2022-06-20 wuhaowsh 11435

Why do British people still emigrate to Australia and New Zealand in large numbers, but not to the US?


Stephen Leader
For me it’s the American thinking way that is annoying and aggravating. For example, their right to have a gun is far more important that their right to live in safety. Point this out to them and they go ape shit.
Every other country that has a mass shooting gets to grips with the problem and tightens the gun laws. As a result, the shootings more or less stop. The U.K. has had three mass shootings on the last one hundred years (yes America. 3 in a century)
In America the response it “MORE GUNS”. As a result, they have mass shootings on a daily scale.


Stephen Leader
Since Laurel Ballou has seen fit not only to assume that I am Canadian, she has also seen fit to turn off replies.
If you read this Laurel, I am not a Canadian and you should not have assumed so.


Andrew Mildinhall
But it's not just guns although that's bad enough. It's their dysfunctional health care, poor education, lack of social care and employee's rights which add up to a poorer quality life than you'd enjoy in the rest of the developed world.


Craig Stevenson
The problem that they don’t understand is that the very thing that they feel keeps them safe then becomes the very thing they feel the need to feel safe from. They create the very problem they feel a need to solve.
When you have an excessive amount of gun manufacture, you get all the things that come with something that has an inherent risk; negligence, unethical people, illegal operators and so on.
And the biggest problem that Americans can’t see is that the real problem isn’t so much the semi- or fully automatics (though they certainly don’t help)…it’s the concealable weapons, the pistols, the Mac-10s, the sawed-off shotguns. Things that make it really easy for the average street criminal to commit these crimes.
And that’s not even bringing into consideration the guns that are sold to kids by people with no conscience or those that are stolen by kids from their parents.


Kevin Wilfred Guerrero
And the fact each state has different laws doesn’t help. I see gun advocates laughing that states with gun laws have higher gun stats. Tbh this doesn’t surprise me - if I were a legal gun owner I’d only use it for sport, practice, or self-defence. But if I wanted a gun and I was in a state I couldn’t get it, I’d simply purchase it in a state where it’s easy and laws are lax, and smuggle it in. Since I know having it already is a crime, but the gun was perhaps not legally bought and/or harder to trace to me, I would likely have less reservation for using it for less legal reasons as a result. Only way sensible gun laws will work, IMO, is if it’s equally applied everywhere. And good luck with that happening!


Craig 75
I looked up every school shooting in America over the past 21 years…they have an average of 11 school shootings per year, ie nearly 1 per month.


Stephen Leader
The mass shootings in total for 2021 in the US are even worse than you say. There have been more people shot dead (437) than days in the year.


David Koster
Every 4th of july hundreds of people are killed and thousands wounded by Americans who believe in the right to bear arms and drink beer at the same time. God alone knows how many children get killed by them playing with their parent’s guns that are left unsecured. It's not muslim terrorists that they should worry about, but their friends and neighbours.


Kieli Mowrer
I'm American, but I would venture a guess that it's because comparatively, America sucks.
We have a very large country that spans about every possible climate and landscape imaginable, and there's tons of space and breathtaking natural beauty… oh and housing is relatively cheap, at least outside of all the most especially desirable places to actually live.
that's about all we've got going for us. Everything else is rapidly going to hell in a handbasket.


David Pritchard
You missed off Canada.
Australia, Canada & New Zealand all have the core necessities of life - effective parliamentary democracies, decent standard of living, good education, universal health care, statutory leave, lower levels of institutionalised racism, low levels of religious nutjobs - who also have much less political sway, police who don’t shoot you for farting in the wrong direction….and citizens who are unlikely to either !
Much more sensible reasons to go to those countries.
It’s certainly why I did….


Marc Jones
My wife is American, but we have never discussed moving to the USA when I join her in retirement. Not once. Why? The issue can be summarised in one word: healthcare.
The US healthcare system sucks so hard that a vacuum has formed around it. Yes, the US has the Affordable Care Act, but it also has rapacious insurance companies that can cut you off once treatment, should you be unfortunate enough to need it, reaches a certain level.
We live in the UK, we have the NHS, we are very happy with the NHS, we have no intention of going to the USA and being without the NHS.


