2022-06-07 龟兔赛跑 6245

How can I defend myself from being verbally bullied?


Patrick Brown, Introvert


First, be sure he’s actually bullying you. He might be teasing you. Bullying is intended to hurt, to exclude, to elevate the bully in the social pecking order at your expense. Teasing is meant to include you in the group, with everybody in on the joke. You only tease people you like. But some kids aren’t very good at teasing, and some kids - I was one - aren’t good at telling when they’re being teased.
So, consider the possibility that you’re being teased, and tease back. and the two of you will be friends.
And if he is bullying you, tell him to fuck off. Don’t listen to those who tell you to ignore him. Stand up to him.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Ranjith Reddy, Got bullied for 6 long years!

Ranjith Reddy,被欺负了6年!
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Verbal bullying rallies around only one point or at max two or three. When you accept these two or three things about you in a way that you feel they are part of you then it doesn't matter. It strips those bullies of their power and transfers it to you.
There was a friend of mine, who was fat and every time I called him fat he would respond "don't be jealous because I am handsome! It's a gift" I stopped calling him fat a long time ago and so did my friends.
Verbal bullying can hurt to an extent where it can provoke suicide thoughts. Just make sure that you remember that you hold the power to choose which way it turns out. One which will lead you to be the owner of your own life. The other leads to misery and discomfort. Choose wisely.


Mike E. King, PhD in psychology, 20+ years working with abused and abusers.

Mike E. King, 心理学博士,20多年研究虐待者和施虐者。

Avoid it. walk away or run if you have to. If you’re at home and it’s a parent, turn them off by remaining silent. Your stoicism will send a message that you’re above the fray. Take in deep breaths, while counting to ten. Let the breaths out while counting to ten.
This will baffle your opponent and keep your own anger in check. Remember, you don’t have to stand and take unwarranted abuse. The one response that is most satisfactory to abusers is to get you angry or to get you to respond in some way.
Practice deep breathing and take control of the situation. It takes practice but it’s a great feeling when you become the one in control while they are blasting away, uselessly. You’re above it all, detached and nonplused.


Mary McCall, Engineering Tech Civil Engineering Firm

Mary McCall,工程技术土木工程公司

“How do you defend yourself from aggressive verbal abuse?”
It depends on where it’s coming from.
A lover: “K. Thank you for expressing your feelings. You can go now.” The end.
My son: “You know, I don’t have to continue to support you. You’re welcome to behave like an adult or pack your things and go. You have 30 minutes to apologize or get out.”
A supervisor at a job I’m no longer at: “Right.” And then I turned around and walked out of the room.
Unless you depend on an abusive person for housing and/or financial support, just turn around and walk away. If you are dependent on that person, make a plan, pack your things and leave.
There’s no excuse. You don’t “make” someone yell at you. You don’t “deserve” to be yelled at. Yelling back won’t solve the problem. Therapy might help, but the best thing to do is leave and don’t give that person another chance to abuse you.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Lee-Ann Fargher-Knowles, Spiritual & Relational Coach (2011-present)

Lee-Ann Fargher-Knowles,精神与关系教练(2011-至今)

Good for you.
Well, self-awareness is like 85% of the solution so you’re already most of the way there.
Let me ask you a question - think of the most annoying person you know who REALLY triggers you in this particular way with whom you find yourself doing this without even thinking about it…
What if God (or whomever you believe in) told you categorically that the truth is: that person was doing the very best they could - how would that change things?*
What if I told you that you too are doing the best YOU can right now and it’s ok to be in that place, AND who you are right now is awesome anyway?
What if I told you that JUST that little shift that you’ve made in your mind about how you behave is going to change EVERYTHING and you’re not going to be the same person anymore and you no longer have to be enslaved by perfection and pressure to be the best all the time?
Intention is POWERFUL! Instead of focussing on NOT nagging or stressing yourself and everyone else out, instead, INVEST in the relationships and connections that have had to bear the brunt of the negativity that you’ve been planting. Go weed that stuff out and nurture them a bit and you’ll see it’s made ALL the difference when you start reaping the success, creativity, joy & delight instead.
*further discussion of my beliefs & viewpoints is welcome


M.P. Remoto, Network Engineer at IOpex Technologies (2019-present)
Don't condescend to their level. Don't be afraid. Demoralize the bully.
Some of my teammates at work were bullying me when I was new. I allowed them. I also laughed about myself when they did. Until their bullying became humiliating and habitual.
I learned to fight. Not physically but by words. I throw their words back at them, and it was effective. Most of the time, bullies do bully to conceal themselves for their iniquities. So their words fit them better.
Throw their words back at them just to demoralize them, and you'll see significant results. In my case, they still bullied me after that but there was reluctance in their bullying. And as time went that when they bully, I throw it back at them, the bullying massively decreased.
Time came when bullying was gone, and became pure joke times, and laugh moments.
Best wishes.


