2022-07-18 IPmod 10672

Mark Jubelirer
B.A. in Philosophy from B.U. (back in the day)
Yeah, not big enough.
We shouldn’t wait for a single Republican Senator to come on board with any single thing that Biden promotes. They won’t. They’ve already told us so.
Americans recognize that the GOP is no longer relevant to our future. And that the remonstrances on Fox News should be paid no attention.


The American polity, after the disastrous Trump tenure, knows what it now and newly wants- Progress.
We should not let the GOP stumble fucks impede this progress.
There is no difference between two trillion dollars and three trillion in the minds of the public. Joe should reach for the stars.
Stretch out your arms, Joe. We are with you.


Jan Rosenstreich
This is the typical GOP mindset, if black & brown people do better, then “we” will do worse. It is devoid of any logic or reason. Because of this misguided belief, collateral damage is also hoisted upon everyone else, so there will not be support for any program(s) that helps all people, even their supporters.
The GOP are a bunch of obstructionists and should be dismissed since working with them is futile. Democrats should use budget reconciliation and reform the filibuster and push through all they can while the window is open.


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Shaun Mootoo
How TF do those GOP shitbags not understand that this bill not only improves the infrastructure America needs to stay competitive now and in the near-term, but retrains workers to be competitive in the mid/long-term? Correction: They KNOW, they just don’t care.
It’s like when DoD says they don’t need more tanks and such, which they have stored in the desert in their thousands, but want to instead concentrate on early childhood education, which their warfighters need, to OPERATE that flashy gear. But that would mean educating poor (and black/brown) kids, so that went nowhere.


Steve Palincsar
The GOP is not interested in improving the infrastructure or in benefiting America. They are only interested in improving their political position and in holding power.


Edwin Johnson
I agree. We should be at $6 trillion with maglev and hyper loop transport trains to be fast tracked. We need $1 trillion for interstellar space travel as well.
However the most important is the efficiency of these projects. They are need to be classified as national security measures under the Defense Production Act.
We need waivers for environmental impact reports and eminent domain issues. This needs we prioritized as National Security period.


Chris Platt
Director,Lives in The United Kingdom
I’ve seen Republicans on Quora complaining about Biden cancelling the Keystone pipeline infrastructure project, but I haven’t seen them in here congratulating him on finally attempting to move the roads and bridges in the United States into the 21st century.
To me that is very odd. Why is it good for the government to support investment that benefits oil companies, but not investment that benefits regular Americans?
It is almost as if Republicans were being told what to think by Fox Comedy Channel (public disclaimer: no reasonable person would take these shows to be anything other than expressions of the hosts opinions and certainly not fact based)


Harvey Sweetbaum
Director,Lives in Maryland
Wow . Very ambitious and much needed. I think most of the middle class agrees that all of his wish list is needed. But the Republcan congress will do everything in their power to defeat it. They're against anything that might succeed and giving the Democrats a successful administration. If he gets most of what he wants America will once more be the most admired and respected country in the world. As well as the wealthiest and most powerful. Economically it will crush China and Russia.


Duncan Cairncross
Having supervised some multimillion dollar projects I have had to learn economic,Lives in Gore, Southland, New Zealand2006–present
What are your thoughts on Joe Biden’s $2 trillion infrastructure plan?
Its a good start!!
There is a “method” that we use here in NZ that would be usefully applied to the situation
Everything that we build has a lifespan - it will need to be rebuilt/replaced at some point
Here there is a requirement for the Local Government that owns and is responsible for the infrastructure to track and report on the average age of that infrastructure
Every year the infrastructure is a year older
If te Local Government is doing its job there is sufficient rebuilding/replacing done so that the average age stays the same


This give an immediate measure of how well the infrastructure is being looked after
Its a Red Queens Race - you need to run fast to stay in the same place
Joe Biden’s plan is a good one - but to keep on top of the problem tracking and publishing the average age works really well
Before we had this measure an unscrupulous local council could “save” money by reducing maintenance and replacement and get re-elected by cutting the property tax - by tracking and reporting the average age this type of skullduggery becomes blatantly obvious
You (USA) could apply this simple tracking and reporting requirements to your Federal, State and City Governments

这是一场红皇后的比赛(Red Queens Race)-你需要跑得快才能保持在原来的位置。

Bill Chen, Budding economist
Originally Answered: What do you think of Joe Biden's new $2 trillion infrastructure plan?
Well, get it passed. Then I will read it carefully.
Otherwise, it remains a proposal.
2 trillion is a huge amount, equivalent to 10 percent gdp. How will it be spent and over how many years? What is the thrust of the program? How will America change? Is this a renovation, a tear and rebuild or physical expansion?
Will we end up with 10,000 dollar shovels and 5,000 dollar safety vests, as found in pentagon audits?


