2022-07-31 Kira_Yoshikage 6575

What’s a funny memory you have that if you told someone, they’d think you’re lying?


I once checked in at a restaurant and gave the hostess my name to hold my slot, she then asked for my last name since the person below shared my first name. When I told her my last name, she looked at my like I was lying. The person below had my first and last name. She laughed and introduced us, and we took a pic. I’ve never met someone with my same first and last name since.


Same exact thing happened to my dad, and we have a rare surname that nobody in my family has ever met anyone else with before! Funny thing is since moving to that city (and publishing his number in the phonebook) my dad had been getting calls/voicemails he didn't understand, including collections and the other guy's young daughter asking why he disappeared and when will she see him again. So my dad got to yell at the guy to get his shit together.


This was a couple years ago but I pulled up to a stop light, and another vehicle in the next lane also comes to a stop. The car is filled with what looks like high school kids. The kid in the passenger seat notices me, taps on his window and starts doing the universal sign for rock, paper, scissors. I look at the light (which is still red) and immediately think fuck it and play along so we start. 1..2..3..shoot and we tie.1..2..3..shoot, we tie again. This keeps happening. All the young kids in the other car are involved and are screaming like "WOOOOOAAH" everytime we tie. We literally got off like 15 rounds of rock, paper, scissors and tied every single time until the light turned green. I'm still high from that and hope all those guys are doing well.

这是几年前的事情了。我在等红绿灯,旁边一个车道也有车在等。那辆车上全是看上去像高中生的学生。后座里的孩子看见了我,敲了敲他的车窗户,开始对我做全球通用的石头剪子布的手势。我看了一眼信号灯(还是红的),于是立刻就想,去他妈的来一局!于是我们开始了。石头剪子布,平局,又是石头剪子布,又是平局。我们一直都没分出输赢。车上其他的那些孩子都也过来看,每次平局的时候他们都在“呜啊! ”地大喊大叫!我们玩了15轮都没分出输赢,直到信号灯绿了。我现在回忆起来仍然觉得非常兴奋,我希望那几个孩子都过得不错。

I love strange stoplight interactions. When I was in driver's training (~15 y.o.) I was out for my first ever drive with the instructor and at the first stoplight we got to, a car with a couple older teenagers in it pulls up next to us, revs their engine, and the driver rolls down his window and looks over at me with one eyebrow arched and says, "Wanna race?"


My instructor was not amused but it helped me laugh and relax on my first drive.


Started college. Saw my brother's best friend on campus, from a distance. Hard to miss: Nate's 6'6", skinny, long brown hair. Fitting of our childish friendship, I straight up open-field tackle the guy. From behind. Blindsided.


It's not Nate. I apologize, and sheepishly run away. Three hours later, a girl friend from high school introduces her new boyfriend to a group of us. It's the guy I tackled. Danny. Super nice (and forgiving) guy.


We've been friends for 15 years.


That is 100% the way you make the best friends. Anybody that doesn't kick your ass immediately has to be cool.


You have surely introduced Danny to Nate so that they've met their doppelgänger?


Posted this earlier, but yeah. Danny and Nate have met. Nate is an artist and photographer. Danny is a history professor. Very different people, both cool guys. Both are very accomplished (and very tall.) Danny loves the story of how we met, and tells it often.


I was in elementary school, during recess, just kinda daydreaming and looking at some ravens flying overhead, when one of them suddenly took a nosedive... right into an open trashcan.


So of course i rush over there to check it out, but the raven was just gone out of nowhere. I was not the only pne who saw it though, another kid came rushing over as well, and thats how i met my best friend for the next 4 years


Come to find out your friend was the raven the entire time. . .


I got stung by a platypus.


Got stuck in a bank for the night. When the bank is closed, you can still get to the ATM thanks to a security door. Once inside the door decided to stop working. No phone, no emergency button. Just waited here for hours till someone in the street saw me trough the glass and called someone


An eagle came for my face as a child. I was about 8. I ducked and it ended up grabbing my hair and taking some with it. I ran inside crying and told my mom. She didn't believe me so I never told anyone else. I'm 22.


Big birds of prey are known to try and kidnap toddlers, so it’s quite believable.


