2022-07-28 龟兔赛跑 8674

Is software development really a dead-end job after age 35-40?


Steven Ussery
I am a 65-year-old software engineer who has worked for Apple, Adobe, eBay, Microsoft, VMware, Cisco, FileMaker, XO Communications, 2Wire, Egnyte, Nexsan, and two other start-ups. I have been laid off five times in my career. I always find another job within 3 to 4 weeks — even during a recession. I have had my job outsourced to India or China four times: especially in the last eight years. Nonetheless, there is always another employment opportunity waiting afterwards.
I love what I do. I’m still doing it; and, I have no immediate plans to stop doing it. Moreover, I am good at it. That’s not so much because I am a genius but rather because I have been doing software development for a really long time and I learned from my mistakes. In fact, there is no wide-spread computer language I can’t program in. Nor is there any OS platform I am not comfortable working on. And, besides the U.S., I have also worked overseas in Apple’s factories in China and Ireland. Besides English, I’ve learned to speak (poorly) Spanish and Italian, and I can manage about a ten phrases in Mandarin.
I have managed to do all this while successfully being married for 40 years, raised two adult children (one who is a Netflix software engineer), and I now have five grandchildren. According to the last Social Security report I receive annually from the government, my total lifetime income to date is: $3,042,040;

我是一名65岁的软件工程师,曾为苹果、Adobe、eBay、微软、VMware、思科、FileMaker、XO Communications、2Wire、Egnyte、Nexsan和其他两家初创公司工作。在我的职业生涯中,我被解雇了五次。不过我总是在3到4周内找到另一份工作——即使是在经济衰退期间也是如此。我曾四次将工作外包给印度或中国:尤其是在过去八年里。尽管如此,之后总会有另一个就业机会等着我。

Having said all this, it is very much true that age discrimination and outsourcing is rampant in the Silicon Valley. Before age 45, I had a better than average chance of getting a job after a single interview. Now, at age 64, it takes me about ten interviews before I get the next job. Even then I sometimes have to work as a contractor without benefits. And, I have even learned to tolerate being interviewed by arrogant and entitled young preppies, most whom think they are somehow better than me even though they haven’t accomplished one tenth of what I have, nor have my superb academic credentials. (I have a B.S. in Civil Engineering and a M.S. in Computer Science from Texas A&M University — the latter at the top of my class.)
So, the answer to your question is: NO, software development is most certainly not a dead end job! It is a great job. Does it get tougher to get your next job as you get older? Oh hell yes. But, so what! If you love it as I do nothing but death or poor health can stop you. All it takes is a determination.
Never give up!


Connor Stricklan
A software developer I know recently got a call from a recruiter at Google, asking what it would take for him to come to work for them.
This developer had actually already worked for Google, but he left about five years ago to pursue other projects, and he didn’t want to live in one of the cities that have a Google office. Even though he didn’t have a degree in computer science and never took a college course in OOP, he must have impressed them enough to keep him on the recruitment list these years later. The recruiter suggested maybe he could be interested in interviewing with the Project Loon team in Singapore.
He gave a little chuckle to the recruiter over the phone, and his first question was: You know how old I am, right? The recruiter confirmed that yes, his date of birth was on file, and that Google didn’t factor age into its recruitment policies. The developer agreed to think about the prospect and they agreed to touch base again in a week.
That 66-year-old developer is my father. He is collecting social security while being courted by Google. He had a fulfilling career running his own company, consulting, and being an employee. He made contributions during the early stages of numerous technologies such as TCP networking, USB protocols, 802.11b implementation, and military GPS. Then he was hired by Google in 2008, when he was 58.
While at Google, he wrote software in Java, a language that wasn’t even invented until he was 45. And he was an individual contributor, without having any other engineer report to him.
One of the great things about software development is it’s all about your passion to learn and ability to perform, which is demonstrated by my dad’s career and the careers of thousands others. If you don’t have those required ingredients, then sure, software development is a dead-end job at any age. But if you have the passion and skill, then it is not a dead-end job after 40, 50, or even 60.


