you received any good proposals?
Haven't you fell in love ever?
I just want to clear one thing here,
Most of us choose to be single.
We are not single because we don't have options or because no one is hitting on us or because we don't like anyone or because we are not good enough.
We are single because we want to be single.


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