Well you did tell me just now. Birds can do some weird things. A few days ago my ice cream got pushed out of my hands by a seagull. They ate it afterwards.




It was 16 years ago but I'm still mad.


A year later I was at the park eating fries and a seagull swooped down and I saw it coming. I had a flashback and punched it harder and faster than a person punching the Jeopardy button when they know the answer and are trying to beat everyone else to the buzzer in that second.


My date: "What the actual fuck?!"

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

We're married now.


Edit to add: I'm married to my date. I didn't marry the seagull.


A friend once called the wrong number, got the wrong house, and had the right person pick up.


So, I was at work, replacing a modem for my boss. I'd removed the modem and connected a telephone to test that it had dial-tone.


Soon after, the phone rang. It didn't make much sense, because that phone line had only been used for outgoing calls from the computer.


When I picked up, the person on the other line just said 'Hey man, you want to see a movie later?'. I recognized the voice, too. It was a friend of mine. I was really confused for a second and said something like 'Josh? How did you get this number?'. He said he called my home phone number.


He must have misdialed my number, and accidentally dialed the number for my bosses modem line, at work.


He called the wrong number, got the wrong house, and the right person picked up, on a phone that had only been connected for 2 minutes in the past 2 years. The odds must be astronomical.


It's just a weird coincidence that I'll always remember.


I once called cold-called friend I hadn't heard from in 10 years. It was busy.


I called again a few seconds later. His first words to me "I just called you! It was busy."


We had not spoken in years and yet cold called each other within the same ~10 seconds. It wasn't for any particular reason either. Just pure coincidence.


I once read something similar here. Dude calls the wrong number, which ends up being his friend'd grandparents' house... where his friend was and picked up the phone.


There was a TV show in the UK where they had a woman who said her friend rang the wrong number but rang a payphone that she was passing


I was the brokest I have ever been living in the middle of nowhere. I was pulling my last 20 dollars out of a gas station ATM. I hit the button and it spit out 60 dollars. I was only charged 20 on my account. It sounds like such a tall tale but I swear it happened.


I had a pet humming bird as a kid. My mom found it injured on a sidewalk and nursed it back to health. It only had one eye and no depth perception so we kept it inside. We'd let it buzz around the room, land on us, and all that jazz. My brother told his teacher about it (in 3rd grade) and the teacher actually called my mom and was like "your son has made up a crazy story and insists its real". Reality was we had a pet humming bird and that seemed crazy enough people didn't believe it.


Like 6 months with us. This was way pre internet days, so my mom reached out to a bunch of people about how to care for it long term. We were told it was illegal to keep it and had to surrender it to a local museum. It died pretty quick there after we'd nursed it for months and taken care of it. I hated the outcome and wish we'd just kept it, but we did what we thought was best.


Yeah museums know how to take care of BIRDS ?? Sorry that sucks


The thought of a guy dropping this hummingbird off at an art museum makes it funny, but you know there are natural science museums that also oversee animal rehab, conservation efforts, and nature related scientific research. Very likely to be associated with the state gov (assuming US)


We had a kingfisher, European Kingfisher, at our 'pond'.


Now, what is important to know is that kingfishers are quite rare in and on themselves and only pass through our country during migration (I think).

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I don't know how it came up, but in about 3rd grade it came up during science class of my cousin that a kingfisher is visiting every summer.


Her teacher scolded her heavily on her lies. Heavily enough for her to be pissed. She marched over, waited, took a time stamped photo, went to get it developed and slammed it on the teacher's desk. She apparently got her well owned apology.


Aw man, this happened to my kid. We went on vacation to the mountains and when we spotted bears a few times, my kid was stoked. He went back to school and shared in class which was a big deal as he was rambunctious and not super social.


In his parent/teacher conference, his teacher told me he lied about seeing bears in the mountains and that his “story” was difficult to follow and not well-told.


He was in preschool, three years old. His story was “we went to the big mountains and we saw bears lots of times”.


I’m still salty about it.


I'd be salty, too. Who the hell judges a 3 year old's narrative arc?


The characters lack depth and there's little nuance to their actions. The settings are too sparsely described and feel bare. There is no character development whatsoever. The plot is sub-par and pitifully executed.


