2022-06-23 北海西铜 15473

Wheat futures prices are up 60% so far this year and after a heat wave damaged crops in India, the country announced last week an immediate ban on wheat exports. The Indian government said that a spike in prices is threatening the security of a vital commodity both for india and for other vulnerable countries. India is the world's second-biggest wheat producer after China. Thanks in part to a bumper harvest last year they had been able to fill the gap in markets left by decreased output from Ukraine, even as bad weather reduced the crops of the other big grain exporters.



In the global food system, supply-demand problems were previously mostly down to weather and other supply-related factors. In the last few years, the golbal pandemic tested, and in many ways proved, the resilience of the global food supply system. But now, with the war in Ukraine, we are seeing severe problems in the global food supply chain and it's difficult to predict the medium- or long-term implications. These new issues are occurring on top of an already tight - but at least functional - food supply chain. Before the war in Ukraine, food prices had already risen 18% over the pandemic.


Right now, we don't know how long the conflict will last in Ukraine, but between 19 million and 34 million tons of export production could disappear this year. Next year, depending on the situation in Ukraine, the figure could be between ten million and 43 million tons. That translates into the necessary caloric intake for 60 million to 150 million people. Apart from the obvious issues of people going hungry, a reduction in food supply means that prices can be expected to rise, and these higher prices will affect an even broader range of the world's population, well beyond 150 million people. The World Bank has warned that for each percentage point increase in food prices, 10mn additional people are thrown into extreme poverty worldwide.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Reduced grain exports from Ukraine will hit particularly hard in Africa and the Middle East, where much of the country's wheat goes. Ukraine accounts for 80 percent of Lebanon's wheat imports and is a leading supplier for countries including Somalia, Syria, and Libya. Egypt imports almost two-thirds of the wheat in consumes, making it the world's largest wheat importer. More than 80 percent of the wheat Egypt imports comes from Russia and Ukraine. So, the impact of the war in Ukraine will be felt across many nations. Poor countries, which are already facing widespread hunger, will feel the pain the most.


You took the issue very seriously and did not downplay the impact, but you still didn't resort to fear mongering and sensationalizing. I appreciate it. It's much better than Jake Tran's video title "So We're All Going to Starve"

博主对待这个问题非常严肃认真,没有试图淡化事态的严重性,而同时又没有诉诸耸人听闻式地贩卖恐惧感。这一点我很欣赏。比起另一个博主Jake Tran的视频标题“我们所有人都要挨饿啦”实在好太多。

tripplefives 30
The natural outcome of a food shortage is starvation. Maybe not you, but the poorest of the poor will indeed starve. So its not inaccurate. The price of something is the equilibrium point where supply and demand meet. When the price increases demand falls. Those who fall off the demand curve are the ones who can't afford the food price and they also won't have food to eat.


Radamir Abdulle
The truth is americans and west will just about get through this crisis but indeed there are catastrophic events waiting for the rest of the world. This famine will bring about alot of regime changes and protests cause the poor will really starve


@Radamir Abdulle America will be very much affected. The divide between the low and high class will grow as the prices in food and gas grows while wages stagnate. You can already see that divide right now and it will only grow. People will blame the rich and overpopulation when in reality, there just isn't enough food + resources to go around without taking advantage of more poor nations (which we already do to some extent).

@Radamir Abdulle,美国也会受到很大影响。随着食品和汽油价格上涨而工资停滞不前,高低收入阶层之间的分化会进一步扩大。你现在已经能清楚看到这条鸿沟了,而它只会越来越大。人们会把(粮食危机的)罪过推给富裕国家和人口过剩等等,然而事实上,世界就是拿不出更多的粮食+资源去优惠更多穷国了(而我们也已经在一定程度上这样做了)。

wtf_ usa
Thank you for bring attention to this Patrick. This is going to be a HUGE problem this fall/winter. A mass starvation event is on the way. The poorest countries will suffer most.


Bonzi Buddy
Maybe the poorest countries should stop having kids they can't feed...


@Bonzi Buddy That’s a discussion best kept off the comment section, haha. Just to add oil on the fire ur trying to start, I’ll mention Bill Gates’ contribution to the population boom in the poor counties you’re thinking about

@Bonzi Buddy,这个话题最好不要在评论区里讨论,哈哈。不过如果要给你点的这把火上再浇点油的话,我会聊一聊比尔·盖茨为这些贫穷国家的人口激增所做的贡献。

suck it b!t¢h
@louisvl10 it's true though. why have kids that you can't feed. same with poor people in the us who have many kids that they can't feed and live off of the government.


I was 24 when COVID first started, now I’m turning 27 soon. It feels like I’m gonna be 40 by the time the world is somewhat stable and normal again


Yeah, I'm a year older than you. My youth is being wasted, and it feels terrible.
One of the only two companies I've ever worked has shut down because of the lockdowns, and the other had huge layoffs when covid began.
I'm now again looking for a job. Broke.
The worst part is, it's only getting worse. The next 3 years at least are needed to recover from the coming food shortage.