Alan Wood
America on the other hand is seen as rapidly becoming third world. A good place for a holiday, with full medical insurance, but who’d want to live there? Not so long ago I was advised by the police that walking in Miami in broad daylight was dangerous.


Dave K
The funny thing about these answers is the US is the #2 destination for UK emigrants, with the number of UK expats in the US outnumbering the US expats in the UK 3 to 1. But sure, the US is a shithole.
Australia is #1, while New Zealand is much further down the list. Anecdotally Brit expats come to the US for high paying jobs in industries like tech, academia, finance, media, etc, where UK pay is lacking already and stagnating. Australia has even higher pay than the US.
The exception is finance as the City boys still get paid well. For finance you get a fair amount of smart up and comers who didn’t get to fuck a pigs head with the future PM in boarding school who face a glass ceiling in the still class bound UK finance. No one can distinguish your regional accent or cares what school you went to before college in the US.


Because of immigration law, obviously. That is the principal reason. Once again, people are answering this sort of question with lots of guff about guns and healthcare. It’s because the US has much stricter immigration laws than Australia, Canada and New Zealand. The number of British citizens in Canada is roughly the same as in the US (650,000 or so - bearing in mind that Jay Treaty Indians are British citizens at birth, but that’s a relatively small number). Australia, Canada and New Zealand have skills-based immigration systems, the US system is largely based around family-based immigration, compared to Australia and New Zealand and isn’t as cold as Canada. The difference is immigration law.

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K Wilson
The US is not a nice place to live. Too much violence, too many crazy people, too much open racism and the work life balance sucks. The only nice thing about the US are the big houses that most people have ,wide variety of material things and technological advancement but when you realize most americans are up to their neck in debt to give off the image of the American dream, it is a sad place.

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Brian Muscat
Other than the fact that both Australia and New Zealand are far easier for Brits to integrate into the other key factor is the ease in which to immigrate, getting a US green card ( Legal Permanent residency) can take quite a considerable amount of time and is very limited, for example one can not just immigrate to the USA, you must be either sponsored by a relative, employer, have special talents in the sporting field or entertainment, or by investing large amounts of cash greater than > $500, 000 ( the last one being the only self sponsorship)
To immigrate to Australia or New Zealand you don’t necessarily have to be sponsored by a relative or employer or need to invest, one needs to score a certain amount of points to immigrate, for Australia it is 65 for New Zealand it is 160 points. Canada also has a points system.
Because the USA has millions of people sponsoring relatives and employees it can quite literally take years to get a green card approved where as with Australia and New Zealand it takes around 12 months for approval. And this is one of the key reasons for many Brits want to choose Australia, New Zealand, and even Canada over the USA. As regards living standards there really is not much difference between any of the four above mentioned nations living standards I’ve spent time in all 4 lands and there is no separating the four if anything it is much cheaper to buy property in the USA, fuel is much cheaper, food, consumer goods, cars, the only expensive item in the USA is medical cover.
However the other three Commonwealth nations Australia, Canada, and New Zealand have lower population density, less pollution, less crime, and less homelessness. Which would give them a slightly better living standard.


Soham Bhattacharya
With a bit of humor, I can say that they prefer to emigrate to Australia and Newzealand because the respective head of both these nations is the Queen of the United Kingdom. Guess it makes them feel more at home, at the end of the day these nations are a part of the British commonwealth. There are also a lot more similarities between these countries(mostly the political system) as others have pointed out. Another reason might be due to the fact that the American immigration system makes immigration very difficult and it’s easier to immigrate to New Zealand and Australia. Another important factor is that even though the UK and US are strong allies with respect to each other’s foreign policies, Americans and Brits don’t exactly get along with each other well.