Signed: That preschool teacher, probably


I peed on a bear once at 12 or 13. Some background I lived in a mountain cabin with some family aunts and cousins and stuff. The cabin was small but we had several acres so we had about 4 RV trailers for the rest of the family. 2 were my aunts 1 was for weed and the last and closest smallest was for children which was just my brother and I at the time.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Anyhow it was a cold wintery day with fresh snow as I wake up having to piss so bad I'm surprised I didn't wet the bed. Im groggy as hell and my eyes are barely open as I head to the trailer door and open it start my morning leak. I did not notice the bear less than 2 feet away so close I could've pet him if I leaned a bit forward with its head in the garbage can until I was halfway done when it moved. So of course I turned my whole body in my half asleep state in to see what moved and I finally notice a giant brown furry thing and I'm pissing all over its hind left thigh and leg as I'm wondering what it is, as the bear lifts its head and looks at me. We stare at each other for a moment as I my actions begin to dawn on me. A moment later I finish. The bear and I stared at each for several moments until I took a step back, shut our flimsy door and locked our deadbolt that would've been useless had the bear decided I insulted his honor. And I went back to bed listening and waiting until I eventually went back to sleep.


now imagine this story from the bears perspective

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

"So i was getting some food in a trash can, when i peeked my head out of it suddenly there was this human just standing there then he turned to me and just pissed on my leg... when he finished he went inside again... texans i tell you"


California actually lol but yeah.


Nah, the other bears would never let him live that down. He isn't telling anyone.


When I was a kid we were at a Christmas tree farm. They had a little train that took you around the farm. I was sitting at the front when I asked the driver if we could go off-roading. The train derailed a second later.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The look the driver gave me when he asked what I had just said scared the crap out of me. Thought the dude was gonna knock out a 10 year old.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I was playing 8-ball at a bar one night (I'm not very good just play for fun). I'm on a slight winning streak. My next opponent racks them, and I break. 8 ball goes in on the break so it's an automatic win! Dude refuses to leave the table, continues to put quarters in and racks again. I'm like dude u lost .. there's like 8 people in line to play next. He's drunk and being stubborn and won't leave. So I break again.. and the 8 ball drops again.. dude walks away without saying a word


I have to believe this because I’ve only ever pocketed the 8 on a break twice in my life and both happened within the same week


Friend of mine worked in a city center ER and loves to tell this story that happened one day.


A disheveled, panicking person came in saying they are being chased by the Secret Service. The nurse replied, "sure you are, I have a nice comfortable room in the back for you." She then took him to a psych holding room. An hour or so later a man walked in and said I'm a Secret Service agent. To which the nurse replied, "sure you are, I have a nice comfortable room in the back for you."


Years ago I was picking up lunch. Got pulled over for expired tags I'd forgotten to renew. It was 2 police officers. One was very hostile. Communication was all aggression... "don't make any sudden moves!" and she demanded I roll down my back windows because "someone could be in the backseat pointing a gun at her". Windows halfway down... "I need them ALL they way down!" Meanwhile, I sit confused with my bag of Wendy's riding shotgun wondering WTF, is this for real?


She writes me a ticket for expired tags. I go home, annoyed, and get online to renew. While I'm online, I hear a knock on my door. I answer and it's the second cop (not the aggressor). I'm thinking "you have to be kidding me, what now?" Without apologizing directly, he explains his partner is in training and that I don't need to worry about the ticket, he'd be throwing it away. He said to be sure to renew the tags, which I confirmed I was doing. He shook my hand and left.


While not a funny story like yours, people definitely question me whether it actually happened.


My dad was pulled over once because he was the only person not speeding. The officer gave him a coupon for free ice cream.


It happened in the 60s so I can’t imagine it would be allowed today.


I once threw a ball for my dog and it landed on his head, rolled perfectly down his spine and off his tail.


When I was a kid, probably 13 or so, I came home from school one day and I swung my key around on the lanyard and threw it at the door, because I was ninja fighting something invisible that'd be vulnerable to a single key on a string. The key actually hit the keyhole and just plopped in there. I was alone, so nobody would ever know that I actually was a ninja. Nobody has ever believed me, except my wife but she didn't care at all. I don't work as a ninja today. Unfortunately.


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