Ebbe B
unfortunately the world will only get more and more unstable as climate change gets worse :(


Allen Dulles
The world today is as normal as it will be for the rest of our lives


@Allen Dulles I refuse to believe that. I have an optimistic disposition by nature. As bleak as it feels right now, things will get better. Our society goes through highs and lows and this is undoubtedly a low. And it might stay low for a long time, maybe even for years, and it may get even lower, who knows. But we’ll rebound at some point. We’ve had some incredibly dark periods in our history, but we eventually came out the other end to wonderful and prosperous times. I have no reason to believe that this will be any different
Still, the struggle to stay optimistic at times can be very real

@Allen Dulles,我拒绝接受这种观点!我是天生的乐观派,不管现在的世界感觉多无望,情况总会好起来的。我们的社会总会经历高低起伏,目前无疑是一个低谷,而且可能会在很长一段时间里停留在低谷,可能持续好多年,甚至可能还没到谷底,谁知道呢。但我们总会在未来某个时候反弹的。历史上我们经历过好些个难以想象的黑暗时期,但最终我们都走了出来,走向了美好繁荣的时代。没有理由让我相信今天会有什么不同(笑脸)

Great Wolf
@Calbear712 The current times are probably one of the best compared to most of human history. The world could easily get much, much worse.


Martin Cleary
Thing is...wars happen, pandemics happen, massive recessions happen, food shortages happen. It's all pretty normal. I wouldn't worry about it too much! Well maybe worry if nuclear war breaks out but apart from that ... remember that the sun also rises.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

This is going to be a horrible year. I know a woman in Uganda and write to her often. She said that prices for some food items had already risen by 100% before the war in Ukraine began.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Trauma Team International
That is incredibly sad to hear.


Michael Boone
Overpopulation will be addressed real soon.


@Michael Boone Right. Easy to say when you are conveniently, comfortably out of reach of the detriment of such an event.

@Michael Boone,是啊。当你身在一个便捷、舒适的环境,远离此类事件的危害时,说这种话可容易啦。

Salim Azizi
I think this will be the best year because the next years will be very very very hard


Why can't people in Uganda grow their own food? There is a wonderful warm climate where you can grow anything. If they don't want to work, then that's their problem.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Cheryl Cook
@Andrej Who does the land belong to? I'm sure not the average man or woman. Perhaps you asked an honest question, Perhaps racism was behind your response and conclusion. Perhaps you could educate yourself to find the answer.


@Andrej it's actually true. The land is very fertile. Unfortunately it's also very expensive.


@bogrunberger In developed countries, land is also expensive and not everyone owns it, but, nevertheless, there is no problem of hunger. That's not the reason


John Titor
@Andrej yes, why cant they grow their own food? its simple, its too expensive to grow their own food for most of their farmers, sounds werid but thats the result of food dumping by rich countries namely EU, by food dumping i mean aids. after ww2 in order to not live through rationing again EU has always spending hundreds of billions each year to pay their farmers to overproduce, the excess food are sent to africa in the form of aids since storing them are too expensive, those aids foods are dirt cheap which in term bankrupt most of the african farmers made africa arguculture sector permenantly poor.

@Andrej ,是啊,为什么他们不能自己种粮食呢?答案很简单:对当地大多数农民来说,自己种粮食成本太高了!听起来很奇怪是吧,但这正是富裕国家——也就是欧盟倾销粮食的结果。而我所说的粮食倾销,就是所谓的“粮食援助”。二战后,为了避免再次陷入粮食配给的困境,欧盟国际每年都要花费数千亿美元补贴他们的农民超额生产粮食。多出来的粮食就会以援助的形式被送往非洲,因为储存这些粮食的费用太贵。由于这些援助食品极其便宜,最终导致大多数非洲农民破产,非洲国家的农业部门长期得不到发展。

@John Titor Source? Sounds reasonable but it only half makes sense.
Why would someone purposely under-value their resource (food) below local market value?
If a local farmer can sell a carrot for $0.50, why would any reasonable capitalist ever sell it for, say, $0.05? They could easily charge $0.40, undercut the local market whilst making a greater profit... Would also allow the local $0.50 farmer to compete.
Everyone wins in that scenario.

