网民讨论:日本 - 人口减少是国家毁灭的万能公式
2022-07-30 翱翔精灵 10692

Depopulation a surefire formula for national ruin
July 17 © Japan Today

7 月 17 日 发表于:今日日本网站

TOKYO-- talk about depressing headlines: "A great prophesy of Japan's demise. The frightening result of depopulation."


First of all, let's look at a paper on population statistics from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare issued on June 3. After noting that 811,604 new infants were born in Japan during 2021, it pointed out that the average number of births per female had dropped for the sixth straight year, to 1.30.
"Twenty years from now, we'll be looking at a shortfall of 2 million care providers for the elderly," predicts professor Masahiro Yamada of Chuo University. "To fill that number would require half of the nation's new graduates every year. Paying costs for care won't be difficult for the wealthy, but for the rest, it won't be feasible. We'll be faced with the choice of either reducing services or relying on foreign labor; but as Japan becomes poorer, I don't know how we'll get foreign workers to come here."
The present situation, of elderly people caring for other elderly, has become a common occurrence, and this can only get worse, frets the writer, so increasing cases of kodokushi (dying alone) can be expected.
On May 7, Tesla CEO Elon Musk -- not exactly a Japan expert -- made headlines with a tweet that read, "At the risk of stating the obvious, unless something changes to cause the birthrate to exceed the death rate, Japan will eventually cease to exist. This would be a great loss for the world."

首先,让我们看一下厚生劳动省6月3日发布的人口统计数据。在注意到2021年日本有811,604名新生儿出生后,它指出每名女性的平均出生人数连续第六年下降至 1.30。
“从现在开始的 20 年后,我们将面临 200 万个为老年人提供护理人员的缺口,”中央大学的山田雅弘教授预测。“要填补这个数字,需要每年全国一半的应届大学毕业生。支付护理费用对富人来说并不难,但对于其余的人来说,这将是难以承受的。我们将面临选择要么减少服务,要么依赖外国劳动力;但随着日本变得更穷,我不知道我们将如何让外国工人来这里。”
5 月 7 日,特斯拉的首席执行官埃隆·马斯克(他并不是日本情况的专家)以一条推文登上了头条,上面写着:“冒着显而易见的风险,除非有什么改变导致出生率超过死亡率,否则日本最终将不复存在。这将是世界的巨大损失。”

Part of the looming problem will be caused by the huge demographic bulge of the postwar baby boomers, born between 1947 to 1949, who are now turning 75 years of age. With the decline in hospital beds, as people in this group begin to die out, 400,000 or more stand to become "refugees with no place to die."
If the present trend continues, by 2040, Japan will have become a "super-aged society," in which the burden of supporting an elderly person will fall on one out of every 1.5 households.
While numerous factors figure in population decline, one of the main causes is clearly shortsighted policies aimed at encouraging families to procreate. According to a survey by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), in 2017, Japan's outlays for child rearing relative to GDP were 1.79% -- below the OECD member average of 2.34% and, for example, less than half of the 3.6% spent by France.

迫在眉睫的问题的部分原因将是战后婴儿潮一代的巨大人口膨胀,他们出生于 1947 年至 1949 年之间,现在已经 75 岁了。随着病床的减少,随着这一群体的人开始去世,40万或更多人将成为“无处可去的难民”。
如果按照目前的趋势继续下去,到 2040 年,日本将成为“超高龄社会”,每 1.5 户家庭中就有一人要承担赡养老人的负担。
虽然人口下降的因素很多,但主要原因之一显然是在鼓励家庭生育的政策性短视。根据经济合作与发展组织的一项调查,2017 年,日本的育儿支出占 GDP 的比重为 1.79%,低于经合组织成员国 2.34% 的平均水平,例如,还不到法国投入3.6%的一半。

"Take Hungary, for example, which to deal with a decline in births devotes just under 5% of its GDP to families," points out the aforementioned professor Yamada. "School tuition there is free, and home purchases are generously subsidized. In the case a fourth child is born, the family's taxes are permanently exempted.
"For Japan to match European countries in measures to encourage the birth rate, it would need to devote a quarter of its national budget," he added.
What's the main cause of decline in the country's birthrate? As Yamada puts it, "There have only been small, incremental changes in Japan's societal values from its postwar period of high economic growth, when the prevailing view was, 'the husbands went to work, and the wives remained home and did housework.'"
The magazine noted that in the run-up to the July 10 elections, none of the major parties proposed any new changes to their population policies, so whichever party wins will be moot. Japan, clearly, has embarked on a road to ruin.