Lionel Loquias, xR Engineer, Experimental Psychologist, Martial Artist

Lionel Loquias, xR工程师,实验心理学家,武术家

Humor. Lots of self-deprecating sarcastic humor.
I like taking something they meant to hurt me and totally roll with it but make it funnier than they did. This is especially so if you're in front of people. Basically add a healthy dose of sarcasm to your self-deprecating counter. If you're also quite adept in mimicking physical behaviors and doing impressions like I am, it adds an extra dimension to the humor that they often can't compete with.
This is effective for me because it also places the person into the situation that people are afraid of more than death: public speaking. The number one fear of the general population. I am unafraid of being in front of a group no matter how big or small. By being funny using sarcastic self-deprecating humor you not only nullify their insults but you place them in a situation that they are more than likely terrified of. Bullies don't like to be perceived as scared. They are bullies because they want to hide their fear.


David Howe, works at University of Minnesota

David Howe就职于明尼苏达大学

It has taken me a lifetime to learn this. Don't respond to verbal abuse. Be silent or leave if possible.
If you feel safe, simply tell the abuser to stop yelling/swearing/insulting you.
No one has any right to abuse you no matter what.


Tiffany Parkinson, Registered Nurse (2003-present)


Not sure if you are asking how to deal with it or why. I don't think there is a way to "deal with" verbal abuse. Only the person knows how much they are willing to put up with. In my case, it was several men and bad relationships. Each one did it in their own way. Verbal abuse, mental abuse, physical abuse...they all take a toll on you emotionally and mentally. It wears you down, it makes you feel inferior, weak and worthless. People from the outside can't possibly understand it because they are strong, confident and have a good sense of self and are grounded. But if you are with one guy that tells you they love you more than anything, that you are their world and to trust them...and then they make you feel like garbage or poop on the bottom of their shoe because of something you say or do or because you are wanting just basic love back, you start to question if you really are worth nothing etc.


Abby Thompson, works at Grateful Heart Holistic Therapy Center
It's all about setting boundaries, before, during, or after an incident.
If you are in an ongoing relationship in which verbal abuse happens, your first priority, of course, is to get out. Verbal abuse is still abuse, and there are local foundations that can help. They often operate hotlines, so if you are unsure, you can simply call to find out about your next step. La Casa de las Madres is local where I am, and is a great example of a place to get help with abusive relationships.
If your situation is more benign and you can't get away- say, you're working in customer service- you still don't need to take it. Politely and respectfully respond with clear instructions, such as "Do not raise your voice at me" or "I understand your concerns, but there is no reason to behave this way." Using the word "please" or smiling are not necessary. A firm tone of voice and solid body language is.
I know very little about your situation, but I hope that you really take in that you don't deserve verbal abuse of any kind, and seek help if necessary to protect yourself from it.

如果你正处于一段不断发生言语虐待的关系中,那么你的首要任务当然是离开。言语虐待仍然属于虐待,当地的一些基金会可以提供帮助。他们经常开通热线,所以如果你不确定,你可以简单地打电话问问下一步该怎么做。La Casa de las Madres是我所在的地方,是一个很好的例子,可以在虐待关系中获得帮助。

Amelia Gray, BA in Psychology University of Pudget Sound & Child Care, Tacoma Community College (2015)


That's not true.
Your truth has to be based on merit or something subjective. While what you described was up for interpretation. Meaning, your “truth” was like a form of perception that came across abusively.
That is a nagging attitude. Personally i would have used the term “micromanaging” but thats just me. Sometimes i can be a micromanager. Just try to step away from the things that stress you out instead of appouching them or bugging someone else to help for a little while till of course it needs to get done or you feel your more relaxed when addressing something.


Karien Vorster, former IT Recruitment Consultant

Karien Vorster,前IT招聘顾问

Depends where the verbal abuse comes from.
If its a spouse, steps need to be taken to deal with this, as verbal abuse is very destructive in any relationship.
If it comes from a friend, family member, person you work with etc, I find the best way to deal with these abusers - are not to engage and if possible - least possible amount of contact.
I find that a lot of verbal abusers have certain personality traits. Usually (but not always) very self centered, selfish and entitled. Also unable to take blame or responsibility. Best way to deal with such people is to either cut them out of your life..