Noah Hunter
At some point in our history all of the infrastructure we currently have was new construction. Taxpayers one way or another paid for it. Those taxpayers were our great grand parents, grand parents and parents and probably going back more generations. I suspect they paid the equivalent of 2 trillion dollars and we’re happy that they did.

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Most of our current infrastructure is no a century to 3/4 of a century old. Much of it is old, decrepit, obsolete and just plain falling apart. Eisenhower’s National Defense Highway System is over sixty years old. Considering just the truck traffic it bears it’s way out of date and needs at least one more lane added. The Golden Gate Bridge is looking at 100 years old and the Brooklyn Bridge IS over a hundred years old. I suppose we could be like the old Romans when at some point nobody wanted to spend any money on repairing the roads or the aqueducts or the public buildings and everything went to hell, but I don’t think we’re there yet.


We have an obligation to repair, replace and enhance all of the infrastructure that was handed to us by past generations for our own benefit and that of future generations. If it costs 2 trillion dollars then that’s what it costs. It’s either that or allow the greatest country ever to reduce itself to 3rd world status…and for what? To ‘save’ some money? We need to discuss this!


Ismāʻīl Bashmōrī
Originally Answered: What do you think of Joe Biden's new $2 trillion infrastructure plan?
Fascinating! This administration can’t stop the verbal diarrhea of its fugly predecessor, blasting and demonizing China every day if not every hour. Yet it now wants to imitate a country that is committing genocide.
Now here’s where the disadvantages of Western democracy come into play. Joe wants to spend $3–4 trillion, financed through increasing the corporate tax rate from 21 to 28 percent and increasing the minimum tax on global corporate earnings to 21 percent. Republicans control 50 percent of the Senate and 48.5 percent of the House of Representatives. These are razor-thin margins which Biden must somehow overcome to push through the biggest American project in many decades. If even one Democrat says no, it won’t work.
His chances aren’t good.


But the proposal faces a rough road in Congress. Garnering Republican support in either the House or Senate, both of which Democrats control by narrow margins, will be difficult, if not impossible. Corralling moderate and progressive Democrats will also be a challenge.
Joe hopes to get this plan started by summer. My prediction is, just getting it started will take him his whole presidency.


Sarah Karen, studied at Stanford University,Lives in New Canaan Connecticut
Not big enough. But at least he is DOING something, as opposed to the former guy.
He actually gave us a plan. Not a presser where he claimed he had the greatest, most beautiful plan ever & would deliver it in 2 weeks!
This will be a big boost to the economy and create millions of jobs. We need to move this country forward because our competitors sure as hell are moving theirs.


Also the voters by a 2-to-1 prefer a $3 trillion infrastructure bill that includes tax hikes on $400K+ and corporations over one that excludes it.
It's almost as if the majority of Americans aren't ideological morons any longer, who believe in a Randian fairytale about tax cuts for billionaires being the only path to their survival & livelihood. That is NOT working anymore. That is why the Republicans stopped talking about it. That’s why the right is so agitated right now. That’s why Mitch McConnell is in panic mode right now. That’s why they’re working so hard to cheat by rigging elections, stealing elections, voter suppression.


No amount of Republican tears about "tax increases"changes the fact that anyone with a $400,000 income can afford to pay more to make this country stronger.
The 98% of hard working Americans are tired of carrying the load.
No more "greed is good", "bootstraps", "rugged individualism", "narcissism" of the past 50 yrs. Passing legislation that focuses on tangible upgrades to collective goods could reignite a vision of a constructive vs extractive economy.

