2022-08-09 翱翔精灵 6701

It’s time to ban private jets – or at least tax them to the ground
ByBen Davies
Last week's report into celebrity jet use made clear just how casually the rich spew carbon into the atmosphere. We should get their private planes out of the skies for good.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Last week digital marketing agency Yard published a report based on the aggregate findings of ‘Celebrity Jets’, an automated tracker that points out the worst excesses of the A-listers by sharing their private jet flight data. (Jupiterimages / Getty Images)

上周,数字营销机构 Yard 发布了一份基于“名人们的私人喷气机”综合调查结果的报告,这是一个自动跟踪器,通过分享他们的私人飞机飞行数据来指出这些一线大A们最严重的过度(污染)行为。

Temperatures in the UK and across the world are breaking new records. With wildfires, droughts, and death tolls reaching into the thousands, the catastrophic impact of the climate crisis is here and clear for all to see.
Coupled with soaring energy and petrol prices, rampant inflation, declining real-terms wages, and a chronically underfunded and increasingly expensive transport system, the relationship between the way we travel, our wallets, and the impact on the planet have been at the forefront of this period of heightened public sensitivity and scrutiny. Direct action groups like Just Stop Oil have even targeted road infrastructure, briefly shutting down the M25 while calling for an end to new fossil fuel projects.
Pouring further (jet) fuel on to the fire of climate radicalism, last week Yard, a digital marketing agency, published a report based on the aggregate findings of ‘Celebrity Jets’, an automated tracker that points out the worst excesses of the A-listers by sharing their private jet flight data. From their CO2 emissions to their fuel costs and sometimes ludicrously short journey times, the data is laid out for scrutiny—and has sparked outrage and, sometimes, despair among the normal population, which is much more likely to bear the brunt of the climate crisis than those taking to the skies.

上周,数字营销机构 Yard 进一步向(私人喷气式飞机)使用的化石燃料倾注了气候激进主义之火,它发布了一份基于“名人们的私人喷气机”综合调查结果的报告,通过分享他们的私人飞机航班数据,该自动跟踪器指出了一线大A人物们,从他们的二氧化碳排放量到燃料成本,有时甚至是荒谬的短途旅行时间,这些数据都经过了仔细审查——并在普通人群中引发了愤怒、有时还是绝望的情绪,相比这些飞在天空中的人,普通人群体更有可能首当其冲地承受气候危机(带来的恶果)。

Around eighty percent of humanity has never taken a flight, while Kylie Jenner took five flights in a single week with an average flight time of less than twenty minutes, including one three-minute journey. One single journey managed to emit ten times the average annual footprint of someone from Uganda, where this week climate change has led to flash floods that have killed dozens and displaced thousands. Private jets in general are notoriously destructive for the environment, on average emitting up to fourteen times as much CO2 as commercial jets, themselves the second highest polluting form of individual transport available. And despite the growing focus on climate change, private jet usage has actually crept upward since the pandemic, with seven percent more flights in 2021 than 2019.
The role of drastic inequality in worsening in the climate crisis is not itself news. Oxfam last year reported that the carbon emissions of the richest one percent globally are set to be thirty times the level compatible the 1.5°C limit in 2030, while the carbon footprints of the poorest fifty percent are set to remain well below. Jet-setter celebrities like of Taylor Swift, Floyd Mayweather, and Jay-Z—the three Yard report-toppers—are not just irresponsible individuals, but symptoms of the rank inequality and grotesque overconsumption enabled and encouraged in the economic system under which we live.
The problem will worsen as private jets grow in size and a new cohort of ultra-rich lock themselves into this mode of transport, making their planet inexorably smaller and our planet unbearably hot. In the longer term things will likely go further as more billionaire demagogues like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos look to outer space rather than just the domestic sky to get their kicks, with emissions from a single billionaire spaceflight exceeding the lifetime emissions of someone in the poorest billion people on Earth.

