2022-06-28 遐怪 18781

"You are only beautiful because someone else is ugly"
Finally, I understand my contribution to the human race.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

miAmor Fati
lol,me too..we contribute a lot,so they should be gratful right?

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

*me perception of myself being ugly allows others to perceive me as beautiful


In my case, that quote can be considered as "You are only ugly because someone else is beautiful"


Orfa iarumas
And I'm a plastic surgeon, without ugly people I wouldn't have a job. I'm very appreciative.


I'm Hoodie
Without you I wouldn't be beautiful. Thank you


jack zhou
This is the meaning of your existence


Deepika Vijakumar
In the yogic culture, here in India, we call this as Shiva and Shakti. And it is mostly the same concept.
Amazed at how all the philosophies of the world converge on a lot of points.
Ardhanarishwar, which is the form of shiva - half man and half woman, depicts this concept of yin and yang.


Corporate Robot Slave
Western satanism depicts their goat headed god Baphomet with both male and female sexual characteristics. They do this in order to mock God by reversing His natural order. Satanists are very predictable. Very similar yin-yang conflicts in various religions aka God vs Satan. These religious depictions reflect the yin-yang conflict within each of us, and try to teach us how to resolve the conflict by accepting it in order to instill peace within, which we all are ultimately searching for. Peace.


James Huang
Agreed, except Taoism is more than a philosophy. It's a practice

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@Corporate Robot Slave
Yin and Yang isn't about conflict, they are not battling each other. They are constructs that we apply to an observation of how the Tao moves in nature.


karlin moodley
@SriDatta Charan Challapalli
You should be ashamed of yourself, go and educate yourself before you make such comments


Nel A
Deepika Vijakumar
history and the acceptance of Pangea will show you that a lot of societies were actually connected. That’s why there’s so many different versions or perspectives of the samething.


Deepika Vijakumar
@Nel A
agreed. I believe ancient civilizations were closely connected, across the planet. And that's why there are different interpretations of the same one concept, in different forms. They all say the same thing if one looks beyond the surface. Language, and thought processes might be different, the journey might be different for everyone, but it all leads to the same truth, the one truth.


my exact thoughts while watching this! :)


Aun The Geek
These are eternal truths discovered by different people in different cultures with different approaches.


A man of no reputation
The ignorance of Yin and Yang is that they are opposed.
When one sees that Yin and Yang are complimentary, this is the first level of understanding.
When one sees that Yin and Yang are identical, this is what is known as one who has ascended past the first level of understanding and reached the edge of reality.
To see that Yin and Yang are interchangeable is to go even further beyond.
At any time, White can become Black, Black can become White, hope can become despair and despair can become hope. Just as if you travel far enough east you arrive in the west.
Jiren can become Goku.
Goku can become Jiren.
At any time...


Shinrin Yoku
Yin and Yang is simply dualistic view of reality or not? It exists in our minds. Is a black hole just passively in place waiting for matter and light to be trapped there or is it pulling it inside by its force? Is the flower there just waiting to be polinated or is it releasing smells and attracts bees by its color? Why is woman yin and not yang? Isn't it just a reflection of our traditional gender roles? Yin and yang exist only inside our minds.


@Shinrin Yoku
I don't think so. There are obxtive differences between men and women, not everything is just "traditional roles". Down at the atomic level, we see the mechanisms of dualistic polarity, with protons and electrons. It would only make sense that these basic principles would manifest in the outward-expanding macrocosm. That's the beauty of taoism to me, or philosophy in general, we're looking for the universal laws and connective tissue of the fabric of reality and existence - at any scale of observation, quantum subatomic and/or multiple multiverses, the "way" applies.


Blockhead Mokujin
hope IS despair...


Tou Xiong
What if one is blind and can't see black or white?


Tobias Dont matter
It’s one thing to ‘know’ a fact, it’s another to understand a fact.
In this way, you can study a map enough to ‘know’ the path to your destination. But if you’ve never travelled it, you can’t truly know it. Where are the pot holes, deer crossing, gas stations. Knowledge is useless without clarity.


Maer Ree
To put it in a nutshell. YinYang means, one cannot exist without the other.


joe fox
The senses need the opposite counterparts to exist


so it would be nice to have a relationship with a partner that makes you yin and yang together?

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

In essence,
Yin+Yang Theory says:
Life is not black and white because
Everything has 2 sides
Like yin and Yang.


More accurately, it isn't that one does not exist without the other. It is that they both always existed (thus the infinite circle that both Yin and Yang are a part of), but you see them as one OR the other (2 opposite halves) rather than one AND the other (one whole with 2 or more characteristics). The left can only be CALLED "left" because you call something else "right".


That "one cannot exist without the other" is the most controversial part. It seems to me like just an illusion. For example, we could say that there are no shadows without light, no shadows in darkness, but shadow itself is a piece of darkness. True, if we dont see any shadows darkness everywhere is indistinguishable from darkness nowhere, but ... even if we cannot see the difference, the fact is that there IS a difference.


