2022-08-04 遐怪 7691

Kuwaitisnot adeployment
I've always wondered how Rome was able to make armor, spears, and swords to supply their huge military in a time before industrialization...it may be a good video idea.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Having a slave class to do menial tasks takes a lot of the pressure off that machines do now. While they didn't industrialize that doesn't mean the Romans had no concept of large scale production they simply would have had a large number of smiths employed by the empire


Kuwaitisnot adeployment
that's true for a lot of things but not their standardized military equipment. Each sword has to be made individually by a smith and for a 40k man army to be completely wiped out with all equipment lost and another army raised and fully equipped within weeks can't be explained by your answer.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Thanks for this. This is an event that isn’t talked about at all on most history sites. I knew this happened obviously but the particulars are just rarely talked about. It’s just when WW2 started we see on maps that Japan already had Korea and I’ve wondered how did that happen and when.


"Japanese annexation of Korea" "South Korea was built by the Japanese" recorded by Taiwanese historian and philosopher Kō Bun'yū Huang Fumio (83 years old)
The happiest 20th century Korean people in the world due to Japan's overprotection
The essence of what is called "Korean merger" was not the Korean colonization of Japan, but the merger of Japan and South Korea. Postwar Koreans often emphasized the Japanese emperor's colonial plunder, and Japanese tend to think that Korea had a harsher rule than Taiwan, but the opposite is true. In Korea, land tax is cheaper than in Taiwan, rice production is also supported by a negative spread system, the management of underground resources is supported by the subsidy from the central government, and the annual expenditure is supported by the central compensation of 15 to 20% on average. Capital investment was also larger in Korea than in Taiwan.


As a result, it transformed into a beautiful modern city, such as Seoul, which was said to be the dirtiest city in the world full of manure until the beginning of the 20th century, and the population of the peninsula doubled. In an ordinary modern nation, it is the duty and common sense of the people to cover the defense costs, but it was a privileged special treatment that even one yen was not collected from Koreans.
In human history in the 20th century, no one has been overprotected and lived as happily as the Koreans at that time.
The damage caused by famine, plague, war, and revolution is very small, except for the Korean war between our own people. In this way, South Korea is a nation that has grown while relying on Japan. The success of postwar nation-building and the achievement of OECD accession are due to the reliance on the transfer of capital and technology between Japan and the United States. The financial crisis of 1997, which is said to be the "second national humiliation," has managed to maintain its international status by being under the control of the IMF. It has been a custom of this country since the modern era that this application is totally dependent on Japan.


However, Koreans never want to admit this because of their national pride. Therefore, even if the troops and recruitments were made during the Japanese era, they all want to claim that they were "forced entrainment" against their will.
From the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century, South Korea was the most unsanitary living environment in the world, with manure flooding the city in every region, from rural areas to the city of Seoul.


Today's Korean generation is always proud of Korea's Sanshi Suimei, and Koreans boast that it is a country with clean water, which is rare in the world where you can drink raw water wherever you go. However, foreigners who saw Korea before the Japanese Emperor era are nakedly recording the actual situation at that time. For example, in "Korean Circumstances" by Father Claude Charles Dallet, a French missionary, he wrote about various "water and soil diseases" such as "water is extremely bad to drink" and premature illness caused by water. It was in 1909 that the control of the Japanese charity clinic was promulgated in such Korea. The modern medical system was introduced in earnest from the time of the Governor's Office of Korea, which was ruled by Japan. The Korean Clinic established by the Governor's Office eventually became a hospital attached to Keijo Imperial University (currently Seoul National University) and became a center of modern medicine and medical development on the Korean Peninsula. Since 1910, each port-opening city and border city have been implementing strict epidemics and quarantine, and have been working to prevent the invasion of epidemics.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Outbreaks such as cholera, natural pox, and pesto were eradicated around 1918-1920, after which infant deaths almost disappeared. After that, local medical systems were established in various places such as Qingzhou and Jinzhou, and all efforts were made to train doctors and prevent epidemics. In addition, a "Saiseikai Hospital" was built in Korea with a gift of 1.5 million yen, and along with the abolition of the slavery system that had existed since the Li Dynasty, medical facilities were improved from each road to the municipalities. As human beings, the slaves, who were slaves, can now benefit from modern medical care.