人类中大约有80%从未乘坐过飞行航班,而凯莉·詹纳 (卡戴珊姐妹排名第三的、最年轻的成员) 一周内乘坐了五次(私人飞机)航班,平均飞行时间不到二十分钟,其中包括一次三分钟的旅程,她一次旅行的排放量是乌干达人平均每年碳排放足迹的十倍。本周气候变化导致山洪暴发,造成了数十人死亡,数千人流离失所。一般来说,私人飞机对环境的破坏性是出了名的,平均排放的二氧化碳是商用飞机的 14 倍,这种交通方式是交通工具污染排放中居第二高的。尽管人们越来越关注气候变化,但自疫情大流行以来,私人飞机的使用量实际上还在上升,2021 年的航班数量比2019年增加了 7%。
极端不平等在气候危机恶化中的作用本身并不是新闻。乐施会去年报告称,全球 1% 最富有的人的碳排放量将达到在2030年将气温升幅控制在1.5°摄氏度所需的限制水平的30 倍,而最贫穷的50%人类的碳足迹仍将远低于此水平。泰勒·斯威夫特、弗洛伊德·梅威瑟和杰伊·Z等私人喷气式飞机著名人物——这三位 Yard 报告中的头号人物——不仅是不负责任的人,而且在我们生活的经济体系中鼓励和加剧了不平等的等级和怪诞的过度消费的症状.

In the wake of the report and the outcry it caused, featured names like Taylor Swift and Drake hit back. Drake, hilariously, defended his predilection for short-haul flights by arguing that his journeys weren’t wasteful as his plane was empty; Swift’s team argued that she simply loans out her private jet to other individuals, apparently exonerating her of responsibility.
What these responses show is that while understandable, climate shaming, the phenomenon that sees the ultra-rich called out for their enormous emissions and green hypocrisy, seems doomed to follow the same flawed, conscience-focused path of parts of the liberal climate movement elsewhere. In the US, for example, the stagnant Biden regime has attempted to gently cajole the aviation industry to voluntarily reduce emissions by 2030, but this is nowhere near far enough. Finger-wagging directed at fossil fuel companies in the hope of shaming them into decarbonising has repeatedly proved meaningless when weighed up against record profits.
Appealing to the better angels of human nature won’t cut it; only systemic change and a mass movement determined to deliver that change can really take us forward. That movement should push for direct regulation banning hyper-polluting private jet travel, a policy which was backed by Labour in 2019 and which should now be a demand of every climate action and socialist group.

这些反应表明,尽管可以理解,看到超级富豪因其巨大的污染排放和虚伪的环保呼吁而受到羞辱的现象,似乎注定要沿着其他地方气候运动的有缺陷的、以良心为中心的老路走下去。 例如,在美国,停滞不前的拜登政府试图温和地劝说航空企业到 2030 年自愿减少排放量,但这远远不够。当与创纪录的利润相权衡时,(环保人士)针对化石燃料公司的指手画脚,希望以此羞辱迫使它们自己进行脱碳行动,这已经一再被证明是毫无意义的。
诉诸人性中更好的天使并不能解决问题;只有系统性变革和决心实现这种变革的群众运动才能真正推动我们前进。该运动应该推动直接监管禁止高污染私人飞机旅行的政策,这项政策在 2019 年曾得到过工党的支持,现在应该成为每个气候行动和社会团体的要求。

Instituting that ban would be a step forward, proving a seriousness about tackling the obscene emissions of the rich that has so far been lacking from our global political landscape. Ultimately, however, grounding private jets is still not going to be enough without a modal shift towards low- and zero-carbon public transport, made universally accessible and free for all. This requires enormous green transport infrastructure projects to be delivered by the state and removed from the private market, placing the focus on people and the planet, not private profit. Without that, grounding private jets alone will be like swatting flies when a horde of locusts is bearing down on your door.


Don’t forget about the 50+ military jets they flew to the “climate “ summit to discuss how to cut carbon usage.

不要忘记他们飞往“气候”峰会讨论如何减少碳排放时使用的 50 多架军用飞机。

They make their own rules and we have to suffer


This is what bothers me the most either some politician or any random rich famous person telling me to do better for the environment. Meanwhile they own multiple homes and all the other fancy shit, flying around in private jets and telling the plebs to do better. Get fucking wrecked


Avid Voter
Tax the fuck out of them. Tax the living fuck out of every private jet mile they fly.