过去50年里,“贪婪是好的”(greed is good)、“靠自己努力取得成功”(bootstraps)、“强烈的个人主义”(rugged individualism)、“自恋”(narcissism)这些特质不会再有了。这个法案可能会重新点燃关于建设性经济发展的愿景。

Michael Ciao, lives in San Francisco Bay Area
Originally Answered: What do you think of Joe Biden's new $2 trillion infrastructure plan?
Biden new $2 trillion infrastructure plan is a great move, if it passes.
That $2 trillion infrastructure spending will add $2 trillion to US GDP, the bridge and road cost will add to American GDP. The money paid to infrastructure workers will be spent in stores and restaurants, that money will also add to GDP, businesses getting that money will pay their workers and all money will again be spent and add to GDP. That $2 trillions will multiple into $4 trillions and $6 trillions in time.
In GDP race, these $ trillions will add the distance and push US far ahead of other nations.


Gary Anderson, former Water Quality Engineer at Washington DOQ (1988-2005)
Originally Answered: What do you think of Joe Biden's new $2 trillion infrastructure plan?
The American Society of Civil Engineers (not a political outfit) has pointed out that the “infrastructure” of our country is falling apart. The economic consequences of neglecting this is staggering. Our consumer economy requires thousands of semi-trailer trucks to be on time. Broken pavement and fallen bridges will make the famous depressions look wonderful. The broken water and sewer lines will give us the gift of cholera and typhoid. This is not a big issue for the general public because it is mostly invisible to the untrained eye. Further, the common delusion that Jefferson and Hamilton guaranteed cheap gas in the Constitution is wrong, so this is an major political obstacle. When was the last time a politician campaigned on a platform of road repairs? For the diehard Republicans reading this, let me assure you that the wolk will b e done under competitive bid. As far as i am concerned, this is war. We must do it.


Kelly Schweighsr, former Civil Engineer Manager at Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (1985-2003),Lives in Philadelphia, PA
Disclaimers: I am a retired highway engineer. I have been retired since 2013. I have4 not read the bill.
My thoughts on Biden’s $2 trillion infrastructure bill is that it isn’t big enough. Only $115 billion to repair roads and bridges? Pennsylvania alone spent more than $10 billion on “orphan” bridges 20 years ago - and that wasn’t enough. Orphan bridges are bridges that no one claims to own. Some were built in colonial times, others were built by railroads that have long since gone out of business. During my career at the DOT we only replaced orphan bridges that were falling down - there were hundreds more that we knew about but didn’t have the funding to replace. (We made a deal where the state would pay for the replacement if someone - usually the municipality - would take over ownership and maintenance.)

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$115 billion isn’t NEARLY enough to bring our highway system up to standards. The United States highway system has been terribly underfunded for 5 or 6 decades (if not longer), and a lot of highways and bridges are in terrible shape. Politicians kept deferring the maintenance, because, yes, it is expensive, but that lack of maintenance has started to catch up with us. Think of it as maintaining your house - you need a new roof, but that is expensive, so you put off for a year, and then two and then three… and then you have a leak and you need to replace your roof and your carpets and patch the ceiling and maybe a few other things, too.


Well, the United States has been putting off “replacing the roof” for decades and we need to replace the “roof” now or we’ll lose the whole house.
$115 billion divided by 50 states isn’t early enough to fix the problems we have - even if it is over and above what we are already spending.
And if that one part of the bill is so woefully underfunded, I shudder to think how underfunded the other parts of the bill are. We could spend the entire $2 trillion just on highways and bridges - and even then only catch up to where we should have been if we had actually paid to maintain the roads and bridges instead of ignoring them for more than a half-century.


And I know that the Republicans will fight Biden over every dollar, which is both stupid and shortsighted. Highway projects create a lot of well paying jobs and allow businesses the ability to move goods, so that this bill will be money well spent - it will help the economy. And I know that there is a practical limit on the number of highways and bridges that can be replaced at one time. But this bill needs to be followed by higher levels of spending in the future or the interstate highway system will collapse for lack of maintenance; maybe not in 10 or 20 years, but eventually. You can’t ignore maintenance forever. We have a huge back log that we can not ignore.
That is what I think of the infrastructure bill.


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