Just drive around an American big city at night or walk or take the subway, its a scary place, it feels emtpy, everything is focused on consume, there are some scary people walking on the streets, although the nature is stunning in the USA and small town might be fine, but big cities or bigger cities have a huge crime problem. If you are skilled and earn a lot of money you can work your ways around these crime problems but do you want your children to grow up in a country where they cant walk and play on the streets? The USA is an empty country for someone who immigrates there alone and when family is so far away. But when you are after the big money, New York, Houston, etc. could be good places.


Evan Gadowski
Australia leads the pack by far, having about the same number of British expats as Canada and the US combined. However, the US comes in at second behind Australia with over 700,000, so the premise that the US is an unpopular choice simply isn’t true. Obviously the 2nd Amendment, poverty, healthcare and other factors people mentioned aren’t deterrents for some.
I also wanted to point out on the healthcare misconception. If you are an immigrant, chances are you will be living in a major metro area, not some depressed rural backwater. Cities like Boston have some of the best healthcare in the world (and no not just for the rich). I also imagine most British coming here are educated or have skill sets that will land thema job that provides health insurance.


Mark Dia
As of 2019, the US has the 2nd largest group of British Expats in the world. Australia has 1.2 million and The US has just over 700k. Canada has about 580k; Spain 304k (likely seems like more in certain seasons because of all those on holiday), and everyone else is below 300k. NZ is about 270k. So, in terms of raw numbers, your statement is not fully correct. The US is the second largest destination for British expats after Australia.
Now, speaking as an American who lived in Australia for awhile, the British stand out more because the Aussie population is 25 million. This means Brits make up nearly 5% of the population. In NZ, the Brits make up about 5% of the population as well. To make up 5% in the US as they do in Australia, the UK would have to send 16 million more people which would be about 20% of the current UK population. That’s not going to happen because that many Brits don’t want to immigrate anywhere and the US wouldn’t take that many.
Brits are likely attracted to Australia because Aussie culture is much more similar to the UK and their expat population is a larger segment of the overall population. In many parts of the US, you won’t meet another British person for months or years, with the exception of tourist hotspots like Vegas or Florida. In Australia, with one in twenty people British, you’ll meet a lot more which can be comforting. Still, it’s evident by the numbers that more Brits live in America than every other nation on earth except two: Britain and Australia.


Howard Noland
Because the US is bad, and has absolutely no redeeming qualities whatsoever, and no British person would ever want to live in the US, except actually, the US is home to the second largest population of British born people in the world, after only after Australia.
Australia and New Zealand are more culturally similar to the UK than the US is, and people tend to prefer places that remind them of home, even when they’re abroad. It has nothing to do with one country being better than the other, as people quite literally don’t move between developed, western nations, at least the Western European, North American, and Oceanic ones in search of higher living standards, because the gains are negligible.


Cristiano De La Cruz
I think it’s simply due to the fact that AUS and NZ have much more related culturally to the UK than the US, so in that regard a lot of British people feel more comfortable going to AUS and NZ and while cognizant that it will be different from the UK, there will be enough similarities between the countries that it wouldn’t feel too alienating. Australia and New Zealand have historically held closer ties to the UK and the monarch than the US has and has been more accepting to a more “british” style of running things compared to the US which has rejected the two to a high extent.
The US is lies in its own category when it comes to categorizing places. There isn’t a place in the world that is really like the US. It is quite different from the UK and I feel that a lot of Europeans in general feel really alienated in the US just by how different we are, so they go to where they feel most comfortable and rightfully so. We also have a lot of qualities about us that Europeans don’t like, such as our lack of affordable healthcare and social services and our obsession with gun culture. The need to own a car and how our food has many chemicals in it that are banned in most countries.
My bottom line is: take America for what it is. You either like it, or you don’t; which either is fine. No country is perfect and America certainly isn’t, however it is far from the “worst”. America still offers lots of possibilities and opportunities that other countries don’t, and depending on what you’re looking for, perhaps America will suit you in that way and perhaps it won’t. It is all relative and dependent of what you want to get out of the place that you are living. America is what you make it!


Brett Baker
Australia & New Zealand are both great places to live, plenty to see & do America on the other hand is one fucked up shithole of a Cuntry. America has lot's of natural beautiful landmarks & interesting things to see & do.


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