S. M. Henderson, Philosopher, Musician, Game Master, Martial Artist & Ginger
There is one fantastic method that I have implemented which works very well. It is a secret arcane martial art technique handed down through generations. Now I pass it on to you.
When confronted with someone who is verbally attacking you, insulting you, trying to provoke you… simply hold your arms out in front of you in an "X" and proclaim, "Cancel!"
The verbal attack is instantaneously stopped in midair before it makes impact on you. The projectile of their foul, provocative words never reaches you. It is cancelled, and dexed from existence. Permanently. Your sense of self worth is left completely unscathed.
Another technique is, "Reflect!" where you hold your arm vertically like you are holding a mirror, and turn 45 degrees to someone else nearby. This reflects the attack off of you and it instead is sent towards some other poor fool standing beside you. All of the insults and verbal attacks are reflected onto them instead, leaving your ego unscathed!
It sounds ridiculous and childish. But hopefully you will realize, by performing these techniques, just how much your offense and outrage is all in your imagination. When you interpret their insulting words as something being launched at you like a projectile, which can be blocked and deflected, or dexed from existence, you will be perfectly unharmed and your ego will prosper.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Juan Espinosa, President at Connex Puerto Rico (2010-present)
It would be easy to suggest getting away from verbal abusers but that is not always possible. Assuming that is the case, do your homework. Verbal abusers are predictable. Study how to respond effectively to the verbal abuser and be ready for your next encounter. You might be surprised as how easy pushing back can stop a verbal abuser.
But beware, verbal abusers can become physical abusers in no time. You don’t have to take verbal abuse at all.


Keith Nagata, Mortician, Funeral Director, Operations Mgr.
Bullies are just insecure people. They have to put others down to help make themselves feel better about themselves. It is a sad and potentially dangerous situation for a bully and their targets. As long as a bully doesn’t make physical contact with you, your only defense is to walk away and not engage with them. They desire attention, negative or positive. If you engage with them, they are getting reinforcement for their bullying. If you are feeling adventurous, you can try to find out about their life and figure out the underlying reason they bully and try to help them. They will have a sad and depressing life unless they change their ways.


KC Trae Becker, Substitute Teacher at ESS Global (2021-present)
I suggest you try these responses in order. Each new step is harder and less likely to succeed.
Ignore them if you can. Many bullies feed off of attention. Stone cold stares when face to face or deleting cyber bullying can often be enough to end the situation.
Get help if you can. Reporting bullying can sometimes stop a terrible habit of bullying from developing. Or gathering allies can make the bully realize they don’t have as much power as they think they do.
Try to give a kind, calm, rational answer. Not every bully realizes they are bullying . Some people will actually appreciate being rescued from their anger or fear that drives them to their bullying behavior.
If all else fails, you can try to turn the tables on a bully and out bully them by being more verbally abusive than they are. Sometimes it makes a person take notice of their behavior and reexamine it. Sometimes it intimidates a bully. Be careful though, this has serious possible side effects. a. You may develop your own habit of bullying. b. You may experience strong, lasting guilt over what you say. c. Sometimes confrontation will push verbal bullying to the next level and the abuse may become physical instead.

如果所有这些都失败了,你可以试着扭转局面,用比他们更严厉的语言来欺负他们。有时它会让一个人注意到自己的行为并重新审视它。有时它会吓唬霸凌者。但要小心,这可能会有严重的副作用。a、 你可能会养成自己欺凌他人的习惯。b、你可能会对你说的话感到强烈而持久的内疚。c、 有时,对抗会将言语欺凌推向下一个层次,而虐待可能会变成身体上的。

Alexis Sanchez, lives in North Carolina
I agree with Mary, however, I’d like to add that if you cannot get out of the verbally abusive situation, then the best thing you can do for yourself while you wait it out is limit the abuse, and remember that you MUST stay strong. You can limit the abuse by answering short, simple, and “correctly”. This gets the abuse over with, and doesn’t give the abuser anything in your words to pick out and torment you about. I know it sounds brutal, and even a dire measure, but it gives you time to write things down, and know what you know in between stages two and three. Writing things down if you can, and going over events in your head can keep you from being brainwashed. Also, if you limit the time you’re around the abuser (say you get an extra credit project), then it gives less time for them to abuse you. (Abuse isn’t just the incident, those snide comments hurt). Another way to stay strong is to confide in someone who can really trust. Just stay strong, and remember one of these days, you’re going to laugh out loud at them trying to tell you who you are.


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