Corwyn B
I am in my early 60s, and I have worked in operating systems development my entire career, and for some high profile companies. I have a long track record.
On principle, I do not accept job offers from places where I do not like the product, the company vision, or the general vibe. I tend to stay at a place of employment until it goes seriously bad. The longest sojourn was about 14 years at one place that was peculiarly interesting until a series of high-level management mistakes brought the company to its knees and prompted me to go elsewhere.
I have been successful at all the places where I have worked, but when I went out into the job market again in January ‘18, it was a very eye-opening experience.
The first thing I learned was that people didn’t read the resumes closely. I stated explicitly what I had worked on and what I was interested in working on, but people saw that I had worked in a storage division at one point, and were asking me about being an HBA driver grunt. I know something about such software, and have even helped people debug them, but HBA driver expertise is a very specific skill that people specialize in, and I did not anywhere sell myself as an HBA driver developer. In fact, although in my career I have developed various device drivers (probably more than 20), it’s not something I much enjoy.
The second problem was the quiz show method of uation: go to the white board and code up this problem. I can code on the fly — I do it for a living — but I am accustomed to design something carefully first before coding. I had to learn to jump in and just wing it to cope with these sorts of lame quiz show questions.

第二个问题是展示了评价方法的小测验:走到白板上编写这个问题。我可以随时编写代码——我以编写代码为生——但我习惯于在编写代码之前先仔细设计一些东西。 我必须学会投入并即兴发挥来应对展示问题的幼稚测验。

The quiz show questions are often not very interesting or applicable to the sort of work you do, or will do. But the examiner knows that particular area, and he’s all eager to check you out.
Another feature is what I call the immature interviewer problem. This occurs sometimes with younger interviewers whose view of themselves does not permit them to admit that someone knows as much or more than they do about a topic. They will play games to try to demonstrate their assumed superiority. You learn to cope with them by going along with their attitude, even if it seems absurd.
Generally, highly experienced engineers who are skilled at designing and building systems tend to shine in the high level systems design tests that companies subject you to.
When you get a bunch of 20–30-somethings asking you to code, you’re rarely going to please them. This is very different from my own method when I hired people at a previous job — one guy I hired who had just got his doctorate in CS admitted to me that he did not think he was all that skilled at programming in C. I told him that I cared more if he could think and design, and I was satisfied about that, because I would make sure he knew C thoroughly before he was done.
I do not think the sextion processes at all these companies are entirely effective, but that is what they do. They optimize to sext a certain type of employee who best fits the profile of a relatively recent graduate.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I went through the interview process at about 7 places. I was fortunate and did well enough in more than one that I got to choose my offer. But I came away convinced that certain large, self-important companies were planting the seeds of their own problems in future and made the decision to keep my distance.
You can find a job when you are over 60. Finding a job at 35–40 is easy by comparison. You just need to have the goods. But when you are REALLY experienced, they will look at you very closely and critically. Finding an entry-level job is impossible. You need to have a diverse skillset by the time you hit 40, and it’s not just being a coder.
Now the question: does being in software development after a certain age have a future?
I am no longer sure. What constitutes software development will continue to evolve, and the hot areas will change. But this profession is notorious for using people up by working them very hard. People get tired of it and move into other areas, or they get promoted and do not need to code every day, or they move into management or marketing or product support. If I were talking to a young engineer of 22 now, I would caution him to get what he wants out of the experience as much as he can, but keep his head up and look around. What you see today is not what you will see in 20 years. Definitely not in 40 years. Can you plan a career where it’s uncertain how your job will evolve and develop? This is very difficult. I did not think of this at all when I was in school.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Ian Drake
If you are talking about commercial development (e.g. Google, Facebook), there may be some truth to that.
However, the vast majority of software developers work in corporate environments of all sizes building custom applications for internal usage. In this case, the following can extend your career indefinitely. I am 64 and still going strong.
Don’t get stuck in a rut. Be ready and willing to switch applications and/or platforms relatively frequently. People who are recognized as single talented are the easiest to outsource
Be responsible for your own development. Successful developers are constantly understanding industry directions as well as changes in internal architectures. The best training course in the world is never more than a brief intro and road map. Past that point you have to get your hands dirty with real world scenarios and a ton of web searches
Provide extra value to your employer #1. Be prepared to mentor more junior staff and leverage your experience to build new approaches. Be willing to do “Lunch and Learn” type demos for a wider audience
Provide extra value to your employer #2. High end developers are constantly building reusable frxworks and architectures that enable other staff to complete their assignments quickly and reliably. Once a reusable component is tested and deployed, no further testing of that component should be required and bugs, by definition, should more often than not be in the new code
Become more business focused. Pure coders will cap out on learning very quickly and find it hard to compete. Someone who understands the business of their company (manufacturing, insurance, finance etc.) as well as the role of their end-user department (sales, customer service, legal etc.) is incredibly valuable


