2022-06-17 龟兔赛跑 8784

How do I motivate myself to study?


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Amit Joshi
Hope, this will help for those, who all are still in the phase of struggle while your mates are about to settle.
I have been preparing for GATE from last 2 years. I am working in an MNC organization. When, sometimes you will not get satisfaction from your work or wants to achieve more in your life then you will try to figure out other possible ways, and so I did.
One of the most difficult task while preparing with your office work is to stay focused on your goal without any distraction.
When you are surviving in an environment, where higher studies are no mean to them, where other ones are enjoying their life at fullest, where people with goals are getting married, trying for an onsite opportunity or switching the organization for better packages, and here I am, alone, fighting for an uncertain goal, staying away from friends, devasted sometimes after seeing friends/people are getting settled with their lives .
One fine day, my brother has sent me a picture story of A Pregnant Elephant. Whenever I get devastated, I used to read this and it helped me to stay myself motivated all the time in my journey.
Think about your goal and keep patience, cause what you are carrying is mighty and great. Keep faith in yourself. Don’t think about success or failure, moreover it is not in our hand. Just try to make your journey beautiful and memorable.


Neman Ashraf
Today I met with a batch mate of mine after 17 years.
Both of us joined police force as constables on the same date, spent a year together training. After that our ways were parted obviously as we entered in to field work.
And today as a fresh transfer he arrived here .
I forgot to tell you he is a police inspector now, 16th grade officer. Incharge of this whole traffic sector. While I’m the same 5th grade wuss bag.
So how is that possible?
Simple… he was a graduate when he joined as a constable. Though his academic qualification was an overkill but back then it was the best he could get as he was a lower middle class guy like me. He spent seven years doing sentry duties and all that until he found a chance and applied for the higher rank. And he got it rightfully.
And after serving for 10 years as a sub inspector, he’s promoted to next rank.
37 years of age and already an Inspector. I can safely say, sky is the limit for him. This is just a glowing start.
And for me? I spent all these years carrying a big ass rifle and standing on some gate, daydreaming my way out of all the misery. Cursing and crying myself. I knew perfectly well that I can beat the crap out of competition if I studied further and strived for a better position. It could have been a cake walk for me.
But I had no motivation. More importantly… I had no wish to develop motivation.
I assure you with all sincerity, this is what differentiates me from him.


Ravi Raushan Mishra
Go and sit in a luxurious Restaurant where your bill will be no less than 3000 rs. Observe the people around you, Their lifestyle. I bet you would think of working hard and get rich rather than procrastinating.
Get into the Toppers group meeting and contribute some content.
Try not to get hurt when you see a hot girl getting down from a mercedes benz.
Help your dad in his office work once. you will experience his hard work.
Talk once with your college watchman and the very next moment with your teacher. You will really find a difference.
Date a girl from a ultra rich background and try thinking of being jobless.
Watch comedy shows and youtube videos whole day just before your exam. The next day you will learn what is important to you.
Take money from your dad and take your girl out for a date. You will understand The importance of independence.
Go to a big shopping mall and try an expensive I mean Real expensive jeans and try to pay the bill.
Take Both of your parents to your Parent teacher meeting even after failing in a subject. and watch the toppers parents. some mock you down, some insult you. and i don’t need to mention teachers here
Just top the class the very next exams and take your parents again to the PTA meeting, Believe me Its the proudest feeling ever, You will know the importance of education.
My friend ! Life is difficult Very difficult than you imagined Then there are people who get hold of the slipping rope (time) and climb up to great heights and then see the world from the top.
Study ! Study hard my friend but not for the sake of marks but to develop yourself.
once you achieve your goals you don’t have to die with regrets but rest only with satisfaction.
Crying in a BMW is always better than crying on a road
Study hard! Make yourself proud! Make your Loved ones proud!
And Don’t forget


Shatakshi Gupta
I assure you that this answer is going to influence you in some way or the other.
Imagine yourself struggling to get a job. Finally you get a 9–5 job for which you are underpaid despite working hard all day long that too without job satisfaction. You have to live your life half heartedly, compromising over expensive things that you wish to buy due to your limited salary. Your parents are struggling to find a suitable bride/groom for you as no girl / boy wants to marry a struggling person . Finally you get married. After a few years you are blessed with a child. You are not able to afford him / her the luxury that you wished to have as a child, decades ago. You are just passing everyday, regretting and blaming yourself for not working hard when you had the opportunities and now you have to work even harder just to earn living. All you want now is your child to not face the same in his future.
Now imagine yourself going to your workplace in a luxury car. You do not have to work as hard, you get a handsome amount of salary. You reside in a Bungalow along with your family. Your kids are proud of you. You and your family can afford any luxury you want. You do not check price tags anymore. Your friends are jealous of you and you are living your life just like you wanted decades ago.
Which life do you want?
Of course, you want the second one. No one wants to study but everyone wants a luxurious and peaceful life. But remember you can't achieve anything without getting out of your comfort zone.
“Study when everyone is enjoying, celebrate when everyone is regretting”
The worst thing one can face in life is REGRET.
The brutal truth of life is that, there is no substitute to HARDWORK.
Either you waste your time when you have the opportunities today and regret later by working harder tomorrow, OR work hard today and live rest of your life lavishly being proud of yourself.
Choice is yours!


