2022-07-18 西斯摩多 17093


Bernie's Tweets@BernieSpofforth
FRANCE - Macron’s Covid Passport has been defeated to massive celebrations as populist right and left parties worked together to free citizens from government control.

民粹主义从未如此顺眼。为法国欢呼 1.8万

Stephen King@StephenKing
In America the war against Covid is over. Covid won. If this persistent and dangerous disease mutates into a killer strain, God help us.

在美国,与 Covid 的战争已经结束。covid赢了。如果这种持久而危险的疾病变异成致命的毒株,我们只能祈求上帝了 8.2万

Miss Chingona@LancasterKat
It’s already a killer strain that claimed my husband.


banjercat Ⓥ@BrandonSumner10
I'm still wearing my mask in public. For what it's worth.368


Aussie & Kiwi Muscle Cars@musclecarsau
The Bible predicts that there will be great wars, famine, natural disasters, back-to-back diseases. We’re nearing the end of days 161


Amen! They just don't realize that this is real. Every mutation brings us closer to escaping our vaccines.Shame on those who don't/won't protect other's.We're all connected whether they like it or not! ☮️

阿门!他们只是没有意识到这是事实。每一次突变都会让我们我们的疫苗防护效果减弱。对那些不愿意保护他人的人感到羞耻。不管他们喜不喜欢,作为社会的一份子,我们都是休戚与共的! ☮️159

Lisa L@ldcl35
It WAS a killer strain for 4 people I know/knew, including a 5 year old boy. My neighbor lost her 54 year old, previously healthy husband in 2020. Just talked to her the other day and she is still struggling to find her way.


Willow @WillowOliver11
We could have it under control by now if people would get vaccinated and mask up. I will never understand why people are so resistant to taking all the precautions necessary to make sure they don't get sick and either die or infect someone else who could die.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Andrew Bohn, MD@apbohn
I really don't want to be a prophet of gloom, but I've intubated two hypoxic COVID patients this week after going several months since the last one.It seems every second or third patient in the ED comes up positive.It's bad out there right now y'all. Be careful.

我真的不想成为悲观的预言家,但自从上一个病人过去了几个月后,我本周给两个缺氧的 COVID 病人插管了。
你们现在出门很糟糕,注意安全 9666

someone other than me@megensomeone
I managed to avoid it for over 2 years, rode on a plane full of maskless people and tested positive four days later. Thankfully, it’s been very mild. It’s everywhere right now.


Bernie's Tweets@BernieSpofforth
BBC - The figures of 3 million unvaccinated people is at odds with official ONS & HSA figures which show by May 2022
▪️18,9 million in England refused all doses
▪️30.5 million refused a 2nd or 3rd dose.
You are not alone, don’t be made to feel so.

BBC - 300 万未接种疫苗的人的数据与 2022 年 5 月显示的ONS和HSA官方数据不一致
▪️英格兰有 1890 万人拒绝了所有疫苗
▪️ 3050 万人拒绝了第二或第三剂。
你并不是一个人,不要感觉自己被孤立 6921

Lee Hurst - 30.1K 15/3/22 bourne 14 Lizzy 3211@LeeHurstComic
Even if I was the last one standing I would not feel any pressure. Decision has been made and everything that’s come out as proved to me I made the right decision for me.


Valerie Metcalf @valmetcalf
Johnson, in his 'greatest hits' justification for staying on said he 'got us all through Covid'. All but 200,000 of us. 200,000 people with lives, dreams, families; dying while he partied.

约翰逊在为他留任所做的辩护“最伟大演讲”中说,他“让我们都度过了新冠肺炎”。总共只有 200,000 人吗, 20万个拥有生命、梦想、家庭的人,在他参加聚会活动时悄然死去。

Lisa #SafeEdForAll@Sandyboots2020
My 12 year old son went to Pizza Hut & the cinema with his mates yesterday:
·LFTs prior to meeting
·Ate outside
·Went at quiet time (only them & another couple in the screen)
·Mask worn when indoors.
This is living with Covid, not pretending it doesn’t exist.

我 12 岁的儿子昨天和他的朋友去了必胜客和电影院:

Bob the biostatistician ⚒@bosicle17
I took my eldest to the cinema last week with his friends.
NO LFTs prior to meeting, what the actual?
Ate inside.
Went when busy, like normal people.
My children have never worn masks. What type of person inflicts homeopathic medicine on their children?
This is living with Covid

这是如何与Covid一起生活 238

michael garbanewski@ukranianmike
Government of Canada figures show that there were 521 Covid-19 deaths between 6th -12th June, and the vaccinated population accounted for 485 of them (93%), 242 deaths among quadruple vaccinated

For the inevitable
Do your own research

加拿大政府的数据显示,6 月 6 日至 12 日期间有 521 例 Covid-19 死亡,其中接种过疫苗的人数占 485 人(93 %) ,四次接种疫苗的人数有 242 人


NZ vaccinated their entire adult population by the end of February (83% overall). Yet, somehow they have the highest covid case rate on Earth "despite" an indoor mask mandate.
Now set to tighten restrictions once again.