“以匈牙利为例,为了应对出生率下降,该国将 5% 的 GDP 用于家庭,”山田教授指出。“那里的学费是免费的,买房有慷慨的补贴。如果生了第四个孩子,家庭就可以永远免税。”
我国出生率下降的主要原因是什么?正如山田所说,“日本的社会价值观在战后经济高速增长时期只发生了微小的渐进式变化,当时流行的观点是‘丈夫去工作,妻子留在家里做家务’。 "
该杂志指出,在 7 月 10 日选举前夕,没有一个主要政党提议对其人口政策进行任何新的改变,因此无论哪个政党获胜都将是没有实际意义的。显然,日本已经走上了毁灭之路。

Euro Dude
All talk in Japan, and no concrete actions.


There are a few major cultural factors.
Japan discriminates against women in the workforce. Compare to Europe, US or even China Japan does not allow women access to a career path or powerful positions in the workplace.
Japan is unfriendly to immigrants. Getting work in Japan is difficult, and even if you do, you cannot become a citizen without Japanese ancestry, and even if your kids are born in Japan they are still considered immigrants.
Lack of incentives for childbearing. Japan honors its elderly but seems embarrassed to procreate. They don't have incentives for childbirth. They don't have encouragement for young people to get married and settle down. Their aren't inducements for families to have a fourth child. How would Japanese view a woman who has 4 kids before the age of 30? How would Japanese view a man who has 4 kids, and works a white collar job? They need an attitude adjustment about work life balance.

缺乏对生育的激励。日本尊重老年人,但似乎对生育感到尴尬。他们没有生育的动机。他们不鼓励年轻人结婚和安定下来。他们不是诱使家庭生第四个孩子。日本人会如何看待一个 30 岁之前有 4 个孩子的女人?日本人会如何看待一个有 4 个孩子并从事白领工作的男人?他们需要调整工作生活平衡的态度。像马丁路德一样:他主张结束文职独身,但他也决定自己结婚生子。

Mark Garrett
Looks like the J-gov will need a large influx of tax money to help support the elderly.


There is no way to solve the birthrate crisis without solving the overwork crisis. People who routinely work until 8pm or later do not have time or energy to make or take care of babies and then kids.

不解决过度劳累危机,就无法解决生育危机。经常工作到晚上 8 点以及更晚的人没有时间或精力来生产或是照顾婴儿和孩子。

The real problem is that Baby Boomers must be the most selfish generation in history. This problem, at its core, is all about "Who's going to take care of me and support me when I'm old?" Younger generations deserve their own futures - they shouldn't be treated like indentured servants working to supported a bloated population of elders whose reckless fiscal policies created their own situation. Sad as it is in many cases, the future of society is the youth. Sure, old people should be helped, but not at the cost of destroying the future of the youth.
People used to understand this. You want Japan to have a future? Get rid of the bloated bureaucracy and old politicians and give the younger generation a chance to build a strong country.

真正的问题是,婴儿潮一代一定是历史上最自私的一代。这个问题的核心是“当我老了谁来照顾我和支持我?” 年轻一代应该拥有自己的未来——他们不应该被视为契约仆人,他们努力支持臃肿的老年人口,他们鲁莽的财政政策造成了他们自己的处境。在许多情况下很可悲,社会的未来是青年。当然,应该帮助老年人,但不能以破坏年轻人的未来为代价。

Desert Tortoise
The real problem is that Baby Boomers must be the most selfish generation in history.
Sigh. How parochial. Baby boomers only exist in the US. Blaming low birth rates on baby boomers does nothing to explain the low birth rates in places like PR China, South Korea, Singapore, Italy or Russia.
understands the real problem, long workdays leaving workers with no time or energy for families. I will add a second thought for your consideration, namely living in high rise housing estates. How do you raise kids in a concrete high rise? No yard, no place for the kid to play safely outdoors unless a parent takes time away from their home to supervise their kids in a park. When I was a kid my mom would shoo me outside saying "go out and play" so she could get stuff done in the home. Same for the neighbor moms so the kids would play in the front yards of the homes. Can't do that when you live in the concrete jungle. So blame long workdays and demanding jobs, but also blame dense urban living.