In the 30s, the establishment and widespread use of the modern medical system was able to completely stop the plague from mainland China. Starvation due to famine and the Chinese continent, which had caused a large number of deaths due to the plague, felt as if they were heaven and hell. In particular, Hansen's disease, which had been rampant from India and China to Korea, was thoroughly dealt with, and the "Okashima Rehabilitation Garden", which can accommodate more than 6,000 people, became world-famous.
"36 years of the Japanese Emperor" contributed greatly to the conservation of life on the Korean Peninsula and the prosperity of the Korean people by improving hygiene, environment and water quality, and eradicating epidemics through none other than modern medicine.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Professor Choe Ki-ho of Kaya University
I was born in 1923. For the sake of South Korea and for Japan, I want to tell you the truth. Telling the truth could threaten my life in South Korea, but I feel it is my duty to do so.


I lived in Seoul during the annexation period. I also spent some time in Tokyo. In those days, the Koreans were more proud of being Japanese than the Japanese themselves. At movie theaters in Korea, they showed the war news before the movies were played. For example, if they showed the image of Japan's victory in New Guinea, the Koreans shouted banzai and gave a round of applause. I loved movies, so I went to movie theaters in Japan as well, and the Japanese were calmer. Nowadays the Koreans who speak positively of the Japanese are criticized as "Chinilpa (pro-Japanese)" but in those days over 90% of Koreans were pro-Japanese. After the war, successive South Korean governments have brainwashed the youths with anti-Japanese education in order to incite hatred towards the Japanese.


Koreans in the street of Seoul celebrating Japan's advance in China (1941)
90% of history education in South Korea is distorted. In South Korean classrooms, our teachers don't teach how corrupt the Joseon Dynasty was in the 19th century, and they make their students believe that the Koreans could have gained independence without Japan's help.
By becoming part of Japan in 1910, education, healthcare, industry and infrastructure in Korea improved dramatically. The foundation of becoming a modern state was built during the annexation period. Yet we teach in our classrooms that Japan's annexation set back Korea's progress.


Population and average life span of Koreans doubled under the Japanese
The Joseon Dynasty ruined Korean industry, and the Korean thinkers who advocated reforms were brutally executed. The Koreans today shout "brutal Japanese!" "sex slaves!" but the Korean ruling class (Yangban) in the 19th century was far more brutal. The final years of the Joseon Dynasty were so hellish that they would only compare with the present day North Korea.


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"I received my education under the Japanese, and I wasn't discriminated at all"
Former South Korean Air Force Captain Choe Sam-yeon
Colonies have existed since the 15th century. Modern history of mankind can be called the colonial age. We encounter former colonies wherever we go in the world. In Africa people are still in poverty long after the end of being colonized. Which former colonies have achieved economic success? South Korea and Taiwan. Both of them were former Japanese colonies. India was one of the British colonies, but the British didn't spend money on infrastructure, and the Indian economy didn't develop for a long time. It has finally started to grow, but its GDP per capita and literacy are still very low.


Japan spent a lot of money on infrastructure both in South Korea and in Taiwan. This was very unique. Other colonizers squeezed natural resources from their colonies but didn't invest in them. Half of Japanese taxpayers' money was spent on colonial infrastructure so that the quality of life would be equivalent.


During the Joseon period, the overwhelming majority of the Koreans could not attend schools. When the Japanese came in, they built many schools. So I was able to receive my education, and the quality of education was just as good in Korea as in Japan. The Koreans and the Taiwanese were able to attend military academy of Japan as well. Other colonizers didn't allow people from their colonies to attend military academy of the colonizers. In other words, the Japanese didn't discriminate in education either. In other colonies the discrimination was rightful. The Japanese rule in Korea and Taiwan should not have been called colonization. It was annexation, similar to what England did with Scotland. The Koreans like me who experienced Japan's annexation reminisce it, but unfortunately the younger Koreans who received anti-Japanese brainwashing in schools despise it.


you should watch Imjin war from Samuel Hawley it's a great series I think it's the first invasion from Japan.


mana harukaze
In the following video, various graphs show how Japanese rule of Korea proceeded. You can also find out how Westerners on the Korean Peninsula at the time uated the situation.
→ Untold truth of Japanese annexation of Korea (YouTube)


mana harukaze
The theory of Japanese imperial deprivation is untenable. Japan has never had a surplus from its rule of Korea. In addition, the number of Japanese in Korea was approximately 3% of the Korean population even at its maximum just before the defeat.
The Korean peninsula was devastated by the oppressive rule of the Yi Dynasty. Taiwan was also largely undeveloped, although some parts had been settled by the Chinese. Manchuria was a wilderness. Japan's rapid development after the war was probably largely due to the loss of territory and the ability to spend its budget domestically.


