2022-07-06 北海西铜 11570
Why isn’t most of the world as pro-gun as the US?


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Paul Rodgers
Most of the world values their children’s lives.


And they also value their own, unlike many people in the United States, who are willing to sacrifice their life for someone else's right to play with guns and murder people.


Bob Armstrong
What you call “most of the world” have grown up and become more mature than our cousins in the USA. But the retarded growth of our cousins may well be corrected over time. Well lets hope and pray that they do mature.
Steve P
In the developed world there is no need for people to have any guns.


Scott Irvin
Then why do they still have them? Do you consider Ukraine to be “undeveloped?


Svein Erik Fornes
The world in general is underdeveloped. You guys are the only people in the western world who insist that having guns at home is an essentiality.
And no, you don’t get to say that you need the guns because pedophile cannibals, or whatever the current excuse for your gun fetishism is. Because that’s crazy.


Scott Irvin
Rifles for deer stalking - 14 of the best to buy new or second-hand (
How is hunting in other countries ok, but not in the US?


Svein Erik Fornes
Hunting is good anywhere. You don't hunt with AR-15, though.


Jenny Peters
Most of the world have not been indoctrinated to believe that everyone is out to harm them.


Scott Irvin
Talk to the Ukrainians. Your own country, like the US, Canada, Australia, and India, is a product of British Imperialism, a capitalistic entity that used force of arms to create profit from other countries.


Al Klein
And we resisted it. But we have a standing army now.


Gerard Molliere
why do you need so many guns…???


Scott Irvin
I would be the first to say we don’t need as many as we have. That being said, we have always had a lot, and only recently had these kinds of issues. We have restraints on how we can deal with that, however.


Martin Dennett
“only recently had these kinds of issues.”
Really? Click Mass shootings in the United States - Wikipedia


Scott Irvin
We have had firearms as a country for almost 245 years, and civilian semi-auto magazine fed rifles, of much higher caliber, since 1906.

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Martin Dennett
Yeah, and that 245 year old Amendment is seriously out of date.


Scott Irvin
Last I checked, the right to defend life and liberty wasn't outdated, nor was the need for it. And under current US law, all citizens between 17 and 45 not in the federal forces or the National Guard are part of the Unorganized Militia,which is basically what Ukraine called into service after the Russian invasion.

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Martin Dennett
So you’d rather have mass shootings then? Gotcha.


Scott Irvin
Stop being emotionally overwrought and think logically. It's not an either/or solution. Among other things, there are realities to deal with. You cannot legally or physically manage to do anything about the guns in the population. if you at best managed to ban future production of AR15's, there are over 5 million out in the population. They won't go away for decades. Meanwhile, they still only account for less than five percent of shootings. In fact, these high-profile shootings are where they are used most. And they can be easily replaced with other weapons. Then there is the fact that legal weapons in general are used to stop tens of thousands more violent crimes than are committed with guns. This is from a CDC study. So the net effect of legal arms is a gain of thousands of lives saved annually.


Thor Stambaugh
Sometimes people are so stupid it is impossible to get their brain cell to fire. I will leave yours unlit


Keir Malone
Go polish your gun. That may or may not be a euphemism, you try to figure it out for yourself.


If guns keep us safe like that, why isn't America the safest country on earth?


Kai Herrmann
No, no, no, that’s not what anyone is saying. Guns don’t keep “us” safe, they keep me safe. They keep gun owners who choose to carry them safe.
Remember that story about the guy concealed carrying a gun who got victimized? Or the woman who carried a gun and got raped? No? Neither do I because it rarely, if ever, happens. You know who does get victimized? People who don’t carry guns.
So the real question is, since people who carry guns don’t become victims, why don’t more people carry guns since it actually works?


Tim Hill
Most of the world has grown up.

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Kevin Thorpe
Hang on. Not all of it.
Syria, Afghanistan, Russia obvs, Saudi, Yemen. You know.


Francesco Davini
You see, most of the world has Consitutions that are far more modern than the USA. The Second Amendment made sense when firearms were muzzle loaded and powered with black powder. Also most of the country was not covered by any kind of law enforcement. But times changed, while the Second remains….


Francisco Sustek
Most of the world is sane…


Donald U. Newe
Most people are not paranoid.


Patrick Baxter
Most of the World is civilised!


Amanda Fawzi
most of the world have higher moral standards and more decent societies


Hendrix Thumb
Not that fucking STUPID !


Ron Tougas
And they use common sense and believes in studies that give us statistics.


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Thor Stambaugh
Most of the world forgot when bullies with guns invaded most of Europe
Its ok to be a sheep but one must always be vigilant for wolves.
A lot of the world has forgotten this.


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Peter McKenna
Are you suggesting the 38,658 died defending the nation?


Thor Stambaugh
Not in the slightest and it would take a buffoon to interpret the comment as such


Peter McKenna
You would have some expertise in buffoonery.


Keir Malone
It would also take a buffoon to believe that the USA would be invaded by bullies with guns… the bullies with guns are already there. They are the 2nd Amendment supporters.


Scott Welch
Because we see guns as tools, not as religious icons.


James Holden
I like this response, very well said sir.


Richard Morris
If only there were a vaccine for fanaticism . . .


Irenaeus Caius
Somehow, maybe at some point, people will realize that the right to open carry isn’t as suitable for our time as it *might* have been…maybe.

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Thomas Milligan
Religion it is. People in the U.S. are absolutely convinced that more guns mean more safety, when the opposite is true. And bring up the fact that other countries are much safer without guns, and then it's, “Don't care what other countries do. Move there if you don't like it.” Believe me, I've thought about it.
I have a cousin who grew up in Beirut in the 60s and 70s, and when faced with a return to the U.S., she was terrified because she was sure she would be gunned down for no reason as soon as she landed on American soil. Beirut! She still lives in Beirut, by the way.