Aly Rustom
they knew this would happen for decades and they continued kicking the can down the road.
NO ONE wanted to address the problem early on and all we heard is Japan is not a multicultural nation and doesn't want to be.
they could have solved this problem 20 years ago and had slow and careful immigration into the country, but they chose not to
OF COURSE no one wants to come and work here now. Japanese wages are extremely low for a developed nation and on top of that, they are not allowing real immigration- just a promise to allow guest workers to work 5 years and that's it. And they don't pay them enough to send money home.
Japan as usual boo woo wooing but this was their doing

他们本可以在 20 年前通过缓慢而谨慎地(吸收)移民到这个国家解决这个问题,但他们选择“不”
当然,现在已经没人愿意来这里工作。对于发达国家来说,日本的工资极低,最重要的是,他们不允许真正的移民——只是承诺允许外来工人工作 5 年,仅此而已。而且他们付给他们的钱不足以寄钱回家。

Much of the rest of the world is falling into a similar demographic decline. India’s birth rate fell below replacement rate this year. Japan is lucky to have the Philippines and Indonesia in their neighborhood, but immigration isn’t really a solution.
Hopefully immigration, automation, and capital investment can work as a stop gap until the demographic bulge passes away, but Japan is at the front of a crisis facing most countries. They need to start major policies to try and stimulate their birth rate.


What's killing it is 996 culture. They have literally no time to even think about dating or having babies.
996 Culture: 9 am to 9 pm, 6 days a week. The people don't have to work more than 8 hours, but that's the work centric culture. If you are not doing 996 and your competitor is or coworker is, then you are "losing" your future.

996 文化:每周 6 天,上午 9 点至晚上 9 点。人们不必工作超过 8 小时,但这就是以工作为中心的文化。如果你不执行 996 而你的竞争对手或同事在做,那么你就会“失去”你的未来。

What is actually destroying the population pyramid is their racist take on immigration. A wealthy country like Japan could have been absorbing easily 1M inmigrants per year, mostly from SA. After decades these people would mostly integrated and be part of a Japanese melting pot.
But they have always put big barriers to people immigrating permanently to Japan. And it’s biting their asses.
PS, Spain has similar life expectancy and natality rate. But since late 90s around half a million inmigrants started to enter per year during the growth years. Lately we are in just 250k net inmigrants, not enough but a big relief, especially because most inmigrants usually are in their 20s and early 30s

真正摧毁人口金字塔的是他们对移民的种族主义态度。像日本这样的富裕国家每年可以轻松吸收 100 万移民,其中大部分来自东南亚。几十年后,这些人大多会融合并成为日本大熔炉的一部分。
顺便说下,西班牙的预期寿命和出生率(都与日本)相似。但自 90 年代后期以来,在经济增长时期,每年约有 50 万移民进入。最近我们的净移民人数只有 25 万,这还不够,但让我们松了一口气,尤其是因为大多数移民通常都在 20 多岁和 30 多岁出头

The demographics of Japan are really really bad though and that is how societies end.


Japan isn’t even an outlier in their birth rate. Similar countries include Canada, Spain, Poland, Finland, Italy, Greece. South Korea is even lower.
If you want to offer an explanation for low birth rates, make sure the explanation is universal enough to cover these countries as well. They all have wildly different cultures and government programs but have the same result. So don’t pin it on work culture and hentai porn.


Japan also makes it suck to be a mother, and Japanese men dont help out with anything either.


Absolutely. I listened to a podcast that covered this (I think it was The Daily but I'm not sure). Expectations for mothers and fathers are so stringent that they featured one Japanese man that was so unconfident in his parenting abilities that he didn't even feel comfortable taking their kids to school alone without the oversight of his wife. Why would you want to be a parent in an environment like that?