Monthly Top 1% Karma
Tax the fucking private planes too. Tax everything taxable that can be taxed about the planes.


Avid Voter
10000% fuel duty on privately owned planes - problem (mostly) solved.
Plus, use that money to invest into technology for either electric of hydrogen planes!

把私人飞机的燃油税上调到10000% - 就可以解决(大部分)问题。

That will quite simply never happen. A better idea is to tax / monetize the CO2 emissions more appropriately.


Did you know that most private jets are not owned by individuals? A lot of them are charter or fractional ownership companies that dont give a shit who is onboard as long as someone is paying. Most jets are apart of these charter groups.


Did you know that we really don't care who owns them? It's about the human garbage that uses them.


Former company owners had a small plane. Husband and wife. Definitely owned by them but registered as an LLC for privacy and business reasons. Privacy because they didn't want the public record aircraft registration associated with their names and home address .
They didn't represent any consequential degree of CO2 emissions -- they had 2 small planes that got used maybe few times a year when they were actually operational -- but certainly are a testament to how hazy ownership of planes can be.


And the thing is that it doesn’t matter if it’s owned by a company or not. The tax is going to reduce their use, and that income can be put in good use.
They will getting much more expensive and some of them will close. Which is good for the environment?


If you're voting to stop climate change you should practice what you preach. One house 2000 sq ft,all electric cars,fly commercial only. John Kerry in charge of climate change owns 6 homes ,12 cars, 1 jet, 2 yachts. Don't make me get started on the rest of the clowns. Tax them

如果你投票要阻止气候变化,你应该为你所宣扬的付出实际行动。 (比如)只住一栋2000 平方英尺(约合185平方米)的房子,出行完全依靠电动汽车,仅限乘坐商业航班。 负责气候变化的(政府特使)约翰·克里拥有 6 栋豪宅、12辆汽车、1 架喷气式私人飞机、2艘游艇。 不要让我开始列举出其他小丑。 对他们(狠狠地)收税

But he can only be in one home or drive one car at a time! /s


Yes but all the other homes are burning electricity. He's a wasteful fucktard. I read an article a couple months back his average electric bill is almost 10k


(The following is a re-post)
“Arguments of hypocrisy” deeply, profoundly miss the point when it comes to climate change. It’s comparable to pointing to some rich asshole misbehaving on the Titanic when the ship is sinking.
That is not to say that one shouldn’t practice what one preaches. Right now I am reading Being the Change, written by a former NASA astrophysicist turned climate scientist who reduced his personal emissions 90%. I hope to emulate him—within reason—though I know I will fail (I cannot grow vegetables as a renter).
Parts of our world are literally on fire due to climate change, and other parts are drowning. Half of the vertebrate population of this planet had disappeared in a 40-year timefrx. All previous mass extinctions (70-95% of all animals dead) involved climate change (with different drivers). 99-100% of scientific experts in the field agree that it is happening and human-driven (according to one or two recent studies).
This is a wicked problem—a short, medium, and very long term existential threat to almost everyone and everything that any of us hold dear. Experts say it will involve change on an almost unimaginable scale: efforts on par with the mobilization efforts for WW2—a total war, but on a global scale.