Anthony Ivery
Yan and yang is like breathing in and out, you need them both to live, can’t have one without the other


Without death, there is no life. Without life, there is no death.
I remember when I read the Tao Te Ching many years ago that Lao Tzu talked about how most people were either afraid of death or afraid of life. And only a minority of people were wise enough to simply enjoy the dance of existence, with no fear of living or dying.


Yin & Yang is a symbol demonstrating that nothing in nature is absolute or pure. In general, when it is applied to human behaviour, Yin & Yang can be interpreted as " NO human can be 100% BAD or to be 100% GOOD " in every black-hearted person you can find a spot of shinning goodness and vice versa. Indeed a very powerful & meaningful symbol.


You know that moment when you are deeply sad for what appears no good reason? I heard once that you are mourning the death of a stranger that had no one to mourn them. Balance and flow are beautiful and life is both comedy and tragedy.


Lol I’m single so other people can be in a relationship. I never thought of it that way.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

hanji is best girl
The ying and yang is basically like how a celebrity needs fans to get big and us fans being small makes them big


Yadisf Haddad
This video has good passages, yet others are misinterpretations. Western culture has focused on the binary aspect of ying and yang, whereas the real importance of it lies in the balance and the reciprocity. You shouldn't think you're good cause there's a drug dealer around the corner who's bad, but rather think that both you and the dealer nest goodness and badness, and is depending on your actions and on the circumstances that those characteristics manifests themselves.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Lauren Pantellere
Thank you! This stuff needs to be taught in schools! Imagine how different our would could be!!


Michelle Burkholder
Understanding Yin and Yang helps me accept life as it is. I can be very idealist about how things should, but that makes me malcontent. To know there could be no up without down inspires gratitude in me.


Not xVexorr
It's deeper than that, yin and yang is the meaning of life. Energy flows through every living thing, we are all connected and there is good energy and bad energy


I love that video! Also you could've added in the end that even the ugly person is in some way beautiful, even the poor one in some way rich and even the bad one in some way good: nothing is complete ying or yang, everything is ying yang !


Alison Guqin
That was a weird ending for an otherwise great explanation


The Yin and Yang symbol can help you recognize if you see things in unity or in separation. If you see Yin and Yang as 2 halves, then you do not see the connection between them and will view the world as separated and against itself. If you see Yin and Yang as a circle with 2 parts, then you can see there is unity in everything, even those you call good and bad. Thus the philosophy of life is "I am separate from the world, and the world is for or against me" or "I am the world and it nurtures me through experiencing both preference (good) and non-preference (bad)". The inner circle within one half represents that even in the half, there is unity that can break down to parts. So the "good" half can be broken down into other parts that represent the "good". It doesn't just mean that there is the opposite side within this side. It is an infinite traversal within the self, where the self is the circle and within the half, is another circle which represent the same Yin/Yang circle that contains it.


sina mostafavi
"I'm such a good person"
No matter how accurately I understand Yin and Yang, as long as I'm identifying with this wave form in the ocean (the person), I'm stuck in the patterns of Maya (the Matrix)...Instead one can know the true self behind this image...beyond time, space, and causality... the pure formless consciousness, and then have the experience of life to the maximum potential.
First realizes the duality and the 0/1 of everything... and then decodes the code to see that both sides give birth to each other.


C A Campbell
I’m so glad I was introduced to the concept of yin and yang in terms of ‘expansion and contraction’ - as in the action of the lungs, for one example!


Simply put...Yin Yang is the symbol of coexistence


Bening Fariola
This is very timely and relatable in everything I am experiencing right now. Thank you very much!!!


This is pure wisdom.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

G Smooth
Something interesting about this concept is that it’s not actually called Yin & Yang. More technically, it’s referred to as YinYang - one word. This cements the inseparability of the two, as the truth is that they are not two things at all, but one single entity with two faces


Amal Backer
my father has always been dedicating himself to stuff like this since childhood. he defines it this way: a white snake bites the black snakes tail, and the black snake bites the white snakes tail. it can be interpreted in many ways. but if you realize the depth of this definition, your whole life is complete


Dennis Yap
I may not agree with your conclusion but good video overall. Reason being I don't think Taoism emphasize duality as you outlined but just to understand that the duality is the interaction of yin-yang. Push or pull too hard and the opposite grows. When you are rich, the seed of poverty is already planted. So, don't be too particular about circumstances and, likely, learn to live well. The important advise is on managing a country. Taoist are wary of a government that tries hard to shape its people. Extreme examples would be the Nazi Germans who perpetuated the idea of Aryans.


Remi Borgen
Great content. I wonder if it's even possible to imagine "pure" yin or yang without the other? Perhaps it's just our minds view of perceiving it?


Devinder Kumar
Simple harmonic motion is, I think, one of the best examples of Yin and Yang.


From 0 2 100
"you need people like me, so that you could point your fingers and say that's the bad guy" -Tony Montana


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