没错儿。我在一个播客上听过涵盖这个的内容(我认为是The Daily,但我不确定)。(日本人)对父母的期望如此严格,以至于其中一位日本男子对自己的育儿能力如此不自信,以至于他甚至不愿意在没有妻子监督的情况下独自带孩子去上学。为什么要在这样的环境中做父母?

Japanese men are also dropping out of dating entirely because Japanese women have such insanely high expectations, and the job market is so competitive.


What do Japanese women want??


Not much different from other countries with conservative cultures. High salary, good educational background, good looks, good family background, good social skills, and other personal preferences. With a tough labor market, low pay, terrible working hours, and high costs of raising children, the prospects of marriage become less appealing.


One of the issues I haven’t seen mentioned yet… in Japan the default expectation is still that a woman will quit (or substantially scale back) her career to become a full time mother. Childcare has traditionally not been available, and now that it’s more common they also have a shortage of childcare workers (owed in part due to discrimination towards mothers in the field, ironically).
But women are educated, they’re cosmopolitan, and they want to work. They don’t want to give up their careers and ambitions.
So they want one of two things: (1) A man who is successful and charming enough to make being a SAHM appealing. This is a high standard. Very few men meet this standard, and it’s an incredibly stressful situation to have to maintain. (2) They have to be successful-ish, willing to help with childcare, and have a job that lets them help with childcare. Because of how rigid Japanese work culture is, I’d argue this is an even harder achievement. There are very few jobs that would allow two parents to meaningfully split the burden of childcare.
So it’s not so much that Japanese women have unrealistic standards. It’s that Japanese work culture and social services are about two decades behind on making the structural changes necessary to support what women want. And (understandably) very few men can make up for the gap left by the government on that front.

所以并不是说日本女性有不切实际的标准。日本的工作文化和社会服务在进行必要的结构性变革以支持女性想要的东西方面落后了大约 20 年。而且(可以理解)很少有人能弥补政府在这方面留下的差距。

It’s a negative feedback loop a lot of the time.
Women in Japan, like most women in the west, don’t want to marry a man who earns less than them.
As a result a man must work himself to the bone in order to progress in his career to earn enough to convince a woman that he is worthy of marriage, but the irony is that said woman’s very presence in the labour market has made it that much harder for him to progress into a higher earning position.
A lot of men are now realising that the sheer amount of effort it will take to be able to get married, while also seeing how miserable their fathers/older co-workers are in their own marriages, where the woman controls 100% of the spending while he works 14 hour days, means that they’ve decided that they’ll be happier just living off of their parents/welfare, and living a very minimalist life of playing video games/watching porn.
It’s a complicated issue, and it isn’t one that can be solved by any one thing the government could do.

很多男人现在意识到结婚需要付出巨大的努力,同时也看到他们的父亲以及年长的同事在自己的婚姻中是多么痛苦,女人控制着家庭 100% 的支出,虽然他每天工作 14 小时。这意味着他们已经决定他们会更快乐地靠父母或政府福利为生,过玩电子游戏/看色情片的极简生活。

I think a lot of their expectations are not to have to do all of the house work and all of the child rasing and all of the taking care of elderly parents, and it doesn't help that on top of that japanese employers expect everyone in work to do overtime even if they just sit there doing nothing. Remaining single means that they only have to deal with a crappy work environment and elderly parents.


Until there is a culture shift in how Japan handles working life, then it isn’t going to change.
Officially, Japan’s annual leave allowances etc are all very generous, but the issue is that because the market is just SO competitive, that individual workers are terrified of taking any kind of time off at all, because they need every single advantage possible, so it becomes a race to the bottom to see who can devote the most amount of time to appearing busy to the bosses.
The only solution is for these old farts to be forcibly retired, their utterly outdated notions of work and productivity has massively held Japan back over the last few years, hence why Japan, for example, still has such a reliance on fax machines and landline phones, why it is still so heavily cash based, and why there is often such a reluctance to modernise.
Japan’s culture is naturally conservative, but in the worst possible way, an attitude of resisting change for its own sake.
Look at how Japan was opened up to the world, it took a military expedition from the US to force it to do so.


Making it easier to be a mother doesn't seem to be helping the Scandinavian countries bring up the birth rate either.


