2022-08-01 可乐加冰 6581

How can I control my anger?


Shikhar Agarwal,Top Writer 2013. Been There. Done That.
There once lived a boy who had a bad temper. He would get angry at every little thing. One day, his father gave him a bag of nails and told him, "Every time you get angry, hammer a nail into that front wall."
And so the activity started. On the first day, the boy hammered 50 nails. The next day, he hammered 40. Each time he used to go there, he repented being angry - it was quite a challenge to hammer a nail into that damn brick wall! Slowly, he discovered that controlling anger was easier than hammering, and the number of nails hammered started going down.
Eventually, a day came when he didn't get angry, and he felt the joy of it. Now his father gave him another task, "If you do not get angry the entire day, remove one nail from the wall." After several days, all the nails were removed.
Now his father took him near the wall and asked him what did he see. The boy replied that he can see holes in the wall. The father then explained to his son: "These holes are like the scars that you leave on people when you get angry. No matter how many times you say sorry, the scar does not go."

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

So I suggest you two things:
Realize that words once spoken cannot come back. Your anger hurts others and leaves a sour impression that lasts forever.
Each time you get angry, "hammer a nail". Simplest thing you can do is to carry a pocket diary and put a line each time you get angry. Then at night, count the number of lines for that day. If you make this a habit, each time you would get angry, you would be reminded to note it down. Indirectly, you would also realize that you getting angry. And because you are conscious and aware at that time, you would find it easier to control your actions and subdue anger.
I hope the day comes soon when you don't have any line in your diary.


Ankita Sinha
How can I get rid of anger?
My husband and I were arguing over something.
None of us was ready to listen to the other, and very soon I got very irritated.
‘Why is he not agreeing to me?’
‘Why can’t he look at my point of view?’
Something that was bothering me more was the undisturbed way he was responding with a counterargument.
It didn’t feel good ‘not to respond’. My ego kept pushing me to give it back, and in no time I started shouting.
It continued for a while when a courier person knocked on the door.
I went out, smiled at him, took the package, said ‘Thank you’ in a lovely tone, and came inside ready to shout again.
Husband said, ‘How could you just change in seconds from being a lovely person to someone exactly opposite? Are you making this up?’
It made me introspect.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

How did I do that? Yes, it all happened on its own. Yes, it was out of impulsiveness that I got angry. But then how did it change to normal so automatically?
‘Teleology’, a term used in Adlerian psychology says that we use anger as a tool. A tool to achieve the goal.
And the subconscious goal is that the other person submits to you, and listens to whatever you say. You don’t realize but you want to overpower the other person so that you can assert your opinion.
So, how can you get rid of this?
By using this tool as little as we can.
No, we will not be submissive, we will still respond but the way my husband did.
Calm and assertive.
Backed up with logic and reasoning.
Sure, it might take some time to get rid of that impulsive behavior but aren’t we all on the path of self-improvement?

我是怎么做到的? 是的,这一切都是自然而然发生的。我生气是出于冲动。但它是如何自动恢复正常的呢?

Julie Gurner,Doc of Psychology and Executive Performance Coach1y
As long as someone has the ability to make you angry, they control you.
I’m going to tell you exactly how to move forward when you carry anger…so here we go…
First, I just want to say that I’m not against anger…it can be entirely justified, and humans are meant to experience a range of emotions, including anger. When you *never* experience anger, that’s a problem too - so I want you to feel it. Even feel it strongly. That’s good for you.
The problem isn’t that you *experience* anger, the problem comes when you *carry* anger.
This is an important distinction to make.
Experiencing anger is natural…carrying anger can literally destroy your life.
Anger is rarely as simple as it seems, and takes many forms - like resentment or rage.
At its worst, anger that is carried around starts to bleed into two main areas:
Your Thinking - You become more cynical, mistrusting, skeptical, and wary.
Your Disposition - You become more guarded, less “light hearted,” fun, warm, and it changes how you relate to others.
This changes the nature of not just the relationships you have with the person you may be angry at…but it changes YOU. This is the toxin of anger.