这并不是说一个人不应该实践他所宣扬的。现在我正在阅读《作出改变》,作者是一位美国航天局的一位前任天体物理学家,后来成为气候科学家,他的个人排放量减少了 90%。我希望在合理范围内效仿他,尽管我知道我不可能成功(作为租客我不能种菜)。
由于气候变化,我们世界的某些部分确实正处于水深火热之中。这个星球上一半的脊椎动物种群在 40 年的时间内消失了。以前所有的大规模灭绝(所有动物死亡的 70-95%)都涉及气候变化(有不同的驱动因素)。该领域 99-100% 的科学专家同意它正在发生并且是人为因素驱动的(根据最近的一两项研究)。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The Uninhabitable Earth gives an excellent overview of the severity of the situation. Following its publication in 2019 the author (David Foster-Wallace) was sexted as a regular climate columnist for the New York Times.
Since the publication of that work, things have become even more grim. The heat waves in the UK and France weren’t expected until 2050, according to current climate models (my memory may be off on some details).
Hothouse Earth, written by a climate scientist, gives an even more up-to-date and concise descxtion of what we are in for. It will be released on Audible in several days.
I just turned 38 and live in Canada, yet I believe I may not live out a full lifespan. Our children and grand children are in for something worse.
One UN prediction is that climate-induced migration may equal one billion human beings by 2050–A thousand times larger than the Syrian migration crisis that caused political upheaval on the continent. This is merely one possible impact in the near term.
Now is the time to write your representative, tell your trusted loved ones about the problem, reduce your own emissions, and whatever else you can do to prevent this calamity.
In a a sense, climate change is all that matters, because without dealing with it nothing else will matter. To us, anyway.

不宜居住的地球很好地概述了局势的严重性。在 2019 年出版后,作者(大卫·福斯特-华莱士)被选为《纽约时报》的常规气候专栏作家。
自那部作品发表以来,情况变得更加严峻。根据气候模型预测,英国和法国目前的热浪本来要到2050 年才会出现(我的记忆可能在某些细节上有所偏差)。
气候科学家撰写的温室地球对我们的目标进行了更新和简洁的描述。它将在几天后在 Audible(听书网)上发布。
我刚满 38 岁,住在加拿大,但我相信我可能没法活完这辈子。我们的孩子和孙子的情况会更糟。
联合国的一项预测是,到 2050 年,气候引起的移民人数可能相当于10 亿人——比导致非洲大陆政治动荡的叙利亚移民危机大一千倍。这只是短期内可能的影响之一。

No, stop worrying about brad pitt flying 15 minutes back and forth. easily the largest sources of pollution is Freighters, Warehouses, Production facilities,Trucks and Waste management. Its absurd people think their plastic bags and cars are the problem. The REAL problem is society cant function without their goods shipping around the world, so unfortunately you're all screwed.
At a minimum, please direct ALL your anger at any of your local Transportation, Production,or Warehouse facilities. They most like produce the most pollution in your town.

不,别再担心布拉德·皮特花15 分钟坐一趟往返航班了。最大的污染源很容易是货轮、仓库、生产设施、卡车和废物管理。荒谬的人们认为他们的塑料袋和汽车是问题所在。真正的问题是,如果没有他们的货物运往世界各地,社会就无法运转,所以不幸的是,你们都被搞砸了。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

If you drill down into the data, road transportation remains the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions:


Take My Energy
Private jets make up around 0.04% of total emissions globally. This is just a distraction.

私人飞机约占全球总排放量的 0.04%。这(对全球环境来说)只是一种干扰。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Even if that's true, it's an unfair comparison to look at global emissions. What percentage of air travel is made up of private jets and how many people did they serve compared to the rest of the industry?


Private jets account for more than 3.5% of aviation emissions, and, due to the extra climate damage from their contrail-induced cirrus, the greenhouse effects of these emissions are more than doubled. All from a tiny handful of individuals who could just as easily settle for commercial flights, or, with many of the ridiculous 20-minute flights detailed here, they could save both time and emissions by driving.
That, my friend, is grossly unfair, so we won't allow it. No one carbon pollutes nearly as much as the super rich do, heedlessly killing people. We'll go after their yachts and the rest of their other climate-killing toys as well, and we'll never stop.

私人飞机的排放量占航空排放量的 3.5% 以上,而且由于尾迹引起的卷云对气候造成的额外破坏,这些排放物的温室效应增加了一倍以上。而且所有这些都来自极少数富豪,他们可以很容易地适应商业航班,或者,这里详细描述了许多荒谬的只有 20 分钟的航班,他们本来可以通过驾车旅行节约时间和排放。

I have more of an issue with elected officials using them. Same with elected officials buying and selling individual stocks. Same for their immediately family.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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