1.7 per Woman vs 1.36 is significantly more, and recent studies have been showing that one thing Japan actually does right is that it builds enough housing. Something that Sweden hasn't been doing. So Sweden and other Nordic nations could probably increase their birth rates by just building more housing.

(斯堪的纳维亚国家)每位女性 1.7 与(日本的) 1.36 相比要高得多了,最近的研究表明,日本实际上做对了的一件事是它建造了足够的住房。这是瑞典没有做过的事情。因此,瑞典和其他北欧国家可能会通过建造更多住房来提高出生率。

I don't know the housing situation in Japan, but I feel like the rising house prices contributes to lower birth rates. If you have to live with your parents until your mid 30s saving for a house, you aren't having children in that home. By the time you have the space to have kids it might be too late.
It feels like there's plenty of things a government could do to raise birth rates, they just don't want to. And that's maybe for the best for the planet. There's only so much topsoil, after all.

我不知道日本的住房情况,但我觉得房价上涨对降低出生率有帮助。如果你必须为买房子存钱而被迫与父母住在一起直到 30 多岁,那么你在那个房子里就不可能有孩子。而当你有空间生育孩子时,可能为时已晚。

It's true that there may be a correlation. During Japan's biggest economic boom in the 80s, Tokyo had the highest real estate prices anywhere in the world. Famously the Imperial Palace was valued at more than the entire state of Florida. And was the mid 80s that the Japanese birthrate really began to fall and never recover.

确实可能存在相关性。在 80 年代日本经济最繁荣的时期,东京的房地产价格是世界上最高的。众所周知,皇宫那么大地块的价格超过了整个佛罗里达州。80 年代中期,日本的出生率真正开始下降并且再也没有恢复。

Houses in the Japan countryside are almost free now. Without conditions they're super cheap. Last I checked there were 8 million abandoned houses. The deflationary pressure keeps rents relatively cheap in the cities.


I'm guessing economic opportunities in rural areas of Japan is very limited though. Somehow I doubt Japan's work culture is super open to remote work


True.Due to land tax and property tax, heirs of many rural properties have given up on them. Even about 10% of the housing in Tokyo is abandoned too.

没错儿。由于土地税和房产税,许多农村地区房产的继承人都放弃了它们。甚至在东京也有约 10%的住房被废弃。

It feels like there’s plenty of things a government could do to raise birth rates
I haven’t seen any evidence that anything a government has ever done has resulted in birth rates increasing. Plenty of places have generous parental leave, large subsidies per child, property subsidies, free childcare, tax breaks, yet nothing works.


People will not have more kids until there's a material reason to do so. Birth rates are so high in the places they are because kids help you on your farm, in your work, taking care of family, etc. Kids in the US and EU are a net negative to the parents from a cost-analysis perspective. Having to pay for childcare, and then for college, and other expenses is the opposite of how this has worked for the majority of human history.
In the olden times if you were in farming you needed children, and a lot of people were in farming. Children often did less dangerous domestic jobs (including taking care of other children) and worked for the family until they were ready to strike out on their own.


China in the 50s seems like an example, but I'm not sure exactly what the government did other than outright say "have more babies" and that seemed to be it.

50 年代的中国似乎是一个例子,但我不确定政府到底做了什么,除了直接说“生更多的孩子”,似乎就是这样。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

There is always a population boom after a war, China’s population rate didn’t grow at a dramatically higher rate than most other places.


The reality is that raising kids just kind of sucks.
Once women have any kind of better options, they tend to chose that over motherhood for very obvious reasons.


The purpose of a lot of these articles is to critique Japan's strict immigration policies. Japan is frequently criticized for not accepting more immigrants, refugees, etc as they wish to keep their population homogeneous and reject the immigration paths followed by western Europe and the US


And we have to remember, they never wanted to START letting people IN. The west pushed that issue and they've been wanting to close that door ever since.


Yup. Gunboat diplomacy courtesy of Perry and his ‘Black Ships’.


If only we could allow some sort of movement of peoples from one area of the globe where work is scarce to another area of the world where work is more plentiful…
Too bad Japan is so fearful of immigrants


Immigrants are just a bandaid solution.


很赞 1