mana harukaze
Anti-Japanese education in South Korea was initiated by Syngman Rhee.
(1) He prevented the restoration of the Korean dynasty without any achievements. He did not like being labelled a traitor for doing so.
(2) He massacred more than 100,000 South Koreans whom he regarded as communists.
(3) He wanted to prevent an increase in the number of nostalgists who thought that the period of Japanese rule was better than his regime.
Therefore, he initiated anti-Japanese education in order to assert his legitimacy and to transfer public anger against him to Japan.
The anti-Japanese education initiated by Syngman Rhee was carried on by subsequent leaders. And today, the Korean Teachers and Education Workers unx, under the influence of North Korea, provides anti-Japanese education to its students.
In other words, the anti-Japanese education used by successive South Korean rulers to fend off public criticism of their rule was thoroughly exploited by North Korea.


lala lili
congrats, u're the only one in this comment who didn't bring any Japanese right wing propaganda.
look at the entire sentences beside ur comment. hahahaha they're spamming everywhere

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Thanh Hoàng Nguyễn
@lala lili
The fact that in the 19th either you mordenized yourself and have a powerful enough to go against the Western power to keep your country independence or you stuck in your old way and become prey of the major power. If the Korean was not taken by Japanese, some other power will. Like the Russian or the newly form German Empire also keennon bulding colony.


lala lili
@Thanh Hoàng Nguyễn
The Gwangmu reform was on the way. Or Korea could possibly became like Thailand who got modernization for itself.
we can't assume things. all those statement are just possibilities


Thanh Hoàng Nguyễn
@lala lili
I believe in the possibility of Korean reform much like my country. But like I said it too late you need time reform even if you put on effort like Japanese need at least 20 year. And time is not what Japan or other Western power gonna give you my friend. Also you guy need a civil war like to get rid of those conservative too before you can started the reform. The Meiji Restoration didn't started out without those conservative too.
That why my point if we mordenized fatser and cut our tie as tribute state to China. Then our country wouldn't be a colony or later being stuck in political mess caused by the major power.


Jaehyoung Ju
@Thanh Hoàng Nguyễn
Sure, that's a fair point. It is true that because of political infighting and incompetence, Korea was unable to achieve modernization before the Japanese annexed the country. I think many Koreans actually agree with this assessment. The problem are the Japanese spamming the comment section to justify their brutal rule with unproven lies about how Koreans wanted colonization or how Japanese colonization was benevolent and developed Korea while the atrocities are false.


Thanh Hoàng Nguyễn
@Jaehyoung Ju
yeah thank you on that note i also agree with you on that. Japan was suppose to be a prime example how an Asia nations can mordenized to gain it independence. I even on board with Japan ideal about a Pan Asian cooperation spheres. But unfortunately they became some what blinded and became too obsessed with expansion without remembering how they was like those country one.
Especially those in the military that keep on saying of expansion but have no real obxtive except just to take that land first figure it later

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Jaehyoung Ju
@Thanh Hoàng Nguyễn
Not fully related, but if you come across these Japanese nationalists claiming Koreans glorify the war in Vietnam or are hypocritical, I just want to point out that the war was taught in textbooks and the majority of civilians (excluding some old veterans) agree that it was a crime. Just getting that out there - I'm guessing by your name that you're Vietnamese, and I want to emphasize that in many ways historically and strategically, we are in similar positions and would do better to cooperate.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Thanh Hoàng Nguyễn
@Jaehyoung Ju
Don't worry my friend as much as love Japan Meiji Restoration and it history of fully mordenization success against the West. I didn't forget the fact that they also drunk on the power themselves and blinded by ultranationalist and their militarism to expand more.
Also thank my friend. Truly your country and i also walk the same path. Both our kingdom pretty much end up being colony because of our old way and we keep begging for China for help against the western people that we call barbarians. When Qing Empire was humiliated we didn't see it as a wake up call like Japan did.
Yeb your country is pretty much us to the North really wished that you can cut your tie with China more as a tribute state though. We Vietnamese always more of rebellion against China more often in our history.


Jaehyoung Ju
@Thanh Hoàng Nguyễn
Money really has a way of making people compliant. It's what happened to the Germans post-war with Russian gas. But Koreans are aware of economic reliance on one country and how it can be dangerous. That's why there's so much investment and attempts to foster relations with Vietnam and others in ASEAN (I tried learning Vietnamese but my poor tones made me shelve the project for now).
Yeah, it's fascinating to me how despite direct Chinese rule for a milennia (correct me if I'm wrong), Vietnam still fought back often. I don't think what Korea did was bad, using diplomacy and (very occasionally) wars. But I still admire what you guys did as well. Here's to hoping ties between ASEAN and Korea (and Mongolia too since I think we are all in similar positions) continue to improve.


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