CA Kajal Shenoy
For my CA exams, I used to get up as early as 4.30 AM and sleep around 12.30 AM without any naps in between, hence managed to clear it in first attempt. I only used to take 15 mins break in between for my lunch and another 15 minutes at night for my dinner, rest full time I used to be studying without any sort of distraction (NO TV, LAPTOP, MOBILE ), this continued for more than for 7 months continuously.
I would like to give few tips in order to keep yourself motivated
Always write down your goals and watch it as your day starts and before your day ends
Keep usage of Mobile, TV or any other distraction very minimal
Keep a regular routine by waking up and sleeping at same time
Always write and practice things that helps you to remember even longer and keeps your brain active hence you won’t sleep
Avoid heavy and junk food, just eat home food that hot and non-oily and full of veggies
Sip Hot water instead of normal/cold water
Whenever you feel sleepy eat some Menthol candies like Halls, Chlormint etc. you won’t be sleepy atleast for another 1 hour
Use music that too energetic ones while doing subjects in which you would be solving questions and avoid music while doing theory subjects
Its better to join library but avoid joining with friends or making friends there except if you find some really studious, as making friends would defeat the purpose of joining library.
Have self-confidence
Do not compare your studies to your friends as each students ability is different. I have seen many people asking me how many times I revised during Final CA, but does it really means if they revise that many times they would clear ?
Always prepare a list of goals at the start of the day such as chapters to be covered, practice mocks etc. Set a lil more than your ability although you may not achieve
These are some things which kept me motivating, hope it helps you too :)


Saurav Sharma
Read this only if you are a middle /lower class Indian guy/ girl or else it wont make much sense to you.
This is going to be a long answer, but I assure you that if you read it till the end you will remain motivated for the rest of your life.
A few years ago I went to Amanora mall which is one of the largest malls in Pune.
Nobody would believe this but I never ever had visited a mall before, I never had watched a movie in my entire 4 years of graduation.
Yes, I’ve been to shopping center like Big Bazar and Spencers but I had never been to any upmarket mall.
Simple reason behind it was that I couldn’t afford to. I didn’t even know how to issue tickets at the multiplex.
On a particular evening my uncle’s friend had invited him to Manchester United Cafe Bar at Amanora(now closed). I had free time and hence decided to go along with him.
To be honest, this place was quite lit and too upmarket for me. I had never been to such place. Everyone was dressed well, almost everyone had an Iphone. I was probably the only guy who was wearing a 250 Rupees t-shirt and carried a Nokia phone.
I sort of started to develop an inferiority complex. We went inside, met my uncle’s friend, had some food. I ordered soft drinks and sat there silently observing the surroundings.
After about an hour, we were done. We were waiting at the main gate for my uncle’s driver to pick us up. In the meantime I saw people visiting the mall in expensive cars, wearing trendy clothes, families spending a ton of money shopping having fun.
I was not jealous, neither was I sad for myself. I was sad for my parents.
I recalled how they don’t enjoy lives like these people just because they have invested everything into educating me.

是的,我去过像Big Bazar和Spencers这样的购物中心,但我从未去过任何高档购物中心。

Going back home my mind had questions:
Why can't my parents afford to do things which other do?
Why am I incapable to do something so that I can afford these things for my parents?
The biggest thing I realised though is how me and my parents were living a shitty life just due to our financial circumstances.
I told myself in my mind that they deserve better and it is my responsibility to make their lives better.
Even though these were sort of negative thoughts they had a positive effect on me.
This was nothing motivating but a harsh reality which then pushed me to work hard.
Dear friends, I want you to close your eyes and imagine your parents for a while.
Think of what they have done for you.
Think of how much they have sacrificed for you.
They have given up on their dreams just to fulfil yours, hence it’s your duty to rise high.
Yes, they show that they are happy and satisfied, but they are not. Everyone has desires, wishes etc and so do your parents.
They just don’t want you to know them because they don’t want you to stress about it.
Don’t you think your parents and you deserve a better life?
If the answer is yes then go work hard and do it for them.


Hari Kiran T
Sleep enough. At least 7 hours.
Wake up at 5:00 A.M or 6 A. M. Sharp.
Brush your teeth.
Comb your hair, see yourself in the mirror and smile everyday.
Exercise or go for a short walk.
Try dancing for a few minutes, it relaxes u instantly.
Listen to ur favourite music. It gives u a type of relaxation that nothing else can create.
Drink some fresh, hot tea.
Fresh up.
Empty ur mind, focus on one thing, ur goals..!!. Write them on a paper.


Start at 5:30 A.M or 6:30A. M
Try to Enjoy the sunrise. Stand in it for a few minutes.
Please keep your mobiles, laptops and gadgets away. I know it's going to be hard. Try using them in the breaks between each hour of study. Play a game(only for 5 or 10 min).
Have a look at the index of the book you are going to read.
Know what you want to read, write it on a paper before starting your studies.
Prepare a plan with deadlines and try to complete within them. It takes time to adjust but will help.
Make sure that the room is silent and does not have any disturbance. But not too silent.A fan sound can either divert you or can help you to study properly. (It depends on your preference or level of concentration).


Take a 5 min. or 10 min. break after each hour of study.
Don't forget to eat ur breakfast.
Eat banana before studying, it boosts ur brain and eat chocolate whenever u feel stressed, ur brain releases endorphins and u will feel relaxed.
If you are losing motivation, try to remember the end result you will achieve after completing your study. Try to enjoy the studying too.
Start doing the above steps, don't just read them:).
Start studying..!!
Good luck and thank you..!!
If you are still not getting motivated to study. Just wake up early at 5:30 AM and give it a try.
These are just suggestions or tips that can help you to study. You can make your own schedule to study and start doing it( especially if you are preparing for competitive exams like JEE, GRE, GATE etc). So, be cool, don't worry too much, relax, enjoy your beautiful life.

这些只是可以帮助你学习的建议或提示。你可以制定自己的学习计划并开始学习(特别是如果你正在准备像JEE, GRE, GATE等竞争激烈的考试)。所以,要冷静,不要太过担心,放松,享受你的美好生活。

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