So, how do you control it? (the question you asked)…here are some tips to start thinking about, no matter the origin or reasons for your anger:
What serves *me* best? Anger comes from a lot of places - hurt, violation, betrayal, etc..but does it serve *you* to carry anger, to allow it to infect you or change you…or does it hurt you further? Give this some honest and obxtive thought.
Allow People to Own their Toxicity. That means that if they have done something to create this anger…allow it to live with *them,* not you. They hold the toxic qualities, not you. You responded to it, but you do not need to continue to carry it around…that is for them to do.
See it as a Boundary Issue. Know the difference between what other people should own, and what you have to take on. Draw the lines. Make it like a bubble around that person visually…they contain all of these things, not you. Limit your contact with the thing that contains this type of energy or stirs it in you.
There is a great saying that “you always want to slay the beast when it’s little” - and though I don’t advocate for killing anything, I would advocate for slaying the beast of anger very early on.
It’s okay to feel anger. It’s healthy to feel it. But it becomes something that will destroy you and your life if you don’t address it.
Consider the questions above, do some real reflections, and make the changes you need to make.
The past is done, the future is yet to be…so vow to create something amazing for yourself and allow the person who creates toxicity to stew in it alone.
You deserve better.

什么最适合我?愤怒来自很多地方——伤害、侵犯、背叛等等。但它是否有助于你携带愤怒,让它感染你或改变你, 还是会进一步伤害你? 请诚实客观地考虑一下。
感到愤怒是正常的。有这种感觉很健康, 但如果你不解决它,它就会毁了你和你的生活。

Arul Raj Kochappi, Jun 17, 2021
Do mediation and think positive. It's make you cool. Don't try to control others. First control your mind if you can. Don't think about problems think about solutions. Because solutions only find the way to move forward. Because happiness always starts with you. Learn thoughts process. Find yourself. thank you


Awdhesh Singh, Ex-IRS|IITian|UPSC Educator|Time Management Coach4y
In order to understand why we have sudden burst or anger, let us try to understand the mechanism of the working of Pressure Cooker, which is used in our homes for cooking foods.
The mechanism of the pressure cooker is very simple.
You provide heat to the cooker by putting on a burner.
You don’t allow the steam inside to be released by closing all the outlets.
The steam gets accumulated inside and builds pressure inside cooker.
When the steam pressure exceeds a particular level, the whistle is lifted releasing the trapped steam with a shrill sound.
In the same way, when you allow anger, hatred and frustration to be built up inside you, it increases tension inside and bursts out one day in the form or sudden and uncontrollable anger, which we often call losing the temper.
When you lose your temper, your rational mind goes for a toss.


The result is that you say so many things in the fit of anger that it causes tremendous harm to your friends and loved one besides your reputation. Sometimes, you get so angry that you either destroy yourself or destroy other person.
Anger is like a bomb that destroys the years of relationship within no time.
As soon as you come to your senses, you realize your mistake and understand the harm done by you in the fit of anger.
You apologize and try to limit the damage by all possible means, but often it is too late.
It is rightly said, ‘Prevention is better than cure.’
Prevent anger building inside and getting accumulated in you.

俗话说得好: 预防胜于治疗。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

We build up pressure inside when,
We work too hard and take too little rest.
We expect too much from the self and others.
We follow high goals and ideals which are impossible to achieve.
We make too many relationships for selfish purposes.
We pretend to be too gentle to allow our anger to be released from time to time.
If you wish to conquer anger, learn to remove the factors that create negative emotions like hatred, jealousy, envy, frustration in you as much as possible.
Some amount of anger is unavoidable when we are living in the real world dealing with real people and real problems.
However, a little anger, like little heat can be used constructively.
We can use this energy to do our job with passion.
The danger is when this energy is excessive and uncontrolled.
Aristotle has said so wisely, “Anybody can become angry - that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way - that is not within everybody's power and is not easy.”
Learn to manage your anger and you can manage all relationships, whether personal or professional.