Andrew McGregor
For me, a 56 year old software developer, it was 50 not 40 that was the cutoff. When I was 40 the company I was working for went bankrupt and I was looking for work. I applied to about 10 companies, got 8 interviews and multiple offers.
At 50, I was applying to jobs and there was virtually no response. After 20 applications - nothing. I ended up working with a headhunter who said “You’re old but you’re still pretty with it.” and I ended up with a couple of offers and took one. 5 years later it’s all but impossible so I’m working with a couple of startups for little to no salary. Fortunately I’m financially secure so it’s not a problem.
My observation is that most 35–45 year old developers transition to another area within high tech such as:
product management (deciding what to build next)
sales support
customer support (for big/critical systems)
(note that these jobs are not generally open to new grads)
Most of these roles are good to 55+, but pure development jobs are hard to get later in your career. I think a bit part of that is that at 30 or 40 you will improve as a developer as you understand the product and company faster than you will degrade with age. Past 50 most developers will get so much weaker each year that it is a losing proposition to hire them (similar to pro athletes).
Overall I’m happy with how my career went, but the last few years have been frustrating. I’m now settling into partial retirement and I’m ready for that now (and I wasn’t ready for that 5 years ago).


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Mike Thomas
I wouldn't say that there's no future in it. It's just that the future is a bit different than when you're in your 20s. I'm currently 53 years old, and I'm still a software developer. I make a very good living, and I still enjoy my job. I always say it's like being paid to have a hobby.
I currently work in a small company where the youngest person is over 40. We are all developers. But we're also all architects, and DevOps guys, and testers, and project managers, and leaders to a greater or lesser extent. We've been doing it long enough that we've had to do just about everything In our careers.
Once you're older, you've seen a LOT of projects succeed and fail, and you've done it in a lot of different types of places with different types of technologies and processes. This gives you a perspective on the software industry that younger people generally don't have.
Here's where that different future comes in: the challenge for a very experienced developer is to find companies that value the perspective provided by experience. So, the available jobs are more scarce and provide less variety for very experienced people.


Paolo Tozzo
I'm 43 (turning 44 in October), and three years ago I moved from Italy, where I had my own start-up, to London, where I worked as a permanent employee for the 1st year, and for the following two as a contractor, doubling my salary and the opportunities to have fun.
Even though I had a lot of chances to increase my daily rate even more, I was sick and tired of the big city so I've now moved to Malaga, Spain, where after 18 years of career I find myself currently working on the most interesting projects I've ever worked (I didn't honestly think it'd happen), in a company that pays me almost the same as London's but with one third of the cost of life (enjoying also a far better lifestyle and weather btw).
Note that I'm still coding, not doing any management or leading position (my team lead is two years younger than me). While here I'm already getting offers from the few companies with offices in this small (at least compared to London) city. If you consider also the high unemployment rate of Spain, especially the region of Andalusia, it is remarkable how by doing this job you can basically reinvent yourself everywhere and in every way.
So, don't worry, software engineering is not a dead end career.


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