@John Titor,有相关资料吗?你说的听上去有些道理,但又有些似是而非。

John Titor
@SEVENTEEN because subsidy, for example in year 2019 eu spent 38.2 billion directly in subsidy alone to farmers. those food products from EU dont care about profits since they are heavily subsidised by the government to overproduce, they are dumped on african market for whichever the price, they dont care even if its been dumped as aids with no profit at all since they already got their money from subsidy they just want to get rid of the excess so they dont have to pay for the storage. whats even funnier is african usually buys those food from EU with the aids money from EU which has mandate to spent the aids money for products from EU. theres simply no way for african farmers to compete with that


Dwayne Klassen
A few decades ago Canada's prairies were known as the "Bread Basket Of The World". Yeah, Canada was once the largest wheat producer in the world. All the logistics and infrastructure is still here to do that. In fact, Canada could literally provide the entire world with wheat, fuel, and fertilizer. But there is an agenda in play that ensures that these resources never get to market. In fact, it is so messed up that Canada's government would rather import these items than actually employ its own people to produce what is abundantly at their fingertips to export to the world. We need to stop the "Blame Russia For Everything" narrative. This is a planned ramp-up of events by the globalists.


You have no idea what you are talking about. I work in the Grain industry, grain is constantly being shipped out to markets.


Dwayne Klassen
@nystuen17 I didn’t say it wasn’t going anywhere. It’s at a fraction of what it was both domestically and internationally. There should be no wheat shortage or sky high prices anywhere in North America.


@Dwayne Klassen There was a huge drought this past summer, production was only 50% of what is usually is. Most of what Canada grows gets shipped to China. The drought here combined with droughts elsewhere in grain producing countries and the conflict in Ukraine all drove the price up. Grain is more than double what is was worth a year ago. Lack of supply and high demand make sense the price has skyrocketed. Its crappy but everything else has doubled in price so I guess why not food.

@Dwayne Klassen,去年夏天发生的大旱灾,让产量锐减了50%。此外,加拿大的大部分(出口)农产品都运往了中国。而今年加拿大以及其它粮食生产国遭遇的干旱,和乌克兰冲突交织在一起推高了粮价。现在的谷物价格已经是一年前的两倍多了。供应不足加上需求旺盛,价格飞涨也是合理的。虽然很糟糕,但其它东西的价格也都在翻倍,所以我想说,粮食为什么就不能涨。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

dont worry dwayne, the lord is watching them, and i believe jesus will come back soon, against these new world order satanists, they will not be allowed to go on, he is our hope now my good friend xxxx


Gr8 B8 M8
The fact of the matter is, it's orders of magnitude cheaper to import products from poor or developing nations than to produce them in the first world. If anything you can blame capitalism for that because it's inevitable to outsource in a global market. Unless you go full protectionist and shut off the outside world and make everyone grow their own crops and build their own things, it costs way more to keep production stable in the first world.


In the US, I have a feeling we'll see serious, severe food shortages starting end of July at worst, beginning of September at best. We just had a egg producer in Minnesota, in business since 1918, burn to the ground including the loss of all laying hens--yes, another large food processing facility. It is my opinion these looming shortages of food and fuel are why our government is trying to disarm us. They don't care about the children--trust me, I worked in education for decades. The US government sees children as nothing more than a number and a dollar sign. They know when the shortages hit that a societal collapse like we saw in Sri Lanka is soon to follow. I believe our politicians are afraid to deal with the consequences of the policies they created.


Richard Patrizio

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Because this IS BIBLICAL, NOT Political! We cannot stop what is coming, but we can be saved through Jesus! He is the Way, the truth and the life! He is our only savior!


suck it b!t¢h
@thylland it's only occuring because we did nothing to stop it


Joshua Lee
nah, get a grip, you believe there are thousands of evil people all working together towars some conspiracy? with no one to stand up and stop them or at least blow the whistle? dont fall for the click bait, it will all be fine. we will get through it as we always have


@Joshua Lee An insurance actuary stated there is no possible way this is random. People who work on the fire protection for large buildings of this type say there are no way for these buildings to burn like this unless the fire suppression system was turned off completely. Do you think you know more than those people?

@Joshua Lee,一位保险精算师指出,这些火灾不可能是随机的。专门从事此类大型建筑消防工作的人也说了,除非灭火系统被完全关闭,否则这些建筑不可能像这样燃烧。你认为你知道的比这些人都多是吧?

Jonathan Remington
Most of the world’s problems continue not because there isn’t a solution, but because our leaders don’t want them to be solved.


B Rose
I live in Central Wisconsin and the farmers here are feeling all of those problems. Let's hope on a good rain supply. In the west , Colorado, Wyoming ,Nebraska and Kansas are experiencing a multi year draught. Oh hurricane season is coming.


J. Stronsky
Just remember folks, nothing radicalises populations like a bread queue.
Even if the food market stabilises and world production gets on top of this quickly, I feel like we're going to see huge civil unrest globally in the last half of this year.


Just a couple of days after this video Malaysia announce a ban on chicken exports, to curb rising domestic chicken prices. Chicken prices had risen as a result of feed shortages coming from Ukraine. This is going to have dire consequences for Malaysian neighbours who depend on their export, particularly Singapore.
The knock on effects of interrupted trade in a global system stretch everywhere, especially in respect to raw materials like minerals, fertiliser, chemicals, plastics, and feed.


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