Charles Bortey,Oct 26, 2021
Anger is something that is very dangerous, therefore you need to control your anger. people who can’t control their anger are the most people who get themselves into bigger problems,
And this is the reason why if you go to our prisons, most of the people there in the prisons has regretted of being beast at that small possible time.
Self control is the key to dismiss anger. Those who can’t control themselves are easily to get problem and later cry out loudly for their punishment.
Any body can offend you, but you need to control yourself, or you should have a nice way to deal with them.
Africans have this nice proverb that says; the one you eat with is the one who takes your meat that means you can’t eat alone and still complain that someone has taking your meat.
Please exercise patience in everything that comes your way, for what ever we do weather good or bad,we shall have reword for it.


Grandma Killer
There is a lot of advice out there for controlling anger that really didn’t work for me.
Trying to rationalize it - I shouldn’t be angry about this. FAIL
Trying to focus on other things - Ok I feel angry but let’s look at this nice tree over here so I can feel better. FAIL
Try to be grateful - I am grateful that I don’t live in a 3rd world country with cholera. FAIL
Try to think of a way to use that angry energy in a positive way - I could use this anger to find a solution to this problem instead of dwell in it. FAIL
Try to express myself to the person making me angry in healthy way - It’s called Non-violent communication. Hey, when you do X you really make me angry because I have a need to be X. FAIL
All these things I learned through qualified therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, etc. People with a bunch of credentials and letters after their name. And these strategies were totally useless. Actually for me, they were harmful. I just found myself really angry that they didn’t work. And I just added more people to my list of people to be angry at … namely these idiots who gave me useless strategies and chewed up my time and money.


So what worked? Two things:
a) Beating the shit out of my pillow while imaging the person who pissed me off’s face on there.
Even if it was irrational. Even if that person was my mom. Even though only a total psychopath would be angry in that context. I didn’t care. If someone made me angry, I would find some quiet time and beat the shit out of them virtually. If I was at work I would go and throw punches in the stairwell or handicapped bathroom.
And after the anger dissipated, I felt a lot better and the anger at that person would be gone. I would often laugh at how silly my anger was. But I had to go through that anger and let myself be angry and let it out before I could find sanity.
b) Express my anger verbally in a safe space
I quickly discovered that the people who said that I could tell them “anything” were not safe people to express my anger with. Therapists, counselors, parents, friends … they were not comfortable at all with me being angry. They tried to take away my anger, to rationalize it, to tell me it was inappropriate for me to be angry. And there are somethings that if you say even with a psychologist that requires them to pick up the phone and call the police. Even if you are just blowing off steam and don’t mean it seriously. I quickly discovered that most of these “safe places” were anything but safe.
But I also found some men’s groups. Like for example healthyrage.com, that are safe. Everyone gets a few minutes to share whatever they want and there is no censorship. No one is allowed to comment on your share, that would be considered cross-talk and that is a big no-no and will get you kicked out of the group. So everyone just keeps the focus on themselves. And when it is my turn I just let it rip. I saw the most awful shit I can think of and let that anger out. And it feels amazing to just have other people support me by listening.
My life is infinitely better since I found these two ways of expressing anger. I am much more fun to around and I am able to better hold onto jobs and relationships. Maybe this will help someone who is failing like I did with “traditional” methods of “controlling” anger

a) 一边把枕头打得屁滚尿流,一边想象着那个惹我生气的人的脸在枕头上。
b) 在一个安全的地方用语言表达我的愤怒
但我也发现了一些男性群体。比如healthyrage.com,那是安全的。每个人都有几分钟的时间来分享他们想要的任何东西,并且没有审查制度。没有人可以评论你的分享,那将被认为是单口相声,这是一个大禁忌,会把你踢出小组。所以每个人都把注意力放在自己身上。 轮到我的时候,我就尽情发泄。我看到了我能想到的最糟糕的事情,然后把愤怒发泄了出来。有其他人通过倾听来支持我,这种感觉很棒。

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