Bella Donna
Indeed, one only has to look at the school massacres (only one of the pro-gun aspects) and piss poor gun controls in the US to realise how lucky I am not to live there


John Eggleston
A country built on the back of slavery and that views it’s slave owning founding fathers as demigods. A country where individualism and selfishness is more important than societal responsibilities is doomed to fail.
Believing that having access to weapons intended to take lives is a RIGHT is blatantly wrong. When the goto solution to home grown problems is to shoot em up, you need to go back to the drawing board. Of course because as a country you are brainwashed into believing that you live in the greatest nation that there ever was, nothing will change. The facts are that the USA is way down the list in almost every measure that marks a decent civilised society.


Scott Irvin
And all those came directly from the Empire of Britain, the home of the East India company, exploiter of multiple continents, a country where, at the time, profit ruled over all else. The founders were British citizens, and brought the legal concepts of England and Scotland with them. Though they suffered the same societal issues, they aimed for loftier ideals, knowing that the concepts they strived for would take generations to reach, and would eventually involve massive changes in the fabric of the country.
You have it backwards. Weapons aren’t owned to be able to kill, they are owned to keep from being killed. The concept was a direct response to the British Empire, and others like it, who used force of arms to colonize other continents for financial gain. So if you’re going to try to claim the high moral ground, you need to acknowledge your own country’s role in creating what we are today. It is because of the British government that we don’t trust our own.


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John Eggleston
Yeah, it’s great that you can see the failings of the British Empire. It’s important to acknowledge the mistakes of the past and how they are carried on even today. The problem you seem to have is that you seem to imagine that someone from the UK is unable and/or unwilling to face up to the atrocities.
I accept that the history of the British Empire is abhorrent. I really don’t like that many of the attitudes that led to that history are still prent. Unfortunately, many people use a horrendous history to justify a horrendous present and an even more horrendous future.
Your yahoo armed with a semi automatic rifle isn’t going to last 5 seconds against a fully trained and disciplined soldier. Don’t kid yourselves that Meal Team 6 stand a chance against the army of any government whether tyrannical or otherwise.
If a farmer, a hunter or a sportsman needs a firearm they can apply for a licence and as long as they are found to have justification they will be granted a licence. They do have to follow sensible rules such as keeping guns in a secure gun safe etc. Of course, wanting a gun for self defence ISN’T a valid reason for a gun licence. The reason is because that very mindset has been PROVEN to lead to less safety.
The USA needs to get out of the Wild West mentality and grow the fuck up!

你们那些装备半自动步枪的野蛮人,如果对上一名训练有素、纪律严明的士兵,恐怕连5秒钟都坚持不了。不要自欺欺人,你们那些“餐饮第六特种部队”(改自“SealTeam6 - 海豹第六特种部队”,讽刺美国民间武装)面对无论哪个国家的政府军队都将毫无胜算。

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Aengus O'Leary
it’s an intelligence thing…


Scott Dismukes
Unlike any other country, we the people vest our government with the ability to govern. As you think about that, and think of the ramifications, it becomes pretty clear we will never have a monarch as long as we hold to that principle.
We decided monarchies too easily led to tyranny, as evidenced by how George III treated us. When he decided to impose the British Army on us, and make us subservient subjects to the Crown, and 2nd class ones at that, we rebelled. He was sent packing. We remembered very well the opening round of the Revolutionary War was at Concord and Lexington - where the Brits were intent on gun confiscation. The Second Amendment simply codified our God-given right to keep and bear arms, for whatever means we chose to use them for, including overthrowing a tyrannical government. Certainly the penal codes made illegal use of arms punishable, so if someone today is intent on violently overthrowing the government, they’d best win!
Guns were part and parcel of the US experience since 1609 and the Jamestown colony. The country was raised up around guns. No other country had that; no other group of people arrived on a shore that didn’t already have a sitting monarch and his standing army.
As a result, no other country has the complete encapsulation of keeping and bearing arms in its psyche.


Christian Winter
Good explanation why it was that way, no good explanation why it still is. The Second Amendment was enacted when the worst a soldier could have was a rifle. That was almost 250 years ago. Now a soldier somewhere in a bunker presses a button on a joystick and an armed drone you couldn’t even see in the sky lets your house explode, which no amount of firearms you hoarded will prevent. The idea that civilians owning firearms will keep the government from turning tyrannical simply is grotesquely ridiculous in the 21st century. Apart from that the fanatical gun owners usually side with the tyrants. The danger today does not come from monarchs or communists but from fascists disguised as conservatives. Trump and the Proud Boys is the perfect modern day example.


Jim Craney
Most of the world is civilised and sees no need to be carrying an assault weapon while grocery shopping. Plus most of the world (apart from America) want to be reasonably assured that, their children will return home from school safely every day.


I do believe in America that there is a level of fear and anxiety that doesn’t exist elsewhere. Paranoia runs rampant and I’m beginning to think it may have something to do with the lousy American diet. The level of paranoid conspiracy theories out there is perplexing, especially among the young, especially among males. There are certain nutritional deficiencies that occur thanks to consuming carbohydrates, sugar and alcohol. The American diet is heavy in all of these things. Research has been done that shows Americans are deficient in B vitamins among other things. It would be fascinating to see what would happen to our population if everyone began consuming natural, not synthetic B vitamins.


Thorsten Bredberg
“ It’s not ok to have an abortion because it kills children, but it’s ok to have guns which will kill children”.
mind blowing logic


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