新西兰在 2 月底为所有成年人口接种了疫苗(总人口疫苗率为 83%)。然而,不知何故,尽管有室内口罩要求,但他们却拥有地球上最高的 covid 病例率。

Chad Baptist@chad_baptist
If the 'vaccine' prevents hospitalisation and death, and almost every adult is 'vaccinated', why would you impose restrictions for a disease that should in theory result in almost 0 hospitalisation and death?

如果“疫苗”可以防止住院和死亡,而且几乎每个成年人都“接种过疫苗”,那你为什么要对理论上应该导致几乎 0 住院和死亡的疾病施加限制? 146

John Steed@avenger4077
Have you not worked it out yet?
The "Vaccines" are destroying immune systems.
And here's the thing, it's deliberate.369


Dr Julia Grace Patterson@JujuliaGrace
Just getting on the tube. COVID-19 is everywhere. Hardly anyone wearing masks


COVID is still outside. Please wear your masks.
A close friend of a friend just passed on from COVID that he caught last week. He was relatively young and healthy


Dr. Mild Yet Still Mysterious@sammy4723
A reminder:
* COVID is airborne.
* Herd immunity did not happen.
* Omicron was not mild.
* Kids do get sick.
* Transmission does occur in schools.
* Each variant is not milder.
* No wave has been an exit wave.
Minimizers have been wrong about every single one of those things..

* COVID 是通过空气传播的。
* 群体免疫政策失败了。
* Omicron 不温和。
* 孩子们会生病。
* 传播确实发生在学校。
* 每个变体都不温和。
* 疫情没有结束
共存派对这些事情的认识都是错误的.. 334

Sir Stuart Glover@stuglow
A reminder that Johnson’s Covid policy of doing nothing and letting the bodies pile high is working

我想提醒各位,约翰逊的防疫政策无所作为,而让尸体堆积如山的政策正在奏效 443

Twitter forced to reinstate account:
Dr. Andrew Bostom threatened to sue Twitter after he got suspended for sharing a lix to a peer-reviewed article published in a medical journal about a study that found that Covid vaccines lower sperm counts.

Andrew Bostom 博士威胁要起诉 Twitter,因为他分享了一篇发表在医学杂志上的同行评议文章的链接,该文章的链接涉及一项发现 Covid 疫苗降低精子数量的研究。

rajiv jaswal@pumraj22
After affects of Vaccines take years decades to study and determine. Little doubt big Pharma and it's supporters will try and bury mute anything that stops vaccine usage.


My daughter was the only kid in her outdoor sports camp this week in a mask. She wore her N95 the whole time despite peer pressure not to. Yesterday we found out 2 boys in her camp have Covid. I'm proud of my kid.

我女儿是这周户外运动营中唯一戴着口罩的孩子。尽管要承受其他不带口罩孩子的压力,她一直戴着她的 N95。昨天我们发现她营地中的 2 个男孩感染了新冠病毒。我为我的孩子感到骄傲。2.4万

My boys have 3 outdoor summer camps this year- have the last one coming up this week. They were also the only ones in masks, and they had no issue with wearing them. I’m so proud of all the kiddos doing the right thing!

我的孩子们今年有 3 个户外夏令营——这周还有最后一个。他们也是唯一戴口罩的人,戴上口罩啥事没有。我为所有做正确事情的孩子感到骄傲!282

Stephen Reicher@ReicherStephen
811,216 pupils off school.
41,899 teachers off school
276,789 school pupils whose daily lives are affected by Long Covid
What is the Minister of Education doing to reduce the disruption and keep our children safe?
It isn't just the Minister of Health who has disappeared from view

811,216 名学生辍学。
41,899 名教师离校
276,789 名学生的日常生活受到 Long Covid 的影响
消失不见的不仅仅是卫生部长 2589

Dr. Eli David@DrEliDavid
Every piece of "fake news" about Covid is turning into truth.
Keep trusting the experts

每一条关于 Covid 的“假新闻”都在变成事实。

BREAKING NEWS: experts say the best treatment for the new ‘midterms’ Covid strain is

突发新闻:专家表示,应对新的“中期”Covid 毒株的最佳防疫方法是

Michael Burge@burgewords
I’ve had some sore throats in my time, but this Covid Day 4 one is a doozie. Easily the worst ever. Painkillers useless. Hitting it gently with full arsenal of lemon, honey, chamomile, rest and such, but let me (raspingly) say please wear a mask this week. You don’t want this.


W. Christopher Nunn@WChrisNunn
COVID did not destroy Western civilization. Our governments did.


很赞 5